Chain Writing To help children learn more about word classes, e.g. noun, adjective, verb, and use effectively in a sentence. To expand the quality of sentences on a specific topic, e.g. evacuation. 1. Select a word relating to a theme/picture, e.g. evacuees, children, (noun). - children 2. Select words to describe evacuees e.g. worried, poor, expectant, frightened, (adjectives). -The frightened evacuees 3. Write down what evacuees do, e.g. walked, trudged, strolled, (verbs). - The frightened evacuees trudged 4. How do the evacuees do this? E.g. unhappily, slowly, nervously, (adverb) - The frightened evacuees trudged unhappily 5a) Think about where evacuees do these things, e.g. along the street (adverbial phrase). The verb may decide which preposition you can use, e.g. if in, under, between, on. Then add to the sentence. - The frightened evacuees trudged unhappily along the cobbled street 5b) Add in other adverbial phrases to describe when evacuees do this, e.g. just before dawn, as the sun goes down, during the day, every day. - The frightened evacuees trudged unhappily along the cobbled street shortly after breakfast 5c) You could say why they do it and add in another adverbial phrase. - The frightened evacuees trudged unhappily along the cobbled street shortly after breakfast to catch the first train out of London.