DETERMINATIONS OF THE ACADEMIC MISCONDUCT COMMITTEE The Academic Misconduct Committee recommended that the following determinations of the Committee be published to emphasise the seriousness of the offences by ensuring that the University community at large is aware that action will be taken against individuals who commit such offences. These offences all occurred in Semester 1 2006 School Offence Determination Philosophy Submitting essays that were significantly plagiarised for assessment and providing a false medical document The Committee determined that the student be awarded a fail grade in two units. The student was excluded from the University until the beginning of semester 1 2008. Government Submitting assignments that were significantly plagiarised for assessment The Committee determined that the student be reprimanded and awarded a fail grade in two units. The student was excluded from the University until the beginning of semester 2 2007. Economics Taking unauthorised notes into an exam room (an annotated dictionary) The Committee determined that the student be awarded a fail grade in the unit. The student was excluded from the University until the beginning of semester 1 2007. Taking unauthorised notes into an exam room The Committee determined that the student be reprimanded and awarded a fail grade in the unit. The student was excluded from the University until the beginning of semester 1 2007. Mathematics The Committee noted in each case the students had intended to gain an academic advantage to which they were not entitled Plagiarism and cheating in exams are offences that will not be tolerated in this University and will be prosecuted vigorously when detected Director, Governance & Legal 25 August 2006