Document 15421193

Residential Learning Communities (RLCs) assist freshman
residential students with their transition to NAU both
academically and socially. The program’s intent is to provide
meaningful contact with a Community Mentor, faculty, and
peers in support of each new student’s academic and social
development leading to higher engagement and persistence
Learning Communities
to graduation.
Community Mentor Job Description
Community Mentors (CM’s) are student leaders who assist Residential Learning Community (RLC) students with their
transition to NAU. They work closely with the faculty liaison of the community and other hall staff (RA’s and RHD’s) to
program toward specific community needs. Acting as a role model for the community, and sharing the same academic
major or area of interest, CM’s aim to introduce students to a variety of campus resources, provide opportunities for
students to explore their academic place through interacting with faculty, and create an inclusive and welcoming
community. This position requires self-motivation and the ability to work autonomously as mentors are required to plan
weekly meetings for a community of 20-30 students and to meet with the community members on an individual basis 23 times per semester.
The Community Mentor and the Resident Assistant are key staff members who work together to develop a community
conducive to student success. They do this by encouraging positive behaviors and addressing behaviors that are
detrimental to the individual and/or community. Although the Community Mentor does not live in the hall with their
RLC, they must support Housing and Residence Life policies and therefore have a responsibility as a citizen and
community member to challenge negative behaviors from RLC students.
Community Mentors will work with RLC students in the hall in which the community is assigned. CM’s must be willing to
navigate the NAU campus during the day, evening and weekends in order to meet with their assigned RLC students.
Parking on campus is restrictive and the CM must be willing to work within these restrictions in order to be present for
their students. No special parking permits are provided to students serving in the CM role.
Mentor Qualifications
For consideration, candidates must possess the following qualifications:
 Minimum grade point average of 3.0
 Juniors, Seniors (by fall 2014) are preferred, but other qualified applicants will be considered
 Strong interpersonal and organizational skills
 Knowledge of the University and assigned major (if appropriate)
 Self-motivation and ability to work autonomously
Community Interaction: (Approximately 50% of Position Duties)
A primary responsibility is the scheduling of formal and informal interactions with students in the RLC; a CM is
expected to engage with their students and build positive mentoring relationships with their RLC students.
Meet individually with RLC students 2-3 times a semester (minimally) with the first meeting occurring within the first
6 weeks of the fall semester.
As part of your individual meetings during the first 6 weeks of the fall semester, discuss their Student Strengths
Inventory profile, completed by students during the summer orientation program.
Meet weekly with community members as a group on their floor or wing in the residence hall.
Help students become familiar with university resources; advise and refer residents to appropriate university
resources, as the need arises.
At the beginning of the fall semester, help guide and facilitate the creation and usage of peer study groups for any
common courses the group may share; encourage their continuation based upon the needs of the community.
Community Mentor Job Description 2014-2015
Maintain participant email list and provide information about the learning community to all members through this
Staff Communication: (Approximately 25% of Position Duties)
Required Meetings:
o Attend a weekly staff meeting with your Residence Life supervisor for the RLC program.
o Attend a one-on-one meeting with your Residence Life supervisor every other week.
o Attend a meeting with the Hall Director for your RLC every other week.
o Attend a meeting with your Faculty /Staff Liaison every other week.
o Meet with the RA(s) assigned to your RLC floor a minimum of once a month
o Attend periodic meetings/trainings with RLC staff.
Program Planning: (Approximately 15% of Position Duties)
Utilizing the Learning Outcomes established for this community as a guide for your program planning, complete the
following programs on behalf of your community each semester:
o Coordinate 1-2 academically or theme-focused programs pertinent to the topic of the RLC each
o Coordinate 1-2 social activities each semester for the program participants.
o Coordinate 2 transitionally-focused programs pertinent to the college experience/environment each
semester (e.g. Study Skills, Exam Strategies, Time Management, Stress Management, etc.)
o Coordinate 1 diversity program each semester to assist with program participants and their transition to
a new environment.
o Coordinate 1 informal advising session in the fall and 1 in the spring.
o Coordinate a minimum of 1 dinner/faculty event per semester for community members and
faculty/staff within their major or area of interest.
Support the goals established by the department programmatically during the academic year.
Paperwork: (Approximately 10% of Position Duties)
Complete an electronic Weekly Worksheet of the work accomplished on behalf of the community each week.
Complete and submit payroll on a bi-weekly basis.
Complete and submit a Program Proposal Form (including goals for the community) for each program planned for
the community.
Complete and submit Purchase Order paperwork when budget requests are needed for community programs.
Complete timely entries into Beacon (web-based system used to assist with student retention) on individual
students, specifically related to SSI conversations.
Complete other administrative paperwork as assigned or needed.
Community Interaction (Approximately 50% of Position Duties)
Meeting individually with RLC members monthly (2-3 times per semester)
Meeting weekly with community members as a group
Facilitating study groups
Staff Communication (Approximately 25% of Position Duties)
Faculty Liaison meeting every other week
RHD meeting every other week
GA meeting every other week
RA meeting once a month
Staff Meeting with GA supervisor and other CM’s weekly
Program Planning (Approximately 15% of Position Duties)
Coordinating academic, social, and transitionally focused events
Paperwork (Approximately 10% of Position Duties)
Weekly worksheets, payroll, program proposals, Beacon, etc.
2-4 hours
1.5 hours
1 hour
1 hour
1 hour
1 hour
1 hour
1.5 hours
1-3 hours
1-2 hours
10-12 hours
Community Mentor Job Description 2014-2015
$10.00 hour.
Can work up to 12 hours per week in the fall and 8 hours per week in the spring.
Extracurricular and additional work commitments are limited to 10 hours (maximum) in the fall and 15 hours
(maximum) in the spring.
CM will receive $50 in dining dollars during each semester they are employed in the position.
For the full 2014-2015 academic year, Community Mentor employment dates are approximately August 18, 2014 to
May 8, 2015.
Required Training
Training is required for all Community Mentors. The level required includes the following:
 NEW Community Mentors: Mentor Training - REQUIRED for all new mentors. Successful completion (Pass/Fail) of a
one-credit, 8 week class meeting on Thursday evenings from 7:00-9:00 p.m. from March 6, 2014 to May 8, 2014.
(not paid)
 Behind Closed Doors: REQUIRED for the mentoring class. Tentative date is Saturday, April 12th 9am-12pm. (not
 ALL Community Mentors: August Training – REQUIRED for all mentors, fall training will be held for three days the
week of August 18, 2014. Final date confirmation and location still to be determined at a later date. (partial pay)
Other Requirements
Spring 2014: Complete all payroll paperwork required by Northern Arizona University and background check
paperwork required by Housing and Residence Life. (not paid)
Spring 2014: Complete the FERPA, Sexual Harassment, Information Security Essentials tutorials, Kognito, My Student
Body, and Safe Working and Learning Environment training as part of the Mentor Training. (not paid)
August 2014: Complete the NAU Conduct, Ethics, Reporting, and Transparency disclosure. (paid)
December/January 2015: Complete the on-line Peer Mentor Survey. (not paid)
Application Process
The Application Deadline will remain open until filled – but ongoing interviews will be scheduled as
qualified applications are received. So don’t delay to apply!