Physics I Review 3 Review Notes Exam 3 R3-1 Newton’s Law of Universal Gravitation m1 m 2 F G 2 r̂ r The meaning of each term: F: G: m1 : m2 : r2: r̂ : Gravitational force on object 1 from object 2. –11 2 2 Universal gravitational constant = 6.673 x 10 N m /kg . Mass of object 1. Mass of object 2. Center distance from object 1 to object 2, squared. Unit vector from object 1 to object 2. R3-2 If Gravity Varies As 1/r2, 2 Where Does g = 9.8 m/s Fit In? Consider the force on an object near the surface of the earth. (Assume the earth is a sphere and ignore rotation effects.) R = radius of the earth. M = mass of the earth. m = mass of the object. mM GM F G 2 r̂ m 2 r̂ m g (What is the direction?) R R g = 9.8 m/s2 only seems constant because we don’t go very far from the surface of the earth. R3-3 Class #17 Take-Away Concepts 1. Four fundamental forces known to physics: Gravitational Force Electromagnetic Force Weak Nuclear Force Strong Nuclear Force 2. Newton’s Law of Universal Gravitation m1 m 2 F G 2 r̂ r 3. Gravitational Potential Energy (long-range form) U g (r ) GmM r R3-4 Coulomb’s Law of Electrostatic Force F 1 q1 q 2 ( r̂ ) (Prof. B’s version.) 2 4 0 r The meaning of each term: F: Electrostatic force on charge 1 from charge 2. 1 2 2 : Electrostatic force constant = 8.98755 × 10+9 N m /C 4 0 q1 : Value of charge 1, positive or negative. q 2 : Value of charge 2, positive or negative. r 2 : Center distance from point charge 1 to point charge 2. r̂ : Unit vector from charge 1 to charge 2. R3-5 Direction of Electrostatic Force “Opposites Attract” R3-6 Superposition of Electrostatic Forces +5.0 C +1.0 C Y 1 X resultant -3.0 C N 1 q1 q i Fon 1 ( r̂i ) (find and add X and Y components) 2 i 2 4 0 ri R3-7 How to Calculate a Unit Direction Vector From blue (x0,y0) to red (x,y): 1. Find the displacement in X,Y components. d ( x x 0 ) î ( y y 0 ) ĵ 8 î 6 ĵ 2. Find the length of this vector. 3. Divide by the length to get a unit vector. r | d | ( x x 0 ) 2 ( y y 0 ) 2 82 6 2 10 r̂ d r 8î 6 ĵ 10 0.8î 0.6 ĵ Y 6 0 X 0 8 R3-8 Class #18 Take-Away Concepts 1. Charges come in positive and negative. 2. Opposites charges attract, like charges repel. 3. Coulomb’s Law of Electrostatic Force F 1 q1 q 2 (r̂ ) 2 4 0 r 4. Similarities and differences with gravity. 5. The principle of superposition. N 1 q1 q i Fon 1 (r̂i ) 2 i 2 4 0 ri R3-9 The Idea of Electric Field The electric field is a vector field that depends on the location of the point where we calculate it. depends on the unit vectors to the other charges. depends on the distances to the other charges. depends on the values of the other charges. It does not depend on the value of any charge at that point. In fact, it can be calculated even when there is no charge there! N 1 qi ( r̂i ) Electric Field E ( point #1) 2 i 2 4 0 ri Fon 1 q1 E ( point #1) Force / Field Relationship R3-10 The Electric Field of a Point Charge (as a Source) The electric field is a vector field, meaning at each point in space the electric field has a magnitude and a direction. We show that by drawing arrows at representative points in the correct directions with lengths proportional to the magnitudes. Away from positive Toward negative + - Just because we don’t draw an electric field vector at a point doesn’t mean there is no electric field there. R3-11 Calculating the Electric Field of a Charge at a Point (Example) Y 6 cm q 1.0 109 C 0 1 q ( r̂ ) E 2 4 0 r X 0 8 cm First calculate the unit vector. This vector is from the point (X) to the charge. Use the method on side R3-8: d (0.08)î (0.06) ĵ r ( 0.08) 2 (0.06) 2 0.1 r̂ [(0.08)î (0.06) ĵ] 0.1 (0.8)î (0.6) ĵ R3-12 Calculating the Electric Field of a Charge at a Point (Example) Y 6 cm q 1.0 109 C 0 1 q (r̂ ) E 2 4 0 r X 0 8 cm Now calculate the number in ( ): 1 q 9 9 2 ( 9 . 0 10 )( 1 . 0 10 ) ( 0 . 1 ) 900 2 4 0 r Final answer: E (900){[(0.8)î (0.6) ĵ]} (720)î (540) ĵ N/C R3-13 Class #19 Take-Away Concepts 1. Electric field from point charge sources: (Total field is the superposition of point source fields.) 1 qi E ( r̂i ) 2 4 0 ri 2. Force on a charge in an electric field: 3. 4. Electric field points away from + source charges. Electric field points toward – source charges. F qE R3-14 Electric Potential Just as we noticed when we defined the electric field, we see that there is a certain quantity that is independent of the charge experiencing the electrostatic force. This is called the electric potential and it is normally represented by the symbol V: V ( A ) E dx A 0 The relationship between U and V is U qV V exists everywhere that an electrostatic field exists. U exists only where there are charges in that field. R3-15 Calculating Electric Potential from Point Source Charges 1 qi 1 qi V 4 0 ri 4 0 ri 6 6 1 10 2 10 9 9 10 1 2 3.7 10 3 1m 1C 2C 1m R3-16 Equipotential Lines and Field Lines Equipotential Lines – Lines connecting points with equal electric potential. (In 3D, these are equipotential surfaces.) Electric Field Lines – Lines formed by taking tiny electric field vector arrows and connecting them “tail to head.” Electric field lines are always perpendicular to equipotential lines. Electric field strength is higher where electric field lines are closer together. Electric field strength is higher where equipotential lines are closer together (assuming equal increments of potential per line). Electric field lines point in the direction of decreasing potential. R3-17 Equipotential Lines and Field Lines + equipotential field line R3-18 Calculating Electric Field from Electric Potential Y X V = 100 X=0 V = 50 X=2 V=0 X=4 dV V 100 Ex 25 V / m dx x 4 Ey dV 0 dy R3-19 Calculating Change in K.E. from Electric Potential final e K U 0 or K U U q V (e) V or U (e) V K (e)( V) (1.6 10 19 ) (100) 1.6 10 17 J V = 100 initial V = 50 e V=0 R3-20 Class #20 Take-Away Concepts Physicist General’s Health Warning: Confusing electric potential (V) with electric potential energy (U) will be hazardous to your score on the next exam. 1. Electric potential (V) and electric potential energy (U): 2. Electric potential from point source charges: U qV V 3. 4. 5. 1 qi 4 0 ri Relationship of electric field and electric potential. Electric field lines and equipotential lines. Calculating change in kinetic energy using electric potential. R3-21 How to Solve Problems Asking “Where is Net Electric Field = 0?” +X Region I Region II + charge Region III - charge Many things to consider: The number of regions (N+1) is one more than number of charges (N). The total electric field is the sum of the individual fields from each charge. (Principle of Superposition) In each region, the direction of electric field from each charge is constant in that region. (Away from +, toward –.) The magnitude of electric field depends on the value of charge and inverse distance squared to the charge. In any region, if you get close enough to one of the charges at the end points, the inverse distance squared dependence will make the field from that charge much larger than the fields from all of the other charges. If you get far enough away from all the charges in Region I or Region N+1, the inverse distance term is about the same for all points, so the relative sizes of the electric fields from each charge will be determined by the sizes of the charges. In a region where the total electric field is zero at some location, it will point in one direction at one end of the region and the other direction somewhere else in the region – the middle or the opposite end. R3-22 How to Solve Problems Asking “Where is Net Electric Field = 0?” +X Region I Region II Region III +7 C -4 C Region I: E field from +7C direction is to the left. E field from –4C direction is to the right. Every point is closer to +7C than to –4C, so net field is always to the left. No points where E = 0. Region II: E field from +7C direction is to the right. E field from –4C direction is to the right. Net field is always to the right. No points where E = 0. Region III: E field from +7C direction is to the right. E field from –4C direction is to the left. Close to –4C, net E field is to the left. Far from –4C, net E field is to the right because 7 > 4 and far enough away the inverse distance squared will be about the same for both. There is one point where E = 0. R3-23 How to Solve Problems Asking “Where is Net Electric Field = 0?” +X Region I Region II +7 C d Region III -4 C x-d x 1 7 1 4 0 4 0 x 2 4 0 ( x d) 2 7 4 x 2 ( x d) 2 7 2 x x d 7 ( x d) 2 x x 7 d 4.097 d 72 R3-24 How to Solve Problems Asking “Where is Electric Potential = 0?” +X Region I Region II + charge Region III - charge This is similar to finding zero electric field, but V is a scalar, not vector! The total electric potential is the sum of the individual potentials from each charge. (Principle of Superposition) The sign of an individual contribution is always the same as the sign of charge. The magnitude of potential depends on the value of charge and inverse distance to the charge – not squared in this case. If you get close enough to one of the charges, the inverse distance dependence will make the potential from that charge much larger (in magnitude) than the potentials from all of the other charges. If you get far enough away from all the charges, the inverse distance term is about the same for all, so the relative sizes of the electric potentials from each charge will be determined by the relative sizes of the charges. On any line or curve segment, not passing through a charge, where the electric potential is negative at one end and positive at the other, there will be at least one point on that segment where the electric potential is zero. The electric potential can be zero at a point not at infinity only if there are at least two charges in the problem, one positive and one negative. In that case, there will be infinitely many points not at infinity where the electric potential is zero. R3-25 How to Solve Problems Asking “Where is Electric Potential = 0?” +X Region I Region II +7 C Region III -4 C Region I: Every point is closer to +7C than to –4C, so net V is always positive. No points where V = 0. Region II: On the line from +7C to –4C, V switches sign. There is a point where V = 0. Region III: Close to –4C, net V is negative. Far from –4C, net V is positive. There is a point where V = 0. R3-26 How to Solve Problems Asking “Where is Electric Potential = 0?” +X Region I Region II +7 C Region III -4 C Region II 1 7 1 4 0 4 0 x 4 0 (d x ) Region III 1 7 1 4 0 4 0 x 4 0 ( x d) 7 4 x (d x ) 7 (d x ) 4 x 7 x d 0.6364 d 74 7 4 x ( x d) 7( x d ) 4 x 7 x d 2.333 d 74 R3-27 Class #21 Take-Away Concepts To find points where E = 0, consider the following: 1. Consider N+1 regions for N charges on a line. 2. Superposition Principle: Add E from each charge. 3. E points away from + charge, toward – charge. 4. E depends on charge value and inverse distance squared. 5. Very close to a charge, E from that charge dominates. 6. Far away right or left, all distances are about the same. 7. Look for reversal of total E direction in a region. Finding where V = 0 is similar but easier, since V is a scalar. Look for regions where V changes sign. R3-28 Magnetic Field Lines From N to S. In direction of compass needle. Try this web site: R3-29 Class #22 Take-Away Concepts 1. The magnetic force was known in ancient times. 2. Magnets have two poles, N and S. 3. Opposite poles attract, like poles repel. 4. N and S poles are always in pairs, never alone. 5. Electric currents also cause magnetic fields. 6. Magnetic field lines start at N and go to S, following the direction of a compass needle. 7. Units of tesla (T) and gauss. 1 T = 10,000 gauss. R3-30 Magnetic Force on a Moving Charge F q vB charge of the particle (C; + or –) v : velocity of the particle (m/s) B : magnetic field (T) q: Force is at a right angle to velocity. Force is at a right angle to magnetic field. Important: If q is negative, that reverses the direction of force. R3-31 Analysis of the Magnetic Force Y X F q vB Z F We will evaluate this expression before the electron starts turning. First, evaluate v B . In this case, they are 90° apart, so all we need is the direction. v is +X, B is –Z, so v B is +Y. Next, we need to account for q. This is an electron, so q is negative. Therefore, the magnitude of the force is (e v B) and the direction is –Y. R3-32 The Radius of the Circle F r v Although the directions of the vectors are changing, the magnitudes stay the same. v2 F ma m r F qvB v2 qvB m r v2 mv rm qvB qB R3-33 Class #23 Take-Away Concepts 1. The Lorentz (magnetic) force on a moving, charged particle: F q vB 2. The Lorentz force cannot change a particle’s speed, only the direction of its velocity. 3. Radius and angular frequency of a charged particle in uniform circular motion in a magnetic field: mv r qB qB m R3-34 Apparatus for Measuring e/m We will set Potential in tube (V). Current in coils (I). We will observe Radius of circular electron path (r). We will calculate e/m. R3-35 Analysis of Electron Acceleration cathode anode Electron Stream pot = -V pot = 0 K U U (e) V K (e)[ V ] e [0 ( V )] e V Electrons have very low kinetic energy when they leave the cathode – essentially zero. 1 2 m v2 e V or 2eV v m R3-36 Derivation of e/m Formula r mv eB e v m rB 2eV m 2eV e 2V e e 2V m m m rB rB m rB v 2V e m rB 2V e or m r 2 B2 We set or observe all of the variables on the right side of the equation. R3-37 Mass Spectrometer Diagram Adjusting the accelerating potential (V) and/or the magnetic field (B) “tunes” the spectrometer to detect only ions with a specific ratio of charge to mass. R3-38 Class #24 Take-Away Concepts 1. 2. The ratio of e/m is determined by accelerating a stream of electrons through an electric potential difference and observing their path in a magnetic field. The formula for e/m (know how to derive it): 2V e 2 2 m r B 3. Mass spectrometers work by the same principle. R3-39 Relationship of Energy and Electric Potential Changes Memorize these tables or know how to derive them! K = –U U=qV or U = q V Potential Energy Change + charge – charge V > 0 (+) + (increase) – (decrease) V < 0 (–) – (decrease) + (increase) Kinetic Energy Change + charge – charge V > 0 (+) – (decrease) + (increase) V < 0 (–) + (increase) – (decrease) R3-40