NHM Mixed Age Planning Year 5 and Year 6 Summer Term Mixed Age Planning Year 5 & Year 6 Summer Term Unit Framework topic Place value, ordering and rounding Using a calculator 5 1 3 days Place value, ordering and rounding Using a calculator Objectives: children will be taught to… NHM Topic NHM Section Use the vocabulary of estimation and approximation. Make and justify estimates of large numbers, and estimate simple proportions such as one third, seven tenths. Round any integer up to 10000 to the nearest 10, 100 or 1000. Estimate by approximating (round to nearest 10 or 100), then check result. Develop calculator skills and use a calculator effectively. Multiply and divide [decimals] mentally by 10 or 100, and [integers] by 1000, and explain the effect. Use the vocabulary of estimation and approximation. Consolidate rounding an integer to the nearest 10, 100 or 1000. Numbers to Millions Estimating and rounding Place value Place value 6 Teaching File page Pupil Sheets Activity Book page 60-67 N.L. Shortcut 3 11 10-12 53-58 Number line, grid 2-3 3-4 Textbook page Home Activities Check-ups MATERIALS TOOLBOX 5 6 NHM Mixed Age Planning Page 1 of 75 4 1a, b 2 1 Extension Textbook page 22-23 E1 Downloaded from www.myprimary.co.uk Resource Sheets NHM Mixed Age Planning Year 5 and Year 6 Summer Term Week Day 1 Starter Year 5 Year 6 Tune-in TF 60-61 Train journey Revising estimation of a number from its position on a 0-100 number line 1 Washing line TF 61-63 Estimating numbers on 0-100, 0-200 and 0-50 lines Specific Starter for Place Value TF 9-12 Core Activities Textbook page 10 TF 67 Textbook page 3 TF 56 Support Textbook page 10 TF 67 Provide pupils with an acetate with lines which fit over the number lines on the page and are marked off into ten sections. Pupils can use this to make sensible estimates. Textbook page 10 TF 67 Ask pupils to draw some blank lines 10cm long and labelled 0 at one end and 1000 at the other. In pairs they must take it in turns to challenge their partner to estimate the position of a number on the line. Their partner must mark on their estimate. After several goes show the children how to use a ruler to see how accurate the estimates were. Follow-up for Textbook page 10 TF 67 Textbook page 3 TF 56 Provide pupils with place value notation cards for support. Main Teaching Extension Plenary Additional Resources Teacher Notes 3 Adding/Subtracting mentally multiples of powers of 10 TF 53 Textbook page 3 TF 56 Provide pupils with a set of cards showing seven- and eight-digit numbers and a set of cards showing numbers such as 4 000 000, 200 000, 30 000. Pupils must take a card from each set and increase then decrease the first number by the second amount. Follow-up for Textbook page 3 TF 56 Additional notes Extra Resources Review NHM Mixed Age Planning Page 2 of 75 Downloaded from www.myprimary.co.uk ICT NHM Mixed Age Planning Year 5 and Year 6 Summer Term Week Day 2 Starter Main Teaching Core Activities Support Extension Plenary Year 5 Year 6 Specific Starter for Numbers to millions TF 7-11 Specific Starter for Place Value TF 9-12 2 Revising rounding of three-digit numbers TF 63-64 4 Multiplying/Dividing mentally by 10, 100, 1000 TF 54 3 Introducing rounding of fourdigit numbers TF 64-65 Textbook pages 11-12 TF 67 Textbook pages 11-12 TF 67 For each question ask children to draw a number line labelling each end the 10 or 100 either side of the number. They can then decide where their number would go on the line and decide the 10/100 it is nearest to. Textbook pages 11-12 TF 67 Provide pupils with a set of four and five digit number cards. Ask them to select a card and write the number down then round it to the nearest 10/100/1000. Follow-up for Textbook pages 1112 TF 67 Additional Resources Teacher Notes Pupil Activities TF 55 1 Pupil Sheet 2 2 Pupil Sheet 3 Pupil Activities TF 55 1 Pupil Sheet 2 Ask pupils to work in pairs to lay out the dominoes in a pattern where connecting dominoes match. Pupil Activities TF 55 2 Pupil Sheet 3 Textbook page 4 TF 56 Discuss children’s work Additional notes Extra Resources Review NHM Mixed Age Planning Page 3 of 75 Downloaded from www.myprimary.co.uk ICT NHM Mixed Age Planning Year 5 and Year 6 Summer Term Week Day 3 Starter Year 5 Year 6 Specific Starter for Numbers to millions TF 7-11 Generic starter TF 2-9 Main Teaching 4 Rounding to find an approximate total/difference TF 65-66 Revision/Consolidation Core Activities Pupil Activity TF 66 1 Pupil Sheet 11 Approximating Textbook page 4 TF 56 Support Pupil Activity TF 66 1 Pupil Sheet 11 Approximating Write the numbers involved in the calculations on the board. Ask pupils to work in pairs and round them to the nearest 1000/100. Discuss the pupils’ answers then ask them to use them to complete the sheet. Pupil Activity TF 66 1 Pupil Sheet 11 Approximating On the board write some addition and subtraction statements involving four digit numbers, e.g. 5672 + 2439 = 8111. Give some with correct and some with incorrect answers. Ask pupils to estimate each answer by rounding the numbers and identify which are incorrect. Check-up 4 Topic Assessment 1a, b Textbook page 4 TF 56 Provide pupils with a place value notation grid for support. Extension Plenary Additional Resources Teacher Notes Extension Teaching 1 Introducing ancient Egyptian numbers TF 57 Extension Textbook page E1 TF 58 Follow-up for Textbook page 4 TF 56 Home Activity 2 Check-up 1 Additional notes Extra Resources NHM Mixed Age Planning Page 4 of 75 Downloaded from www.myprimary.co.uk ICT NHM Mixed Age Planning Year 5 and Year 6 Summer Term Week Day 4 Starter Year 5 Year 6 Additional Resources Teacher Notes Main Teaching Core Activities Support Extension Plenary Additional notes Extra Resources Review NHM Mixed Age Planning Page 5 of 75 Downloaded from www.myprimary.co.uk ICT NHM Mixed Age Planning Year 5 and Year 6 Summer Term Week Day 5 Starter Year 5 Year 6 Additional Resources Teacher Notes Main Teaching Core Activities Support Extension Plenary Additional notes Extra Resources Review NHM Mixed Age Planning Page 6 of 75 Downloaded from www.myprimary.co.uk ICT NHM Mixed Age Planning Year 5 and Year 6 Summer Term Mixed Age Planning Year 5 & Year 6 Summer Term Unit Framework topic 2 5 Understanding x and Mental calculation strategies (x and ) Pencil and paper procedures (x and ) Money and ‘real life’ problems Making decisions and checking results, including using a calculator Understanding x and Mental calculation strategies (x and ) 6 Pencil and paper procedures (x and ) Money and ‘real life’ problems Making decisions and checking results, including using a calculator Objectives: children will be taught to… NHM Topic NHM Section Understand the effect of and relationships between the four operations, and the principles (not the names) of the arithmetic laws as they apply to multiplication. Begin to use brackets. Use the relationship between multiplication and division. Use known facts and place value to multiply and divide mentally. Approximate first. Use informal pencil and paper methods to support, record or explain multiplications and divisions. Extend written methods to: short multiplication of HTU or U.t by U; long multiplication of TU by TU; Choose and use appropriate number operations to solve problems, and appropriate ways of calculating: mental, mental with jottings, written methods, calculator. Explain methods and reasoning, orally and in writing. Develop calculator skills and use a calculator effectively. Check with the inverse operation when using a calculator. Check with an equivalent calculation. Approximate first. Use informal pencil and paper methods to support, record or explain multiplications and divisions. Extend written methods to: short division of TU or HTU by U (mixed-number answer); division of HTU by TU (long division, whole-number answer); short division of numbers involving decimals. Multiplication Written methods of multiplication Division Division by two digits Teaching File page Pupil Sheets Activity Book page 150-157 M.F. Shortcut 1 22-25 144-155 21-24 Textbook page Home Activities Check-ups 44-46 4a, b E5 30-31 4a, b, c E4, E28-E29 MATERIALS TOOLBOX 5 Extension Textbook page 6 NHM Mixed Age Planning Page 7 of 75 Downloaded from www.myprimary.co.uk Resource Sheets NHM Mixed Age Planning Year 5 and Year 6 Summer Term Week Day 1 Starter Year 5 Year 6 Tune-in TF 150-151 Revising mental multiplication of a two-digit number by a single digit Tune-in TF 144 Linking Dividing mentally a three-digit multiple of 10 by a two-digit multiple of 10 1 Rounding then dividing TF 145 Mental division to find approximate quotients Main Teaching 1 The ‘Cross’ method TF 151 Multiplying a three-digit number by a single digit Core Activities Pupil Activity TF 152 1 Pupil Sheet 22 A three-digit number by a single digit, ‘cross’ method Pupil Activity TF 146 1 Pupil Sheet 21 Support Pupil Activity TF 152 1 Pupil Sheet 22 A three-digit number by a single digit, ‘cross’ method Work with the pupils as a group and complete the grid section of q37. Ask them to complete the questions independently. Pupil Activity TF 152 1 Pupil Sheet 22 A three-digit number by a single digit, ‘cross’ method Ask pupils to decide whether the method would work for multiplying four digit numbers or larger. Ask them to explain why they are sure it would work, giving examples of calculations to prove their thinking. Pupil Activity TF 146 1 Pupil Sheet 21 Discuss the questions in q3 with the pupils as a group and decide together what to round each number to before asking pupils to complete the questions independently. Discuss children’s work. Discuss children’s work Extension Plenary Additional notes Extra Resources Review NHM Mixed Age Planning Additional Resources Teacher Notes Pupil Activity TF 146 1 Pupil Sheet 21 Ask pupils to time themselves to see how long it takes to answer the questions in q3. Put a similar set of questions on the board, can they beat their time? Page 8 of 75 Downloaded from www.myprimary.co.uk ICT NHM Mixed Age Planning Year 5 and Year 6 Summer Term Week Day 2 Starter Main Teaching Core Activities Support Extension Plenary Year 5 Year 6 Specific Starter for Multiplication and Division TF 19-25 Specific Starter for Division TF 25-27 2 Developing a standard written method TF 152-153 Multiplying a three-digit number by a single digit Pupil Activity TF 153 1 Pupil Sheet 23 A three-digit number by a single digit, expanded → standard recording Textbook page 44 TF 156 Pupil Activity TF 153 1 Pupil Sheet 23 A three-digit number by a single digit, expanded → standard recording Put the questions on the board and allow pupils to continue using the informal ‘cross’ method to find the answers. Pupil Activity TF 153 1 Pupil Sheet 23 A three-digit number by a single digit, expanded → standard recording Provide pairs of pupils with a set of three- and four-digit number cards, a 0-9 die and a calculator. Ask them to take it in turns to select a number and roll the die to see what the number must be multiplied by. They must find the answer using a method of their choice whilst their partner finds the answer using the calculator. Who is fastest? Follow-up for Textbook page 44 TF 157 2 Dividing a three-digit number by a two-digit number, including remainders TF 146 Standard written method Pupil Activity TF 146 1 Pupil Sheet 22 NHM Mixed Age Planning Additional Resources Teacher Notes Pupil Activity TF 146 1 Pupil Sheet 22 Ask pupils to work in pairs. They must take it in turns to complete a question explaining to their partner what they are doing at each stage. If their partner disagrees with their work they must explain why and agree upon the correct calculations. Pupil Activity TF 146 1 Pupil Sheet 22 Ask pupils to look at the questions they have done and discuss with a partner how they could simplify the method. Provide them with some further examples of questions to try out their ideas. Ask them to explain to the group their ideas and why they work. Discuss children’s work Page 9 of 75 Downloaded from www.myprimary.co.uk ICT NHM Mixed Age Planning Year 5 and Year 6 Summer Term Additional notes Extra Resources Review NHM Mixed Age Planning Page 10 of 75 Downloaded from www.myprimary.co.uk NHM Mixed Age Planning Year 5 and Year 6 Summer Term Week Day 3 Starter Year 5 Year 6 Specific Starter for Multiplication and Division TF 19-25 Specific Starter for Division TF 25-27 Main Teaching 3 The ‘cross’ method TF 153-154 Multiplying a two-digit number by a two-digit number Core Activities Pupil Activity TF 154 1 Pupil Sheet 24 A two-digit number by a two-digit number, ‘cross’ method 3 Dividing a three-digit number by a two-digit number, including remainders TF 147 Shorter standard written method Pupil Activities TF 148 1 Pupil Sheet 23 2 Pupil Sheet 24 Support Pupil Activity TF 154 1 Pupil Sheet 24 A two-digit number by a two-digit number, ‘cross’ method Work with pupils together and complete the grid section of q3-5 before asking them to find the answers independently Pupil Activity TF 154 1 Pupil Sheet 24 A two-digit number by a two-digit number, ‘cross’ method Thinking about the previous lessons’ work ask pupils to work in pairs and discuss how they might be able to simplify the cross method to make a more efficient way of multiplying two two-digit numbers. Discuss their ideas as a group asking them to think of examples to explain their thoughts. Discuss children’s work. Extension Plenary Additional notes Extra Resources Review NHM Mixed Age Planning Additional Resources Teacher Notes Pupil Activities TF 148 1 Pupil Sheet 23 If necessary write the questions on the board and allow children to continue using the longer method that they are familiar with. Pupil Activities TF 148 1 Pupil Sheet 23 Textbook pages 30, 31 TF 148 Discuss children’s work Page 11 of 75 Downloaded from www.myprimary.co.uk ICT NHM Mixed Age Planning Year 5 and Year 6 Summer Term Week Day 4 Starter Year 5 Year 6 Specific Starter for Multiplication and Division TF 19-25 Generic starter TF 2-9 4 Introducing a standard written method TF 155 Multiplying a two-digit number by a two-digit number Pupil Activity TF 155 1 Pupil Sheet 25 A two-digit number by a two-digit number, standard recording (most significant digits first) Revision/Consolidation Textbook page 30 TF 148 Allow pupils to use the longer written method if they need to. Extension Pupil Activity TF 155 1 Pupil Sheet 25 A two-digit number by a two-digit number, standard recording (most significant digits first) Put the questions on the board and allow pupils to continue using the informal ‘cross’ method to find the answers. Textbook pages 45-46 TF 156 Plenary Discuss children’s work. Main Teaching Core Activities Support Additional Resources Teacher Notes Textbook page 30 TF 148 Extension Textbook page E4 TF 153 Follow-up for Textbook page 30 TF 149 Additional notes Extra Resources Review NHM Mixed Age Planning Page 12 of 75 Downloaded from www.myprimary.co.uk ICT NHM Mixed Age Planning Year 5 and Year 6 Summer Term Week Day 5 Starter Year 5 Year 6 Specific Starter for Multiplication and Division TF 19-25 Generic starter TF 2-9 Main Teaching Revision/Consolidation Revision/Consolidation Core Activities Textbook pages 45-46 TF 156 Textbook page 31 TF 148 Support Textbook pages 45-46 TF 156 Allow pupils to use an informal method such as the ‘cross’ method to find the answers to the questions. Extension Extension Textbook page E5 TF 155 Textbook page 31 TF 148 Allow pupils to use the longer written method if they need to. For q4, once pupils have completed their calculations discuss the questions with them together and decide on the correct answer to each one ensuring they are correctly interpreting the remainders. Extension Textbook pages E28E29 TF 154 Plenary Follow-up for Textbook pages 45-46 TF 157 Topic Assessment 4a, b Additional Resources Teacher Notes Follow-up for Textbook page 31 TF 149 Topic Assessment 4a, b, c Additional notes Extra Resources Review NHM Mixed Age Planning Page 13 of 75 Downloaded from www.myprimary.co.uk ICT NHM Mixed Age Planning Year 5 and Year 6 Summer Term Mixed Age Planning Year 5 & Year 6 Summer Term Unit Framework topic Understanding x and 3 5 Mental calculation strategies (x and ) Pencil and paper procedures (x and ) Money and ‘real life’ problems Making decisions and checking results, including using a calculator Understanding x and 6 Mental calculation strategies (x and ) Objectives: children will be taught to… NHM Topic NHM Section Begin to express a quotient as a fraction, or as a decimal when dividing a whole number by 2, 4, 5 or 10, or when dividing £.p. Round up or down after division, depending on the context. Use the relationship between multiplication and division. Use known facts and place value to multiply and divide mentally. Approximate first. Use informal pencil and paper methods to support, record or explain multiplications and divisions. Extend written methods to: short division of HTU by U (with integer remainder). Choose and use appropriate number operations to solve problems, and appropriate ways of calculating: mental, mental with jottings, written methods, calculator. Explain methods and reasoning, orally and in writing. Develop calculator skills and use a calculator effectively. Check with the inverse operation when using a calculator. Check with an equivalent calculation. Solve simple problems involving ratio and proportion. Understand percentage as the number of parts in every 100. Express simple fractions such as one half, one quarter, three quarters, one third, two thirds…, and tenths and hundredths as percentages. Find percentages of small whole-number quantities. Division Dividing three-digit numbers; remainders Fractions Ratio and proportion Percentages Percentages Pencil and paper procedures (x and ) Money and ‘real life’ problems Making decisions and checking results, including using a calculator Teaching File page Pupil Sheets Activity Book page 178-188 M.F. Shortcut 1 30-35 53-55 202-209, 260-274 Fractions tool 42 46, 63-67 Textbook page Home Activities Check-ups 16 5a, b E6-E7 6a,b; 8a, b E8-E9, E30 MATERIALS TOOLBOX 5 6 NHM Mixed Age Planning Page 14 of 75 22 Extension Textbook page 7-8 Downloaded from www.myprimary.co.uk Resource Sheets NHM Mixed Age Planning Year 5 and Year 6 Summer Term Week Day 1 Starter Year 5 Year 6 Tune-in TF 178 Multiplying and dividing Revising mental multiplication and division by 2–10 Tune-in TF 202 Unequal shares Revision of comparing ‘part to part’ Main Teaching 1 Division of three-digit numbers TF 179 Using an informal written method 1 Proportions TF 203 Introduction of comparing ‘part to whole’ Core Activities Pupil Activity TF 179 1 Division of three-digit numbers by single-digits Textbook page 46 TF 204 Support Pupil Activity TF 179 1 Division of three-digit numbers by single-digits Provide pupils with a tables square to support them in their calculations. Extension Pupil Activity TF 179 1 Division of three-digit numbers by single-digits Provide pairs of pupils with two sets of questions. Using a set each, pupils must independently find the answers. They must then swap their questions and answers with their partner who must check them using multiplication. Textbook page 46 TF 204 For q2 give children some true and false statements on cards for each path. Ask them to sort them into those which are true and those which are false. Discuss q3,4 and 5 with the children as a group and decide what calculations are needed to answer each question. Textbook page 46 TF 204 Plenary Discuss the different strategies children used. Additional Resources Teacher Notes Extension Teaching 1 Ratio TF 208 Extension Textbook pages E8-E9 TF 209 Follow-up for Textbook page 46 TF 205 Follow-up for Extension Textbook pages E8-E9 TF 209 Topic Assessment 6a, b NHM Mixed Age Planning Page 15 of 75 Downloaded from www.myprimary.co.uk ICT NHM Mixed Age Planning Year 5 and Year 6 Summer Term Additional notes Extra Resources Review NHM Mixed Age Planning Page 16 of 75 Downloaded from www.myprimary.co.uk NHM Mixed Age Planning Year 5 and Year 6 Summer Term Week Day 2 Starter Year 5 Year 6 Tune-in TF 178 Multiplying and dividing Revising mental multiplication and division by 2–10 Tune-in TF 260 Revising percentages 2 Division of three-digit numbers TF 180 Developing a standard written method, two-digit quotients Pupil Activities TF 180 1 Pupil Sheet 30 By 6–9, teens quotients 2 Pupil Sheet 32 By 2–9, two-digit quotients 1 Linking percentages and fractions TF 262 Support Pupil Activities TF 180 1 Pupil Sheet 30 By 6–9, teens quotients Extension Pupil Activities TF 180 3 Pupil Sheet 31 Template Provide a mixture of questions including some which will lead to remainders. Provide further questions on the board which pupils must set out for themselves. Ask children to explain the written methods they used. Textbook page 63 TF 269 Before children answer the questions look at each one as a group and agree on the number of segments in each diagram and the number which are coloured. Textbook page 63 TF 269 Put some fractions on the board, e.g. 3/5, 7/25. Ask pupils to convert them to percentages without the aid of a visual representation. Main Teaching Core Activities Plenary Additional Resources Teacher Notes Textbook page 63 TF 269 Follow-up for Textbook page 63 TF 270 Additional notes Extra Resources Review NHM Mixed Age Planning Page 17 of 75 Downloaded from www.myprimary.co.uk ICT NHM Mixed Age Planning Year 5 and Year 6 Summer Term Week Day 3 Starter Main Teaching Core Activities Support Extension Plenary Year 5 Year 6 Specific Starter for Multiplication or Division TF 19-25 Specific Starter for Percentages TF 40-41 3 Division of three-digit numbers TF 180 Developing a standard written method, three-digit quotients Pupil Activities TF 181 1 Pupil Sheet 33 By 2–9, three-digit quotients 2 Pupil Sheet 34 Template Textbook pages 53-54 TF 184 Pupil Activities TF 181 1 Pupil Sheet 33 By 2–9, three-digit quotients Provide pupils with a tables square to support them in their calculations. Pupil Activities TF 181 2 Pupil Sheet 34 Template Provide a mixture of questions on the board including some involving the division of a four-digit number by a single digit number and some which lead to remainders. Pupils must set the questions out themselves. Follow-up for Textbook pages 53-54 TF 184 2 Finding a percentage of a set/quantity TF 263 Additional Resources Teacher Notes Textbook page 64 TF 269 Textbook page 64 TF 269 For q4-6, discuss with the children as a group what calculations they must carry out to answer the questions. Textbook page 64 TF 269 Provide pupils with newspapers. Ask them to find examples of where percentages have been used. Can they create a poster showing and interpreting these examples? Follow-up for Textbook page 64 TF 270 Home Activity 22 Additional notes Extra Resources Review NHM Mixed Age Planning Page 18 of 75 Downloaded from www.myprimary.co.uk ICT NHM Mixed Age Planning Year 5 and Year 6 Summer Term Week Day 4 Starter Main Teaching Core Activities Support Extension Plenary Year 5 Year 6 Specific Starter for Multiplication or Division TF 19-25 Specific Starter for Percentages TF 40-41 4 Division using a calculator TF 181-182 Rounding the display to the nearest whole number Pupil Activity TF 182 1 Pupil Sheet 35 Rounding quotients to the nearest whole number 3 Finding a percentage of a set/quantity TF 265 Problems in context Textbook page 55 TF 184 Pupil Activity TF 182 1 Pupil Sheet 35 For each question provide pupils with a number line with the ends labelled with the two whole numbers the answer is between and split into tenths. Ask them to mark on the line the approximate position of their number and use the line to decide which whole number is nearest to. Extension Textbook pages E6 TF 187 Follow-up for Textbook page 55 TF 184 Additional Resources Teacher Notes Textbook page 65 TF 269 Textbook page 65 TF 269 Ask pupils to work in pairs. For each question they take it in turns to explain how they think they should find the answer. If their partner disagrees they must explain why and the pair must agree on an approach. Textbook page 65 TF 269 Ask pupils to continue with their newspaper posters. Follow-up for Textbook page 65 TF 270 Check-up 16 Topic Assessment 5a, b Additional notes Extra Resources Review NHM Mixed Age Planning Page 19 of 75 Downloaded from www.myprimary.co.uk ICT NHM Mixed Age Planning Year 5 and Year 6 Summer Term Week Day 5 Starter Main Teaching Core Activities Support Extension Plenary Year 5 Year 6 Specific Starter for Multiplication or Division TF 19-25 Specific Starter for Percentages TF 40-41 Further Teaching TF 182-183 1 Checking division Finding approximate answers 2 An alternative standard written method Using place value sharing On the board write some division questions. Ask pupils to find the approximate answers using a method of their choice. Discuss the different methods used. Ask pupils to find the exact answers to the questions and see how close their estimates were. Provide pupils with a set of cards showing three-digit numbers. Ask them to pick a card and round the number to the nearest 10 and 100 drawing blank number lines if necessary. When confident, ask them to look at the questions on the board and see if they can estimate the answers using rounding. 4 Comparing/ordering numbers involving percentages, fractions and decimals TF 267 Extension Textbook pages E7 TF 187 Ask pupils to compare some fiction books and see which have the most/least words in. Follow-up for Extension Textbook pages E6-E7 TF 187-188 Textbook pages 66-67 TF 269 Additional Resources Teacher Notes Textbook pages 66-67 TF 269 Textbook pages 66-67 TF 269 For p67, work with the children as a group. Discuss each question and decide on an appropriate strategy to find the answer. Give pupils time to then work out each answer for themselves before moving on to the next question. Extension Textbook page E30 TF 274 Follow-up for Textbook pages 6667 TF 271 Topic Assessment 8a, b Additional notes Extra Resources NHM Mixed Age Planning Page 20 of 75 Downloaded from www.myprimary.co.uk ICT NHM Mixed Age Planning Year 5 and Year 6 Summer Term Mixed Age Planning Year 5 & Year 6 Summer Term Unit Framework topic Fractions, decimals and percentages 4 5 Ratio and proportion Fractions, decimals and percentages Ratio and proportion 6 Objectives: children will be taught to… NHM Topic NHM Section Use decimal notation for tenths and hundredths. Know what each digit represents in a number with up to two decimal places. Order a set of numbers or measurements with the same number of decimal places. Round a number with one or two decimal places to the nearest integer. Relate fractions to their decimal representations: that is, recognise the equivalence between the decimal and fraction forms of one half, one quarter, three quarters and tenths and hundredths (e.g. 7/10 = 0.7, 27/100 = 0.27). Decimals Tenths Hundredths Round a number with two decimal place to the nearest tenth or to the nearest whole number. Begin to convert a fraction to a decimal using division. Recognise the equivalence between the decimal and fraction forms of one half, one quarter, three quarters, one eighth… and tenths, hundredths and thousandths Decimals Three-place decimals Teaching File page Pupil Sheets Activity Book page 227-240 N.L. Shortcut 4 43-44 67-71 32-34 59-62 Textbook page Home Activities Check-ups 21 E8 18 7a, b, c E11-E12 MATERIALS TOOLBOX 5 6 240-256 Number line NHM Mixed Age Planning Page 21 of 75 21 Extension Textbook page 42 Downloaded from www.myprimary.co.uk Resource Sheets NHM Mixed Age Planning Year 5 and Year 6 Summer Term Week Day 1 Starter Year 5 Year 6 Specific Starter for Decimals TF 29-32 Tune-in TF 240 Number lines Revising notation for one- and twoplace decimals Main Teaching 5 Using a standard written method for addition TF 227 1 Number line for thousandths TF 240 Core Activities Textbook page 67 TF 229 Additional Resources Teacher Notes Introducing notation for three-place decimals Pupil Activities TF 243 1 Pupil Sheet 33 Textbook page 59 TF 248 Support Textbook page 67 TF 229 Allow children to use an expanded written method to find the answers. Extension Textbook page 67 TF 229 Provide pupils with a set of cards showing numbers to one decimal place less than 50. Ask them to pick three or four numbers and find their total. Plenary Follow-up for Textbook page 67 TF 230 Pupil Activities TF 243 2 Pelmanism Provide pairs of pupils with the cards and ask them to work together to sort them into matching pairs. Pupil Activities TF 243 2 Pelmanism Follow-up for Textbook page 59 TF 249 Additional notes Extra Resources Review NHM Mixed Age Planning Page 22 of 75 Downloaded from www.myprimary.co.uk ICT NHM Mixed Age Planning Year 5 and Year 6 Summer Term Week Day 2 Starter Year 5 Year 6 Specific Starter for Decimals TF 29-32 Specific starter for Decimals TF 33-39 Main Teaching 6 Using a written method for subtraction TF 227-228 2 Comparing and ordering decimals TF 243 Core Activities Textbook page 68 TF 229 Pupil Activities TF 245 1 Hundredths/units card game 2 Find five decimals Support Textbook page 68 TF 229 Allow children to use an expanded written method to find the answers. Extension Textbook page 68 TF 229 Ask pupils to make up their own four names for aliens and their spaceships. They must then decide how long each spaceship is (lengths must be less than 100m and given to one decimal place) and make up clues to work out which alien owns which spaceship. Swap with a partner to solve. Follow-up for Textbook page 68 TF230 Plenary Additional Resources Teacher Notes Textbook page 60 TF 248 Pupil Activities TF 245 1 Hundredths/units card game Give children cards showing units and tenths to begin with and extend to hundredths and thousandths if the children are ready. Pupil Activities TF 245 2 Find five decimals Follow-up for Textbook page 60 TF 249 Check-up 21 Additional notes Extra Resources Review NHM Mixed Age Planning Page 23 of 75 Downloaded from www.myprimary.co.uk ICT NHM Mixed Age Planning Year 5 and Year 6 Summer Term Week Day 3 Starter Year 5 Year 6 Specific Starter for Decimals TF 29-32 Specific starter for Decimals TF 33-39 Main Teaching 7 Mental Multiplication of decimals TF 228 Core Activities Textbook page 69 TF 229 3 Rounding a three-place decimal TF 246 To the nearest tenth/first decimal place Pupil Activities TF 247 1 Pupil Sheet 34 2 Pupil Sheet 32 Support Textbook page 69 TF 229 Provide pupils with a table square to help them in their calculations. For q2 and 3 remind the pupils to multiply the units and tenths separately then add the answers. Extension Textbook page 69 TF 229 Extension Textbook page E8 TF 231 Additional Resources Teacher Notes Pupil Activities TF 247 1 Pupil Sheet 34 Work with the children as a group and agree upon the position of each number on the number line before asking them to round them. Provide pupils with similar number lines for q2. Pupil Activities TF 247 1 Pupil Sheet 34 Textbook page 61 TF 248 Plenary Follow-up for Textbook page 69 TF 231 Discuss children’s work Additional notes Extra Resources Review NHM Mixed Age Planning Page 24 of 75 Downloaded from www.myprimary.co.uk ICT NHM Mixed Age Planning Year 5 and Year 6 Summer Term Week Day 4 Starter Year 5 Year 6 Tune-in TF 232-233 Squares Revising hundredths of a shape Specific starter for Decimals TF 33-39 Main Teaching 1 Square and number lines TF 233-234 Introducing decimal notation for hundredths Core Activities Pupil Activities TF 234 1 Pupil Sheets 43 Template 2 Pupil Sheet 44 Hundredths, concept Textbook page 70 TF 237 Pupil Activities TF 234 1 Pupil Sheets 43 Template 4 Approximate sums and differences TF 247 Using three-place decimals rounded to the nearest whole number Textbook page 61 TF 248 Support Extension Pupil Activities TF 234 Additional Resources Teacher Notes Textbook page 61 TF 248 When rounding numbers, encourage children to draw a number line and position the number on it to assist them in rounding it. Textbook page 62 TF 248 2 Pupil Sheet 44 Hundredths, concept Provide pupils with a set of cards made up of matching pairs of numbers shown in fraction form and decimal fraction form, e.g. 23.56 and 23 56/100. Pupils can use the cards to play pelmanism. Plenary Follow-up for Textbook page 70 TF 239 Extension Teaching 1 Using a standard written method for adding three-place decimals TF 255 Extension Textbook page E11 TF 256 Follow-up for Textbook page 61 TF 250 Check-up 18 Topic Assessment 7a, b, c Additional notes Extra Resources NHM Mixed Age Planning Page 25 of 75 Downloaded from www.myprimary.co.uk ICT NHM Mixed Age Planning Year 5 and Year 6 Summer Term Week Day 5 Starter Year 5 Year 6 Specific Starter for Decimals TF 29-32 Generic starter TF 2-9 Main Teaching 2 Comparing and ordering decimals TF 235-236 Revision/consolidation Core Activities Pupil Activities TF 236-237 1 Decimals card game 2 Three-digit decimal game Textbook page 62 TF 248 Support Textbook page 71 TF 237 Pupil Activities TF 236-237 2 Three-digit decimal game Extension Plenary Pupil Activities TF 236-237 1 Decimals card game Ask pupils to play the game in pairs. Shuffle two sets of 0-9 cards and place them face down on the table. Add a ‘tens’ box to the baseboard. Having decided whether to aim for the largest or smallest number, players take it in turns to pick a card and put it on their board. When each player has placed four cards compare the numbers. Follow-up for Textbook page 71 TF 239 Additional Resources Teacher Notes Textbook page 62 TF 248 Work with the children as a group discussing each question and agreeing on answers orally only. See page notes TF 249 for further teaching support. 2 Using a standard written method for subtracting threeplace decimals TF 255 Extension Textbook page E12 TF 256 Follow-up for Textbook page 62 TF 250 Additional notes Extra Resources Review NHM Mixed Age Planning Page 26 of 75 Downloaded from www.myprimary.co.uk ICT NHM Mixed Age Planning Year 5 and Year 6 Summer Term Mixed Age Planning Year 5 & Year 6 Summer Term Unit Framework topic Fractions, decimals and percentages Ratio and proportion 5 5 Objectives: children will be taught to… NHM Topic NHM Section Use decimal notation for tenths and hundredths. Know what each digit represents in a number with up to two decimal places. Relate fractions to their decimal representations: that is, recognise the equivalence between the decimal and fraction forms of one half, one quarter, three quarters and tenths and hundredths (e.g. 7/10 = 0.7, 27/100 = 0.27). Begin to understand percentage as the number of parts in every 100, and find simple percentages of small whole-number quantities (e.g. 25% of £8). Express one half, one quarter, three quarters, and tenths and hundredths, as percentages (e.g. know that 3/4 = 75%). Decimals Hundredths Percentages Percentages 6 Teaching File page Pupil Sheets Activity Book page 237-243, 246-250 N.L. Shortcut 4 45-46 72-76 Textbook page Home Activities Check-ups 7a, b, 8 E9-E10 MATERIALS TOOLBOX 5 Extension Textbook page 30,55-57 6 NHM Mixed Age Planning Page 27 of 75 Downloaded from www.myprimary.co.uk Resource Sheets NHM Mixed Age Planning Year 5 and Year 6 Summer Term Week Day 1 Starter Year 5 3 Mental methods TF 237-238 Adding and subtracting three-digit decimals Core Activities Textbook page 72 TF 238 Support Textbook page 72 TF 238 Allow children to use informal jottings such as blank number lines to help them find the answers. Textbook page 72 TF 238 In q4b ask pupils to find all the different solutions to the square they can. Plenary Additional Resources Teacher Notes Specific Starter for Decimals TF 29-32 Main Teaching Extension Year 6 SATs Follow-up for Textbook page 72 TF 240 Additional notes Extra Resources Review NHM Mixed Age Planning Page 28 of 75 Downloaded from www.myprimary.co.uk ICT NHM Mixed Age Planning Year 5 and Year 6 Summer Term Week Day 2 Starter Year 5 4 Written methods TF 238 Adding and subtracting three-/fourdigit decimals Core Activities Textbook page 73-74 TF 238 Support Textbook page 73-74 TF 238 Provide pupils with a template for doing the calculations on which has the tens, units, tenths and hundredths columns clearly marked along with the decimal points. Pupils can then position their numbers on the template correctly and carry out the calculations. Textbook page 73-74 TF 238 Extension Textbook page E9 TF 243 Plenary Additional Resources Teacher Notes Specific Starter for Decimals TF 29-32 Main Teaching Extension Year 6 SATs Follow-up for Textbook pages 73-74 TF 240 Topic Assessment 7a, b Additional notes Extra Resources Review NHM Mixed Age Planning Page 29 of 75 Downloaded from www.myprimary.co.uk ICT NHM Mixed Age Planning Year 5 and Year 6 Summer Term Week Day 3 Starter Year 5 Year 6 Additional Resources Teacher Notes Tune-in TF 246-247 Revising hundredths Main Teaching 1 Introducing percentages TF 247-248 Core Activities Pupil Activities TF 249 1 Colouring in cubes Ask pupils to make their own strips using cubes of different colours and record the percentage of the strip which is each colour. Support Pupil Activities TF 249 4 Pupil Sheet 45 Concept 5 Pupil Sheet 46 Template Extension Pupil Activities TF 249 2 Percentage pelmanism 3 Card game Plenary Discuss children’s work SATs Additional notes Extra Resources Review NHM Mixed Age Planning Page 30 of 75 Downloaded from www.myprimary.co.uk ICT NHM Mixed Age Planning Year 5 and Year 6 Summer Term Week Day 4 Starter Year 5 Year 6 Additional Resources Teacher Notes Tune-in TF 246-247 Revising hundredths Main Teaching 1 Introducing percentages TF 247-248 Core Activities Pupil Activities TF 249 2 Percentage pelmanism 3 Card game Support Pupil Activities TF 249 1 Colouring in cubes Extension Pupil Activities TF 249 2 Percentage pelmanism 3 Card game Textbook pages 75-76 TF 250 Plenary Discuss children’s work SATs Additional notes Extra Resources Review NHM Mixed Age Planning Page 31 of 75 Downloaded from www.myprimary.co.uk ICT NHM Mixed Age Planning Year 5 and Year 6 Summer Term Week Day 5 Starter Year 5 Revision/Consolidation Core Activities Textbook pages 75-76 TF 250 Support Pupil Activities TF 249 2 Percentage pelmanism Shuffle the cards and place them face up on the table. Ask pupils to work in pairs to find the matching cards. When they have had sufficient practise they can do p76. Textbook pages 75-76 TF 250 Extension Textbook E10 TF 252 Plenary Additional Resources Teacher Notes Generic Starter TF 2-5 Main Teaching Extension Year 6 SATs Follow-up for Textbook pages 75-76 TF 250 Topic Assessment 8 Additional notes Extra Resources Review NHM Mixed Age Planning Page 32 of 75 Downloaded from www.myprimary.co.uk ICT NHM Mixed Age Planning Year 5 and Year 6 Summer Term Mixed Age Planning Year 5 & Year 6 Summer Term Unit Framework topic Handling data Using a calculator 5 6 8 days Handling data Using a calculator Shape and space Reasoning about shapes 6 Teaching File page Objectives: children will be taught to… NHM Topic NHM Section Solve a problem by representing and interpreting data in tables, charts, graphs and diagrams, including those generated by a computer, for example: bar line charts, vertical axis labelled in 2s, 5s, 10s, 20s or 100s, first where intermediate points have no meaning (e.g. scores on a dice rolled 50 times), then where they may have meaning (e.g. room temperature over time). Find the mode of a set of data. Use the language associated with probability to discuss events, including those with equally likely outcomes. Read and plot co-ordinates in all four quadrants. Recognise where a shape will be after reflection: in a mirror line touching the shape at a point (side of a shape not necessarily parallel or perpendicular to the mirror line); in two mirror lines at right angles (side of shape all parallel or perpendicular to the mirror line). Recognise where a shape will be after two translations. Recognise and estimate angles. Calculate angles in a triangle or around a point. Data Handling Using the Data Handling processes (cont.) Data handling Probability Shape Position, movement and angle Pupil Sheets Activity Book page Textbook page Home Activities Check-ups MATERIALS 383-386 TOOLBOX Extension Textbook page E19-E22 5 6 421-426, 383-395, 368 NHM Mixed Age Planning 55 Page 33 of 75 122-123, 106-107 E26-E27, E18-E21 Downloaded from www.myprimary.co.uk Resource Sheets NHM Mixed Age Planning Year 5 and Year 6 Summer Term Week Day 1 Starter Generic Starter TF 2-5 Tune-in TF 421 Likelihood Revision of impossible, certain, likely, unlikely Main Teaching Revise bar-line graphs from Autumn term unit 6 1 Probability line TF 422 Language of chance Core Activities Explain to children that they will be working in groups for this unit of work to design and carry out a survey involving their class or the children of the school. Discuss examples of research questions that could be investigated, e.g. ‘do boys do more exercise than girls?’, ‘how do children feel about the amount and type of homework they are set in a week?’ Put children in groups and ask them to come up with a research question. Textbook page 122 TF 425 Support On strips of paper write different research questions. Ask groups to choose a question that they would like to explore. Extension Explain to children that they will be looking at some other ways of representing data before they do their research. They must therefore be in groups with children who are all going to do the extension work. Discuss children’s work Textbook page 122 TF 425 For q3 provide children with a set of cards showing different events. Ask them to match them to each of the categories given. Textbook page 122 TF 425 Ask pupils to draw their own probability scale and think of various events to label it with. Plenary Year 5 Additional notes Extra Resources NHM Mixed Age Planning Year 6 Additional Resources Teacher Notes Follow-up for Textbook page 122 TF 425 Page 34 of 75 Downloaded from www.myprimary.co.uk ICT NHM Mixed Age Planning Year 5 and Year 6 Summer Term Week Day 2 Starter Main Teaching Core Activities Support Extension Plenary Year 5 Year 6 Generic Starter TF 2-5 Generic Starter TF 2-7 Revise methods of collecting data. In particular consider questionnaires and what makes successful questions. If possible introduce children to software packages appropriate for data collection and allow them to be used in the rest of the unit. Ask children to devise a method of collection for their research. This might be a questionnaire or a task that participants are going to do (for example children may want to look at how quickly a child’s heart rate returns to normal after exercise) Give children some templates for questionnaires say and ask them to complete them for their research. 2 Listing outcomes and describing their probabilities TF 423 1 Café visitors TF 383-384 Introducing line or trend graphs Extension Textbook page E19 TF 385 If time work on group research. Discuss children’s work Additional notes Extra Resources Review NHM Mixed Age Planning Additional Resources Teacher Notes Textbook page 123 TF 425 Textbook page 123 TF 425 Before children start, run through the terminology used on the page, e.g. ‘multiple’, ‘factor’, etc. For each one remind pupils of the meaning and write an explanation on the board for them to refer to when answering the questions. Textbook page 123 TF 425 Give pupils two 1-6 dice. Ask them to work out the probability of getting each total from 2-12 if both dice are rolled. Follow-up for Textbook page 123 TF 425 Page 35 of 75 Downloaded from www.myprimary.co.uk ICT NHM Mixed Age Planning Year 5 and Year 6 Summer Term Week Day 3 Starter Main Teaching Core Activities Support Year 5 Year 6 Generic Starter TF 2-5 Generic Starter TF 2-7 Discuss with children areas to consider when collecting data, e.g. timing, asking people to participate, how long they will need to be involved for, etc. Ask children to collect data. They should share the workload out amongst the group and be aware of the disturbances they are making to other children/classes. Ask children to collect data. Discuss with them how they can share the workload out amongst the group and be aware of the disturbances they are making to other children/classes. Revision/Consolidation Extension Introduce Extension Textbook page E20 TF 385 Extension Textbook page E20 TF 385 If time work on group research. Plenary Discuss children’s work Additional Resources Teacher Notes Ask pupils to create a poster showing a probability scale labelled with events they can think of fitting each stage of the scale. Ask pupils to create a poster showing a probability scale. Provide a set of cards showing different events and ask them to stick them on to their poster with arrows linking them to the appropriate part of the scale. Can they think of some of their own events to add? Extension Textbook page E26 TF 426 Discuss children’s work Additional notes Extra Resources Review NHM Mixed Age Planning Page 36 of 75 Downloaded from www.myprimary.co.uk ICT NHM Mixed Age Planning Year 5 and Year 6 Summer Term Week Day 4 Starter Generic Starter TF 2-5 Generic Starter TF 2-7 Main Teaching Revise databases from Autumn term unit 6 Revision/Consolidation Core Activities Allow children to carry on collecting data if necessary and start creating tables to represent the data they have collected. Give pairs of pupils two dice. They must roll the dice 50 times and find the total each time. In a table ask them to record how many times each total is made. Can they make statements about how likely it is to roll each total and why? Support Allow children to carry on collecting data if necessary and start creating tables to represent the data they have collected. If necessary provide templates of tables for children to complete. Extension 2 Ticket sales TF 384 Introducing the mean/average Extension Textbook page E21 TF 385 If time work on group research. Discuss children’s work Give pairs of pupils two dice. They must roll the dice 50 times and find the total each time. In a table ask them to record how many times each total is made. Discuss with the children how often each total appears. Can they suggest why some totals might appear more than others? Extension Textbook page E27 TF 426 Plenary Additional notes Extra Resources Review Year 5 NHM Mixed Age Planning Year 6 Additional Resources Teacher Notes Discuss children’s work Page 37 of 75 Downloaded from www.myprimary.co.uk ICT NHM Mixed Age Planning Year 5 and Year 6 Summer Term Week Day 5 Starter Generic Starter TF 2-5 Tune-in TF 383 Revising co-ordinates in the first quadrant Main Teaching Revise range and mode from Autumn term unit 6 1 Introducing co-ordinates in all four quadrants TF 384 Core Activities Ask children to complete tables representing their data and begin to analyse the information they have obtained. Textbook page 106 TF 394 Support Ask children to complete tables representing their data and begin to analyse the information they have obtained. Look at the tables of data with the children and ask questions about what they can see. Introduce Extension Textbook page E22 TF 385 Extension Textbook page E22 Textbook page 106 TF 394 Work with the children as a group deciding together the answers to each question. Extension Year 5 Year 6 Additional Resources Teacher Notes Pupil Activity TF 385 1 Pupil Sheet 55 TF 385 If time work on group research. Plenary Discuss children’s work Textbook page 106 TF 394 Follow-up for Textbook page 106 TF 395 Additional notes Extra Resources Review NHM Mixed Age Planning Page 38 of 75 Downloaded from www.myprimary.co.uk ICT NHM Mixed Age Planning Year 5 and Year 6 Summer Term Week Day 6 Starter Main Teaching Core Activities Support Extension Plenary Year 5 Year 6 Generic Starter TF 2-5 Generic Starter TF 2-9 Discuss the best ways of presenting data and the key features of graphs. Revision/consolidation Discuss how to use collected data to answer research questions. Ask children to prepare a presentation about the research they have carried out. This should include graphs as well as statements about what they did and what they have discovered, e.g. range and mode information and what their data tells them about their original question. Ask children to prepare a presentation about the research they have carried out. This should include graphs as well as statements about what they did and what they have discovered, e.g. range and mode information and what their data tells them about their original question. Provide pupils with a suggested format to follow when preparing their work. Ask pupils to carry out some research to look at their question. They must prepare a presentation and their work should include the new methods of analysing and presenting data that they have been introduced to. Look at children’s presentations. NHM Mixed Age Planning Additional Resources Teacher Notes Pupil Activity TF 385 1 Pupil Sheet 55 On a blank four-quadrant grid ask pupils to draw their own shapes and write instructions for recreating it by joining coordinates. Swap with a friend to reproduce the shape. Pupil Activity TF 385 1 Pupil Sheet 55 Extension Textbook page 18 TF 368 Discuss children’s work Page 39 of 75 Downloaded from www.myprimary.co.uk ICT NHM Mixed Age Planning Year 5 and Year 6 Summer Term Additional notes Extra Resources Review NHM Mixed Age Planning Page 40 of 75 Downloaded from www.myprimary.co.uk NHM Mixed Age Planning Year 5 and Year 6 Summer Term Week Day 7 Starter Main Teaching Core Activities Support Extension Plenary Year 5 Year 6 Generic Starter TF 2-5 Generic Starter TF 2-9 Discuss the best ways of presenting data and the key features of graphs. 2 Completing symmetrical shapes TF 385 On a four-quadrant co-ordinate grid Discuss how to use collected data to answer research questions. Ask children to prepare a presentation about the research they have carried out. This should include graphs as well as statements about what they did and what they have discovered, e.g. range and mode information and what their data tells them about their original question. Ask children to prepare a presentation about the research they have carried out. This should include graphs as well as statements about what they did and what they have discovered, e.g. range and mode information and what their data tells them about their original question. Provide pupils with a suggested format to follow when preparing their work. Ask pupils to carry out some research to look at their question. They must prepare a presentation and their work should include the new methods of analysing and presenting data that they have been introduced to. Look at children’s presentations. NHM Mixed Age Planning Additional Resources Teacher Notes Textbook page 107 TF 394 Textbook page 107 TF 394 Provide templates of each shape which pupils can use to find the reflections. Textbook page 107 TF 394 Extension Textbook page 19 TF 368 Follow-up for Textbook page 107 Page 41 of 75 Downloaded from www.myprimary.co.uk ICT NHM Mixed Age Planning Year 5 and Year 6 Summer Term TF 395 Additional notes Extra Resources Review NHM Mixed Age Planning Page 42 of 75 Downloaded from www.myprimary.co.uk NHM Mixed Age Planning Year 5 and Year 6 Summer Term Week Day 8 Starter Main Teaching Core Activities Support Extension Plenary Year 5 Year 6 Generic Starter TF 2-5 Generic Starter TF 2-9 Discuss the best ways of presenting data and the key features of graphs. Revision/consolidation Discuss how to use collected data to answer research questions. Ask children to prepare a presentation about the research they have carried out. This should include graphs as well as statements about what they did and what they have discovered, e.g. range and mode information and what their data tells them about their original question. Ask children to prepare a presentation about the research they have carried out. This should include graphs as well as statements about what they did and what they have discovered, e.g. range and mode information and what their data tells them about their original question. Provide pupils with a suggested format to follow when preparing their work. Ask pupils to carry out some research to look at their question. They must prepare a presentation and their work should include the new methods of analysing and presenting data that they have been introduced to. Look at children’s presentations. NHM Mixed Age Planning Additional Resources Teacher Notes On a blank four-quadrant grid ask pupils to draw their own shapes in one or two quadrants. Swap with a friend to reflect the shape into the remaining quadrants. Provide children with four-quadrant grids with simple shapes in one quadrant for the children to reflect. If necessary provide templates of each shape to support the pupils. Extension Textbook pages 20-21 TF 368 Discuss children’s work Page 43 of 75 Downloaded from www.myprimary.co.uk ICT NHM Mixed Age Planning Year 5 and Year 6 Summer Term Additional notes Extra Resources Review NHM Mixed Age Planning Page 44 of 75 Downloaded from www.myprimary.co.uk NHM Mixed Age Planning Year 5 and Year 6 Summer Term Mixed Age Planning Year 5 & Year 6 Summer Term Unit Framework topic Objectives: children will be taught to… NHM Topic NHM Section Shape and space Reasoning about shapes Recognise where a shape will be after reflection in a mirror line parallel to one side (sides not all parallel or perpendicular to the mirror line). Recognise where a shape will be after a translation. Recognise positions and directions: read and plot co-ordinates in the first quadrant; recognise perpendicular and parallel lines. Position, Movement and Angle Position, movement and angle Shape and space Reasoning about shapes Read and plot co-ordinates in all four quadrants. Recognise where a shape will be after reflection: in a mirror line touching the shape at a point (side of a shape not necessarily parallel or perpendicular to the mirror line); in two mirror lines at right angles (side of shape all parallel or perpendicular to the mirror line). Recognise where a shape will be after two translations. Recognise and estimate angles. Calculate angles in a triangle or around a point. Shape Position, movement and angle 5 8 6 Teaching File page Pupil Sheets Activity Book page 354-371 S.M. Shortcut 1 69-70 111-114 56 108-111 Textbook page Home Activities Check-ups 15a, b E22 MATERIALS TOOLBOX 5 6 387-398 Co-ordinate grid NHM Mixed Age Planning Page 45 of 75 Extension Textbook page 43-44, 49 Downloaded from www.myprimary.co.uk Resource Sheets NHM Mixed Age Planning Year 5 and Year 6 Summer Term Week Day 1 Starter Year 5 Year 6 Tune-in TF 354-355 Revising co-ordinates Generic Starter TF 2-7 Main Teaching 1 Completing Symmetrical Shapes TF 355-356 On a co-ordinate grid 3 Translating shapes TF 387 On a four-quadrant co-ordinate grid Core Activities Textbook page 111 TF 369 Textbook page 108 TF 394 Support Textbook page 111 TF 369 Provide pupils with squared paper. Ask them to copy the axes and shapes onto the paper and draw in the reflection. They can then read off the coordinates of the vertices. Textbook page 111 TF 369 Textbook page 108 TF 394 Provide pupils with a template of each shape already drawn onto tracing paper. Extension Ask pupils to draw their own axes and half shapes onto squared paper. Swap with a partner who has to list the coordinates of the vertices needed to complete the shapes then draw in the other half. Plenary Follow-up for Textbook page 111 TF 370 Additional Resources Teacher Notes Textbook page 108 TF 394 Ask pupils to answer each question mentally without using tracing paper. Follow-up for Textbook page 108 TF 395 Additional notes Extra Resources Review NHM Mixed Age Planning Page 46 of 75 Downloaded from www.myprimary.co.uk ICT NHM Mixed Age Planning Year 5 and Year 6 Summer Term Week Day 2 Starter Generic Starter TF 2-5 Generic Starter TF 2-7 Main Teaching 2 Drawing 2D Shapes TF 357 On a co-ordinate grid 4 Rotating shapes TF 389 On a four-quadrant co-ordinate grid Core Activities Pupil Activity TF 357 1 Pupil Sheet 69 Co-ordinates Textbook page 109 TF 395 Support Textbook page 109 TF 395 Provide pupils with a template of each shape already drawn onto tracing paper. Extension Pupil Activity TF 357 1 Pupil Sheet 69 Co-ordinates Provide pupils with sheets giving a separate set of axes for each shape to be drawn. Pupil Activity TF 357 1 Pupil Sheet 69 Co-ordinates Ask pupils to write their own lists of coordinates which if followed would make a shape. Swap with a partner who has to follow the instructions to draw the shape. Plenary Discuss children’s work Follow-up for Textbook page 109 TF 396 Year 5 Year 6 Additional Resources Teacher Notes Textbook page 109 TF 395 Ask pupils to come up with general statements about where a shape ends up after a given rotation, e.g. ‘a rotation of 900 clockwise will make the shape end up in an adjacent quadrant’ Additional notes Extra Resources Review NHM Mixed Age Planning Page 47 of 75 Downloaded from www.myprimary.co.uk ICT NHM Mixed Age Planning Year 5 and Year 6 Summer Term Week Day 3 Starter Main Teaching Year 5 Year 6 Generic Starter TF 2-5 Generic Starter TF 2-7 3 Completing 2D shapes, drawing parallel lines TF 358359 5 Naming, estimating, measuring and drawing angles TF 391 Introducing reflex angles Additional Resources Teacher Notes On a co-ordinate grid Core Activities Textbook page 112 TF 369 Textbook page 110 TF 395 Support Textbook page 112 TF 369 Provide pupils with squared paper. Ask them to copy the axes and lines onto the paper and draw in the missing sides of the shapes or, in q2, the parallel lines. They can then read off the coordinates required. Textbook page 112 TF 369 On squared paper ask pupils to draw a set of axes and a simple picture, e.g. a robot face. They must then record all the coordinates that are at a vertex of the picture. Swap the coordinates with a partner who must follow them to recreate the picture. Follow-up for Textbook page 112 TF 370 Textbook page 110 TF 395 Ask pupils to work in pairs. They must both measure each angle and agree on a measurement before moving onto the next question. Extension Plenary Textbook page 110 TF 395 Ask pupils to draw a picture made of straight lines. Wherever an angle appears on their picture they must measure and label it. Follow-up for Textbook page 110 TF 396 Additional notes Extra Resources Review NHM Mixed Age Planning Page 48 of 75 Downloaded from www.myprimary.co.uk ICT NHM Mixed Age Planning Year 5 and Year 6 Summer Term Week Day 4 Starter Generic Starter TF 2-5 Generic Starter TF 2-7 Main Teaching 4 Translating shapes TF 359-360 On a squared grid Revision/consolidation Core Activities Pupil Activity TF 360 1 Pupil Sheet 70 2D Shape: Template Suggest to the pupils which shape to use to begin the pattern on each strip. Textbook page 113 TF 369 Pupil Activity TF 360 1 Pupil Sheet 70 2D Shape: Template Give the pupils a template of a simple shape to start their strip pattern off with and an instruction for translation to follow, e.g. ‘translate the shape four units to the right’. Pupil Activity TF 360 1 Pupil Sheet 70 2D Shape: Template Provide pupils with a set of cards showing angle measurements on, e.g. 360 or drawings of angles on. Children must pick a card and either measure the angle or draw the matching angle. Follow-up for Textbook page 113 TF 371 Discuss children’s work Support Extension Plenary Year 5 Year 6 Additional Resources Teacher Notes Provide pupils with a set of cards showing drawings of angles on. Children must pick a card and measure the angle. When they are confident in measuring angles provide practice of drawing them. Ask pupils to continue with their angle pictures. Can they label the type of each angle as well as its size? Additional notes Extra Resources Review NHM Mixed Age Planning Page 49 of 75 Downloaded from www.myprimary.co.uk ICT NHM Mixed Age Planning Year 5 and Year 6 Summer Term Week Day 5 Starter Generic Starter TF 2-5 Generic Starter TF 2-7 Main Teaching 5 Translating shapes TF 360-362 On a co-ordinate grid 6 Calculating angles TF 393 Core Activities Textbook page 114 TF 369 Textbook page 111 TF 395 Support Textbook page 114 TF 369 Copy the pictures onto squared paper for the children and ask them to draw the translated shapes onto the paper. Textbook page 111 TF 395 Before children start discuss as a group the total of the angles of a triangle and those in a complete turn and record statements on the board for children to refer to. Extension Textbook page 114 TF 369 Ask pupils to draw a large set of axes onto squared paper. Starting at one corner ask them to draw a shape and then decide on a translation to create a pattern going across the page. Textbook page 111 TF 395 Follow-up for Textbook page 114 TF 371 Follow-up for Textbook page 111 TF 396 Plenary Year 5 Year 6 Additional Resources Teacher Notes Extension Textbook page E22 TF 398 Topic Assessment 15a, b Additional notes Extra Resources Review NHM Mixed Age Planning Page 50 of 75 Downloaded from www.myprimary.co.uk ICT NHM Mixed Age Planning Year 5 and Year 6 Summer Term Mixed Age Planning Year 5 & Year 6 Summer Term Unit Framework topic Objectives: children will be taught to… NHM Topic NHM Section Shape and space Reasoning about shapes Recognise positions and directions: recognise perpendicular and parallel lines. Understand and use angle measure in degrees. Identify, estimate and order acute and obtuse angles. Use a protractor to measure and draw acute and obtuse angles to the nearest 5°. Calculate angles in a straight line. Position, Movement and Angle Position, movement and angle Measures, including problems Use, read and write standard metric units (km, m, cm, mm, kg, g, l, ml, cl), including their abbreviations, and relationships between them. Convert smaller to larger units (e.g. m to km, cm or mm to m, g to kg, ml to l) and vice versa. Know imperial units (mile, pint, gallon, lb, oz). Know rough equivalents of lb and kg, oz and g, miles and km, litres and pints or gallons Measure Weight 5 9 6 Teaching File page Pupil Sheets Activity Book page 362-371 S.M. Shortcut 1 71 115-118 278-284 43-44 68-70 Textbook page Home Activities MATERIALS TOOLBOX 5 Check-ups Extension Textbook page 45, 50 9 6 NHM Mixed Age Planning Page 51 of 75 Resource Sheets Downloaded from www.myprimary.co.uk NHM Mixed Age Planning Year 5 and Year 6 Summer Term Week Day 1 Starter Generic Starter TF 2-5 Tune-in TF 278 Reading scales Revision of scales marked in 10 g, 20 g, 50 g, 100 g divisions Main Teaching 6 Turns in multiples of 45˚, 30˚ TF 362-363 1 Reading scales to the nearest 100 g, 0.1 kg TF 279 Core Activities Textbook page 115 TF 369 Pupil Activities TF 280 1 Weighing familiar objects 2 Pupil Sheet 43 3 Pupil Sheet 44 Support Textbook page 115 TF 369 Discuss with the children how many degrees each section on the temperature gauge and on the clock is worth. Provide them with a card gauge and clock on which they can move the pointer through the required turn. Textbook page 115 TF 369 Give pairs of children a picture of a clock and a card clock. Ask them to challenge each other to say what the time will be after a given move, e.g. ‘move clockwise 120o from 3 o’clock’. Their partner can use the card clock to check their answer. Pupil Activities TF 280 3 Pupil Sheet 44 Follow-up for Textbook page 115 TF 371 Discuss children’s work Extension Plenary Year 5 Year 6 Additional Resources Teacher Notes Pupil Activities TF 280 1 Weighing familiar objects Additional notes Extra Resources Review NHM Mixed Age Planning Page 52 of 75 Downloaded from www.myprimary.co.uk ICT NHM Mixed Age Planning Year 5 and Year 6 Summer Term Week Day 2 Starter Generic Starter TF 2-5 Generic starter TF 2-7 Main Teaching 7 Following and describing pathways TF 364 Revision/consolidation Core Activities Pupil Activity TF 365 1 Pupil Sheet 71 Pathways Textbook page 68 TF 283 Year 5 Year 6 Additional Resources Teacher Notes Textbook page 116 TF 369 Textbook page 68 TF 283 Work through q1 and 2 with the children together ensuring they are all able to read scales before asking them to do the practical activities. Extension Pupil Activity TF 365 1 Pupil Sheet 71 Pathways Provide pupils with an enlarged version of the map which they can turn around and easily draw routes onto. Pupil Activity TF 365 1 Pupil Sheet 71 Pathways Ask pupils to draw their own island maps. They must decide on a spot where there is treasure buried and give directions on how to reach it. Swap with a partner to follow and find the treasure. Plenary Follow-up for Textbook page 116 TF 371 Follow-up for Textbook page 68 TF 283 Support Textbook page 68 TF 283 Ask children to set each other further challenges like those in q4. ask them to produce a display of the items they find labelled with their actual weight. Additional notes Extra Resources Review NHM Mixed Age Planning Page 53 of 75 Downloaded from www.myprimary.co.uk ICT NHM Mixed Age Planning Year 5 and Year 6 Summer Term Week Day 3 Starter Generic Starter TF 2-5 Generic starter TF 2-7 Main Teaching 8 Acute and obtuse angles TF 365-367 2 Kilograms and grams TF 281 Core Activities Textbook page 117 TF 370 Textbook page 69 TF 283 Support Textbook page 117 TF 370 Provide pupils with a piece of acetate with a right angle drawn on. This can be placed over each angle to decide whether they are smaller or larger than a right angle. Textbook page 117 TF 370 Provide pupils with cards labelled with different angles, e.g. 30o, 10o, 50o. Ask them to pick a card and using a ruler draw an angle that they think is roughly the size of that on the card. Textbook page 69 TF 283 Work with the children together to use a spring balance. Extension Plenary Year 5 Follow-up for Textbook page 117 TF 371 Year 6 Additional Resources Teacher Notes Textbook page 69 TF 283 In pairs ask children to take it in turns to put some items in a school bag. Their partner must hold the bag and estimate the weight before measuring it. They must record the difference between the estimated and actual weight. At the end each child must find the total of all their differences. The person with the lowest total wins. Follow-up for Textbook page 69 TF 283 Additional notes Extra Resources Review NHM Mixed Age Planning Page 54 of 75 Downloaded from www.myprimary.co.uk ICT NHM Mixed Age Planning Year 5 and Year 6 Summer Term Week Day 4 Starter Year 5 Year 6 Generic Starter TF 2-5 Generic starter TF 2-7 Main Teaching 9 Estimating and measuring angles TF 367 To the nearest 5˚ 3 Introducing the tonne TF 281 Core Activities Textbook page 118 TF 370 Pupil Activity TF282 1 Weighing and recording task Support Textbook page 118 TF 370 In q1 ask the pupils to work in pairs. Both children must measure the angle and compare measurements. They must agree a size before moving onto the next question. Pupil Activity TF282 1 Weighing and recording task Provide pupils with cards showing pictures of large animals on along with their weight in kg. Ask the children to convert each weight to tonnes and kilograms and order the animals from smallest to largest. Extension Textbook page 118 TF 370 Ask pupils to use a protractor to measure the angles they drew the previous day. How close were their estimates? Provide further cards with angles such as 32o, 57o. Ask pupils to pick a card and draw the angle using the protractor. Pupil Activity TF282 1 Weighing and recording task Ask children to create a poster showing the weights of different things they have researched. Plenary Follow-up for Textbook page 118 TF 371 Discuss children’s work Additional Resources Teacher Notes Additional notes Extra Resources Review NHM Mixed Age Planning Page 55 of 75 Downloaded from www.myprimary.co.uk ICT NHM Mixed Age Planning Year 5 and Year 6 Summer Term Week Day 5 Starter Year 5 Year 6 Generic Starter TF 2-5 Generic starter TF 2-7 Main Teaching Revision/Consolidation Revision/Consolidation Core Activities Provide pupils with cards labelled with different angles, e.g. 30o, 10o, 50o. Ask them to pick a card and draw the angle using a protractor. Textbook page 70 TF 283 Support Provide pupils with a set of cards with angles drawn on them. In pairs they must pick a card and estimate the size of the angle. They can then use a protractor to see how close their estimate was. Ask pupils to create a poster that would describe to an alien what a protractor is used for and how to use it. Textbook page 70 TF 283 For q3 and 4 work with the children as a group and decide on the calculations needed to find the answers. Discuss children’s work Follow-up for Textbook page 70 TF 283 Extension Plenary Additional Resources Teacher Notes Textbook page 70 TF 283 Ask the children to find the total weight of the boys in the class and then the girls. Can they estimate the total weight of all the girls/boys in the school? Can they explain how they did this? Topic Assessment 9 Additional notes Extra Resources Review NHM Mixed Age Planning Page 56 of 75 Downloaded from www.myprimary.co.uk ICT NHM Mixed Age Planning Year 5 and Year 6 Summer Term Mixed Age Planning Year 5 & Year 6 Summer Term Unit Framework topic Measures, including problems 5 10 Measures, including problems 6 Objectives: children will be taught to… NHM Topic NHM Section Use, read and write standard metric units (km, m, cm, mm, kg, g, l, ml), including their abbreviations, and relationships between them. Convert larger to smaller units (e.g. km to m, m to cm or mm, kg to g, l to ml). Know imperial units (mile, pint, gallon). Suggest suitable units and measuring equipment to estimate or measure length, mass or capacity. Record estimates and readings from scales to a suitable degree of accuracy. Use, read and write standard metric units (km, m, cm, mm, kg, g, l, ml, cl), including their abbreviations, and relationships between them. Convert smaller to larger units (e.g. m to km, cm or mm to m, g to kg, ml to l) and vice versa. Know imperial units (mile, pint, gallon, lb, oz). Know rough equivalents of lb and kg, oz and g, miles and km, litres and pints or gallons. Volume/Capacity Volume/Capacity Mixed Measure Mixed measure Measure Volume/Capacity Mixed measure Teaching File page Pupil Sheets Activity Book page 320-325, 326-328 62-63 97-103 Textbook page Home Activities Check-ups 13 E16 MATERIALS TOOLBOX Extension Textbook page 5 334-343 90-95 6 NHM Mixed Age Planning Page 57 of 75 Downloaded from www.myprimary.co.uk Resource Sheets NHM Mixed Age Planning Year 5 and Year 6 Summer Term Week Day 1 Starter Main Teaching Year 5 Year 6 Tune-in TF 320 The litre Revising litre/millilitre relationships Tune-in TF 334 Tenth of a litre Revising the relationship 1/10 l = 100 ml 1 The tenth of a litre TF 321 Introducing the relationship 1 l = 100ml 1 The centilitre TF 335 Introducing the relationships 1 l = 100 cl, 1 cl = 10 ml Additional Resources Teacher Notes 10 Core Activities Textbook page 97 TF 324 Textbook page 90 TF 337 Support Textbook page 97 TF 324 For q2 and 3 work with the pupils as a group and convert each measurement to ml before they order/add them. Textbook page 90 TF 337 Work with the children as a group and convert all the measurements in q2, 3 and 4 to ml before asking pupils to compare/order them. Extension Textbook page 97 TF 324 Provide pupils with a set of cards showing measurements in ml and l. Having shuffled the cards, pupils must take it in turns to select three or four cards and find the total volume. Follow-up for Textbook page 97 TF 325 Textbook page 90 TF 337 Ask children to say a statement, e.g. ‘25cl is the same volume as ¼ l’. Their partner must say if the statement is true or false. Plenary Follow-up for Textbook page 90 TF 337 Additional notes Extra Resources Review NHM Mixed Age Planning Page 58 of 75 Downloaded from www.myprimary.co.uk ICT NHM Mixed Age Planning Year 5 and Year 6 Summer Term Week Day 2 Starter Year 5 Year 6 Generic Starter TF 2-5 Generic Starter TF 2-7 Main Teaching 2 Scales TF 321-322 Reading scales with 100ml/50ml/20ml/10ml divisions 2 Estimating and measuring capacities in centilitre TF 336 Core Activities Pupil Activities TF 322 1 Pupil Sheet 62 Scales with 100ml, 50ml, 20ml, 10ml divisions Textbook page 91 TF 337 Support Pupil Activities TF 322 1 Pupil Sheet 62 Scales with 100ml, 50ml, 20ml, 10ml divisions 2 Pupil Sheet 63 Template Textbook page 91 TF 337 Work with the children as a group giving them extra practice of reading scales in cl before they do the practical activity. Extension Pupil Activities TF 322 1 Pupil Sheet 62 Scales with 100ml, 50ml, 20ml, 10ml divisions Provide pupils with an unmarked clear container and a litre measuring jug. Ask them to draw onto the unmarked container a scale showing 0 – 1000ml marked off in 100ml sections. Discuss children’s work. Textbook pages 91-92 TF 337 Plenary Additional notes Extra Resources Review NHM Mixed Age Planning Additional Resources Teacher Notes Follow-up for Textbook page 91 TF 337 Page 59 of 75 Downloaded from www.myprimary.co.uk ICT NHM Mixed Age Planning Year 5 and Year 6 Summer Term Week Day 3 Starter Generic Starter TF 2-5 Tune-in TF 340 Revising Imperial units and their metric equivalents Main Teaching 3 Estimating and measuring capacities TF 322-323 Revision/Consolidation Core Activities Textbook pages 98-99 TF 324 Textbook page 92 TF 337 Support Textbook pages 98-99 TF 324 Work with the pupils as a group on p99 and discuss the questions orally. Textbook page 92 TF 337 Work with the children as a group and convert all the measurements in the questions to ml before asking pupils to find the answers. Extension Textbook pages 98-99 TF 324 Provide pupils with a selection of unmarked containers. Ask them to use the container they labelled the previous day to fill the containers with given amounts of water, e.g. 400ml, 650ml. They can then use a measuring cylinder to see how accurate their scale is. Follow-up for Textbook pages 98-99 TF 325 Extension Textbook page E16 TF 339 Plenary Year 5 Year 6 Additional Resources Teacher Notes Follow-up for Textbook page 92 TF 337 Topic Assessment 13 Additional notes Extra Resources Review NHM Mixed Age Planning Page 60 of 75 Downloaded from www.myprimary.co.uk ICT NHM Mixed Age Planning Year 5 and Year 6 Summer Term Week Day 4 Starter Generic Starter TF 2-5 Generic Starter TF 2-7 Main Teaching 4 Introducing the cubic centimetre TF 323 Core Activities Textbook pages 100-101 TF 324 1 Introducing feet, inches, pounds and ounces TF 341 Exploring relationships with metric units Textbook page 93 TF 342 Support Textbook pages 100-101 TF 324 For p101 ask pupils to make each shape before they try to answer q1. Extension Textbook pages 100-101 TF 324 Ask pupils to record the dimensions of the cuboids they made in q3. Repeat the exercise making as many cuboids as they can with a volume of say 24cm3. Can they see any patterns between the dimensions and the volume of a cuboid? Follow-up for Textbook pages 100-101 TF 325 Plenary Year 5 Year 6 Additional Resources Teacher Notes Textbook page 93 TF 342 Work with the children as a group and decide on and record the calculations needed to answer each question before asking pupils to find the answers independently. Textbook page 93 TF 342 Provide pupils with some recipes. Ask them to make up word problems related to the recipes for a partner to solve. Discuss children’s work Additional notes Extra Resources Review NHM Mixed Age Planning Page 61 of 75 Downloaded from www.myprimary.co.uk ICT NHM Mixed Age Planning Year 5 and Year 6 Summer Term Week Day 5 Starter Year 5 Year 6 Tune-in TF 326 Personal measurements Introducing imperial units Generic Starter TF 2-7 Main Teaching 1 Miles, pints, gallons TF 326-327 Exploring relationships with metric units Revision/Consolidation Core Activities Textbook pages 102-103 TF 328 Textbook page 95 TF 342 Support Textbook pages 102-103 TF 328 Before doing p102 work with the pupils as a group and make a conversion table for miles to km, ml to pints and gallons to litres. Ensure the tables go from 110miles, 1-5 pints and 1-10 gallons. Extension Textbook pages 102-103 TF 328 Ask pupils to design a poster explaining all the different measurement units they know. They must include examples of what it might be appropriate to measure with different units and any conversions they know. Follow-up for Textbook pages 102-103 TF 328 Textbook page 95 TF 342 For q4, provide pupils with a set of cards showing the metric units suitable for measuring each item. Ask them to put the cards against the matching questions. Repeat with a set of cards showing imperial units. Textbook page 95 TF 342 Provide pupils with some recipes where the measurements are shown in imperial units. Ask pupils to convert the measurements to metric equivalents. Plenary Additional Resources Teacher Notes Follow-up for Textbook page 95 TF 343 Additional notes Extra Resources Review NHM Mixed Age Planning Page 62 of 75 Downloaded from www.myprimary.co.uk ICT NHM Mixed Age Planning Year 5 and Year 6 Summer Term Mixed Age Planning Year 5 & Year 6 Summer Term Unit Framework topic Mental calculation strategies (+ and ) 5 11 Pencil and paper procedures (+ and ) Money and ‘real life’ problems Making decisions and checking results, including using a calculator Mental calculation strategies (+ and ) 6 Pencil and paper procedures (+ and ) Objectives: children will be taught to… NHM Topic NHM Section Partition into H, T and U, adding the most significant digits first. Develop further the relationship between addition and subtraction. Use known number facts and place value for mental addition and subtraction (e.g. 470 + 380, 810 - 380, 7.4 + 9.8, 9.2 - 8.6). Use informal pencil and paper methods to support, record or explain additions and subtractions. Extend written methods to: column addition/subtraction of two integers less than 10000; addition of more than two integers less than 10000; addition or subtraction of a pair of decimal fractions, both with one or both with two decimal places (e.g. £29.78 + £53.34). Choose and use appropriate number operations to solve problems, and appropriate ways of calculating: mental, mental with jottings, written methods, calculator. Explain methods and reasoning, orally and in writing. Develop calculator skills and use a calculator effectively. Check with the inverse operation when using a calculator. Check with an equivalent calculation. Use known number facts and place value to consolidate mental addition/subtraction. Use informal pencil and paper methods to support, record or explain additions and subtractions. Extend written methods to column addition and subtraction of numbers involving Addition Addition involving four-digit numbers Subtraction Written methods of subtraction Subtraction Subtraction involving numbers with four or more digits decimals. Money and ‘real life’ problems Making decisions and checking results, including using a calculator Teaching File page Pupil Sheets Activity Book page Textbook page Home Activities Check-ups 87-92, 120-124 17 21-24, 33-34 5 7 2a, b, 3a, b E2-E4 93-101 Number line, grid 7-8 18 6 6 2a, b MATERIALS TOOLBOX 5 6 NHM Mixed Age Planning Page 63 of 75 Extension Textbook page 55-57 Downloaded from www.myprimary.co.uk Resource Sheets NHM Mixed Age Planning Year 5 and Year 6 Summer Term Week Day 1 Starter Year 5 Year 6 Tune-in TF 87-88 Adding a three-digit number and a two-digit multiple of 10 Tune-in TF 93 Revising mental subtraction of a three-digit multiple of 100 Main Teaching 1 Adding a four-/five-digit number and a two-digit multiple of 10 TF 88 1 Subtracting mentally a fourdigit multiple of 100, 50 TF 93 Core Activities Textbook page 21 TF 90 Pupil Activity TF 95 1 Pupil Sheet 7 Support Textbook page 21 TF 90 Discuss with the pupils as a group the calculations needed to answer q1, 3, 5 and 6. Allow pupils to use informal jottings to support them in finding the answers. Textbook page 21 TF 90 Provide pupils with a set of cards showing four-digit numbers all of whom end in 50 or more and a set of cards showing 50, 60,70 ,80 90. Ask pupils to take a card from each set and find the total as quickly as they can. How many questions can they do in two minutes? Can they beat their record? Follow-up for Textbook page 21 TF 91 Pupil Activity TF 95 1 Pupil Sheet 7 Allow pupils to use informal jottings to find their answers. Extension Plenary Additional Resources Teacher Notes Pupil Activity TF 95 1 Pupil Sheet 7 On the board write the total to all the answers to the questions. When pupils have finished the sheet they can use a calculator to find the total to all their answers. If their total does not match the one on the board they must find and correct their mistakes. Discuss children’s work Home Activity 6 Additional notes Extra Resources Review NHM Mixed Age Planning Page 64 of 75 Downloaded from www.myprimary.co.uk ICT NHM Mixed Age Planning Year 5 and Year 6 Summer Term Week Day 2 Starter Year 5 Year 6 Specific Starter for Addition TF 12-15 Specific Starter for Subtraction TF 19-21 Main Teaching 2 Adding a three-digit multiple of 100 to a three-/four-digit number TF 89 Bridging a multiple of 1000 2 Subtracting mentally three/four-digit numbers TF 95 No bridging/bridging a multiple of 10 Core Activities Pupil Activity TF 89 1 Adding game Textbook page 22 TF 90 Textbook page 18 TF 98 Support Pupil Activity TF 89 1 Adding game In envelope A put the cards 300, 300, 400, 400, 500, 500, 600 Pupil Activity TF 89 1 Adding game Include cards over 1000 in each envelope. Ask pupils to have five goes each and record their answers each time. Find the total of each player’s answers using a calculator. The winner is the one with the highest total. Follow-up for Textbook page 22 TF 91 Textbook page 18 TF 98 Allow pupils to use informal jottings to find their answers. Extension Plenary Additional Resources Teacher Notes Textbook page 18 TF 98 Provide pupils with a set of cards showing four-digit numbers. Ask pupils to choose two cards and find the difference between the numbers, mentally if possible. Their partner can time how long it takes them to answer ten questions. Can they improve on their time? Follow-up for Textbook page 18 TF 99 Home Activity 5 Additional notes Extra Resources Review NHM Mixed Age Planning Page 65 of 75 Downloaded from www.myprimary.co.uk ICT NHM Mixed Age Planning Year 5 and Year 6 Summer Term Week Day 3 Starter Year 5 Year 6 Specific Starter for Addition TF 12-15 Specific Starter for Subtraction TF 19-21 Main Teaching 3 Using a standard written method TF 90 3 Subtracting mentally a three/four-digit number from a multiple of 1000 TF 96 Core Activities Textbook pages 23-24 TF 91 Pupil Activity TF 97 1 Pupil Sheet 8 Support Textbook pages 23-24 TF 91 Work with the pupils as a group and decide the calculations required to answer q1,2,3 and 5. Ask pupils to write down the calculations and then ask them to work out the answers independently using a method of their choice. Pupil Activity TF 97 1 Pupil Sheet 8 Allow pupils to use informal jottings to find all their answers if necessary. Extension Textbook pages 23-24 TF 91 Extension Textbook page E2 TF 95 Pupil Activity TF 97 1 Pupil Sheet 8 Put the questions on the board and ask pupils to answer them mentally as quickly as they can. Plenary Follow-up for Textbook pages 2324 TF 91 Check-up 6 Additional Resources Teacher Notes Topic Assessment 2a, b Check-up 7 Topic Assessment 2a, b Additional notes Extra Resources Review NHM Mixed Age Planning Page 66 of 75 Downloaded from www.myprimary.co.uk ICT NHM Mixed Age Planning Year 5 and Year 6 Summer Term Week Day 4 Starter Year 5 Year 6 Tune-in TF 120-121 Revising written methods of subtracting three-digit numbers Generic Starter TF 2-7 1 Subtraction involving four-digit numbers TF 121-122 Extending the use of a standard written method Textbook pages 33-34 TF 123-124 Revision/consolidation Support Textbook pages 33-34 TF 123-124 Work with the pupils as a group and decide the calculations required to answer q1 and 3. Ask pupils to write down the calculations and then ask them to work out the answers independently using an extended method if required. Provide pupils with further practice of answering the types of questions used in the previous days. Discuss mental strategies with them and encourage them to try and answer the questions mentally before resorting to jottings. Extension Textbook pages 33-34 TF 123-124 Ask pupils to answer the questions on p34 without using a calculator. Can they make up their own puzzles to swap with a friend to solve? Ask pupils to design a poster explaining all the different strategies they know for doing mental subtraction. Plenary Follow-up for Textbook pages 33-34 TF 124 Discuss children’s work Main Teaching Core Activities Additional Resources Teacher Notes Ask pupils to design a poster explaining all the different strategies they know for doing mental subtraction. Topic Assessment 3a, b Additional notes Extra Resources Review NHM Mixed Age Planning Page 67 of 75 Downloaded from www.myprimary.co.uk ICT NHM Mixed Age Planning Year 5 and Year 6 Summer Term Week Day 5 Year 5 Year 6 Starter Specific Starter for Subtraction TF 16-19 Generic Starter TF 2-7 Main Teaching Further Teaching TF 122-123 1 Subtracting by ‘counting up’ Exploring an alternative written method Pupil Activity TF 123 1 Pupil Sheet 17 Written methods, complementary addition Revision/consolidation Core Activities Support Extension Plenary Pupil Activity TF 123 1 Pupil Sheet 17 Written methods, complementary addition Give pupils the first two sections of the sheet to attempt. If they find this method useful give them further practice involving three-digit numbers only. Extension Textbook pages E3-E4 TF 127 Discuss children’s work Additional Resources Teacher Notes Ask pupils to continue with their posters providing examples of calculations that would be best solved using each strategy they have described. Provide pupils with further practice of answering the types of questions used in the previous days. Discuss mental strategies with them and encourage them to try and answer the questions mentally before resorting to jottings. Provide pupils with a set of cards showing four-digit numbers. Ask pupils to choose two cards and find the difference between the numbers, mentally if possible. Their partner must use a calculator to find the answer at the same time. If a child get the right answer and beats the calculator they score a point. Discuss children’s work Additional notes Extra Resources Review NHM Mixed Age Planning Page 68 of 75 Downloaded from www.myprimary.co.uk ICT NHM Mixed Age Planning Year 5 and Year 6 Summer Term Mixed Age Planning Year 5 & Year 6 Summer Term Unit Framework topic Objectives: children will be taught to… NHM Topic NHM Section Properties of numbers Reasoning about numbers Make general statements about odd or even numbers, including the outcome of sums and differences. Recognise multiples of 6, 7, 8, 9, up to the 10th multiple. Know and apply tests of divisibility by 2, 4, 5, 10 or 100. Know squares of numbers to at least 10 × 10. Find all the pairs of factors of any number up to 100. Number Properties Number properties Mental calculation strategies (+ and ) Use known number facts and place value to consolidate mental addition/subtraction. Use informal pencil and paper methods to support, record or explain additions and subtractions. Extend written methods to column addition and subtraction of numbers involving Subtraction Subtraction involving numbers with four or more digits Data Handling Spreadsheets and databases Bar charts with class intervals 5 12 Pencil and paper procedures (+ and ) 6 decimals. Money and ‘real life’ problems Making decisions and checking results, including using a calculator Teaching File page Pupil Sheets Activity Book page 263-271 N.G. Shortcut 1 S.T. Shortcuts 1, 3, 5 97-99, 411-420 Number line, grid 51 80-81 57-58 19-20, 117-121 Textbook page Home Activities Check-ups MATERIALS TOOLBOX 5 6 NHM Mixed Age Planning Page 69 of 75 E11-E12 2a, b, 16 Extension Textbook page 55-57 E2 Downloaded from www.myprimary.co.uk Resource Sheets NHM Mixed Age Planning Year 5 and Year 6 Summer Term Week Day 1 Starter Year 5 Year 6 Generic Starter TF 2-5 Specific Starter for Subtraction TF 19-21 Main Teaching 4 Multiples TF 263-264 4 Subtracting from numbers with five or more digits TF 97 Standard written method Core Activities Pupil Activities TF 264 1 Venn diagrams Textbook pages 19-20 TF 98 Support Pupil Activities TF 264 1 Venn diagrams Provide pupils with a large Venn diagram already drawn and a set of cards showing the stations of the 5 and 3 times tables. Ask them to work in pairs to place the cards in the correct part of the Venn diagram. Textbook pages 19-20 TF 98 For q3 and 4 on p19 work with the children to agree on how to lay out each question. Discuss with the children together the questions on p20 and how they might solve them. Extension Pupil Activities TF 264 2 Choosing multiples Textbook pages 19-20 TF 98 Plenary Discuss children’s work Additional Resources Teacher Notes Extension Textbook page E2 TF 102 Follow-up for Textbook pages 1920 TF 99 Topic Assessment 2a, b Additional notes Extra Resources Review NHM Mixed Age Planning Page 70 of 75 Downloaded from www.myprimary.co.uk ICT NHM Mixed Age Planning Year 5 and Year 6 Summer Term Week Day 2 Starter Year 5 Generic Starter TF 2-5 Year 6 Additional Resources Teacher Notes Tune-in TF 411 Extracting information from a table Consolidation Main Teaching Revision/consolidation 1 Working with spreadsheets TF 412 Core Activities Pupil Activities TF 264 2 Choosing multiples 3 Colouring multiples on 100squares Textbook pages 117-118 TF 414 Textbook page 80 TF 267-268 Pupil Activities TF 264 3 Colouring multiples on 100squares Extension Pupil Activities TF 264 1 Venn diagrams Provide pupils with a set of cards showing two- and three-digit multiples of 3 and 5. Ask them to turn a card over and enter the number into the correct part of the Venn diagram. Textbook pages 117-118 TF 414 Work with the children as a group to complete the spreadsheet before asking pupils to answer the questions. Textbook pages 117-118 TF 414 Ask pupils to enter the information onto a computer spreadsheet and alter it according to the changes made in q2 and3. Ask pupils to comment on the advantages/disadvantages of using the computer for this type of work. Plenary Follow-up for Textbook page 80 TF 267 Follow-up for Textbook pages 117118 TF 415 Support Additional notes Extra Resources Review NHM Mixed Age Planning Page 71 of 75 Downloaded from www.myprimary.co.uk ICT NHM Mixed Age Planning Year 5 and Year 6 Summer Term Week Day 3 Starter Year 5 Year 6 Generic Starter TF 2-5 Generic starter TF 2-9 Main Teaching 5 Factors TF 265-266 2 Using a database TF 413 Core Activities Pupil Activities TF 266 1 Pupil Sheet 51 Multiplication using factors Textbook pages 119-120 TF 414 Support Pupil Activities TF 266 1 Pupil Sheet 51 Multiplication using factors Go through each question with the children as a group and decide which factors to split each number into and complete the first line for each question. Then ask pupils to complete the sheet independently. Textbook pages 119-120 TF 414 Ask the children to work in pairs to decide on each answer. Extension Pupil Activities TF 266 1 Pupil Sheet 51 Multiplication using factors Extension Textbook pages E11 TF 269-270 Follow-up for Textbook page 81 TF 268 Textbook pages 119-120 TF 414 Ask children to choose a phone model and give their partner clues to identify their choice, e.g. ‘this phone has fewer than 20 rings’. Follow-up for Textbook pages 119120- TF 415 Plenary Additional Resources Teacher Notes Additional notes Extra Resources Review NHM Mixed Age Planning Page 72 of 75 Downloaded from www.myprimary.co.uk ICT NHM Mixed Age Planning Year 5 and Year 6 Summer Term Week Day 4 Starter Year 5 Generic Starter TF 2-5 Year 6 Additional Resources Teacher Notes Tune-in TF 416 Frequency table Main Teaching Revision/Consolidation 1 Introducing bar charts with class intervals TF 417 Core Activities Textbook page 81 TF 268 Pupil Activity TF 419 Support Textbook page 81 TF 268 Provide pupils with a multiplication table to support them in q1 and 2. For q3 Provide a copy of the Venn diagram and a set of 1-20 cards. Ask them to place the cards into the correct parts of the Venn diagram. Textbook page 81 TF 268 Extension Textbook pages E12 TF 269-270 Pupil Activity TF 419 Discuss children’s work Discuss children’s work Extension Plenary 1 Pupil Sheet 58 1 Pupil Sheet 58 Provide a blank table and bar chart for the children to complete as they collect information about their class. Pupil Activity TF 419 1 Pupil Sheet 58 Ask the children to carry out their own activity similar to that in the Tune in, e.g. they could see how many hops each child can do in 30 seconds. Ask them to record their data in a frequency table then display it on a bar chart. Additional notes Extra Resources Review NHM Mixed Age Planning Page 73 of 75 Downloaded from www.myprimary.co.uk ICT NHM Mixed Age Planning Year 5 and Year 6 Summer Term Week Day 5 Starter Year 5 Year 6 Generic Starter TF 2-5 Generic starter TF 2-9 Main Teaching Revision/Consolidation Revision/Consolidation Core Activities Provide pupils with a series of true and false statements, e.g. ’112 is a multiple of 8’, ’12 is a factor of 226’. Ask pupils to write ‘true’ or ‘false’ next to each one. Provide pupils with a series of true and false statements, e.g. ’56 is a multiple of 8’, ’10 is a factor of 26’. Only choose statements that are within the times tables range. Ask pupils to work in pairs to write ‘true’ or ‘false’ next to each one. Ask pupils to work in pairs. They must take it in turns to write a number down in secret. Their partner must then ask questions about the number using the word ‘multiple’ or ‘factor’ in each question. How many questions does it take to guess the number? Textbook page 121 TF 419 Discuss children’s work Follow-up for Textbook page 121 TF 419 Support Extension Plenary Additional Resources Teacher Notes Textbook page 121 TF 419 Work with the children as a group and discuss the questions in q1 orally. Textbook page 121 TF 419 Provide pupils with newspaper cuttings showing examples of bar charts. Ask them to try and write statements about what each chart shows. Topic Assessment 16 Additional notes Extra Resources Review NHM Mixed Age Planning Page 74 of 75 Downloaded from www.myprimary.co.uk ICT NHM Mixed Age Planning Year 5 and Year 6 Summer Term NHM Mixed Age Planning Page 75 of 75 Downloaded from www.myprimary.co.uk