National Engineers Week (Version 2)

National Engineers Week
 National Engineers Week foundation - is a formal coalition
of more than 100 professional societies, major corporations
and government agencies, dedicated to ensuring a diverse
and well-educated future engineering workforce by increasing
understanding of and interest in engineering and technology
careers among young students and by promoting pre-college
literacy in math and science.
Engineers Week also raises public understanding and
appreciation of engineers' contributions to society.
It coordinates several national educational competitions and
provides information on their web site for students & teachers,
all year – not just during National Engineers Week in Feb.
National Engineers Week Foundation is about collaboration
that works. The Foundation and its partners build upon their
collaborative success. Foundation partners support not only
their own companies’ activities, but thousands of engineers
and engineering students in outreach.
National Engineers Week
There are opportunities for engineers and organizations to
support and engage in any and all of the National Engineers
Week programs, sustaining outreach for established programs
as well as helping to establish new efforts.
Working to improve science, technology, engineering, and
mathematics education and engineering workforce
development, the National Engineers Week Foundation
represents the E in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering
& Math).
The coalition has grown from a handful of partners to become
the premiere collaboration model in engineering outreach.
As Samuel J. Palmisano, Chairman of the Board, President
and Chief Executive Officer IBM, writes:
“We must build a pipeline of future engineers. And Engineers Week has
always recognized that the best way to start that is to have today’s leading
engineers meet with students, to get them excited about engineering
opportunities and to advise them about how to prepare for a career in
National Engineers Week
 Discover E / K-12 - is where engineers share a
common desire: to help grade school and high school
students discover the exciting worlds of engineering and
technology. Their goal is to relate practical applications
of math, science, and engineering to the world around
 Discover Engineering - is a fun, new website
developed specifically for middle school students to
learn more about engineering, technology, math, and
science. It is a resource for educators and includes
teaching aids and materials that correspond to each of
the technologies and lessons in the videos. It is a new
opportunity and a cool tool for engineers to talk about
the profession and inspire kids to consider engineering
as a career option.
National Engineers Week
 Future Cities Competition - Operating in 35 regions,
Future City works with 1,034 schools and reaches 33,000
students in a semester-long program. This engaging program
challenges 6th, 7th, and 8th grade students to design a city
150 years into the future. Each January, thousands of
students participate in regional competitions presenting their
designs before a panel of volunteer engineer judges. First
place regional teams win a trip to Washington for National
Finals, held each year during National Engineers Week. The
President of the United States recently recognized Future City
at the first White House Science and Engineering Fair.
National Engineers Week
FIRST Robotics - "The varsity Sport for the Mind," First
Robotics Competition combines the excitement of sport with
the rigors of science and technology. Under strict rules, limited
resources, and time limits, teams of 25 students or more are
challenged to raise funds, design a team "brand," hone
teamwork skills, and build and program robots to perform
prescribed tasks against a field of competitors. It’s as close to
"real-world engineering" as a student can get. Volunteer
professional mentors lend their time and talents to guide each
Students get to:
Learn from professional engineers
Build and compete with a robot of their own design
Learn and use sophisticated software and hardware
Compete and cooperate in alliances and tournaments
Earn a place in the World Championship
Qualify for college scholarships
National Engineers Week
 NASA Quest - is a rich resource for educators, kids
and space enthusiasts who are interested in meeting
and learning about NASA people and the national space
program. NASA Quest allows the public to share the
excitement of NASA's authentic scientific and
engineering pursuits like flying in the Shuttle and the
International Space Station, exploring distant planets
with amazing spacecraft, and building the aircraft of the
National Engineers Week
 American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE)
- is a non-profit organization which brings together
engineering educators from all of the engineering and
engineering technology fields to collaborate on solutions
to promote excellence in instruction, research, public
service, and practice.