Call for Proposals OSU Extension 2006-07 New Team Projects Due November 22, 2006 Funding program overview: The OSU Extension Service’s 2006-07 New Team Projects is a new grant program established at the request of the Fall Extension Administrators planning committee. We believe our extension faculty to be excellent, and that they establish many great programs. Others stay “hidden” with county boundaries. This grant program is a first step in procuring new ideas and establishing a procedure by which these ideas can be developed for implementation on a multi-county, regional or statewide basis. This Grants Program is intended to support the OSU Extension Service Strategic Plan (updated December 2005). To the degree possible, proposals should be consistent with the thematic focus areas and identified goals of the Strategic Plan (which can be viewed online at Reproduced here, the goals are as follows: Improve access to high-quality learner services. Extension will provide access to the knowledge resources of OSU by being focused and nimble in engaging Oregon’s people and communities in high-quality learner services that help build sustainable community futures. Increase funding and invest for excellence and impact. Extension will increase and diversify its funding base and encourage program excellence through strategic investments within three thematic areas. This will create measurable outcomes and impacts that will be reported widely to stakeholders. Increase effectiveness with appropriate technology. Extension will use established and new technologies strategically to increase efficiencies, expand outreach, and enhance and report the outcomes of its educational services. Eligibility: Project must involve faculty from a minimum of two counties/departments. Project period: January 1, 2007 – June 30, 2008 Project funding: Individual projects will be funded up to a maximum of $10,000 (depending on the appropriate budget justification). It is estimated that approximately 5-6 projects will be funded. November 22, 2006……….Proposals due-Only electronic submissions will be considered; please submit to: December 5, 2006………….Decisions communicated January 1, 2007…………….Funding begins June 30, 2008………………Deadline for spending funds June 30, 2008………………Project period ends August 1, 2008……………..Final reports due Timeline: Call for Proposals – OSU Extension Innovative Grants, page 2 Proposal format: Proposals should be a maximum of 3 pages plus a budget page, and should include the Following sections: 1. Name of project and brief summary description (approximately 100 words). 2. Project Team: Name and title of project’s Principal Investigator(s), with brief paragraph summarizing their relevant background for the project being proposed. Names, title, and roles of other team members and cooperators. 3. Project plan: Target audience Justification for project’s importance and need Projects goals and objectives Anticipated project outcomes Proposed project activities Evaluation plan 4. Background research, knowledge, and practice relevant to the proposal. 5. Budget. Budget: The project budget can include the following categories (others can be suggested as well), and should include a brief written explanation for each item: Materials and supplies Equipment Travel Communications and technology Salary and benefits—only intended for faculty and staff not already paid from the state and federal funds Subcontracts with community partners or individuals Reporting requirement: A final project report will be due August 2008. The required format for this report will be determined at a later time. Selection process: Proposals will be selected by the Extension administrative team.