Land Steward
Resource Notebook
9. Water
Oregon Water Law: http://www1.wrd.state.or.us/pdfs/infosheet2.law.pdf
Helpful 1-pager which talks about Oregon Water Code and using water beneficially;
paper also discusses prior appropriation and exempt use examples.
Managing Rural Homes and Small Acreages to Protect Watersheds, Watershed
Stewardship. OSU Publication
This chapter offers an overview of how to manage soils, landscapes, wells, livestock, and
manure in order to protect water quality.
Protecting Your Watershed: http://www.or.nrcs.usda.gov/news/factsheets/fs3.pdf, USDA
Great fact sheet that gives detailed information about what a watershed is and how it
functions, as well as offering tips on how to prevent different types of water pollutants.
Protecting and Enhancing Water Resources, Backyard Woodlands, OSU Publications
Gives ideas on how to enhance water resources and addresses various aspects of
Your Yard and Water Quality, Sustainable Gardening, OSU Publications
This chapter provides some simple things land owners can do to prevent water
contamination from the home landscape.
Protecting Your Land from Erosion: http://www.or.nrcs.usda.gov/news/factsheets/fs13.pdf
Fact sheet put out by the Washington Co. Soil and Conservation District that gives tips
for small acreages land owners in Oregon on how to protect land from erosion.
Additional Resources:
Stream banks & Riparian Areas:
Riparian Area Functions and Management, Watershed Stewardship Learning Guide
Wetland Functions and Management, Watershed Stewardship Learning Guide. OSU
Protecting Stream banks from Erosion: http://www.or.nrcs.usda.gov/news/factsheets/fs4.pdf
Managing Streamside Areas with Buffers: http://www.or.nrcs.usda.gov/news/factsheets/fs5.pdf
Life on the Edge: Improving Riparian Function. OSU EM 8738.
Wells & Septic Systems:
Before You Buy-Wells, Septic Systems, and a Healthy Home site:
After You Buy-Wells, Septic Systems, and a Healthy Homesite:
Water Rights:
Water Use Authorizations: http://www1.wrd.state.or.us/pdfs/infosheet6.pdf
Water Rights in Oregon: http://www.wrd.state.or.us/OWRD/PUBS/aquabook.shtml
Land Steward
Resource Notebook