Name_____________________________________________ Exam #2 Physics I Fall 2002 If you would like to get credit for having taken this exam, we need your name above and section number below. Section # _____ 1 _____ 2 _____ 3 _____10 _____ 8 _____ 5 _____ 6 _____ 7 M/TH 8-10 (Bedrosian) M/TH 10-12 (Hayes) M/Th 12-2 (Hayes) M/Th 12-2 (Sperber) M/Th 2-4 (Schroeder) Tu/F 10-12 (Bedrosian) Tu/F 12-2 (Sperber) Tu/F 2-4 (Sperber) If we catch you cheating on this exam, you will be given an F in the course. Questions Part A Value 16 B-1 to -5 30 B-6 10 C-1 10 C-2 16 C-3 6 C-4,5,6 12 Total 100 Score Sharing information about this exam with people who have not yet taken it is considered cheating on the exam for both parties involved. The Formula Sheet is the last page. You can detach it carefully for easier reference if you wish. Name_____________________________________________ Part A – Warm-Ups – 16 Points Total (4 at 4 Points Each) Choose the best answer in the context of what we have learned in Physics I. Write your choice on the line to the left of the question number. __________ 1. __________ 2. __________ 3. __________ 4. Part B – Short Answer – 40 Points Total (5 at 6 Pts. + 1 at 10 Pts.) Note: In Parts B and C, you will be asked to list the equation(s) you are using from the Formula Sheet when you calculate the answer to a question. You should select exactly the equations you are using, and no others, and list them by number where indicated. (Some vector equations reduce to scalar equations in one dimension – use the same number whether you are using the vector or scalar form.) This will help you focus your efforts and it will also help us grade your exam quickly and accurately. For example, if you were given a problem with an object that moves in the X direction for 6 seconds with an initial velocity of -1 m/s and a constant acceleration of +2 m/s2, and you were asked to calculate its X displacement, you would put “2”. If you took an alternative approach and used “1,3” that would also be a correct answer. Show all work. B-1 (6 Points) B-2 (6 Points) Example problem with solution. (Note: This is not from the real test!) An object moves in the X direction for 6 seconds with an initial velocity of -1 m/s and a constant acceleration of +2 m/s2. What is its X displacement at six seconds, taking X=0 at 0 seconds? x x 0 v 0 ( t t 0 ) 12 a ( t t 0 ) 2 (1)(6) 12 (2)(6) 2 30 m Equations Used: ____2________ B-3 (6 Points) B-4 (6 Points) B-5 (6 Points) B-6 (10 Points) Answer: _________30__________ units ____m___ Name_____________________________________________ Part C – Extended Problem The note at the beginning of Part B applies to Part C also. You are on a team of Physics 1 students working on a summer project to develop … . You have the following items to work with: … C-1 (10 points) Equations Used: _____________ Copy answer to C-2 → Quantity A: ___________________ units ________ Quantity B: ___________________ units ________ C-2 (16 points) Use the answer from C-1 to get the next thing. Answer from C-1: _________________ (no points) Equations Used: _____________ Copy answer to C-3 → Quantity A: ___________________ units ________ Quantity B: ___________________ units ________ Quantity C: ___________________ units ________ C-3 (6 points) Use the answer from C-2 to get the final thing. Answer from C-2: _________________ (no points) Equations Used: _____________ Answer: ___________________ units ________ Follow-Up Multiple Choice Questions (3 at 4 Points): Write your choice on the line to the left of the question number. ______C-4. ______C-5. ______C-6. Name_____________________________________________ Formula Sheet for Exam 2 1. v v 0 a t t 0 21. 2. x x 0 v 0 ( t t 0 ) 12 a ( t t 0 ) 2 K 12 m v 2 12 m (v x v y ) 22. 3. x x 0 12 ( v0 v)( t t 0 ) 23. K f K i Wnet U Fcons dx 4. x x 0 v( t t 0 ) 12 a ( t t 0 ) 2 24. U g m g (y y 0 ) 25. U s 12 k ( x x 0 ) 2 26. 27. 28. K U Wnoncons s r v tan gential r a tan gential r 2 2 6. v 2 v 02 2a x x 0 F Fnet m a 7. T 8. a centripetal 29. 30. 0 t t 0 Fcentripetal p mv dp F Fnet d t J F dt p P pi dP Fext dt 31. 0 0 ( t t 0 ) 12 ( t t 0 ) 2 32. 0 12 (0 )( t t 0 ) 33. 0 ( t t 0 ) 12 ( t t 0 ) 2 M mi 38. 5. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 2r v v2 2 r r v2 m m 2 r r 1 1 x cm m i x i y cm m i y i M M P M v cm a b a b cos() a x b x a y b y W Fd W F dx 35. 2 02 2 0 a b a b sin( ) 36. I m i ri 34. 37. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44x. m1 v1, x ,before m 2 v 2, x ,before m1 v1, x ,after m 2 v 2, x ,after 44y. m1 v1, y ,before m 2 v 2, y ,before m1 v1, y ,after m 2 v 2, y,after m1 m 2 2 m2 v1,i v 2 ,i m1 m 2 m1 m 2 2 m1 m m1 v1,i 2 v 2 ,i m1 m 2 m1 m 2 45a. v1,f 45b. v 2,f 2 K rot 12 I 2 W d r F dL I d t l r p L l i L I