NHM & the Unit Plans Matching Chart Day 1 Use the vocabulary of comparing and ordering numbers, including the symbols Day 2 Order a given set of positive and negative integers (e.g. on a number line, on a thermometer) Calculate a temperature rise or fall across 0oC Day 3 Solve a problem by representing and interpreting data in tables, charts and diagrams Main Teaching TF 48-50 TF 256-259 TF 259-260 Core Activities Pupil Activities TF 49-50 2 Ordering 7-digit numbers Resource Sheet 37 Pupil Activity TF 259 1 Pupil Sheet 47 Negative numbers Textbook page 78 TF 267 Support Textbook page 7 TF 52 Pupil Activities TF 49-50 1 Ordering 7-digit numbers Resource Sheet 37 Textbook page 77 TF 267 Pupil Activity TF 259 1 Pupil Sheet 47 Negative numbers Cut the sheet into strips showing each number line separately. Give pupils the separate lines and cards showing the missing numbers. Ask them to place the cards in the correct positions on the line. Pupil Activity TF 259 1 Pupil Sheet 47 Negative numbers Provide pupils with a set of cards showing negative numbers. They must select two or three cards and write down two true statements with the numbers and < and > signs. NNF Objectives Extension Pupil Activities TF 49-50 3 Inequality cards Resource Sheet 37 NHM Unit Plans Matching Chart – Written by Stef Sullivan Day 4 Day 5 Textbook page 78 TF 267 For q6 provide pupils with blank pictures of thermometers with labelled scales. Ask them to mark on the old and new temperatures and use the scales to answer the questions. Textbook page 78 TF 267 Provide pupils with newspaper cuttings showing the temperatures in cities around the world. Ask them to create a poster describing the differences in temperature between the different cities, e.g. ‘it is 13oC hotter in Rome than in London today’. Page 1 of 12 Downloaded from www.myprimary.co.uk NHM & the Unit Plans Matching Chart Day 1 Extend written methods to column addition of two integers less than 10 000 Day 2 Use column written methods to add two or more decimal numbers Day 3 Subtract whole numbers with up to four digits using a written column method Day 4 Find the difference between two decimal fractions with the same number of decimal places Main Teaching TF 90 TF 227 TF 121-122 TF 227-228 Core Activities Textbook page 23 TF 91 Textbook page 67 TF 229 Textbook page 33 TF 123-124 Textbook page 68 TF 229 Support Textbook page 23 TF 91 Work with the pupils as a group and decide the calculations required to answer q1,2,3 and 5. Ask pupils to write down the calculations and then ask them to work out the answers independently using a method of their choice. Textbook page 67 TF 229 Allow children to use an expanded written method to find the answers. Textbook page 33 TF 123-124 Work with the pupils as a group and decide the calculations required to answer q1 and 3. Ask pupils to write down the calculations and then ask them to work out the answers independently using an extended method if required. Textbook page 68 TF 229 Allow children to use an expanded written method to find the answers. Extension Textbook page 23 TF 91 Extension Textbook page E2 TF 95 Textbook page 67 TF 229 Provide pupils with a set of cards showing numbers to one decimal place less than 50. Ask them to pick three or four numbers and find their total. Textbook pages 33-34 TF 123-124 Textbook page 68 TF 229 Ask pupils to make up their own four names for aliens and their spaceships. They must then decide how long each spaceship is (lengths must be less than 100m and given to one decimal place) and make up clues to work out which alien owns which spaceship. Swap with a partner to solve. NNF Objectives NHM Unit Plans Matching Chart – Written by Stef Sullivan Page 2 of 12 Day 5 Use all four operations to solve simple word problems Downloaded from www.myprimary.co.uk NHM & the Unit Plans Matching Chart Day 1 Recognise and extend number sequences formed by counting on or back from any number in steps of constant size Day 2 Recognise and extend number sequences formed by counting on or back from any number in steps of constant size Day 3 Make and investigate a general statement about familiar numbers by finding examples that satisfy it Know and apply tests of divisibility by 2, 4, 5, 10 or 100 Main Teaching TF 262-263 TF 262-263 TF 169-170 TF 267 Core Activities Pupil Activities TF 262-263 1 Number sequences 2 Pupil Sheets 48 Grid patterns Textbook page 50 TF 171 Textbook page 79 TF 267 Support Pupil Activities TF 262-263 1 Number sequences Pupil Activities TF 262-263 3 Pupil Sheets 49 Patterns Ask pupils to make up their own patterns then ask similar questions about circles further on in the pattern. Pupil Activities TF 262-263 2 Pupil Sheets 48 Grid patterns Textbook page 50 TF 171 Ask the pupils to work through q1 a-c in pairs answering b and c orally. Discuss the pupils’ findings as a group before they complete the page independently. Extension Pupil Activities TF 262-263 1 Number sequences 2 Pupil Sheets 48 Grid patterns Ask pupils to think of their own patterns to explore in the grids. Ask them to explain what they chose to look at and what they found. Pupil Activities TF 262-263 3 Pupil Sheets 49 Patterns 4 Pupil Sheets 50 Odd and even numbers Textbook page 50 TF 171 Ask pupils to choose another single digit number and look to see if there is a way of easily finding out whether a number divides exactly by it. Textbook page 79 TF 267 After Pupils have completed q1 Ask them to generate similar sequences using a calculator. Each time they must write down the rule they chose to follow and the first six numbers in their sequence. When they have had further practice look at q2-5 as a group and discuss them orally. Textbook page 79 TF 267 Ask pupils to create their own sequences each with one incorrect term in them. Swap with a partner who must find the incorrect term and the rule for the sequence. NNF Objectives NHM Unit Plans Matching Chart – Written by Stef Sullivan Page 3 of 12 Day 4 Make and investigate a general statement about familiar numbers by finding examples that satisfy it Day 5 Recognise and extend number sequences Suggest extensions by asking ‘what if?’ Downloaded from www.myprimary.co.uk NHM & the Unit Plans Matching Chart NNF Objectives Day 1 Use factors as a strategy for mental multiplication Day 2 Solve simple word problems Begin to use brackets Day 3 Use all four operations to solve simple word problems Begin to use brackets Day 4 Check with the inverse operation when using a calculator Use all four operations to solve simple word problems Day 5 Solve problems Choose appropriate operations and methods Main Teaching TF 265-266 TF 112-113 TF 175-176 TF 239 Core Activities Pupil Activities TF 266 1 Pupil Sheet 51 Multiplication using factors Textbook page 30 TF114 Textbook page 52 TF 176 Textbook page 74 TF 239 Support Pupil Activities TF 266 1 Pupil Sheet 51 Multiplication using factors Go through each question with the children as a group and decide which factors to split each number into and complete the first line for each question. Then ask pupils to complete the sheet independently. Textbook page 30 TF 114 Textbook page 52 TF 176 Ask pupils to work in pairs and write down the multiplication needed to check each answer in q1. Discuss their decisions before they carry out the calculations. Textbook page 74 TF 239 With the children as a group read through each question and decide what calculations are required to find the answers. The children can then work in pairs to complete the page. Extension Pupil Activities TF 266 1 Pupil Sheet 51 Textbook page 30 TF114 Textbook page 52 TF 176 Ask pupils to create a poster explaining how answers can be checked using inverse operations giving examples involving word problems. Textbook page 74 TF 239 Ask children to make up their own problems using the data at the top of the page. Swap with a partner to solve. Multiplication using factors Textbook page 81 q4 NHM Unit Plans Matching Chart – Written by Stef Sullivan Page 4 of 12 Downloaded from www.myprimary.co.uk NHM & the Unit Plans Matching Chart NNF Objectives Day 1 Use closely related facts: multiplying by multiples of ten and adjusting Day 2 Use closely related facts for deriving multiplication and division facts Day 3 Use closely related facts (partitioning) and factors – when completing a mental multiplication Day 4 Use all four operations to solve simple word problems involving numbers and quantities Explain methods and reasoning orally and in writing Day 5 Use all four operations to solve simple word problems involving numbers and quantities Explain methods and reasoning orally and in writing Main Teaching TF 140-141 TF 265-266 TF 328 Core Activities Pupil Activities TF 141 1 Pupil Sheet 19 A teens number by 19, 21 2 Product game Pupil Activities TF 266 1 Pupil Sheet 51 Multiplication using factors Textbook page 103 TF 328 Pupil Activities TF 266 1 Pupil Sheet 51 Multiplication using factors Go through each question with the children as a group and decide which factors to split each number into and complete the first line for each question. Then ask pupils to complete the sheet independently. Textbook page 103 TF 328 Go through the questions with the children as a group and decide what calculations are needed to answer each question. The children can then complete the page independently. Pupil Activities TF 266 1 Pupil Sheet 51 Textbook pages 103 TF 328 Provide the children with a recipe book. Ask them to work together to decide on a menu for a meal for eight and work out what ingredients they would need for each item they would like to make. Support Extension Textbook page 41 Pupil Activities TF 141 1 Pupil Sheet 19 A teens number by 19, 21 Pupil Activities TF 141 2 Product game Give pupils number cards from 21 to 99 to select from. Multiplication using factors Textbook page 81 q4 NHM Unit Plans Matching Chart – Written by Stef Sullivan Page 5 of 12 Downloaded from www.myprimary.co.uk NHM & the Unit Plans Matching Chart Day 1 Relate fractions to division and use division to find simple fractions, including tenths and hundredths, of numbers and quantities Day 2 Relate fractions to division and use division to find simple fractions, including tenths and hundredths, of numbers and quantities Day 3 Order a set of fractions including mixed numbers and position on a number line. Day 4 Round a number with one or two decimal places to the nearest integer Day 5 Order a set of measurements Main Teaching TF 203-205 TF 205-207 TF 199-201 TF 222-223 TF 306 Core Activities Textbook page 59 TF 211 Pupil Activity TF 207 1 Fractions card game Textbook page 58 TF 201 Textbook page 63 TF 229 Textbook page 90 TF 306 Textbook page 58 TF 201 Provide pupils with the equivalent fractions chart (Resource Sheet 38) for support. Textbook page 63 TF 229 Provide pupils with appropriate number lines to support them. Textbook page 90 TF 306 Before doing the page give pupils two sets of cards, one showing measurements as decimals, e.g. 3.2m and the other as the matching fraction, e.g. 3 2/10 m. Ask pupils to spread the cards out face up on the table and work in pairs to find matching cards. Textbook page 58 TF 201 Provide pairs of pupils with a set of fraction cards and a set of cards showing < , > and =. Ask them to take it in turns to pick two fraction cards. They must then choose a comparison card and lay the three cards out to make a correct statement. Textbook page 63 TF 229 Provide pairs of pupils with a set of cards showing decimals and fractions less than 100 and a large blank 0-100 number line. Ask pupils to take it in turns to pick a card and estimate its position on the number line. As new cards are chosen pupils must discuss any changes that need to be made to previously positioned cards. Textbook page 90 TF 306 Work in groups and measure each pupil’s jump to the nearest cm. Record the measurements from shortest to longest. NNF Objectives Textbook page 60 TF 211 Support Textbook page 59 TF 211 Provide pupils with a multiplication table to help them find their answers. Extension Textbook page 59 TF 211 Ask pupils to prepare ‘who am I?’ questions for each other to solve. E.g. ‘1/9 of me is 7, who am I?’ Pupil Activity TF 207 1 Fractions card game Before pupils start discuss as a group what the ’unit’ fraction would be in the case of each card, e.g. for the card ‘2/3 of 9’, discuss what 1/3 of 9 would be. Write the answers on the board and encourage children to use this information to find out the answers to each fraction card. Pupil Activity TF 207 1 Fractions card game For each answer card, ask children to create two more fraction cards. NHM Unit Plans Matching Chart – Written by Stef Sullivan Page 6 of 12 Downloaded from www.myprimary.co.uk NHM & the Unit Plans Matching Chart Day 1 Recognise reflective symmetry in regular polygons Make and investigate a general statement about familiar shapes by finding examples that satisfy it Day 2 Complete symmetrical patterns with two lines of symmetry at right angles Day 3 Recognise perpendicular and parallel lines Day 4 Recognise positions and use coordinates Recognise perpendicular and parallel lines Main Teaching TF 340-341 TF 341-343 TF 333-334 TF 358-359 Core Activities Textbook page 107 TF 341 Pupil Activities TF 342 2 Drawing lines of symmetry 3 Symmetrical patterns Textbook page 104 TF 337 Textbook page 112 TF 369 Support Textbook page 107 TF 341 Provide pupils with a sheet with the shapes already drawn on. Let them use a mirror to help them find all the lines of symmetry. Pupil Activities TF 342 1 Pupil Sheet 67 Symmetrical shapes Put the diagrams onto squared paper allowing the pupils to use the squares to help them sketch their reflections. 2 Drawing lines of symmetry Textbook page 104 TF 337 In q3 instead of answering a-d, give pupils a sheet with the shapes on and ask them to label any parallel or perpendicular lines on the shapes that they can spot. Textbook page 112 TF 369 Provide pupils with squared paper. Ask them to copy the axes and lines onto the paper and draw in the missing sides of the shapes or, in q2, the parallel lines. They can then read off the coordinates required. Extension Textbook page 107 TF 341 Provide pupils with some other regular shapes to draw round, e.g. a decagon. Using what they noticed in q3 can they estimate how many lines of symmetry the shapes will have? Ask them to check their answers by drawing the lines. What about a rectangle? Pupil Activities 3, 4 and 5 Symmetrical patterns Textbook page 104 TF 337 Ask pupils to make a poster describing examples of parallel and perpendicular lines in the classroom and outside world. Textbook page 112 TF 369 On squared paper ask pupils to draw a set of axes and a simple picture, e.g. a robot face. They must then record all the coordinates that are at a vertex of the picture. Swap the coordinates with a partner who must follow them to recreate the picture. NNF Objectives NHM Unit Plans Matching Chart – Written by Stef Sullivan Page 7 of 12 Day 5 Visualise 3D shapes from 2D drawings Downloaded from www.myprimary.co.uk NHM & the Unit Plans Matching Chart Day 1 Understand and use angle measure in degrees Identify and estimate acute and obtuse angles Calculate angles in a straight line Day 2 Calculate angles in a straight line Use a protractor to measure and draw acute and obtuse angles to 5o Main Teaching TF 365-367 TF 367-368 Core Activities Textbook page 117 TF 370 Textbook page 118 TF 370 Provide pupils with cards labelled with different angles, e.g. 30o, 10o, 50o. Ask them to pick a card and draw the angle using a protractor. Support Textbook page 117 TF 370 Provide pupils with a piece of acetate with a right angle drawn on. This can be placed over each angle to decide whether they are smaller or larger than a right angle. Textbook page 117 TF 370 Provide pupils with cards labelled with different angles, e.g. 30o, 10o, 50o. Ask them to pick a card and using a ruler draw an angle that they think is roughly the size of that on the card. Textbook page 118 TF 370 In q1 ask the pupils to work in pairs. Both children must measure the angle and compare measurements. They must agree a size before moving onto the next question. Textbook page 118 TF 370 Ask pupils to use a protractor to measure the angles they drew the previous day. How close were their estimates? Provide further cards with angles such as 32o, 57o. Ask pupils to pick a card and draw the angle using the protractor. Provide pupils with a set of cards with angles drawn on them. In pairs they must pick a card and estimate the size of the angle. They can then use a protractor to see how close their estimate was. NNF Objectives Extension NHM Unit Plans Matching Chart – Written by Stef Sullivan Day 3 Calculate angles in a straight line Use a protractor to measure and draw acute and obtuse angles to 5o Day 4 Day 5 Ask pupils to create a poster that would describe to an alien what a protractor is used for and how to use it. Page 8 of 12 Downloaded from www.myprimary.co.uk NHM & the Unit Plans Matching Chart Day 1 Understand area measured in square centimetres Begin to understand the formula in words ‘length x breadth’ for the area of a rectangle Day 2 Understand area measured in square centimetres Understand and use the formula in words ‘length x breadth’ for the area of a rectangle Main Teaching TF 277-279 TF 280 Core Activities Pupil Activities TF 279 1 Rectangles 2 Pupil Sheet 53 Formula for a rectangle cm² Pupil Activities TF 280 1 Pupil Sheet 54 Irregular shapes by counting squares, cm² NNF Objectives Day 3 Understand, read and write standard metric units for mass, including their abbreviations (kg, g) and relationships between them Convert kg to g Record estimates and readings from scales to a suitable degree of accuracy TF 315-316 Day 4 Record estimates and readings from scales to a suitable degree of accuracy Day 5 Record estimates and readings from scales to a suitable degree of accuracy Suggest suitable units and measuring equipment to estimate or measure mass TF 312-313 TF 322-323 Pupil Activities TF 316 Pupil Activities TF 313 1 Pupil Sheets 59-61 Reading scales Textbook page 98 TF 324 Q1 only Textbook page 96 TF 317 3 Mosaics Textbook page 95 TF 317 Textbook page 82 TF 282 Support Extension Pupil Activities TF 279 1 Rectangles Provide an acetate with a cm square grid on. Let pupils use this to help find the length, breadth and area if necessary. Pupil Activities TF 279 2 Pupil Sheet 53 Formula for a rectangle cm² Textbook page 83 TF 282 Pupil Activities TF 280 1 Pupil Sheet 54 Irregular shapes by counting squares, cm² Ask pupils to count all the whole squares independently then work as a group to discuss how to count all the part squares. Pupil Activities TF 280 2 Approximate areas Ask pupils to draw all the shapes they can with an area of say 24cm2 NHM Unit Plans Matching Chart – Written by Stef Sullivan Pupil Activities TF 316 Ask the pupils to lay the shuffled cards face up on the table. They must then work in pairs to arrange them in matching pairs. Pupil Activities TF 313 1 Pupil Sheets 59-61 Reading scales 2 Labelled containers Textbook page 98 TF 324 Q1 only Support the children when measuring the capacities to ensure they are reading scales correctly. Pupil Activities TF 316 Ask the pupils to make another four pairs of cards showing matching weights of their choice. Add these to the original set and play the game again. Pupil Activities TF 313 1 Pupil Sheets 59-61 Reading scales 2 Labelled containers Before the children use the scales ask them to estimate how much sand/cubes are needed in each container. Ask them to use the scales to see how close they were and fill the containers accurately. Textbook page 98 TF 324 Page 9 of 12 Downloaded from www.myprimary.co.uk NHM & the Unit Plans Matching Chart Day 1 Solve a problem by representing and interpreting data in tally charts and bar charts Day 2 Solve a problem by representing and interpreting data in bar line charts where intermediate points have no meaning, including those generated by a computer Day 3 Solve a problem by representing and interpreting data in bar line charts where intermediate points may have meaning Day 4 Solve a problem by representing and interpreting data in bar line charts where intermediate points have meaning Day 5 Solve a problem by representing and interpreting data in bar line charts where intermediate points have meaning Main Teaching TF 376-377 TF 377-378 TF 383-384 TF 383-384 TF 383-384 Core Activities Textbook page 119 TF 382 Textbook page 120 TF 382 Support Textbook page 119 TF 382 Work with the pupils as a group and discuss how the bar chart in q4 should be drawn. Before working independently ensure each child has drawn and labelled the axes correctly and understands the scale they are going to use. Textbook page 119 TF 382 Ask pupils to make up some questions that could be answered using the bar chart. Swap with partners to answer. Textbook page 120 TF 382 Work with the pupils as a group and discuss how the bar line chart in q5 should be drawn. Before working independently ensure each child has drawn and labelled the axes correctly and understands the scale they are going to use. Textbook page 120 TF 382 Ask pupils to make up some questions that could be answered using the bar line chart. Swap with partners to answer. Extension Textbook pE19-20 Extension Textbook pE19-20 Extension Textbook pE19-20 NNF Objectives Extension NHM Unit Plans Matching Chart – Written by Stef Sullivan Page 10 of 12 Downloaded from www.myprimary.co.uk NHM & the Unit Plans Matching Chart NNF Objectives Day 1 Add or subtract the nearest multiple of 10, 100 or 1000, then adjust Day 2 Add several numbers Main Teaching TF 81-82 TF 102-103 TF 77-78 TF 85 TF 122-123 Core Activities Pupil Activity TF 82 1 Pupil Sheet 12 A three-digit number and a multiple/near multiple of 10, with bridging Textbook page 15 TF 78 Textbook page 20 TF Pupil Activity TF 123 1 Pupil Sheet 17 Written methods, complementary addition Textbook page 15 TF 78 For q3 and 5 discuss with the children as a group what calculations they will need to do before asking them to complete the page independently Textbook page 20 TF Ask pupils to work as pairs and write down the calculations they think should be carried out in each question avoiding finding the answer. Discuss and check their ideas then ask them to find the answers together discussing the best strategies to use in each case. Pupil Activity TF 123 1 Pupil Sheet 17 Written methods, complementary addition Give pupils the first two sections of the sheet to attempt. If they find this method useful give them further practice involving three-digit numbers only. Textbook page 20 TF For each week, ask pupils to find out how much was spent by the three snack bars in total on rent/heating/etc. Extension Textbook pages E3-E4 TF 127 Support Extension Textbook page 16 TF 86 Textbook page 25 TF 105 Pupil Activity TF 82 1 Pupil Sheet 12 A three-digit number and a multiple/near multiple of 10, with bridging Work with the pupils as a group and find the answer to the middle question in each case together. Then ask pupils to find the other answers alone using those already found. Textbook page 25 TF 105 Before pupils do the page decide as a group what calculation needs to be done for each question in q1 and 3. Allow pupils to draw blank number lines and use them to find the answers. Pupil Activity TF 82 1 Pupil Sheet 12 A three-digit number and a multiple/near multiple of 10, with bridging Provide pairs of pupils with a set of cards showing three-digit numbers and a set showing two-digit ‘near ten’ numbers, e.g. 79, 48, etc. Day 3 Add several numbers Use a variety of strategies for mental addition Solve mathematical problems or puzzles, recognise and explain patterns and relationships Textbook page 15 TF 78 Ask pupils to work in pairs. Each child takes it in turns to choose four two-digit numbers and challenges their partner to add the numbers together as quickly as they can. If their answer is correct (check with a calculator) they score a point. NHM Unit Plans Matching Chart – Written by Stef Sullivan Page 11 of 12 Day 4 Use informal pencil and paper methods to support, record or explain additions and subtractions Day 5 Choose and use appropriate ways of calculating: mental, mental with jottings, written methods Downloaded from www.myprimary.co.uk NHM & the Unit Plans Matching Chart Ask them to take turns to pick a card from each set and find the total of the two numbers mentally. Their partner could time them with a stopwatch and a list of the quickest times managed to solve a question recorded. Textbook page 25 TF 105 Give pairs of pupils two sets of cards, one with three-digit numbers on and the other with two-digit numbers on. Pupils take it in turns to turn a card over from each pile. Both pupils must find the difference between the two numbers. The person who says the correct answer first scores a point. NHM Unit Plans Matching Chart – Written by Stef Sullivan Page 12 of 12 Downloaded from www.myprimary.co.uk