NHM & the Unit Plans Matching Chart Year 4 Spring Term unit 1 – Ordering and rounding numbers Day 1 Multiply and divide an integer up to 1000 by 10 (whole number answers) and understand the effect. Begin to multiply by 100 Day 2 Read and write vocabulary of comparing and ordering numbers using symbols correctly including <, > and = Day 3 Round any positive integer less than 1000 to nearest 10 or 100 Main Teaching TF 218-220 TF 54-56 TF 72-74 Core Activities Textbook page 57 TF 221 Pupil Activities TF 55-56 1 Using < and > signs Textbook page 10 TF 76 NNF Objectives Day 4 Textbook page 6 TF 59 Support Textbook page 57 TF 221 Provide similar questions which involve the multiplication of twodigit multiples of ten by 10 and division of three-digit multiples of a hundred by 100. Pupil Activities TF 55-56 3 Ordering number cards Extension Textbook page 57 TF 221 Provide further questions which involve questions such as 230 x 10 and 8400 ÷ 100. Pupil Activities TF 55-56 2 < and > dominoes Play in pairs NHM Unit Plans Matching Chart – Written by Stef Sullivan Textbook page 10 TF 76 For each question ask the pupils to first write down the ten or hundred number either side of the given number onto a blank number line. They must then mark in the halfway point and their number on the number line and use this to help them decide whether to round up or down. Textbook page 10 TF 76 Ask pupils to write down five multiples of ten between 100 and 1000. Under each number they must write down four numbers that can be rounded up or down to that number and one that cannot. Once finished swap with a partner who has to identify the number that cannot be rounded in each case. Page 1 of 12 Downloaded from www.myprimary.co.uk f Day 5 NHM & the Unit Plans Matching Chart Year 4 Spring Term unit 2 – Addition and subtraction Day 2 Add or subtract the nearest multiple of 10, then adjust Day 3 Add or subtract the nearest multiple of 10, then adjust Day 4 Add or subtract the nearest multiple of 10, then adjust Day 5 Understand the principles (not the name) of the commutative and associative laws as they apply or not to addition and subtraction Partition into tens and units adding tens first Main Teaching TF 93-94 TF 123 TF 93-94 TF 123 TF 88-89 Core Activities Pupil Activity TF 94 1 Adding game using dice and cards Pupil Activities TF 124 1 Connection cards game (Resource Sheet 39) 2 Pupil Sheet 96 Template Textbook page 16 TF 96 Textbook page 25 TF 128 Support Pupil Activity TF 94 1 Adding game using dice and cards Label the die 11, 21, 31, 19, 29, 39 and provide a set of cards showing two-digit numbers less than 50. Pupil Activities TF 124 1 Connection cards game (Resource Sheet 39) 2 Pupil Sheet 96 Template Provide a 0 – 100 number line to help pupils find the answers Textbook page 16 TF 96 Textbook page 25 TF 128 Provide a 0 – 100 number line to help pupils find the answers Extension Pupil Activity TF 94 1 Adding game using dice and cards Provide cards with some three-digit numbers on. Pupil Activities TF 124 1 Connection cards game (Resource Sheet 39) 2 Pupil Sheet 96 Template Ask the pupils to create their own set of domino cards using pupil sheet 96 and swap with a friend to arrange. Textbook page 16 TF 96 Textbook page 25 TF 128 Ask pupils to design a poster explaining how to add or subtract near multiples of 10. NNF Objectives Day 1 Understand the principles (not the name) of the commutative and associative laws as they apply or not to addition and subtraction Add three or four small numbers finding pairs that total 10 Add three two-digit multiples of 10, such as 40 + 70 + 50 NHM Unit Plans Matching Chart – Written by Stef Sullivan Page 2 of 12 TF 95 TF 126-127 Textbook page 12 TF 91 Textbook page 17 TF 96 Textbook page 26 TF 128 Ask pupils to find the answers mentally. Textbook page 12 TF 91 Provide a 0 – 100 number line for support. Textbook page 26 TF 128 Provide pupils with a 0 – 100 number line for support. Allow them to make jottings to help them find each answer Textbook page 12 TF 91 Ask the pupils to answer all the questions mentally and time themselves to see how quickly they can find all the answers. Ask them to explain to each other how they found each answer. Textbook page 26 TF 128 Ask pupils to find the answers mentally. Give pupils a set of 0 – 100 cards. Ask them to select two cards and find the difference between them. Time themselves to see how quickly they can complete ten questions. Downloaded from www.myprimary.co.uk f NHM & the Unit Plans Matching Chart Year 4 Spring Term unit 3 – Written methods of addition and subtraction Day 1 Use informal pencil and paper methods to support, record or explain additions Day 2 Develop and refine written methods for column addition of two whole numbers less than 1000 Day 3 Develop and refine written methods for subtraction building on mental methods Day 4 Develop and refine written methods for column subtraction of two whole numbers less than 1000 Day 5 Develop and refine written methods for subtraction, building on mental methods including money Main Teaching TF 109-110 TF 113 TF 142-145 TF 142-145 TF 142-145 Core Activities Pupil Activity TF 110 Pupil Sheet 18 Expanded recording, least significant digits first Pupil Activity TF 113 1 Pupil Sheet 20 Template Pupil Activities TF 143-144 1 Pupil Sheet 27 Expanded recording, two-/three-digit numbers, exchanging 10 1 Pupil Sheet 29 Expanded recording, two-/three-digit numbers, exchanging 100 Pupil Activity TF 145 1 Pupil Sheet 28 Template Textbook page 34 TF 148 Pupil Activities TF 144 1 Pupil Sheet 29 Expanded recording, two-/three-digit numbers, exchanging 100 2 Pupil Sheet 28 Template Give further practise of exchanging a 10 or 100 if necessary before giving examples of doing both. Pupil Activity TF 145 1 Pupil Sheet 28 Template Give the pupils some similar questions and ask them to discuss in pairs ways in which they could make the calculations quicker, building on ideas from Day 1. Discuss their ideas as a group. Textbook page 34 TF 148 Read through the page as a group and decide what calculation is required for each question. Ask pupils to then work in pairs to find the answers using whatever method they are most comfortable with. NNF Objectives Textbook page 24 TF 114 Support Pupil Activity TF 110 Pupil Sheet 18 Expanded recording, least significant digits first Provide pupils with place value cards to make each question and support their calculations. Pupil Activities TF 113 1 Pupil Sheet 21 HTU + TU/HTU, bridging 100 Pupil Activities TF 143 1 Pupil Sheet 27 With the pupils as a group partition the numbers involved in each question before letting the pupils complete them independently. Extension Pupil Activity TF 110 Give pairs of pupils a set of threedigit place value cards. Shuffle each set of cards and take it in turns to pick cards to make two three-digit numbers. Add them together and record using the expanded vertical method. Extension Textbook page E3 TF 118 Pupil Activities TF 143-144 1 Pupil Sheet 27 1 Pupil Sheet 29 Give the pupils some similar questions and ask them to discuss in pairs ways in which they could make the calculations quicker. Discuss their ideas as a group. NHM Unit Plans Matching Chart – Written by Stef Sullivan Page 3 of 12 Textbook page 34 TF 148 On the board write the total to all the answers to the questions on the page. When pupils have finished ask them to use a calculator to find the total of all their answers. If the two do not match they must check through all their answers to find and correct their mistakes. Downloaded from www.myprimary.co.uk f NHM & the Unit Plans Matching Chart Year 4 Spring Term unit 4 – Measures – time, mass and area Main Teaching TF 343 Day 2 Suggest suitable units and measuring equipment to estimate or measure mass Record estimates and readings from scales to a suitable degree of accuracy TF 360-361 Core Activities Textbook p90 TF 343 Textbook pages 97-98 TF 362 NNF Objectives Day 1 Estimate and check times using seconds, minutes, hours Day 3 Know and use the relationship between familiar units of mass Know the equivalent of ¼, ½, ¾ and 1/10 of 1kg in grams Day 4 Measure and calculate the area of rectangles and other simple shapes, using counting methods and standard units (cm2) Day 5 Measure and calculate the perimeter and area of rectangles and other simple shapes, using counting methods and standard units (square centimetres) TF 358-359 TF 366-367 TF 366-367 Pupil Activity TF 359 1 Weighing and labelling containers Pupil Activities TF 367 1 Drawing shapes of given areas 2 Drawing shapes with an area of 6cm² Textbook page 99 TF 369 Pupil Activity TF 359 1 Weighing and labelling containers Provide containers which allow the pupils to say whether they are more than, less than or about ½ kg only. Pupil Activities TF 367 1 Drawing shapes of given areas Textbook page 99 TF 369 Provide a copy of the shapes on squared paper so that pupils can tick off squares as they count them. Pupil Activity TF 359 1 Weighing and labelling containers Write the words ‘about’, ‘lighter than’, ‘heavier than’, ‘between’, ‘1/4 kg’, ‘1/2 kg’ and ‘3/4 kg’ on the board. Give pupils the containers and ask them to weigh them and make up their own labels to describe each weight using the words suggested. Pupil Activities TF 367 1 Drawing shapes of given areas 2 Drawing shapes with an area of 6cm² Ask pupils to choose a number less than 20 and draw all the shapes they can with that area. Textbook page 99 TF 369 Ask pupils to draw all the rectangles they can with an area of 36cm2 and 18cm2. In a table ask them to record the length, width and area of each rectangle and discuss any patterns they notice Textbook page 95 TF 362 Support Textbook page 90 TF 343 Work with the pupils as a group to discuss questions 3 and 4, answering orally only Extension Textbook p90 TF 343 Ask the children to answer q4 again in the context of school, e.g. weeks the duration of a school term Textbook pages 97-98 TF 362 For p98, provide pupils with the same weights as Beth and some objects weighing the same as those in the questions. Ask the children to practically find out which combination of weights will balance each item. Textbook pages 97-98 TF 362 Extension Textbook page E19 TF 363 NHM Unit Plans Matching Chart – Written by Stef Sullivan Page 4 of 12 Downloaded from www.myprimary.co.uk f NHM & the Unit Plans Matching Chart Year 4 Spring Term unit 5 – Problem solving Day 1 Choose and use appropriate ways of calculating (mental, mental with jottings, pencil and paper) Check with an equivalent calculation Day 2 Choose and use appropriate number operations to solve problems Main Teaching TF 128 TF 139 Day 3 Choose and use appropriate number operations and appropriate ways of calculating (mental, mental with jottings, pencil and paper) to solve problems Explain methods and reasoning about numbers orally and in writing TF 362 Core Activities Textbook pages 27 TF 128 Ask pupils to design a poster explaining how to check addition and subtraction answers by using the inverse operation. Provide a set of questions for them to check and use as the basis of their poster. Textbook pages 27 TF 128 Textbook page 32 TF 139 Textbook page 98 TF 362 Textbook page 47 TF 176 Textbook page 32 TF 139 Work with the pupils as a group and decide together what calculations are needed for each question before asking pupils to find the answers independently Textbook page 47 TF176 Provide pupils with a multiplication square for support. Textbook pages 27 TF 128 Ask pupils to design a poster explaining how to check addition and subtraction answers by using the inverse operation Textbook page 32 TF 139 Ask pupils to make up problems similar to those in q4. swap with a partner to solve Textbook page 98 TF 362 Provide pupils with the same weights as Beth and some objects weighing the same as those in the questions. Ask the children to practically find out which combination of weights will balance each item. Textbook page 98 TF 362 Ask pupils to work in pairs and make up some word problems about mass. Swap with another pair to answer. NNF Objectives Support Extension NHM Unit Plans Matching Chart – Written by Stef Sullivan Page 5 of 12 Day 4 Choose and use appropriate number operations and appropriate ways of calculating (mental, mental with jottings, pencil and paper) to solve problems Explain methods and reasoning about numbers orally and in writing Day 5 Choose and use appropriate number operations and appropriate ways of calculating (mental, mental with jottings, pencil and paper) to solve problems Explain methods and reasoning about numbers orally and in writing TF 176 Textbook page 47 TF 176 Ask pupils to make up their own number puzzles and swap with a partner to solve. Downloaded from www.myprimary.co.uk f NHM & the Unit Plans Matching Chart Year 4 Spring Term unit 6 – Direction and angle NNF Objectives Day 1 Recognise positions and directions, e.g. describe and find the position of a point on a grid of squares where the lines are numbered Recognise simple examples of horizontal and vertical lines Day 2 Recognise positions and directions, e.g. describe and find the position of a point on a grid of squares where the lines are numbered Use the eight compass directions N, S, E, W, NE, NW, SE, SW Make and measure clockwise and anticlockwise turns, e.g. from SW to N TF 412-415 Day 3 Begin to know that angles are measured in degrees and that one whole turn is 360 degrees or four right angles, a quarter turn is 90 degrees or one right angles, half a right angle is 45 degrees Start to order a set of angles less than 180 degrees Main Teaching TF 411 Core Activities Textbook page 113 TF 417 Textbook pages 114-116 TF 417-418 Pupil Activity TF 417 1 Pupil Sheet 89 Comparing/ordering angles Textbook pages 117 TF 418 Support Textbook page 113 TF 417 Write the answers to the questions on card and ask the pupils to work in pairs to match the coordinates to the colours and vice-versa. Textbook pages 114-116 TF 417-418 Provide pupils with enlarged versions of the diagrams and toy people to position and move to help answer the questions. Extension Textbook page 113 TF 417 Ask pupils to draw their own grid of coloured dots and invent similar questions for a partner to solve. Textbook pages 114-116 TF 417-418 Ask pupils to draw their own maps containing treasure. They must then provide a set of instructions for a partner to locate the treasure. Pupil Activity TF 417 1 Pupil Sheet 89 Comparing/ordering angles Provide pupils with the angles on the sheet cut out of card. Remind pupils how they can be fitted over each other to help answer the questions. Pupil Activity TF 417 1 Pupil Sheet 89 Comparing/ordering angles Ask pupils to draw ten angles on a sheet of paper. Swap with a partner who must order them from smallest to largest. NHM Unit Plans Matching Chart – Written by Stef Sullivan Day 4 TF 416-417 Page 6 of 12 Downloaded from www.myprimary.co.uk f Day 5 NHM & the Unit Plans Matching Chart Year 4 Spring Term unit 7 – assessment week NHM Unit Plans Matching Chart – Written by Stef Sullivan Page 7 of 12 Downloaded from www.myprimary.co.uk f NHM & the Unit Plans Matching Chart Year 4 Spring Term unit 8 – Properties of numbers and reasoning about numbers Day 1 Recognise negative numbers in context, e.g. on a number line, on a temperature scale Day 2 Make and investigate a general statement about familiar numbers by finding examples that satisfy it Day 3 Make and investigate a general statement about familiar numbers by finding examples that satisfy it Main Teaching TF 317-320 TF 148 TF 148 Core Activities Pupil Activities TF 319 1 Ordering negative number cards 2 Using < or > with negative numbers Pupil Activity TF 320 1 Ordering temperatures Textbook page 81-82 TF 321 Pupil Activities TF 319 1 Ordering negative number cards Pupil Activity TF 320 1 Ordering temperatures Once the pupils have identified the below and above freezing point temperatures work with them as a group to order the cards. Textbook p37 TF 148 Textbook p37 TF 148 Ask pupils to come up with a general statement about what happens when the process in q4 is applied to any three-digit number. Can they explain what is happening? Textbook p37 TF 148 Q4-5 Pupil Activities TF 319 2 Using < or > with negative numbers 3 Pupil Sheet 71 Number lines with negative numbers Pupil Activity TF 320 1 Ordering temperatures On the board write a list of possible temperatures, e.g. ‘water when it boils’, ‘outside on a summer’s day’, ‘on the top of a mountain in the alps’ ‘inside a freezer’. Ask pupils to order them from coldest to hottest and suggest possible temperatures for each situation. Discuss their choices. Textbook p37 TF 148 Ask pupils to come up with a general statement about what happens when the process in q4 is applied to any three-digit number. Can they explain what is happening? NNF Objectives Support Extension Textbook p37 TF 148 Do q1-3 only NHM Unit Plans Matching Chart – Written by Stef Sullivan Day 4 Make and investigate a general statement about familiar numbers by finding examples that satisfy it Recognise and extend number sequences Day 5 Make and investigate a general statement about familiar numbers by finding examples that satisfy it Explain methods and reasoning Textbook p37 TF 148 What happens if you use four-digit numbers in q4? Page 8 of 12 Downloaded from www.myprimary.co.uk f NHM & the Unit Plans Matching Chart Year 4 Spring Term unit 9 – Multiplication and division NNF Objectives Day 1 Extend understanding of the operations of multiplication and division, and their relationship to each other and to addition and subtraction Main Teaching TF 216-217 Core Activities Textbook page 56 TF 220 Day 2 Derive quickly division facts corresponding to 2, 4, 5 and 10 times tables Find remainders after division. Divide a whole number of pounds by 2, 4, 5 or 10 to give pounds and pence TF 190-191 Day 3 Understand the principles (not the names) of the commutative and associative laws as they apply to multiplication Day 4 Use closely related facts. Use the distributive law to develop the 6 times table from the 2 and 4 times tables Multiply by 9 or 11, multiply by 10 and adjust Day 5 Use the distributive law and partitioning to multiply TU by U TF 175 TF 174-175 TF 171 Pupil Activities TF 192 1 Matching divisions and quotients Textbook pages 46 TF 175 Further teaching TF 174 Pupil Activity TF 171 1 Pupil Sheet 38 Beyond tables by 2, 3, 4 or 5 Textbook pages 49-50 TF 192 Support Textbook page 56 TF 220 For each question, provide the pupils with cards showing the numbers involved and the operations x, ÷ and =. For example, 42, 6, 7, x, ÷ and =. Ask them to work in pairs and arrange the cards to make true statements. Pupil Activities TF 192 2 Connection cards game Pupil Sheet 96 Template Textbook pages 46 TF 175 Decide as a group on the calculations needed to answer each word problem before asking pupils to find the answers. Further teaching TF 174 Work with the children as a group and record the calculations needed for each example then ask them to complete the questions independently Pupil Activity TF 171 1 Pupil Sheet 38 Beyond tables by 2, 3, 4 or 5 Work with the pupils as a group and complete the first section for each question together before pupils work independently. Extension Textbook page 56 TF 220 Ask pupils to come up with four sets of three connected numbers like those in q4 and swap with a partner to write numbers stories using them. Pupil Activities TF 192 Give each pair a set of the division cards to shuffle and share. On the table place face down a pile of three sets of the quotient cards. Pupils take it in turns to turn over a quotient card. If they have a matching division card in their hand then the pair of cards is placed in front of them. When all the pairs have been made the pupil with the most pairs wins. Textbook pages 46-47 TF 175 Ask pupils to make up their own word problems and swap with a partner to solve. Further teaching TF 174 Working in pairs, ask children to challenge each other to multiply numbers by 9 and 11. Check answers with a calculator and score a point for each correct answer Pupil Activity TF 171 1 Pupil Sheet 38 Beyond tables by 2, 3, 4 or 5 Provide pupils with a set of 20-100 cards and a spinner labelled 2,3,4,5. Pupils take it in turns to select a card and spin the spinner. They must multiple the two numbers together, recording their workings on paper. NHM Unit Plans Matching Chart – Written by Stef Sullivan Page 9 of 12 Downloaded from www.myprimary.co.uk f NHM & the Unit Plans Matching Chart Year 4 Spring Term unit 10 – Calculations and problem solving Day 1 Use informal pencil and paper methods to support, record or explain multiplications Approximate first Day 2 Use informal pencil and paper methods to support, record or explain divisions Approximate first Check with the inverse operations Day 3 Choose and use appropriate number operations to solve problems Main Teaching TF 178-179 Core Activities Support NNF Objectives Extension Approximate first Day 4 Choose and use appropriate number operations and appropriate ways of calculating to solve problems Day 5 Use all four operations to solve word problems involving numbers in ‘real life’ (including time) TF 223 TF 183 TF 148 TF 338-342 Pupil Activity TF 179 1 Pupil Sheet 40 Two-digit number by 2, 3, 4 or 5 Pupil Activity TF 223 1 Division of two-digit numbers Textbook page 48 TF 183 Textbook page 36 TF 148 Textbook pages 87-88 TF 342-343 Pupil Activity TF 179 1 Pupil Sheet 40 Two-digit number by 2, 3, 4 or 5 Work with the pupils as a group first to partition the numbers involved in each question and place them correctly on the grid. Pupil Activity TF 179 1 Pupil Sheet 40 Two-digit number by 2, 3, 4 or 5 Ask pupils to work in pairs and take it in turns to challenge each other to multiply a two-digit number by a single digit number using the ‘cross’ method. Pupil Activity TF 223 1 Division of two-digit numbers Ask children to work in pairs to answer the questions. They may use any method they choose and discuss how best to record their workings. Textbook page 48 TF 183 Read through the problems as a group and record the calculations required to answer each one before asking pupils to complete them independently Textbook pages 87-88 TF 342-343 Using a large analogue and digital clock face, work with the pupils selecting some questions from each page and use the clock to answer them orally. Pupil Activity TF 223 1 Division of two-digit numbers Ask children to check each answer with multiplication using a method of their choice Extension Textbook page E4 TF 186 Textbook page 36 TF 148 Read through the problems as a group and, through discussion, record the calculations required to answer each one before asking pupils to complete them independently Textbook page 36 TF 148 Ask pupils to make up their own word problems relating to the information on the page. Swap with a partner to solve. NHM Unit Plans Matching Chart – Written by Stef Sullivan Page 10 of 12 Extension Textbook page E15 TF 344 Downloaded from www.myprimary.co.uk f NHM & the Unit Plans Matching Chart Year 4 Spring Term unit 11 – Fractions and decimals NNF Objectives Day 1 Recognise simple fractions that are several parts of a whole Identify two simple fractions with a total of 1 Day 2 Recognise simple fractions that are several parts of a whole Recognise the equivalence of simple fractions Main Teaching TF 257-258 TF 265-266 Core Activities Pupil Activity TF 266 1 Pupil Sheet 60 Sixths Pupil Activity TF 266 1 Pupil Sheet 61 Eighths Day 3 Order simple fractions, for example, decide whether fractions are greater or less than one half Day 4 Understand decimal notation and place value for tenths Day 5 Understand decimal notation and place value for tenths and hundredths and use in context TF 266-268 TF 277-281 TF 238-239 Pupil Activities TF 268 1 Fraction pieces 2 Pupil Sheet 62 Equivalence Pupil Activities TF 278-279 1 Matching fractions and decimals 2 Fractions of shapes Pupil Activities TF 280 1 Matching fractions and decimals 2 Pupil Sheet 64 Notation for units and tenths Pupil Activities TF 239 2 Pupil Sheet 54 Pounds/pence and pence relationship Textbook page 69 TF 269 Support Extension Pupil Activity TF 266 1 Pupil Sheet 60 Sixths Pupil Activity TF 266 1 Pupil Sheet 61 Eighths Draw large versions of the shapes on the board and with the pupils as a group invite individuals to shade the required fraction. Provide further examples to attempt independently. Pupil Activity TF 266 1 Pupil Sheet 60 Sixths Pupil Activity TF 266 1 Pupil Sheet 61 Eighths Provide pupils with pictures of shapes sectioned into, e.g. 12, 16, 18 or 24 equal parts and ask them to shade a certain number of sixths/eighths. Pupil Activities TF 268 1 Fraction pieces Pupil Activities TF 268 1 Fraction pieces 2 Pupil Sheet 62 Equivalence Remove the second fraction in each question and copy the sheet. Ask pupils to fill in the equivalent fractions colouring only if necessary. NHM Unit Plans Matching Chart – Written by Stef Sullivan Page 11 of 12 Textbook page 70-71 TF 283 Pupil Activities TF 278-279 1 Matching fractions and decimals 2 Fractions of shapes Give pupils two different colours of cubes. 3 Pupil Sheet 63 Notation for tenths Pupil Activities TF 280 1 Matching fractions and decimals Match the picture cards with one other set of cards at a time. Pupil Activities TF 278-279 1 Matching fractions and decimals 2 Fractions of shapes Give pupils four different colours of cubes. Pupil Activities TF 280 1 Matching fractions and decimals Ask pupils to make up their own sets of cards. Swap with a partner to sort. 2 Pupil Sheet 64 Notation for units and tenths Pupil Activities TF 239 1 Matching pairs game Place the cards face up on the table and ask the pupils to find all the matching pairs. Pupil Activities TF 239 1 Matching pairs game relationship Downloaded from www.myprimary.co.uk f NHM & the Unit Plans Matching Chart Year 4 Spring Term unit 12 – Handling data Day 1 Solve a problem by interpreting data in graphs and charts, including those generated by a computer Day 2 Solve a problem by organising, representing and interpreting data in Venn diagrams Day 3 Solve a problem by organising, representing and interpreting data in Carroll diagrams Day 4 Solve a problem by organising, representing and interpreting data in Carroll diagrams Day 5 Solve a problem by organising, representing and interpreting data in Venn and Carroll diagrams Main Teaching TF 426 TF 435-436 TF 433-434 TF 433-434 TF 433-434 Core Activities Textbook page 120 TF 426 Pupil Activity TF 436 1 Pupil Sheet 95 Venn diagrams Textbook p123 TF 436 Pupil Activities TF 434 1 Sorting 2D shapes onto a Carroll diagram 3 Pupil Sheet 94 Carroll diagrams Pupil Activities TF 434 2 Sorting numbers onto a Carroll diagram Support Textbook page 120 TF 426 Work with the children as a group discussing the graph and answering the questions orally Pupil Activities TF 434 1 Sorting 2D shapes onto a Carroll diagram Pupil Activities TF 434 2 Sorting numbers onto a Carroll diagram Give the pupils labelled diagrams and a set of numbers less than 100. Extension Textbook page 120 TF 426 Ask pupils to conduct a class survey to find out the favourite holiday destinations of the children in the class. Pupil Activity TF 436 1 Pupil Sheet 95 Venn diagrams Put a large version of the Venn diagrams on the board and work with the pupils as a group deciding where each number should be placed. Pupil Activity TF 436 1 Pupil Sheet 95 Venn diagrams Give pupils a random set of 20 number cards labelled from 100 to 200. Ask them to create their own Venn diagrams sorting the numbers in ways of their choice. Textbook p122 TF 434 Ask the pupils to sort the class in a particular way – e.g. boy or girl and aged 8 or 9. Provide them with a labelled Carroll diagram to record their results. Textbook p122 TF 434 Pupil Activities TF 434 2 Sorting numbers onto a Carroll diagram Pupil Activities TF 434 3 Pupil Sheet 94 Carroll diagrams Ask pupils to draw their own Carroll diagram to sort the shapes in a different way. NNF Objectives NHM Unit Plans Matching Chart – Written by Stef Sullivan Page 12 of 12 Textbook p122 TF 434 Ask pupils to sort the class in a way of their choice and show their results on a Carroll diagram. E.g. ‘blond hair’ and ‘wears glasses’ Downloaded from www.myprimary.co.uk f