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IIE - Industry Advisory Board (IAB)
Policies & Procedures
Table of Contents:
1. Introduction
2. Mission Statement
3. Purpose
4. Recent IAB Goals
5. Monthly group call-ins
6. IAB Membership & Roster
7. IAB Leadership
8. Young Professionals
9. IAB Sessions at IIE Annual Conferences
10. Town Hall Meeting at Annual Conferences
11. The “Next Great Idea” activity
12. High School presentation on IE Job Duties
13. IAB Logo & LinkedIn site
14. YouTube Video Contest
15. Coaching Panel & Webinars
16. Promoting IIE Awards to Industry
17. IAB Website section
1. Introduction
IIE’s Industry Advisory Board (IAB) is made up of professionals with extensive
experience and responsibility in corporations ranging in size from small to global, based
in North America. Each member brings a unique and valuable perspective of the
challenges companies face in today's global economy and how IIE can partner with
industry to meet the challenges that industrial engineers face today and tomorrow.
2. Mission Statement
The mission of the Industry Advisory Board is to build a strong foundation of support
and communication between industry and the Institute of Industrial Engineers.
The Board will play a fundamental role in assisting IIE to achieve a position of relevance
and prominence within industry.
The Board is composed of highly respected leaders in industry and government from a
wide spectrum of organizations that are strongly involved in the application of industrial
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3. Purpose
 To build a strong foundation of support and communication between industry and the
Institute of Industrial Engineers.
 To ensure the highest level of local, national, and international recognition of IIE
 To provide review and guidance on the IIE training curriculum.
 To provide guidance in development of new education programs in emerging areas of
regional and national relevance.
 To assist IIE in promoting the industrial engineering profession.
4. Recent IAB Goals (from the 2014 IAB Town Hall meeting)
 Serving as a “voice of industry” to IIE’s leadership and the academic community.
 Enhancing IIE’s image, relevance and value proposition to industrial engineers working
in industry.
 Increasing the awareness and knowledge of the industrial engineering profession and the
tremendous value it provides society.
 Increasing the engagement of IIE’s industry membership (approximately 7,000).
 Supporting the professional development and career growth of industry members.
5. Monthly Group Call-ins
The monthly IAB group call-ins take place on the 2nd Friday of each month, at a time that
is convenient for the majority of the IAB membership. The Minutes of the call-in are
captured (by the Chair-Elect) and sent out following the call-in.
The Agenda for the group call-in is prepared by the Chair with discussions with others on
the IAB Leadership, and sent to Donna Calvert (IIE HQ) for distribution to the IAB
members, several days before the call-in. The current dial-in information:
[Conference call number: 866-951-1151 and participant code: 3845962]
6. IAB Membership & Roster
The IAB membership is made up of volunteer Senior IEs and IE Managers, many of
whom joined after attending an IAB Town Hall Meeting at an IIE Annual Conference.
Or they were invited to join (representing their company), by a current member of the
IAB. Sometimes when key industries are not represented by the IAB membership, a
volunteer from that industry will be approached to join. IAB members can stay listed, as
long as they want to be, and they remain active.
The Roster of IAB members contains names, companies, titles, addresses, and other
contact information. The Roster is periodically updated, as new IAB members join. In
combination with the Roster is an electronic distribution list (a list-serve), used for group
e-mail correspondence.
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IAB has a strict code of ethics and a “no solicitation rule”. Members of the IAB are
restricted from sending individual members (or using the general contact list) to send
Marketing material, job offers, or solicit jobs as a headhunter.
New IAB members should be welcomed by the IAB Leaders and sent the monthly call-in
information, and other useful items, to help them become productive members of the
IAB. They also will be added to the IAB Roster and distribution list.
7. IAB Leadership
The main IAB Leadership positions are Chair, Chair-Elect, & Immediate Past Chair
(which is similar to several other IIE groups). The Chair-Elect becomes the new IAB
Chair at the end of the IAB Town Hall meeting, at the Annual Conference. If the Chair
cannot complete their term, then the Chair-Elect will step in, and a new Chair-Elect will
be sought to fill their position.
The three main IAB leadership positions, and any still-active Past Chairs (and a few
others), comprise the small Leadership Team. The Leadership Team has a separate callin, usually a week or two ahead of the main group call-in (and works some planning
items offline).
The IAB Chair position is a critical position, not only for the IAB group, but should be
viewed as a potential Board of Trustee (B.O.T.) nominee. So care should be exercised in
the selection of the next Chair-Elect. Usually the current Chair will ask one of the Past
Chairs to head up a Selection Committee to review potential candidates that are
nominated, prior to an online vote by the entire IAB group (using prepared bios &
statements from each of the candidates).
8. Young Professionals
The IIE - Young Professionals (YP) group is actively involved with several of the panel
discussions and related activities, in the IAB Track at the Annual IIE Conferences. The
YP group is also heavily involved with the IAB’s YouTube Video contest. A
representative from the YPs leadership participates on the IAB group monthly call-ins.
9. IAB Sessions at IIE Annual Conferences
The IAB group has several sessions, at the IIE Annual Conference. About half of the
sessions are panel discussions – often focused around advice on going into management,
or coaching newer IEs, or working with University IE Departments. The other half of the
sessions are individual presentations on topics of interest to Industry and also Young
Professionals. The YP group helps with several of the panel discussion sessions.
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10. IAB Town Hall Meeting at Annual Conferences
The IAB Town Hall meeting at the IIE Annual Conference is organized each year, by the
IAB Chair, Chair-Elect, and Immediate Past Chair. The meeting is open to everyone at
the Annual Conference, and often is a good way to get new IAB members. The meeting
consists of an Overview of the IAB group, a description of the activities that took place
over the last year, planned activities for the coming year, and any opportunities for
volunteers to help. It usually has a brief brainstorming session to generate ideas to be
discussed – including future topics for the shared discussions on the monthly call-ins.
11. The “Next Great Idea” activity
Several of the previous IAB Chair-Elects have championed a focused “Next Great Idea”
activity, during their year as Chair-Elect. These “ideas” are usually launched at the IAB
Town Hall meeting, during the IIE Annual Conference. Several of these “ideas” have
turned into ongoing annual events, or have resulted in a completed activity.
12. High School targeted presentation on IE Job Duties
The original “Next Great Idea” resulted in a new high school (and University) focused
presentation that describes the breadth of the job duties that many IEs perform. This is
now used by IIE on their Career Center section of the main IIE website, under “What IEs
Do” (in Different Industries): http://www.iienet2.org/details.aspx?id=716
13. IAB Logo Development and LinkedIn site
One of the IAB “Next Great Ideas” resulted in a new LinkedIn site for the IAB group,
and an IAB Logo.
14. YouTube Video Contest
One of the IAB “Next Great Ideas” resulted in an annual YouTube Video contest, where
IIE Student Chapters submit short (3-10 minute) videos that target high school students.
The contest features several cash prizes (donated by IAB members or their company or
local IIE Chapter) and recognition at the Annual IIE Conference. The IAB provides
judges for the videos (including some high school students). The annual contest has
become very popular with University IIE Chapters. It also has generated a number of
videos that are regularly seen by high school students who say it helped influence their
decision to pursue Industrial Engineering when applying to a University. The Young
Professionals group has become very involved in helping run the video contest.
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15. Coaching Panel & Past Coaching Webinars
One of the IAB “Next Great Ideas” resulted in a series of Coaching Webinars (featuring
senior IE managers as guest speakers) that were done quarterly for a few years, working
directly with IIE HQ. These also resulted in an ongoing Coaching Panel Discussion and
match-up exercises, co-run by IAB & the YPs, as part of the IAB Track at the IIE Annual
16. Promoting IIE Awards within the IAB and other Industry groups
The IAB group created and sponsors an IIE Award titled: Outstanding Middle Career IE
Leadership Award for Business/Industry. The IAB group also provides the judging
committee for this award.
The IAB group has been encouraging more Industry nominations for all the IIE Awards,
by sharing easy to follow instructions & information. This activity originally focused on
just the IAB group with e-mails, discussing the topic on the group call-ins, and at the IAB
Town Hall meetings. The activity has now been expanded to several other related
Industry groups: CIE, SEMS, SHS, IIE Corporate Partners, and Regional V.P.s (to
communicate with Professional IIE Chapter Presidents). The result has been a number of
new Industry nomination submittals each year, for applicable IIE Awards.
17. IAB website section on the main IIE website
The IAB section of the main IIE website was re-organized a few years ago, to review &
revise all the content, and open most of it to all website users. Any changes and new
content is sent to IIE’s website Managing Editor, to do the posting.
The “exclusive IAB content” section only contains Minutes and the IAB Roster. This
exclusive content section requires a separate user name/password for access (available to
IAB members).
Prepared on February 12, 2015
Revised on March 13, 2015
Revised on March 25, 2015