D24BT8_Cryo Electron Microscopy.ppt

BC: Electron cryo microscopy in
structural biology
Ardan Patwardhan
Dept. of Biological Sciences
Imperial College
November, 2003
Specimen contrast
Amplitude Contrast
Phase Contrast
Phase Contrast
Is not directly observable
Converted to amplitude contrast by defocusing specimen
Limited to study of thin specimens (<1000Å)
Same technique used in light microscopy to study
unstained specimens
• Why not use stain?
- May affect macromolecular structure
Cryo specimen preparation
• Preserve native environment
• High vacuumï‚® need frozen
• Snap freezing for amorphous ice
phase, not crystalline ice phase
Cryo EM “grid”
carbon film
Metal grid
Ice holes
An ice hole
• Particles are randomly positioned and
EM images
• 2D projections of 3D objects
• Similar to x-ray images
EM images are very noisy!!
• Beam damage limits exposure
• At our disposal: Thousands of randomly
oriented macromolecular images with very
poor signal to noise ratio
• Image processing techniques used to
combine thousands of 2D images into a 3D
reconstruction of the particle
Particle Picking
• Objective: identify particles in micrograph and cut
out patches containing one particle each
• Can be done automatically, in some cases,
especially if the molecule possesses icosahedral
• Most cases still done manually
- tedious, difficult and boring
• Need to collect between 1000 and 10000 particles
to get going (the more the better)
Translational Alignment
• Requires reference image(s) to align to
Rotational Alignment
• Requires reference image(s) to align to
• Combine like views to improve signal to
Chicken and egg problem
• The class “sum” images can be used as
references for alignment
• The quality of the classification depends on
how well aligned the data is
• In general, steps of alignment and
classification have to be repeated several
Angular reconstitution
• Determine angles of projections relative to each other in
• Find common line projections to determine relative angles
• 3D density map can be used to generate projections that
can be used to realign the raw images
• Process may have to be repeated several times
Pros and cons
• Excellent tool for
difference studies
• Resolution not yet as
good as for x-ray
crystallography and
Examples: Ribosome
• M. van Heel, B. Gowen, R. Matadeen, E. Orlova, R. Finn,
T. Pape, D. Cohen, H. Stark, R. Schmidt, M. Schatz and A.
Single-particle electron cryo-microscopy: towards atomic
Quarterly Review of Biophysics 33(4), 307 - 369(2000)
Biological Sciences
• Prof. Marin Van Heel
• Dr. Tillman Pape
• Dr. Elena Orlova
• Alexis Rohou
• David Carpentier
• Martin Bommer
• Richard Hall
• Dr. Pampa Ray
Division of Medicine
• Dr. Edward P. Morris
• Danielle Paul