NHM & the Unit Plans Matching Chart Day 2 Round integers to the nearest 10, 100 or 1000 Day 3 Calculate a temperature rise or fall across 0oC Main Teaching TF 64-65 TF 259-260 Core Activities Textbook page 12 TF 67 Textbook page 78 TF 267 Support Textbook page 12 TF 67 For each question ask children to draw a number line labelling each end the 10, 100 or 1000 either side of the number. They can then decide where their number would go on the line and decide the 10/100/1000 it is nearest to. Textbook page 12 TF 67 Provide pupils with a set of four and five digit number cards. Ask them to select a card and write the number down then round it to the nearest 10/100/1000. Textbook page 78 TF 267 For q6 provide pupils with blank pictures of thermometers with labelled scales. Ask them to mark on the old and new temperatures and use the scales to answer the questions. NNF Objectives Extension Day 1 Use vocabulary of estimation and approximation Make and justify estimates of large numbers and estimate simple proportions Develop calculator skills and use a calculator effectively NHM Unit Plans Matching Chart – Written by Stef Sullivan Day 4 Day 5 Textbook page 78 TF 267 Provide pupils with newspaper cuttings showing the temperatures in cities around the world. Ask them to create a poster describing the differences in temperature between the different cities, e.g. ‘it is 13oC hotter in Rome than in London today’. Page 1 of 15 Downloaded from www.myprimary.co.uk f NHM & the Unit Plans Matching Chart Day 1 Know imperial units (pint, gallon) Solve word problems involving numbers and quantities based on measures Day 2 Know imperial unit (mile) Solve word problems involving numbers and quantities based on measures Day 3 Use units of time: read the time on a 24-hour digital clock and use 24hour clock notation, such as 19:53 Day 4 Use units of time; use 24-hour clock notation. Use timetables Main Teaching TF 326-327 TF 326-327 TF 294-295 TF 294-295 Core Activities Textbook page 102 TF 328 Textbook page 102 TF 328 Pupil Activity TF 295 1 Pupil Sheet 56 Textbook page 88 TF 296 NNF Objectives Day 5 Use all four operations to solve simple word problems involving numbers and quantities based on money and time, using one or more steps, including making simple conversions of pounds to foreign currency and finding simple percentages Template Pupil Activity TF 295 1 Pupil Sheet 57 Template Support Textbook page 102 TF 328 Before doing p102 work with the pupils as a group and make a conversion table for miles to km, ml to pints and gallons to litres. Ensure the tables go from 110miles, 1-5 pints and 1-10 gallons. Textbook page 102 TF 328 Before doing p102 work with the pupils as a group and make a conversion table for miles to km, ml to pints and gallons to litres. Ensure the tables go from 110miles, 1-5 pints and 1-10 gallons. Textbook p87 TF 296 Pupil Activity TF 295 1 Pupil Sheet 56 Template Provide pairs of pupils with a digital clock and show them how to use it to model each question and find the answer. Pupil Activity TF 295 1 Pupil Sheet 57 Textbook page 88 TF 296 Do orally as a group. For each question select pupils to model the problem using a digital clock and draw timelines to help the pupils find the answers. Template Extension Textbook page 102 TF 328 Ask pupils to design a poster explaining all the different Textbook page 102 TF 328 Ask pupils to design a poster explaining all the different NHM Unit Plans Matching Chart – Written by Stef Sullivan Provide pupils with a sheet showing each question on a time line. They can then jump from the start to finish time to find the duration. Pupil Activity TF 295 1 Pupil Sheet 56 Page 2 of 15 Textbook page 88 TF 296 Provide pupils with a local bus or train timetable. Ask them to make Downloaded from www.myprimary.co.uk f NHM & the Unit Plans Matching Chart measurement units they know. They must include examples of what it might be appropriate to measure with different units and any conversions they know. measurement units they know. They must include examples of what it might be appropriate to measure with different units and any conversions they know. Template up some questions similar to those on p88. Swap with a partner to solve. Provide pupils with two sets of cards, one showing times using 24hour notation and the other 50, 55, … 115 minute before and after statements, e.g. ‘55 minutes before’. Pupils take it in turns to set the clock for their partner who must then pick a card and say what the new time would be if the card’s instructions were followed. Pupil Activity TF 295 1 Pupil Sheet 57 Template Ask pupils to make up realistic stories to match each time duration, e.g. ‘Paul started running the race at 10.15 and finished at 11.05. It took him 50 minutes.’ NHM Unit Plans Matching Chart – Written by Stef Sullivan Page 3 of 15 Downloaded from www.myprimary.co.uk f NHM & the Unit Plans Matching Chart Day 1 Extend written methods to column addition of integers less than 10 000 Day 2 Extend written methods of addition to decimals with up to two decimal places Day 3 Extend written methods to column subtraction of integers less than 10 000 Day 4 Use column methods to subtract a pair of decimal fractions, both with one or both with two decimal places Main Teaching TF 90 TF 238 TF 121-122 TF 238 Core Activities Textbook page 23 TF 91 Textbook page 73 TF 238 Textbook pages 33-34 TF 123-124 Textbook page 73 TF 238 Support Textbook page 23 TF 91 Work with the pupils as a group and decide the calculations required to answer q1,2,3 and 5. Ask pupils to write down the calculations and then ask them to work out the answers independently using a method of their choice. Textbook page 73 TF 238 Provide pupils with a template for doing the calculations on which has the tens, units, tenths and hundredths columns clearly marked along with the decimal points. Pupils can then position their numbers on the template correctly and carry out the calculations. Textbook pages 33-34 TF 123-124 Work with the pupils as a group and decide the calculations required to answer q1 and 3. Ask pupils to write down the calculations and then ask them to work out the answers independently using an extended method if required. Textbook page 73 TF 238 Provide pupils with a template for doing the calculations on which has the tens, units, tenths and hundredths columns clearly marked along with the decimal points. Pupils can then position their numbers on the template correctly and carry out the calculations. Extension Textbook page 23 TF 91 Extension Textbook page E2 TF 95 Textbook page 73 TF 238 Give children a set of cards showing numbers with up to two decimal places. Ask them to pick three or four cards and find the total of the numbers Textbook pages 33-34 TF 123-124 Ask pupils to answer the questions on p34 without using a calculator. Can they make up their own puzzles to swap with a friend to solve? Textbook page 73 TF 238 Give children a set of cards showing numbers with up to two decimal places. Ask them to pick two cards and find the difference NNF Objectives NHM Unit Plans Matching Chart – Written by Stef Sullivan Page 4 of 15 Day 5 Choose and use appropriate number operations to solve problems, and appropriate ways of calculating Downloaded from www.myprimary.co.uk f NHM & the Unit Plans Matching Chart Day 1 Make and investigate a general statement about familiar numbers by finding examples that satisfy it Express a relationship orally and in writing Day 2 Make and investigate a general statement about familiar numbers by finding examples that satisfy it Express a relationship orally and in writing Day 3 Make a general statement about odd and even numbers and/or give examples that match them Day 4 Find all the factor pairs of numbers up to 100 Day 5 Recognise and explain patterns and relationships, generalise and predict Main Teaching TF 262 TF 262 TF 263 TF 265-267 TF 269 Core Activities Pupil Activities TF 262-263 2 Pupil Sheets 48 Grid patterns Give children more difficult patterns to look at, e.g. the sum of diagonals in a 3x3 square anywhere on the grid Pupil Activities TF 262-263 2 Pupil Sheets 48 Grid patterns Give children more difficult patterns to look at, e.g. the sum of diagonals in a 3x3 square anywhere on the grid Pupil Activities TF 262-263 4 Pupil Sheets 50 Textbook page 81 TF 268 NNF Objectives Support Pupil Activities TF 262-263 2 Pupil Sheets 48 Grid patterns Pupil Activities TF 262-263 2 Pupil Sheets 48 Grid patterns Odd and even numbers Ask children to write down general statements about what they have found Pupil Activities TF 262-263 4 Pupil Sheets 50 Odd and even numbers Extension Pupil Activities TF 262-263 2 Pupil Sheets 48 Grid patterns Pupil Activities TF 262-263 2 Pupil Sheets 48 Grid patterns Ask pupils to think of their own patterns to explore in the grids. Ask them to explain what they chose to look at and what they found. Ask pupils to think of Odd and even their own patterns to numbers Ask pupils to investigate other explore in the grids. additions and subtractions of three Ask them to explain or four odd and/or even numbers and come up with general what they chose to statements, e.g. what happens if look at and what they two even and one odd number are added together? found. NHM Unit Plans Matching Chart – Written by Stef Sullivan Pupil Activities TF 262-263 4 Pupil Sheets 50 Page 5 of 15 Textbook page 81 TF 268 Provide pupils with a multiplication table to support them in q1 and 2. For q3 Provide a copy of the Venn diagram and a set of 1-20 cards. Ask them to place the cards into the correct parts of the Venn diagram. Textbook page 81 TF 268 Extension Textbook pages E11-E12 TF 269-270 Extension Textbook pages E12 TF 269-270 Downloaded from www.myprimary.co.uk f NHM & the Unit Plans Matching Chart NNF Objectives Day 1 Begin to express a quotient as a fraction or as a decimal when dividing a whole number by 2, 4, 5 or 10p when dividing £ and p Day 2 Round up or down after division depending on the context Main Teaching TF 181-182 Core Activities Pupil Activity TF 182 1 Pupil Sheet 35 Rounding quotients to the nearest whole number Support Extension Day 3 Use all four operations to solve simple word problems involving numbers and quantities Choose and use appropriate number operations to solve problems Explain methods and reasoning Day 4 Use all four operations to solve simple word problems involving numbers and quantities Choose and use appropriate number operations to solve problems Explain methods and reasoning Day 5 Choose and use appropriate number operations to solve problems Explain methods and reasoning Textbook page 55 TF 184 Pupil Activity TF 182 1 Pupil Sheet 35 For each question provide pupils with a number line with the ends labelled with the two whole numbers the answer is between and split into tenths. Ask them to mark on the line the approximate position of their number and use the line to decide which whole number is nearest to. Extension Textbook pages E6 TF 187 NHM Unit Plans Matching Chart – Written by Stef Sullivan Page 6 of 15 Downloaded from www.myprimary.co.uk f NHM & the Unit Plans Matching Chart Day 1 Use the relationship between multiplication and division Day 2 Use known facts and place value to multiply and divide mentally Day 3 Extend written methods to short multiplication of HTU or U.t by U; long multiplication of TU by TU Day 4 Short division of HTU by U (with integer remainder) Main Teaching TF 175-176 TF 134 TF 152-153 TF 155 TF 180-181 Core Activities Textbook page 51 TF 176 Pupil Activity TF 135 1 Finding products Textbook page 36 TF 135 Pupil Activity TF 145 1 Pupil Sheet 20 By doubling and halving Textbook page 49 TF 171 Pupil Activity TF 153 1 Pupil Sheet 23 A three-digit number by a single digit, expanded → standard recording Pupil Activities TF 181 1 Pupil Sheet 33 Pupil Activity TF 135 1 Finding products Provide pupils with two sets of cards, set 1 containing multiples of ten, 50 or less and set 2 multiples of 100, 500 or less. Pupil Activity TF 145 1 Pupil Sheet 20 By doubling and halving Work with the pupils as a group and discuss how each question will be turned into a simpler calculation before pupils find the answers independently. Textbook page 49 TF 171 Work with the pupils as a group before they do the page independently. For q3, 6 and 9 discuss what multiplication fact they will use to solve each question. Write these facts on the board to support pupils. Pupil Activity TF 135 Pupil Activity TF 153 1 Pupil Sheet 23 A three-digit number by a single digit, expanded → standard recording Put the questions on the board and allow pupils to continue using the informal ‘cross’ method to find the answers. Pupil Activity TF 155 1 Pupil Sheet 25 A two-digit number by a two-digit number, standard recording (most significant digits first) Put the questions on the board and allow pupils to continue using the informal ‘cross’ method to find the answers. Pupil Activities TF 181 1 Pupil Sheet 33 Pupil Activity TF 153 Pupil Activities TF 181 NNF Objectives Support TF 145 TF 168-169 Textbook page 51 TF 176 Work with the pupils as a group through q1 showing the groups of four calculations on the board and discussing how to derive them from the one given. Ask the children to work in pairs to answer q2. Extension Textbook page 51 TF 176 NHM Unit Plans Matching Chart – Written by Stef Sullivan Textbook page 44 TF 156 Pupil Activity TF 155 1 Pupil Sheet 25 A two-digit number by a two-digit number, standard recording (most significant digits first) Page 7 of 15 Day 5 Choose and use appropriate number operations to solve problems By 2–9, three-digit quotients 2 Pupil Sheet 34 Template Textbook pages 53-54 TF 184 By 2–9, three-digit quotients Provide pupils with a tables square to support them in their calculations. Downloaded from www.myprimary.co.uk f NHM & the Unit Plans Matching Chart Provide pupils with a set of cards showing two-digit numbers. Ask them to pick two cards. They must then choose one other number to make a set of three numbers from which they must make two multiplications and two divisions. 1 Finding products Give pupils a stopwatch. Ask them to time how long it takes to do 5 questions. Ask them to do another 5 and see if they can beat their time. Pupil Activity TF 145 1 Pupil Sheet 20 By doubling and halving Provide pupils with two sets of cards, one showing multiples of 5 to 100, the other two-digit numbers. Ask pupils to pick a card from each set and multiply the two numbers together using a strategy of their choice. Textbook page 49 TF 171 Tell pupils that labels are priced at 3p per letter. Ask them to find the cost of a label for each of the people on the page. Ask them to find the cost of a label for their own address. How much would 100 labels cost? NHM Unit Plans Matching Chart – Written by Stef Sullivan 1 Pupil Sheet 23 A three-digit number by a single digit, expanded → standard recording Provide pairs of pupils with a set of three- and four-digit number cards, a 0-9 die and a calculator. Ask them to take it in turns to select a number and roll the die to see what the number must be multiplied by. They must find the answer using a method of their choice whilst their partner finds the answer using the calculator. Who is fastest? Textbook page 45 TF 156 Page 8 of 15 2 Pupil Sheet 34 Template Provide a mixture of questions on the board including some involving the division of a four-digit number by a single digit number and some which lead to remainders. Pupils must set the questions out themselves. Downloaded from www.myprimary.co.uk f NHM & the Unit Plans Matching Chart NNF Objectives Day 1 Relate fractions to division and use division to find simple fractions including tenths and hundredths of numbers and quantities Day 2 Relate fractions to their decimal representations Day 3 Relate fractions to division and their decimal representations Day 4 Express one half, one quarter, three quarters, and tenths and hundredths as percentages Day 5 Find simple percentages of small whole-number quantities TF 252 Main Teaching TF 203-207 TF 247-249 Core Activities Textbook page 59 TF 211 Pupil Activity TF 207 1 Fractions card game Pupil Activities TF 249 2 Percentage pelmanism Textbook pages 75-76 TF 250 Support Extension Textbook page 60 TF 211 Textbook page 59 TF 211 Provide pupils with a multiplication table to help them find their answers. Pupil Activity TF 207 1 Fractions card game Before pupils start discuss as a group what the ’unit’ fraction would be in the case of each card, e.g. for the card ‘2/3 of 9’, discuss what 1/3 of 9 would be. Write the answers on the board and encourage children to use this information to find out the answers to each fraction card Textbook page 59 TF 211 Ask pupils to prepare ‘who am I?’ questions for each other to solve. E.g. ‘1/9 of me is 7, who am I?’ Pupil Activity TF 207 1 Fractions card game For each answer card, ask children to create two more fraction cards. NHM Unit Plans Matching Chart – Written by Stef Sullivan Pupil Activities TF 249 1 Colouring in cubes Pupil Activities TF 249 2 Percentage pelmanism Shuffle the cards and place them face up on the table. Ask pupils to work in pairs to find the matching cards. When they have had sufficient practise they can do p76. Textbook pages 75-76 TF 250 Pupil Activities TF 249 2 Percentage pelmanism 3 Card game Textbook pages 75-76 TF 250 Page 9 of 15 Extension Textbook E10 TF 252 Downloaded from www.myprimary.co.uk f NHM & the Unit Plans Matching Chart NNF Objectives Main Teaching Day 1 Relate fractions to division and use division to find simple fractions, including tenths and hundredths of numbers and quantities Develop calculator skills and use a calculator effectively TF 204-205 Day 2 Find simple percentages of whole number quantities Develop calculator skills and use a calculator effectively Day 3 Relate fractions to division and use division to find simple fractions, including tenths and hundredths of numbers and quantities Find simple percentages of small whole-number quantities TF 252 Day 4 Solve simple problems involving ratio and proportion Day 5 Solve simple problems involving ratio and proportion TF 142 TF 142 Core Activities Textbook page 59 TF 211 Textbook p39 TF 142 Textbook p39 TF 142 Support Textbook page 59 TF 211 Provide pupils with a multiplication table to help them find their answers. Textbook p39 TF 142 Provide the pupils with different coloured cubes and show them how to model the questions to be able to find the answers. Textbook p39 TF 142 Provide the pupils with different coloured cubes and show them how to model the questions to be able to find the answers. Extension Textbook page 59 TF 211 Ask pupils to prepare ‘who am I?’ questions for each other to solve. E.g. ‘1/9 of me is 7, who am I?’ Textbook p39 TF 142 Ask pupils to make up their own ‘for every’ and ‘as many’ questions. Swap with a partner to solve. Textbook p39 TF 142 Ask pupils to make up their own ‘for every’ and ‘as many’ questions. Swap with a partner to solve. Extension textbook pE10 NHM Unit Plans Matching Chart – Written by Stef Sullivan Page 10 of 15 Downloaded from www.myprimary.co.uk f NHM & the Unit Plans Matching Chart Day 1 Discuss the language associated with chance and likelihood of particular events Day 2 Discuss the chance or likelihood of particular events Day 3 Collect and represent data on a bar chart and predict outcomes Find the same mode of a set of data Day 4 Solve a problem by representing and interpreting data in tables and graphs Day 5 Solve a problem by representing and interpreting data in tables, charts, graphs and diagrams Main Teaching TF 387-389 TF 387-389 TF 380-381 TF 380-381 TF 383-384 Core Activities Textbook page 123 TF 389 Ask pupils to make a poster showing a likelihood line labelled with some events of their choice. Pupil Activity TF 381 1 Pupil Sheet 72 Organising and interpreting Support Textbook page 123 TF 389 Give each pair of children a set of cards showing the events given on the page and a likelihood line labelled with the terms. Ask them to decide together where to place each event on the line. With the pupils as a group come up with ten statements about events that may or may not happen. Ask pupils to make a poster showing a likelihood line labelled with these statements. Extension Textbook page 123 TF 389 Ask pupils to make up two statements of their own for each category of chance. Give pairs of pupils two blank dice and some stickers to label the faces. Ask them to think of ‘games’ such as ‘the first person to throw three sixes wins’. They must then label the dice to show a fair game and an unfair game. Ask pupils to design a poster explaining some of the examples they thought of. Textbook page 122 TF 382 Ask pupils to carry out a study of the names of children in the class and design a poster showing the information they discover. They may choose to look at first names, middle names or surnames. They might consider the number of letters in a name or the letter a name starts with. Their posters could include tables of information, charts and facts such as modes and ranges. Textbook page 122 TF 382 Ask pupils to carry out a study of the names of children in the class and design a poster showing the information they discover. They may choose to look at first names, middle names or surnames. They might consider the number of letters in a name or the letter a name starts with. Their posters could include tables of information, charts and facts such as modes and ranges. Textbook page 122 TF 382 Ask pupils to carry out a study of the names of children in the class and design a poster showing the information they discover. They may choose to look at first names, middle names or surnames. They might consider the number of letters in a name or the letter a name starts with. Their posters could NNF Objectives NHM Unit Plans Matching Chart – Written by Stef Sullivan Page 11 of 15 Pupil Activity TF 381 1 Pupil Sheet 72 Organising and interpreting Ask pupils to work in pairs to complete the tally chart, taking it in turns to count the letters in a name, enter it on the chart and cross out the name. Pupil Activity TF 381 1 Pupil Sheet 72 Organising and interpreting Ask pupils to carry out a similar survey of girls’ names in their class. Extension textbook pE19-20 Downloaded from www.myprimary.co.uk f NHM & the Unit Plans Matching Chart include tables of information, charts and facts such as modes and ranges. NHM Unit Plans Matching Chart – Written by Stef Sullivan Page 12 of 15 Downloaded from www.myprimary.co.uk f NHM & the Unit Plans Matching Chart NNF Objectives Day 1 Solve mathematical problems or puzzles, recognise and explain patterns and relationships Day 2 Solve mathematical puzzles and problems Explain methods and reasoning Day 3 Solve problems and puzzles, recognise and explain patterns, relationships and reasoning Main Teaching TF 91 TF 239 Core Activities Textbook page 24 TF 91 Textbook page 74 TF 239 Support Textbook page 24 TF 91 Ask pupils to play in pairs against another pair. As a pair they can discuss how to find each answer using a calculator Textbook page 74 TF 239 Before asking pupils to complete the page, discuss the questions with the pupils as a group and agree on what calculations will be needed to solve each one. Extension Textbook page 24 TF 91 Ask pupils to find the answers without using a calculator. The calculator can then be used by another player to check the answer. Textbook page 74 TF 239 Extension Textbook page E9 TF 243 NHM Unit Plans Matching Chart – Written by Stef Sullivan Page 13 of 15 Day 4 Day 5 Downloaded from www.myprimary.co.uk f NHM & the Unit Plans Matching Chart NNF Objectives Day 1 Recognise where a shape will be after translation Make shapes with increasing accuracy Day 2 Make shapes with increasing accuracy Recognise reflective symmetry in regular polygons Make and investigate a general statement about familiar shapes by finding examples that satisfy it TF 340-341 Day 3 Recognise where a shape will be after reflection in a mirror line parallel to one side Suggest extensions asking ‘what if …?’ Day 4 Complete symmetrical patterns with a vertical and horizontal line of symmetry Day 5 Complete symmetrical patterns with a vertical or horizontal line of symmetry Suggest extensions asking ‘What if …?’ TF 341-342 TF 341-342 TF 341-342 Main Teaching TF 359-360 Core Activities Pupil Activity TF 360 1 Pupil Sheet 70 2D Shape: Template Suggest to the pupils which shape to use to begin the pattern on each strip. Textbook page 113 TF 369 Pupil Activity TF 360 1 Pupil Sheet 70 2D Shape: Template Give the pupils a template of a simple shape to start their strip pattern off with and an instruction for translation to follow, e.g. ‘translate the shape four units to the right’. Textbook page 107 TF 341 Pupil Activities TF 342 2 Drawing lines of symmetry Pupil Activities TF 342 3 Symmetrical patterns Textbook page 108 TF 343 Textbook page 107 TF 341 Provide pupils with a sheet with the shapes already drawn on. Let them use a mirror to help them find all the lines of symmetry. Pupil Activities TF 342 1 Pupil Sheet 67 Pupil Activities TF 342 2 Drawing lines of symmetry Textbook page 108 TF 343 Provide a sheet showing the designs but only one line of symmetry on each one. Ask pupils to complete them. Pupil Activity TF 360 1 Pupil Sheet 70 2D Shape: Template Textbook page 107 TF 341 Provide pupils with some other regular shapes to draw round, e.g. a decagon. Using what they noticed in q3 can they estimate how many lines of symmetry the shapes will have? Ask them to check their answers by drawing the lines. What about a rectangle? Textbook page 108 TF 343 Extension Textbook pages E16E18 TF 344 Extension Textbook pages E16E18 TF 344 Support Extension Symmetrical shapes Put the diagrams onto squared paper allowing the pupils to use the squares to help them sketch their reflections. NHM Unit Plans Matching Chart – Written by Stef Sullivan Pupil Activities 3 Symmetrical patterns Page 14 of 15 Downloaded from www.myprimary.co.uk f NHM & the Unit Plans Matching Chart Day 1 Use a protractor to measure and draw acute and obtuse angles to the nearest 5o Day 2 Recognise properties of rectangles Recognise perpendicular and parallel lines Make and investigate a general statement about familiar shapes by finding examples that satisfy it Main Teaching TF 367-368 Core Activities Textbook page 118 TF 370 NNF Objectives Q1 Day 4 Understand and calculate perimeters of rectangles and regular polygons Explain a generalised relationship in words Day 5 Recognise positions and directions: read and plot coordinates in the first quadrant Use understanding of calculating perimeters of rectangles TF 333-335 Day 3 Recognise properties of rectangles Measure and draw lines to the nearest millimetre Use a protractor to measure acute and obtuse angles to the nearest 5o Investigate a general statement by testing examples TF 334-335 TF 304-305 TF 357-359 Textbook page 104 TF 337 Textbook page 105 TF 337 Pupil Activity TF 335 1 Pupil Sheet 64 Pupil Activities TF 305 1 Pupil Sheet 58 Perimeter Textbook page 94 TF 307 Textbook page 112 TF 369 Pupil Activities TF 305 1 Pupil Sheet 58 Perimeter Work with pupils as a group and measure and label each section of each shape. Ask them to then work in pairs to find the perimeters. Textbook page 112 TF 369 Provide pupils with squared paper. Ask them to copy the axes and lines onto the paper and draw in the missing sides of the shapes or, in q2, the parallel lines. They can then read off the coordinates required. Pupil Activities TF 305 1 Pupil Sheet 58 Perimeter Extension Textbook page E13 TF 308 Textbook page 112 TF 369 On squared paper ask pupils to draw a set of axes and a simple picture, e.g. a robot face. They must then record all the coordinates that are at a vertex of the picture. Swap the coordinates with a partner who must follow them to recreate the picture. Diagonals Support Textbook page 118 TF 370 Q1 In q1 ask the pupils to work in pairs. Both children must measure the angle and compare measurements. They must agree a size before moving onto the next question. Extension Textbook page 118 TF 370 Q1 Provide cards with angles such as 32o, 57o. Ask pupils to pick a card and draw the angle using the protractor. Textbook page 104 TF 337 In q3 instead of answering a-d, give pupils a sheet with the shapes on and ask them to label any parallel or perpendicular lines on the shapes that they can spot. Textbook page 105 TF 337 Textbook page 104 TF 337 Ask pupils to make a poster describing examples of parallel and perpendicular lines in the classroom and outside world. Textbook page 105 TF 337 NHM Unit Plans Matching Chart – Written by Stef Sullivan Pupil Activity TF 335 1 Pupil Sheet 64 Diagonals On the sheet highlight the vertices on each shape with a coloured marker and remind pupils all diagonals must join up vertices so must start and end at a coloured point. Pupil Activity TF 335 1 Pupil Sheet 64 Diagonals Provide pairs of pupils with a set of other 2D shapes. For each one ask them to say how many diagonals there are without drawing them. They can then check their answer by drawing. Page 15 of 15 Downloaded from www.myprimary.co.uk f