IAB Coaching Webinar - Instructions

IAB Coaching Webinar - Instructions
IAB’s Coaching/Advising Webinars will focus on external activities and advice that the
speakers have (such as working with IIE groups and young working IEs, & college
students – outside of their company), and will not focus on Mentoring activities within
their own company.
The IAB – Coaching activity wants to mainly focus on providing coaching and advice to
young working Industrial Engineers. It is not intended as a job search program for IE’s
seeking work. It is also not intended to be Mentoring advice – such as that given within a
company, for newer employees or employees pursuing management positions.
Several key groups will be involved in helping set up and run the newly planned,
Quarterly, IAB – Coaching Webinars. The IIE Annual Conference – Coaching Panel in
May – will count as that quarter’s Webinar.
IAB – Coaching sub-Team & Coaching Webinar Facilitator:
 Get a volunteer to be the Facilitator for the next Coaching Webinar
 Follow the Instructions developed during the initial Coaching Webinar (this
 Contact IIE HQ - Webinar Team for available dates
 Schedule the Webinar for that quarter (with IIE HQ – Webinar Team)
 Get two speakers for the next Coaching Webinar (no more than 2 speakers) and
review speakers with the IAB group, for concurrence
 Confirm if each speaker is willing to be contacted later, as a one-on-one Coach (if
not, this will need to be announced during the Webinar)
 Write a brief Intro for the next Coaching Webinar and send to IIE HQ – Webinar
Team (see page 3 of this document for an example)
 Get short bio & picture for each Webinar speaker and send to IIE HQ - Webinar
 Have Webinar speakers take the online Webinar training (if needed) and prepare
their planned responses
 Provide any PowerPoint slides to be shown during the live session (from each
panelist) to the Webinar Moderator
 Request some questions ahead of time from Young Professionals and others (IIE
and IAB can send out a request for questions) and forward to Webinar Moderator
 Following the Webinar, the Facilitator should send a thank-you note to the
panelists and the Webinar Moderator
Combined IAB Group:
 Solicit volunteers to be on a list of possible Coach/Advisor speakers or
Facilitators, for later Webinars (Donna Calvert has the excel file)
Get volunteers to be future Coaching panelists at the next Annual IIE Conference
Encourage all IAB members to sign up online to hear the Coaching Webinar and
promote the event to their colleagues
Young Professionals Group:
 Representatives from the Young Professionals Group participate on the IAB
Coaching sub-Team (currently, the reps. are Patrick Foxworthy & Fernando
 Work with the IAB group and IIE HQ to help advertise the Coaching Webinars to
their members
 Collect and submit questions from their members – for the Webinar speakers –
and send to the IIE HQ - Webinar Moderator
 Discuss and formulate a plan for Young Professionals to learn about and contact
an Industry Professional volunteer (from a list of volunteer Coaches with bios –
provided by the IAB group) that the Young Professional is interested in having be
their Coach/Advisor
IIE Headquarters (Webinar Team):
 Work with the IAB group to develop & schedule future Coaching Webinars
 Communicate all deadlines and content needed to set up Webinars
 Advertise Coaching Webinars to IIE members and other appropriate communities
 Request any questions ahead of time, be sent to IIE HQ – Webinar Moderator
IIE HQ - Webinar Moderator:
 Introduce the overall Coaching Objective theme and this specific session - at the
beginning of the Webinar (from a script provided by the IAB group)
 Introduce each of the panelists (Note: if either panelist is not willing to be a oneon-one Coach later, state this up front – so there will be no misunderstandings)
 Explain how questions can be sent in during the live session, by typing them onto
their log-in screen
 Let each panelist describe their background briefly and show any planned
PowerPoint slides (from an agreed to time limit, set by the IAB Facilitator)
 Then open the session up to questions (may use a few starting questions, received
prior to the start of the live session)
 Manage the Q&A portion of the live session and the overall time for each
response (suggest no more than one follow-on comment from the second panelist
on the first panelist’s response – to allow more questions to be included)
 Thank everyone at the end of the session, explain where information on this
session can be found later online, how to contact the panelists directly, and end
the call-in session on time
IAB Coaching Webinars
Information for IIE Headquarters
Objective of the Coaching Webinars:
The quarterly Coaching Webinars should provide a forum for IAB industry professionals
to Coach young professionals - with the ultimate goal of providing useful Career focused
information in a Q&A format. These may lead to offline one-on-one Coaching
relationships between Young Professionals and Industry professionals. The Webinar is
not intended to be a Job Search forum.
[co-sponsored by IIE’s Industry Advisory Board (IAB) and IIE’s Young Professionals
Title of the Webinar Series:
"Quarterly Webinars on – Coaching/Advising the Next Generation of IE Leaders”
This probably falls into the main category of “Careers” on the IIE Webinar web site.
Title of the first Webinar was:
“Coaching/Advising the Next Generation of IEs”
[It was co-sponsored by IIE’s Industry Advisory Board (IAB) and IIE’s Young
Professionals Group]
Brief description of the first Webinar was:
“Two senior IIE, Industry speakers (Roman Hlutkowsky & Doug Rabeneck) talked
briefly about their experiences Coaching and Advising Young Professional IEs through outside company organizations (like IIE or University IE Departments). They
took questions from call-ins during the Webinar and from any questions sent in ahead
of time to IIE Headquarters. The theme of the presentation was for working, young
professionals to hear some career advice and be able to ask some career-focused
questions. It was not intended to answer job search questions.”
[It was co-sponsored by IIE’s Industry Advisory Board (IAB) and IIE’s Young
Professionals Group]
The IIE HQ – Webinar Team will be the Moderator for the Coaching Webinars and take
any questions during and ahead of time.
The IIE HQ – Webinar Team will work with the IIE Young Professionals group on some
extended marketing (beyond the normal IIE Webinar marketing).
IIE HQ Information on Webinars
How to schedule your webinar
Send the following to Pam Patterson at ppatterson@iienet.org:
1. Official title of the webinar
2. Day/time/time zone of the webinar (choose Mondays, Tuesdays, or
Wednesdays in afternoon)
3. Name/Email of Presenter(s)
4. Short Bio of Presenter(s)
5. Short paragraph summary of what the webinar is about
What next?
1. All presenter(s), panelist(s), and organizers will receive an email from gotowebinar
with all information on how to connect. The same information is used for training and
the webinar. Each webinar may have only 1 non-presenting panelist. Panelists and
presenters are unmuted by default, can chat with the organizer and can view the
attendees in the event. All who have speaking roles during the webinar should be
sensitive to their phrasing when speaking to attendees.
2. The webinar specifics will be posted in the Knowledge Center of the IIE Home page
and on the webpage of the society, division, region that is hosting the event
3. Presenter will be sent presenter guidelines
4. Presenter will be contacted to schedule a short 30-45 minute training session with IIE
tech personnel. The training session should preferably be held 5-7 days prior to
webinar day. If the presenter has experience with conducting webinars, he/she can do
their training on our interface, GoToWebinar, 30 minutes before the presentation.
This option is only for those presenters who feel confident that they will not have any
connection issues. Please note that some corporate firewalls block access to
GoToWebinar. If a presenter is concerned that this might be the case, then the
training session must be held 5-7 days prior to allow time to work out solutions.
5. Headquarters will send out an email promoting the event which includes a link to
registration for the webinar
6. Presenter will be notified of number of registrants
After the webinar…
Presenter to send PowerPoint to Pam Patterson (ppatterson@iienet.org)
2. Link to presentation and recording of webinar will be posted in the
Knowledge Center
3. Attendee, Registration, Performance Reports will be kept on file and a copy
sent to the presenter and volunteer organizer of the webinar
4. All registrants of the webinar will be sent link to presentation and recording
of the webinar
Your webinar contacts at headquarters:
Administration Pam Patterson (ppatterson@iienet.org)
David Brandt (dbrandt@iienet.org)
Heather Bradley (hbradley@iienet.org)