NHM Year 6 Unit Plan Matching Chart – Summer Term Day 1 Order a mixed set of numbers with up to three decimal places Round integers and decimals Day 2 Reduce a fraction to its simplest form by cancelling common factors Day 3 Express the remainder of a quotient as a fraction or decimal fraction when dealing with known facts and familiar times tables Develop calculator skills Day 4 Understand percentage as the number of parts in every 100 and find simple percentages of small whole number quantities Day 5 Review the week’s work and discuss the objectives set out on the front page Main Teaching TF 243-245 TF 188-189 TF 194-198 TF 263-265 TF 265-267 Core Activities Pupil Activities TF 245 1 Hundredths/units card game 2 Find five decimals Textbook page 42 TF 191 Textbook page 44 TF 200 Textbook page 64 TF 269 Textbook page 65 TF 269 Textbook page 42 TF 191 Provide pupils with a set of cards showing different fractions, not in their simplest form. Ask pupils to pick a card and write down two equivalent fractions to the one they have picked, one by multiplying the numerator and denominator by the same number and one by dividing them. Give pupils plenty of practice of this before asking them to attempt the page in pairs. Textbook page 42 TF 191 Provide pupils with a set of cards showing different fractions, not in their simplest form. Ask pupils to pick a card and, working mentally, put the fraction in its simplest form. Textbook page 44 TF 200 Provide pupils with a tables square for support if necessary. Work with the children as a group and discuss the calculations needed for each type of question before asking them to find the answers. Textbook page 64 TF 269 For q4-6, discuss with the children as a group what calculations they must carry out to answer the questions. Textbook page 65 TF 269 Ask pupils to work in pairs. For each question they take it in turns to explain how they think they should find the answer. If their partner disagrees they must explain why and the pair must agree on an approach. Textbook page 44 TF 200 Provide children with a set of ‘what am I?’ cards asking questions such as ‘5/9 of me is 35, what am I?’ to solve. Textbook page 64 TF 269 Provide pupils with newspapers. Ask them to find examples of where percentages have been used. Can they create a poster showing and interpreting these examples? Textbook page 65 TF 269 Provide pupils with newspapers. Ask them to find examples of where percentages have been used. Can they create a poster showing and interpreting these examples? Day 2 Multiply numbers, including a three-digit by a two-digit number Multiply by decimals Estimate and check results Day 3 Understand and use short multiplication of numbers involving decimals Understand and use short division Estimate and check results Understand the relationship between x and ÷ Day 4 Divide two- and three-digit numbers, including decimals Estimate and check results Day 5 Review the week’s work and address the objectives set out on the front page Explain methods and reasoning NNF Objectives Support Extension NNF Objectives Textbook page 60 TF 248 Pupil Activities TF 245 1 Hundredths/units card game Give children cards showing units and tenths to begin with and extend to hundredths and thousandths if the children are ready. Pupil Activities TF 245 2 Find five decimals Day 1 Use written methods of calculation, including column methods of addition and subtraction, extending to decimals Explain methods orally Estimate by approximating and check the result NHM Unit Plan Matching Chart Page 1 of 11 Downloaded from www.myprimary.co.uk NHM Year 6 Unit Plan Matching Chart – Summer Term Main Teaching TF 77-78 TF 97-98 TF 119-120 TF 141-142 TF 236 Core Activities Textbook page 13 TF 79 Textbook page 19 TF 98 Pupil Activity TF 120 1 Pupil Sheet 13 Textbook page 29 TF 143 Textbook page 58 TF 237 Textbook page 25 TF 123 Support Textbook page 13 TF 79 Work with the children as a group setting each question out. Then ask them to find the answers independently. Textbook page 19 TF 98 For q3 and 4 on p19 work with the children to agree on how to lay out each question. Discuss with the children together the questions on p20 and how they might solve them. Pupil Activity TF 120 1 Pupil Sheet 13 If necessary put the questions on the board and ask pupils to use the ‘cross’ method to find the answers. Textbook page 29 TF 143 With the children as a group, discuss and record the calculations needed to answer each question before asking pupils to find the answers independently. Allow pupils to use informal methods if necessary. Textbook page 58 TF 237 Allow pupils to use informal methods if necessary. Extension Textbook page 13 TF 79 Textbook page 19 TF 98 On the board write the total of all the answers to the questions for each page. When pupils have finished, they can use a calculator to find the total to all of their answers. If it does not match the one on the board they must find and correct their mistakes. Pupil Activity TF 120 1 Pupil Sheet 13 Put the questions on the board and ask pupils to find the answers using the standard written method. Textbook page 29 TF 143 Provide pupils with a set of cards showing four-digit numbers and a set of 2-9 cards. Pupils must pick a card from each set and divide the larger number by the single digit number. Their partner can time them to see how long it takes to answer eight questions. Can they beat their time? Extension Textbook page E10 NHM Unit Plan Matching Chart Page 2 of 11 TF 238 Downloaded from www.myprimary.co.uk NHM Year 6 Unit Plan Matching Chart – Summer Term Day 1 Use a protractor to measure and draw angles to the nearest degree Calculate angles in a triangle or around a point Day 2 Recognise reflective symmetry in polygons Recognise where a shape will be after a reflection Day 3 Calculate perimeter and area of complete compound shapes that can be split into rectangles Day 4 Recognise where a shape will be after two translations Day 5 Review week’s work and address objectives et out on front page Main Teaching TF 391-392 TF 350-351 TF 323-325 TF 387-389 TF 373 Core Activities Textbook page 110 TF 395 Pupil Activity TF 351 1 Pupil Sheet 48 Textbook page 87 TF 327 Textbook page 108 TF 394 Textbook page 103 TF 377 Support Textbook page 110 TF 395 Ask pupils to work in pairs. They must both measure each angle and agree on a measurement before moving onto the next question. Pupil Activity TF 351 1 Pupil Sheet 48 Provide pupils with mirrors for support Textbook page 87 TF 327 Provide children with a sheet with the shapes in q2 and 3 copied onto it. They can then subdivide the shapes and mark on the sheet to help them find the areas required. Textbook page 108 TF 394 Provide pupils with a template of each shape already drawn onto tracing paper. Textbook page 103 TF 377 Ask pupils to make different nets with the linking cubes but do not ask them to draw them onto paper. Extension Textbook page 110 TF 395 Ask pupils to draw a picture made of straight lines. Wherever an angle appears on their picture they must measure and label it. Pupil Activity TF 351 1 Pupil Sheet 48 Ask pupils to draw their own shapes each with a line of symmetry. Swap with a partner to draw in the reflections. Extension Textbook page E13 Textbook page 108 TF 394 Ask pupils to answer each question mentally without using tracing paper. Textbook page 103 TF 377 Ask pupils to make a display of all the different nets they can find which make a cube (there are eleven in total) NNF Objectives NHM Unit Plan Matching Chart TF 330 Page 3 of 11 Downloaded from www.myprimary.co.uk NHM Year 6 Unit Plan Matching Chart – Summer Term Day 1 Solve a problem by extracting and interpreting data in tables, graphs, charts and diagrams Day 2 Solve a problem by extracting and interpreting data in line graphs and pie charts Day 3 Solve a problem by extracting and interpreting data in tables and line graphs, e.g. conversion graphs Day 4 Find the mode and range of a set of data Begin to find the median and mean Main Teaching TF 416-419 TF 403-404 TF 409 TF 405-406 Core Activities Textbook page 121 TF 419 Pupil activity TF 404 1 Trend graphs Textbook page 113 TF 407 Textbook pages 113- 115 TF 407 Support Textbook page 121 TF 419 Work with the children as a group and answer q1 orally only. Ask pupils to work in pairs to complete q2 Extension Textbook page 121 TF 419 Provide pupils with newspaper cuttings showing examples of this sort of bar chart. Ask pupils to write down as much about the graphs and what they tell us as they can Extension textbook E25 TF 409 Textbook page 113 TF 407 Work with the pupils as a group to write down all the results in order as required for q4. Textbook pages 114-115 TF 407 Ask the pupils to record the results for each member of the red team by reading the information off the graph before they answer the questions. Extension Textbook page E23 TF NNF Objectives NHM Unit Plan Matching Chart Textbook page 112 TF 407 Pupil activity TF 404 1 Trend graphs Provide pupils with a blank graph with the axes labelled for the first set of data and ask them to mark on the points. If necessary do the same for the second graph. Discuss the graphs and any trends orally. Pupil activity TF 404 1 Trend graphs Provide pupils with examples of trend graphs from newspapers and ask them to work in pairs to try and comment on the graphs. Page 4 of 11 Day 5 Review the week’s work and address the objectives set out on the front page Downloaded from www.myprimary.co.uk NHM Year 6 Unit Plan Matching Chart – Summer Term NNF Objectives Main Teaching Day 1 Identify and use appropriate operations (including combinations of operations) to solve word problems involving numbers and quantities Know rough equivalents of lb and kg, oz and g, miles and km, litres and pints TF 341-342 Day 2 Solve problems involving ratio and proportion Explain methods and reasoning Day 3 Identify and use appropriate operations (including combinations of operations) to solve word problems involving numbers and time Day 4 Develop from explaining a generalised relationship in words, to expressing it in a formula using letters as symbols Day 5 Solve mathematical problems or puzzles Review the week’s work and address the objectives set out on the front page TF 311-312 TF 166-167 TF 176 Core Activities Textbook pages 94- 95 TF 342 Textbook page 83 TF 313 Textbook page 34 TF 166 Textbook page 40 TF 176 Support Textbook pages 94- 95 TF 342 For p95 q4, provide pupils with a set of cards showing the metric units suitable for measuring each item. Ask them to put the cards against the matching questions. Repeat with a set of cards showing imperial units. Textbook page 34 TF 166 Provide pupils with cubes to make models of the stacks of boxes instead of drawing them. Allow them to make models of the seventh and eighth stacks if necessary and so on until they are comfortable with the pattern. Textbook page 40 TF 176 Work with the children as a group asking for the answers orally only. Extension Textbook pages 94- 95 TF 342 Provide pupils with some recipes where the measurements are shown in imperial units. Ask pupils to convert the measurements to metric equivalents. Textbook page 83 TF 313 Provide pupils with a 24 hour time line with each hour marked off in five minute intervals for support. Ask pupils to work in pairs. For each question they must discuss and agree upon the calculation required to find the answer before working it out independently. Textbook page 83 TF 313 Ask pupils to plan out an imaginary day trip with stops at various places. They can then write questions about the trip for a partner to solve. Continue from previous day. Textbook page 34 TF 166 Ask pupils to create a display describing square and triangular numbers and the relationships between them. Extension Textbook pages E6- E7 TF 179 Extension Textbook page E7 TF 179 NHM Unit Plan Matching Chart Page 5 of 11 Downloaded from www.myprimary.co.uk NHM Year 6 Unit Plan Matching Chart – Summer Term Day 2 Solve a problem by extracting and interpreting information presented in tables Order a mixed set of numbers with up to three decimal places Undertake column addition of numbers involving decimals TF 221 Day 3 Solve a problem by extracting and interpreting information presented in tables Explain methods and reasoning Day 4 Solve a problem by extracting and interpreting information presented in tables Day 5 Solve a problem by extracting and interpreting information presented in tables and charts TF 411-412 TF 413-414 TF 413-414 Core Activities Textbook page 51 TF 222 Textbook pages 117-118 TF 414 Textbook pages 119-120 TF 415 Textbook pages 119-120 TF 415 Support Textbook page 51 TF 222 Work with pupils as a group and discuss and record the calculations required for each question. Ask pupils to then find the answers independently. Textbook pages 117-118 TF 414 Provide pupils with blank spreadsheets from Pupil Sheet 57. Support them as a group in setting their work out and keeping track of changes Textbook pages 119-120 TF 415 Work with the pupils as a group to interpret the tables and answer the questions orally Textbook pages 119-120 TF 415 Work with the pupils as a group to interpret the tables and answer the questions orally Textbook page 51 TF 222 Ask pupils to make up four characters who played for the different teams. For each they must write a clue for their partner to use to identify the team the character played for. Textbook pages 117-118 TF 414 Ask pupils to plan their own shoe boxes, deciding what items they would like to include, finding out prices and then working out how much money they would need to collect Textbook pages 119-120 TF 415 Ask pupils to choose a phone model and provide clues for other pupils to identify it Textbook pages 119-120 TF 415 Ask pupils to choose a phone model and provide clues for other pupils to identify it NNF Objectives Main Teaching Extension Day 1 Solve a problem by extracting and interpreting information presented in tables TF 179-180 Extension textbook pages E6-E7 NHM Unit Plan Matching Chart Page 6 of 11 Downloaded from www.myprimary.co.uk NHM Year 6 Unit Plan Matching Chart – Summer Term Day 1 Carry out column addition and subtraction of numbers involving decimals Day 2 Calculate the perimeter of compound shapes Solve problems involving quantities and explain methods and reasoning Day 3 Calculate the area of compound shapes Solve problems involving quantities and explain methods and reasoning Day 4 Calculate the perimeter and area of simple compound shapes that can be split into rectangles TF 255 TF 328 TF 373-375 TF 323-325 Core Activities Textbook pages 89 TF 328 Textbook page 104 TF 377 Textbook page 87 TF 327 Support Textbook pages 89 TF 328 Work with the pupils as a group and discuss each question. Record the calculations that will be needed to solve the problems. Ask pupils to then work independently to find the answers. Textbook pages 89 TF 328 Tell children they have to cover different rectangular spaces with square slabs with 50cm edges. Give them some areas of rectangles, e.g. 50m2, 28m2 and ask them to find the number of slabs needed to cover each one. Ask pupils to record their results in a table. Is there a rule for working out the number of slabs needed? Textbook page 104 TF 377 For each shape, ask pupils to sketch all the faces of the shape and label each one with its surface area. They can then add all the areas together to find the total surface area. Textbook page 87 TF 327 Provide children with a sheet with the shapes in q2 and 3 copied onto it. They can then subdivide the shapes and mark on the sheet to help them find the areas required. Textbook page 104 TF 377 Tell pupils a cuboid has a total surface area of 96cm2. Ask them to record all the possibilities for its dimensions. Extension Textbook page E13 NNF Objectives Main Teaching Extension Extension textbook pages E11E12 NHM Unit Plan Matching Chart Page 7 of 11 Day 5 Solve problems involving numbers and quantities and explain methods and reasoning TF 330 Downloaded from www.myprimary.co.uk NHM Year 6 Unit Plan Matching Chart – Summer Term Day 2 Understand percentage as the number of parts in every 100 and find simple percentages of small whole number quantities and money Day 3 Understand percentage as the number of parts in every 100 and find simple percentages Main Teaching TF 269-270 TF 269-270 TF 204-204 Core Activities Textbook page 67 TF 269 Textbook page 67 TF 269 Textbook page 46 TF 204 Support Textbook page 67 TF 269 Work with the children as a group. Discuss each question and decide on an appropriate strategy to find the answer. Give pupils time to then work out each answer for themselves before moving on to the next question. Textbook page 67 TF 269 Work with the children as a group. Discuss each question and decide on an appropriate strategy to find the answer. Give pupils time to then work out each answer for themselves before moving on to the next question. Extension Textbook page 67 TF 269 Textbook page 67 TF 269 Textbook page 46 TF 204 For q2 give children some true and false statements on cards for each path. Ask them to sort them into those which are true and those which are false. Discuss q3,4 and 5 with the children as a group and decide what calculations are needed to answer each question. Textbook page 46 TF 204 Extension Textbook page E30 TF 274 Extension Textbook page E30 TF 274 NNF Objectives Day 1 Solve simple problems involving ratio and proportion Day 4 Solve simple problems involving ratio and proportion Day 5 Solve simple problems involving ratio and proportion Extension Teaching 1 Ratio TF 208 Extension Textbook pages E8-E9 TF 209 NHM Unit Plan Matching Chart Page 8 of 11 Downloaded from www.myprimary.co.uk NHM Year 6 Unit Plan Matching Chart – Summer Term Day 2 Choose and use appropriate number operations to solve problems and appropriate ways of calculating Develop calculator skills and use a calculator effectively Factorise numbers into prime factors TF 173-174 Day 3 Choose and use appropriate number operations to solve problems and appropriate ways of calculating Carry out short division and short and long multiplication Factorise numbers into prime factors TF 173-174 Core Activities Textbook page 39 TF 176 Textbook page 39 TF 176 Support Textbook page 39 TF 176 Remind pupils of the meaning of the terms ‘factor’ and ‘prime’ before they start. If necessary provide a tables square for support. Textbook page 39 TF 176 Remind pupils of the meaning of the terms ‘factor’ and ‘prime’ before they start. If necessary provide a tables square for support. Extension Textbook pages 39-40 TF 176 Textbook pages 39-40 TF 176 NNF Objectives Day 1 Identify and use appropriate operations (including combinations of operations) to solve problems involving numbers and quantities and explain methods and reasoning Main Teaching NHM Unit Plan Matching Chart Page 9 of 11 Day 4 Carry out short multiplication and division with numbers involving decimals Carry out multiplication of a twodigit number by a two-digit number Day 5 Identify and use appropriate operations (including combinations of operations) to solve problems involving numbers and quantities and explain methods and reasoning Downloaded from www.myprimary.co.uk NHM Year 6 Unit Plan Matching Chart – Summer Term Day 1 Use a fraction as an ‘operator’ to find fractions of numbers or quantities Day 2 Use a fraction as an ‘operator’ to find fractions of numbers or quantities Day 3 Reduce a fraction to its simplest form by cancelling common factors Day 4 Solve simple problems involving ratio and proportion Day 5 Solve simple problems involving ratio and proportion Main Teaching TF 196-198 TF 196-198 TF 188-189 TF 204-204 TF 204-204 Core Activities Textbook page 44 TF 200 Textbook page 44 TF 200 Textbook page 42 TF 191 Textbook page 46 TF 204 Textbook page 46 TF 204 Support Textbook page 44 TF 200 Provide pupils with a tables square for support if necessary. Work with the children as a group and discuss the calculations needed for each type of question before asking them to find the answers. Textbook page 44 TF 200 Provide pupils with a tables square for support if necessary. Work with the children as a group and discuss the calculations needed for each type of question before asking them to find the answers. Textbook page 46 TF 204 For q2 give children some true and false statements on cards for each path. Ask them to sort them into those which are true and those which are false. Discuss q3,4 and 5 with the children as a group and decide what calculations are needed to answer each question. Textbook page 46 TF 204 For q2 give children some true and false statements on cards for each path. Ask them to sort them into those which are true and those which are false. Discuss q3,4 and 5 with the children as a group and decide what calculations are needed to answer each question. Extension Textbook page 44 TF 200 Provide children with a set of ‘what am I?’ cards asking questions such as ‘5/9 of me is 35, what am I?’ to solve. Textbook page 44 TF 200 Provide children with a set of ‘what am I?’ cards asking questions such as ‘5/9 of me is 35, what am I?’ to solve. Textbook page 42 TF 191 Provide pupils with a set of cards showing different fractions, not in their simplest form. Ask pupils to pick a card and write down two equivalent fractions to the one they have picked, one by multiplying the numerator and denominator by the same number and one by dividing them. Give pupils plenty of practice of this before asking them to attempt the page in pairs. Textbook page 42 TF 191 Provide pupils with a set of cards showing different fractions, not in their simplest form. Ask pupils to pick a card and, working mentally, put the fraction in its simplest form. Textbook page 46 TF 204 Textbook page 46 TF 204 Extension Teaching 1 Ratio TF 208 Extension Teaching 1 Ratio TF 208 Extension Textbook pages E8-E9 TF 209 Extension Textbook pages E8-E9 TF 209 NNF Objectives NHM Unit Plan Matching Chart Page 10 of 11 Downloaded from www.myprimary.co.uk NHM Year 6 Unit Plan Matching Chart – Summer Term Day 3 Read and plot coordinates in all four quadrants Solve a problem by extracting and interpreting information presented in tables and charts Day 4 Solve a problem by sorting and classifying data and interpreting information presented in tables Main Teaching TF 384-385 TF 359-361 Core Activities Textbook page 106 TF 394 Textbook page 99 TF 364 Support Textbook page 106 TF 394 Work with the children as a group deciding together the answers to each question. Textbook page 99 TF 364 Do q1-3 only. Provide a mirror for support in identifying lines of symmetry Extension Pupil Activity TF 385 1 Pupil Sheet 55 Textbook page 99 TF 364 Ask pupils to work in pairs to create a problem similar to q4. swap with another pair to solve NNF Objectives Day 1 Solve a problem by sorting data and interpreting tables and charts Explain methods and reasoning Day 2 Use a protractor to measure acute and obtuse angles to the nearest degree Day 5 Solve a problem by sorting data and interpreting tables and charts Explain methods and reasoning Textbook page 106 TF 394 NHM Unit Plan Matching Chart Page 11 of 11 Downloaded from www.myprimary.co.uk