NHM Year 6 Unit Plan Matching Chart – Autumn Term Year 6 Autumn Term unit 1 Day 1 Multiply and divide decimals by 10 or 100 and integers by 1000 and explain the effect. Day 2 Multiply and divide decimals by 10 or 100 and integers by 1000 and explain the effect. Main Teaching TF 54-55 TF 228-229 TF 233-234 Day 3 Multiply and divide decimals by 10 or 100 and integers by 1000 and explain the effect. Solve word problems, involving numbers and quantities, based on ‘real life’, money, using one or more steps. TF 228-229 TF 233-234 Core Activities Pupil Activities TF 55 1 Pupil Sheet 2 2 Pupil Sheet 3 Textbook page 4 TF 56 Pupil Activities TF 229 1 Decimal worksheet Pupil Activities TF 234 1 Decimal card game Support Pupil Activities TF 55 1 Pupil Sheet 2 Ask pupils to work in pairs to lay out the dominoes in a pattern where connecting dominoes match. Pupil Activities TF 229 1 Decimal worksheet Provide cards which practise multiplying decimals by 10 and 100 Extension Pupil Activities TF 55 2 Pupil Sheet 3 Pupil Activities TF 229 1 Decimal worksheet Provide cards which practise multiplying decimals by 20, 30, 40, etc. NNF Objectives Textbook page 4 TF 56 NHM Unit Plan Matching Chart Day 4 Textbook page 56 TF 230 Textbook page 57 TF 237 Pupil Activities TF 234 1 Decimal card game Ask pupils to first divide the numbers by 10. After they have had plenty of practice they can repeat the game dividing by 100. Pupil Activities TF 234 1 Decimal card game After playing the game, ask pupils to work in pairs and discuss how they would divide the numbers by 20 and 200. Page 1 of 12 Dpwnloaded from www.myprimary .co.uk Day 5 NHM Year 6 Unit Plan Matching Chart – Autumn Term Year 6 Autumn Term unit 1 Day 2 Use related facts and doubling or halving to multiply and divide Day 3 Use related facts and doubling or halving Day 4 Identify and use appropriate operations (including combinations of operations) to solve word problems Day 5 Identify and use appropriate operations (including combinations of operations) to solve word problems Main Teaching TF 110-113 TF 114-115 TF 115 TF 148 Core Activities Pupil Activities TF 112 1 Pupil Sheet 9 2 Pupil Sheet 10 Pupil Activity TF 115 1 Pupil Sheet 11 Textbook page 24 TF 115 Textbook page 31 TF 148 Pupil Activity TF 115 1 Pupil Sheet 11 Ask pupils to work in pairs and complete the first row of each question together. Discuss their ideas as a group and then ask them to complete each question independently. Provide a tables square for support if necessary. Textbook page 24 TF 115 Allow children to use informal jottings to find each answer. Provide a tables square for support if necessary. Textbook page 31 TF 148 Allow pupils to use the longer written method if they need to. For q4, once pupils have completed their calculations discuss the questions with them together and decide on the correct answer to each one ensuring they are correctly interpreting the remainders. Pupil Activity TF 115 1 Pupil Sheet 11 Provide pupils with a set of twodigit number cards. Ask them to pick two cards and decide whether factors could be used to find the product of the numbers. If so they must record the numbers and multiply them, if not they must write the numbers down stating that factors could not be used. Textbook page 24 TF 115 Ask pupils to create a poster explaining to someone the different strategies they know for multiplying two numbers together providing example calculations. Encourage them to comment on when a strategy would be a good one to use and why. Extension Textbook pages E28E29 TF 154 NNF Objectives Day 1 Understand and use the relationships between x and ÷ as inverse operations Support Extension NHM Unit Plan Matching Chart Textbook page 22 TF 115 Pupil Activities TF 112 1 Pupil Sheet 9 2 Pupil Sheet 10 Work through the questions with the pupils as a group and decide and record the stages needed for each calculation. Ask pupils to complete each question independently. Pupil Activities TF 112 1 Pupil Sheet 9 2 Pupil Sheet 10 Ask pupils to create a poster showing how they have derived some other tables facts for two-digit numbers. Ask them to explain the strategies they used in each case. Page 2 of 12 Dpwnloaded from www.myprimary .co.uk NHM Year 6 Unit Plan Matching Chart – Autumn Term Year 6 Autumn Term unit 1 Day 1 Use informal pencil and paper methods to support, record or explain multiplications Day 2 Extend written methods to short multiplication of numbers involving decimals Day 3 Use informal pencil and paper methods to support, record or explain divisions Day 4 Round up or down after division depending on the context Main Teaching TF 120-122 TF 226-227 TF 146 TF 148 Core Activities Pupil Activity TF 122 1 Pupil Sheet 14 Pupil Activities TF 227 1 Pupil Sheet 36 2 Pupil Sheet 37 Pupil Activity TF 146 1 Pupil Sheet 22 Textbook page 31 TF 148 Support Pupil Activity TF 122 1 Pupil Sheet 14 If necessary work with the children as a group and complete the first part of each calculation together before asking them to find the answers independently. Extension Pupil Activity TF 122 1 Pupil Sheet 14 If pupils are already familiar with a standard written method ask them to use this instead of the ‘cross’ method. If not ask them to consider the cross method and discuss with a partner how they might simplify it. Pupil Activity TF 146 1 Pupil Sheet 22 Ask pupils to work in pairs. They must take it in turns to complete a question explaining to their partner what they are doing at each stage. If their partner disagrees with their work they must explain why and agree upon the correct calculations. Pupil Activity TF 146 1 Pupil Sheet 22 Ask pupils to look at the questions they have done and discuss with a partner how they could simplify the method. Provide them with some further examples of questions to try out their ideas. Ask them to explain to the group their ideas and why they work. Textbook page 31 TF 148 Allow pupils to use the longer written method if they need to. For q4, once pupils have completed their calculations discuss the questions with them together and decide on the correct answer to each one ensuring they are correctly interpreting the remainders. Extension Textbook pages E28E29 TF 154 NNF Objectives NHM Unit Plan Matching Chart Textbook page 55 TF 230 Pupil Activities TF 227 1 Pupil Sheet 36 Pupil Activities TF 227 1 Pupil Sheet 36 2 Pupil Sheet 37 Write the questions on the board and ask pupils to answer them using a standard written method. Page 3 of 12 Day 5 Identify and use appropriate operations (including combinations of operations) to solve word problems involving numbers and quantities Develop calculator skills and use a calculator effectively Dpwnloaded from www.myprimary .co.uk NHM Year 6 Unit Plan Matching Chart – Autumn Term Year 6 Autumn Term unit 1 Day 1 Reduce a fraction to its simplest form by cancelling common factors in the numerator and denominator Day 2 Recognise the equivalence between the decimal and fraction forms Day 3 Use decimal notation for tenths and hundredths, extend to thousandths for measurements Know what each digit represents Day 4 Understand percentage as the number of parts in every hundred Find simple percentages of small whole number quantities Day 5 Find simple percentages of small whole number quantities Main Teaching TF 188-189 TF 240-243 TF 281 TF 292 TF 334-336 TF 260-263 TF 263-265 Core Activities Pupil Activity TF 189 1 Pupil Sheet 30 Pupil Activities TF 243 1 Pupil Sheet 33 Textbook p69 Q3-5 Textbook p73 Q2-4 Textbook p90 Q1 Textbook page 63 TF 269 Textbook page 64 TF 269 Textbook p42 Textbook page 59 TF 248 Q1-2 Support Pupil Activity TF 189 1 Pupil Sheet 30 Write in the denominators for each fraction before copying the sheet for the children. Pupil Activities TF 243 2 Pelmanism Provide pairs of pupils with the cards and ask them to work together to sort them into matching pairs. Textbook page 63 TF 269 Before children answer the questions look at each one as a group and agree on the number of segments in each diagram and the number which are coloured. Textbook page 64 TF 269 For q4-6, discuss with the children as a group what calculations they must carry out to answer the questions. Extension Pupil Activity TF 189 1 Pupil Sheet 30 Ask pupils to write down the equivalent fraction without shading the second shape. They could then check their answers by shading. Pupil Activities TF 243 2 Pelmanism Textbook page 73 TF 296 Provide pupils with two sets of cards showing measurements in millimetres and the same measurements in cm and mm. Ask them to work in pairs to find matching pairs of cards. Give pupils plenty of practice before asking them to attempt the textbook page. Textbook page 90 TF 337 Work with the children as a group and convert all the measurements in q2, 3 and 4 to ml before asking pupils to compare/order them. Textbook page 73 TF 296 Provide pupils with a set of objects, e.g. a pencil, a rubber, a pencil case. Ask them to measure the length of each object and record it in mm and cm and mm. Textbook page 90 TF 337 Ask children to say a statement, e.g. ‘25cl is the same volume as ¼ l’. Their partner must say if the statement is true or false. Textbook page 63 TF 269 Put some fractions on the board, e.g. 3/5, 7/25. Ask pupils to convert them to percentages without the aid of a visual representation. Textbook page 64 TF 269 Provide pupils with newspapers. Ask them to find examples of where percentages have been used. Can they create a poster showing and interpreting these examples? NNF Objectives NHM Unit Plan Matching Chart Page 4 of 12 Dpwnloaded from www.myprimary .co.uk NHM Year 6 Unit Plan Matching Chart – Autumn Term Year 6 Autumn Term unit 1 NNF Objectives Day 1 Find pairs with sum of 100, multiples of 50 with sum of 1000, decimals with sum of 1, 10 Day 2 Round a number with two decimal places to the nearest tenth or the nearest whole number Give a decimal fraction lying between two others Main Teaching TF 218-220 Core Activities Pupil Activities TF 220 1 Pupil Sheet 31 2 Pupil Sheet 32 Day 3 Recognise the equivalence between decimals and fractions Develop calculator skills and use calculators effectively Day 4 Solve simple problems involving ratio and proportion Day 5 Extend knowledge of decimals to several decimal places Develop calculator skills and use a calculator effectively Explain methods and reasoning orally and in writing TF 208-209 Textbook page 49 TF 222 Support Pupil Activities TF 220 1 Pupil Sheet 31 Provide pupils with marked number lines for q2 2 Pupil Sheet 32 Extension Pupil Activities TF 220 1 Pupil Sheet 31 2 Pupil Sheet 32 On the board write a set of twoplace decimals. Ask pupils to round them to the nearest tenth without using a number line. NHM Unit Plan Matching Chart Extension textbook pages 8-9 Page 5 of 12 Dpwnloaded from www.myprimary .co.uk NHM Year 6 Unit Plan Matching Chart – Autumn Term Year 6 Autumn Term unit 1 Day 1 Use the language associated with probability to discuss events, including those with equally likely outcomes Day 2 Solve a problem by representing, extracting and interpreting data in tables, graphs, charts and diagrams Day 3 Solve a problem by representing, extracting and interpreting data in tables, graphs, charts and diagrams Day 4 Find the mode and range of a set of data Begin to find the median and mean of a set of data Day 5 Solve a problem by representing, extracting and interpreting data in tables, graphs, charts and diagrams Main Teaching TF 422-424 TF 417-418 TF 409 TF 405-406 TF 409 Core Activities Textbook page 122 TF 425 Textbook page 123 TF 425 Textbook page 121 Textbook pages 113-115 Support Textbook page 122 TF 425 For q3 provide children with a set of cards showing different events. Ask them to match them to each of the categories given. Textbook page 123 TF 425 Before children start, run through the terminology used on the page, e.g. ‘multiple’, ‘factor’, etc. For each one remind pupils of the meaning and write an explanation on the board for them to refer to when answering the questions. Textbook page 121 Give pupils a completed frequency table for q2 and ask them to work in pairs to construct the graph Extension Textbook page 122 TF 425 Ask pupils to draw their own probability scale and think of various events to label it with. Textbook page 123 TF 425 Give pupils two 1-6 dice. Ask them to work out the probability of getting each total from 2-12 if both dice are rolled. Textbook page 121 Ask pupils to write five true statements shown by their graph Textbook page 113 TF 407 Work with the pupils as a group to write down all the results in order as required for q4. Textbook page 114 TF 407 Ask the pupils to record the results for each member of the red team by reading the information off the graph before they answer the questions. Textbook page 115 TF 407 Ask the pupils to record the results for each member of the red team by reading the information off the graph before they answer the questions. Textbook pages 113-115 Extension Textbook page E24 NNF Objectives NHM Unit Plan Matching Chart Extension Textbook page E23 Page 6 of 12 Extension Textbook page E25 Dpwnloaded from www.myprimary .co.uk NHM Year 6 Unit Plan Matching Chart – Autumn Term Year 6 Autumn Term unit 1 NNF Objectives Day 1 Develop calculator skills and use a calculator effectively Check with the inverse operation when using a calculator Main Teaching TF 79 Core Activities Textbook page 14 TF 79 Support Textbook page 14 TF 79 Work through each question with the children as a group discussing ideas and strategies together before allowing pupils some time to find their answers independently. Extension Textbook page 14 TF 79 Ask pupils to make up their own questions relating to the Pick ‘n’ Mix numbers. Swap with a partner to solve. NHM Unit Plan Matching Chart Day 2 Develop calculator skills and use a calculator effectively Day 3 Develop calculator skills and use a calculator effectively Page 7 of 12 Day 4 Dpwnloaded from www.myprimary .co.uk Day 5 NHM Year 6 Unit Plan Matching Chart – Autumn Term Year 6 Autumn Term unit 1 Day 1 Classify quadrilaterals using side/angle properties Day 2 Classify quadrilaterals using side/angle properties Day 3 Classify quadrilaterals using side/angle properties Day 4 Calculate the perimeter of rectangles and simple compound shapes that can be split into rectangles Day 5 Calculate the perimeter of simple compound shapes that can be split into rectangles Solve shape puzzles. Explain methods and reasoning orally Main Teaching TF 359-361 TF 363-364 TF 359-361 TF 295 TF 294 Core Activities Pupil Activities TF 361 1 Sorting shapes Pupil Activities TF 364 1. Pupil Sheet 54 Textbook page 99 Textbook page 78 TF 296 Textbook page 77 TF 296 Pupil Activities TF 364 1. Pupil Sheet 54 Work through the sheet with the pupils as a group discussing properties together and building up clear definitions and explanations Textbook page 99 q1-3 Provide mirrors for q1 Textbook page 78 TF 296 Discuss q1 with the children as a group and together decide on and record the formula for finding the perimeter of a rectangle. Ask pupils to complete the remainder of the page independently Pupil Activities TF 364 1. Pupil Sheet 54 Ask pupils if they can come up with general statements about diagonals of certain shapes. Can they prove their statements? Textbook page 99 Ask pupils to come up with directions for drawing shapes similar to those in q4. They must check they are possible then swap with a friend to attempt. Textbook page 78 TF 296 Ask pupils to draw as many different rectangles as they can with a perimeter of 16cm. Encourage children to include lengths/breadths which include half centimetres. Repeat for a perimeter of say 10cm. Can they list the rectangles without drawing them? Textbook page 77 TF 296 Ask children to work in pairs to measure and record each side of the shapes in q1 first in mm then cm. They can then use this data to find each perimeter. In q2 ask pupils to write down all the lengths that will need to be added first then find the perimeter. Textbook page 77 TF 296 NNF Objectives Textbook page 98 Support Extension Pupil Activities TF 361 1 Sorting shapes Before doing the activity work with the pupils as a group. Give each pupil a sheet with all the key words necessary for the activity. Discuss each word with the group and together decide on and record a correct definition. Pupil Activities TF 361 1 Sorting shapes Ask pupils to decide on their own sorting criteria. Swap with a friend who must sort the shapes accordingly. NHM Unit Plan Matching Chart Page 8 of 12 Follow-up for Textbook page 77 TF 297 Ask pupils to repeat the activity with a different sized rectangle. What do they notice? Why does this happen? Dpwnloaded from www.myprimary .co.uk NHM Year 6 Unit Plan Matching Chart – Autumn Term Year 6 Autumn Term unit 1 Day 1 Use, read and write standard metric units of length, km, m, cm, mm, abbreviations and relationships Convert larger to smaller units of length and vice versa: m to km; cm or mm to m TF 293-294 Day 2 Know mile and kilometre equivalents Day 3 Suggest suitable units/equipment to estimate length Day 4 Understand different times around the world Use a world time chart to answer questions Day 5 Identify and use appropriate operations to solve word problems, based on ‘real life’, involving the use of time TF 340 TF 297 TF 306-307 TF 314 Core Activities Textbook page 74 TF 296 Textbook page 95 TF 342 Textbook page 75 TF 296 Pupil Activities TF 307 1 World times activity 2 World time zones map Textbook page 84 TF 313 Support Textbook page 74 TF 296 Work with the children as a group and discuss and record the calculations needed for q1 and 2. Ask the pupils to then find the answers independently. Discuss the table in q3 as a group asking children to answer the questions orally only. Textbook page 95 TF 342 For q4, provide pupils with a set of cards showing the metric units suitable for measuring each item. Ask them to put the cards against the matching questions. Repeat with a set of cards showing imperial units. Textbook page 75 TF 296 For q3, provide children with a set of cards showing items that could be measured using each of the units. Ask them to work in pairs to match the cards to the appropriate units. Extension Textbook page 74 TF 296 Ask pupils to make up their own questions about the reels of wool, swap with a partner to solve. Textbook page 95 TF 342 Provide pupils with some recipes where the measurements are shown in imperial units. Ask pupils to convert the measurements to metric equivalents. Textbook page 75 TF 296 Ask pupils to make a display explaining the different units they know for measuring length and when it is appropriate to use each one with suggested items that could be measured in them. NNF Objectives Main Teaching NHM Unit Plan Matching Chart Page 9 of 12 Textbook page 80 TF 308 Pupil Activities TF 307 1 World times activity Pupil Activities TF 307 1 World times activity 2 World time zones map Provide pupils with a globe or atlas and ask them to mark on for themselves the approximate positions of the cities given in activity 1. Next to the cities they can mark on the current local times having been told the time in London. Textbook page 84 TF 313 Work with the children as a group to complete the cooking times table. They can then use this to answer the following questions. Textbook page 84 TF 313 Ask pupils to work out how many weeks/days/hours they have been alive. Dpwnloaded from www.myprimary .co.uk NHM Year 6 Unit Plan Matching Chart – Autumn Term Year 6 Autumn Term unit 1 Day 1 Read and plot coordinates in all four quadrants Day 2 Recognise where a shape will be after two translations Day 4 Record estimates and readings from scales to a suitable degree of accuracy Know imperial units and rough metric equivalents Day 5 Record estimates and readings from scales to a suitable degree of accuracy Know imperial units and rough metric equivalents TF 387-389 Day 3 Use all four operations to solve measurement word problems, including time Choose appropriate operations and calculation methods Explain working TF 342 Main Teaching TF 384-385 TF 341-342 TF 341-342 Core Activities Textbook page 106 TF 394 Pupil Activity TF 385 1 Pupil Sheet 55 On a blank four-quadrant grid ask pupils to draw their own shapes and write instructions for recreating it by joining coordinates. Swap with a friend to reproduce the shape. Textbook page 108 TF 394 Textbook page 93 TF 342 Textbook page 94 TF 342 Textbook page 94 TF 342 Support Textbook page 106 TF 394 Work with the children as a group deciding together the answers to each question. Pupil Activity TF 385 1 Pupil Sheet 55 Textbook page 108 TF 394 Provide pupils with a template of each shape already drawn onto tracing paper. Textbook page 93 TF 342 Work with the children as a group and decide on and record the calculations needed to answer each question before asking pupils to find the answers independently. Textbook page 94 TF 342 Provide the pupils with a scale showing litres and the equivalent gallons and help them use this to answer the questions. Textbook page 94 TF 342 Provide the pupils with a scale showing litres and the equivalent gallons and help them use this to answer the questions. Extension Pupil Activity TF 385 1 Pupil Sheet 55 Textbook page 108 TF 394 Ask pupils to answer each question mentally without using tracing paper. Textbook page 93 TF 342 Provide pupils with some recipes. Ask them to make up word problems related to the recipes for a partner to solve. Textbook page 94 TF 342 Ask pupils to work in pairs to create a ‘conversion scale’ with litres on one side matching to their equivalent gallons on the other. Textbook page 94 TF 342 Ask pupils to work in pairs to create a ‘conversion scale’ with litres on one side matching to their equivalent gallons on the other. NNF Objectives Textbook page 106 TF 394 Extension Textbook page 18 TF 368 NHM Unit Plan Matching Chart Page 10 of 12 Dpwnloaded from www.myprimary .co.uk NHM Year 6 Unit Plan Matching Chart – Autumn Term Year 6 Autumn Term unit 1 Day 1 Find a difference by counting up and add/subtract a multiple of 10, 100, 1000 then adjust Day 2 Use informal pencil and paper methods to support, record or explain addition and subtraction Extend written methods to column addition and subtraction of numbers involving decimals Main Teaching TF 70-71 TF 221 Core Activities Textbook page 10 TF 73 Textbook page 51 TF 222 Textbook page 53 TF 222 Support Textbook page 10 TF 73 Ask pupils to work in pairs to decide on and record the calculations needed to answer q1 and 3. They can then find the answers independently. Allow pupils to use informal jottings and number lines for support. Extension Textbook page 10 TF 73 Ask pupils to create a poster describing the different strategies they know for adding numbers together mentally. Can they give examples of when it would be appropriate to use each one? Textbook page 51 TF 222 Work with pupils as a group and discuss and record the calculations required for each question. Ask pupils to then find the answers independently. Textbook page 53 TF 222 Work with pupils as a group and discuss and record the calculations required for each question. Ask pupils to then find the answers independently. Textbook page 51 TF 222 Ask pupils to make up four characters who played for the different teams. For each they must write a clue for their partner to use to identify the team the character played for. Textbook page 53 TF 222 Ask pupils to make up their own questions similar to those in q3 relating to the information in the table. Swap with a partner to solve. NNF Objectives NHM Unit Plan Matching Chart Day 3 Solve money or ‘real life’ word problems Choose appropriate operations/calculation methods. Explain working Check calculations using inverse operations Page 11 of 12 Day 4 Solve money or ‘real life’ word problems Choose appropriate operations/calculation methods. Explain working Check calculations using inverse operations Day 5 Check calculations using inverse operations, including with a calculator Dpwnloaded from www.myprimary .co.uk NHM Year 6 Unit Plan Matching Chart – Autumn Term Year 6 Autumn Term unit 1 Day 1 Recognise and extend number sequences formed by counting on and back in steps of different size, extending beyond zero when counting back Day 2 Recognise and extend number sequences such as sequences of triangular numbers Main Teaching TF 161-162 TF 166-167 Core Activities Pupil Activity TF 162 1 Pupil Sheet 25 Textbook page 34 TF 166 NNF Objectives Day 3 Recognise and extend number sequences Explain methods and reasoning orally and in writing Develop from explaining a generalised relationship in words to expressing it in a formula using letters as symbols Day 4 Recognise and explain patterns and relationships, generalise and predict Develop from explaining a generalised relationship in words to expressing it in a formula using letters as symbols Day 5 Recognise and explain patterns and relationships, generalise and predict Textbook page 32 TF 166 Support Pupil Activity TF 162 1 Pupil Sheet 25 Give pupils the first few terms of sequences for q1c) and q2. Extension Pupil Activity TF 162 1 Pupil Sheet 25 Ask pupils to use Resource Sheet 25 to investigate other number sequences. Can they create a display of the different circle patterns they find? NHM Unit Plan Matching Chart Textbook page 34 TF 166 Provide pupils with cubes to make models of the stacks of boxes instead of drawing them. Allow them to make models of the seventh and eighth stacks if necessary and so on until they are comfortable with the pattern. Textbook page 34 TF 166 Ask pupils to create a display describing square and triangular numbers and the relationships between them. Page 12 of 12 Dpwnloaded from www.myprimary .co.uk