Process and required documentation for Existing Society-Division Awards

September 2, 2014
Policy and Procedures for
Existing Society/Division Awards
Background on Awards
 IIE administers a number of different types of awards:
o Institute-level awards for individuals (such as IIE Fellow, the Frank and Lillian Gilbreth
Award, and the Captains of Industry Award)
o Institute-level group awards (such as the IIE Transactions Best Paper Awards and
Chapter Awards)
o Society/Division-level Awards, including individual and group awards (such as the Lean
Best Practice Award, Best Paper Awards in tracks at the annual conference, Student Best
Paper Awards in tracks at the annual conference, and the SEMS Management Award).
 Further, Society/Division (S/D) Awards may have a financial sponsor obtained by S/D leaders.
 The purpose of this document is to define the policy and procedures for administering existing
S/D Awards. The policy and procedures must be followed by all S/Ds each year for all awards
Policy for Existing Society/Division Awards
Societies and divisions must submit a baseline Award Description and, in each subsequent year, must
update this document and coordinate with IIE staff to administer the S/D Award.
Procedures for Existing Society/Division Awards
A Society/Division that would like to give an existing S/D Award in a given year must do the following for
each award:
1. Prior to September 1, appoint a designated contact person for each S/D Award that will be given
in the upcoming year (this may be the same person for multiple or all awards). This contact
name should be provided to Bonnie Cameron by September 30.
2. For any financially-sponsored awards, IIE will provide cost information for recognition items that
are available. This is needed in order for the S/D to determine the total cost for administering
the award in a given year; costs for items may vary each year. Total cost should include the cash
award to recipient(s) (if applicable) and the costs of any recognition items planned. This
information should be requested from Bonnie Cameron (
Please note: An award is not recognized as officially sponsored until funds are received by IIE.
The commitments must be received by October 30 each year and the funds are due November
30. The sooner sponsorship commitments are received, the better. This will allow as much
publicity as possible for the sponsor.
September 2, 2014
Possible recognition items used in S/D Awards which incur costs include:
 Cash award
 Plaque (ordered and obtained by IIE for consistency with other awards)
 Registration for Annual Conference for recipient(s)
 Travel allowance to Annual Conference for recipient(s). (Recipient must request
reimbursement after the conference and provide receipts following IIE’s standard
 Recipient(s) attendance at Honors & Awards Banquet and President’s Reception
 One year membership in society for recipient(s) (for SEMS or SHS only)
 One year membership in IIE for recipient(s)
It is important to note that IIE will automatically provide the following recognition for any S/D
Award recipient (i.e., no financial sponsorship is necessary):
 Recognition at Annual Conference on rolling screen displays
 Recognition before Tuesday morning keynote address
 Framed certificate for 1st place only provided by IIE (Bonnie Cameron)
 Unframed certificates for 2nd and 3rd place
 Listing in Honors and Awards program (1st place only)
Other possible recognition items used by S/Ds include:
 Recognition by S/D (e.g., at S/D Town Hall Meeting at annual conference, S/D web site,
S/D newsletter, S/D social media outlets, etc.)
 Presentation in S/D-sponsored track at conference (e.g., Lean Best Practice sessions,
SEMS student paper competition session, Engineering Economy Wellington Award
lecture, etc.)
3. For all S/D awards, the information below must be submitted to Bonnie Cameron by September
6 each year. This timeline is defined such that there is time for IIE to effectively assist the S/D in
promoting the award.
 S/D Award name
 S/D Award Description (see template at the end of this document); this baseline is
submitted only once; thereafter, only updates are submitted.
 S/D contact for award in current year
 Cost to administer award, itemized (including cash award and any recognition items
incurring cost) (applicable only for S/D awards that are financially sponsored)
4. Execute award processes: promotion, application, evaluation, notification, and recognition.
 Promotion: Headquarters promotion of the awards begins in October and is coordinated
by Bonnie Cameron. S/D can promote in individual newsletters by coordinating
announcements with Pam Patterson (
 Application/evaluation/notification process must be defined for each award. Please
note that award applications should be directed to the designated S/D contact for the
award and not to IIE HQ. This will provide more streamlined administration of the
September 2, 2014
5. By March 15, S/D should notify award recipient(s) and also notify Bonnie Cameron of the award
recipient(s) for each S/D Award in order to execute recognition processes.
September 2, 2014
Society/Division Award Description
Submit by September 30
Society/Division Name:
Award Name:
Purpose and Objectives: What is being recognized and what are the objectives of the award?
Application Process: What are the eligibility criteria, will applicants apply or be nominated, what
application/nomination form will be used, when will applications/nominations be due, and will an
application fee be used?
Evaluation Process: What are the criteria for selecting recipients (e.g., rating form/criteria, checklist,
etc.), when will recipient(s) be selected, who will be involved in decision making, how many recipients
will be selected (e.g., one recipient or 1st/2nd/3rd place, etc.), how will all applicants be notified of
outcome, and how will recipient(s) be notified?
Sponsorship: Is there financial sponsorship for the award? If yes, specify amount of sponsorship,
whether sponsorship is permanent (ongoing) or only for current year, number of sponsors and names of
sponsors, and documentation from sponsor(s) (attach if applicable).
Justification: How does it contribute to S/D goals?
September 2, 2014
2015 Award Costs
Recognition Planned:
Automatic items handled by IIE:
Recognition by IIE at annual conference on rolling
screen displays
Framed certificate, 1st place only (prepared by IIE
Unframed certificate, 2nd and 3rd place (prepared
by IIE staff)
Listing in Honors & Awards program (1st place
Additional items (see list in Policies and Procedures
Ex: One Honors/Awards banquet ticket*
Ex: Plaque*
Ex: Cash award to recipient
Estimated costs for 2015 Awards
Honors & Awards Banquet ticket (1)
Early bird conference registration
Cash award for recipient
Travel allowance for recipient
Plaque or trophy (Depends on the size and
type. Estimate is for a basic plaque)
1 year membership in IIE
1 year membership in SEMS/SHS
Total sponsorship funds needed
Cost for 2015 Awards
*These examples should not be used as the basis for actual costs of recognition items every year. Costs must be
obtained each subsequent year from IIE, as outlined here.