Rigby Dimensions Weekly Plan L Year: 6 Code: Less able, I Booster Middle, T Wk : 1 More Able. E Whole Class Whole Class R Shared Text Phonics, Spelling, A Read/Write Vocabulary, C Grammar Y M Q What do you know about the Work in pairs to retell or story of Little Red Riding summarise the story (Drama). O Hood? Which different Success criteria- can you versions have you read? Look recall the story using time N TEACHER/ Teaching Assistant Focus Group Learning Intentions Renewed Framework related objectives- Strand 2- Analysing & evaluating how speakers present points effectively through language & gesture. Strand 8 - Use narrative techniques to entertain & engage the reader. Revision objectives: To identify features of recounted texts. To be able to write a first person recount. To use connectives, especially time connectives effectively in their writing. (To use the style & convention of a journalist to report on imagined events) Guided at Rigby Dimensions electronic storyline on SMARTBOARD. Watch Opening Experience. What sort of text is this demonstrating? What did you like about it? connectives to order it correctly? Pick out words that back up possibilities that may be recount/explanation/report. W E D Use Module 1 shared writing starter- Which tense is this written in? Who is writing this? Find evidence in test to support this. Identify 3rd person pronouns. Highlight verbs we like, e.g. swooped, edit those we don’t e.g. said, with a partner. (Use screen pencil with class). Plan your recount of what the Jester was reporting on- who will you be writing as?(Choose LRRH or the wolf) What was your involvement in the whole thing. Use The Storyline Planner on screen to decide where to start/end the recount. As less able but without teacher help and children should ad in speech and thought bubbles for the characters in each picture. Work together to record the names of people Jester needs to talk to and why he should interview these people. Have a copy of The Storyline Plan (Fiction section). You will be writing as either the old lady or as an eyewitness. T H U Pick up features of the recount- is there anything that we would change for this particular recount Look again at the clip and shared writing starter. Model writing opening sentences for children ‘s 1st person recounts as LRRH. Edit words with children e.g. I was busy cooking in my kitchen when suddenly… Work with children to support them in beginning their recount as the Jesterthink of an interesting headline like the ones that flashed up on the screen in the clip. Begin to write up recount as Granny or another eyewitness. Use Storyline planner from yesterday. F R I Work with response partnersgreen highlighters select words we like about our partners writing, pink- words that we would change. Gibe reasons for the choices we have made to our partnersI liked this because…..,, I changed this as….,, Finish writing recounts. Teacher and any available teaching assistant to help and support children where necessary. Encourage the use of dictionaries and thesauruses. Celebrate children’s achievements by sharing a best paragraph with group or whole class. T U E Opportunities For: Assessment Paired activity- each pair has 6 cut out pictures. What order should they/can they go in? Discuss why you out them in that order. Recall the story using time connectives to join pictures together. Who could Jester interview so that he can recount what has happened accurately or in greater detail for his newspaper? Note down questions that he could ask. Are children able to write in the 1st person? Can children use time connectives effectively in their work> Are they able to edit work for themselves/a peer? ICT PLENARY Children in pairs order the pictures- give reasons for their order. Tell the story, use time connectives to help order pictures and adverbs to describe actions of characters. In Pairs conduct interview. Use whiteboards or a notebook to jot Qs and As –1 person be Jester, the other one of the other people involved, e.g. eye witness, LRRH. Plan recount that Jester will write for the Newspaper after collecting all the information. (Use Recount Planner) Hot seat characters from the pictures- Wolf, LRRH, Granny, Woodcutter. Whose version of events would be the most biased? Why? Begin to write up recount as LRRH or wolf using Storyline planner as a guide. Hot seat the characters from our recounts. What are the features of a recount? Class generate success criteria for this activity. What other genre are similar to recounts? Discuss. Using the SMARTBOARD to play clip, Display LRRH storyline, Shared Writing Starter. Rigby Dimensions: Whose Side Are You On? Text to be used: Red Riding Hood Storyline page 2, Opening Experience. L Year: 6 I Booster T Wk : 2 E Whole Class R Shared Text A Read/Write C Y M O N Watch Opening Experience again. Is it persuasive or biased or is it a balanced view of events? Give evidence. Code: Less able, Lower Middle, Upper Middle, More Able. Whole Class Phonics, Spelling, Vocabulary, Grammar Show interest groups on the screen. What would their view of the court case be? (Classroom to be set up like a courtroom) Revise what we were learning about yesterday. What words persuaded us that that interest group’s viewpoint had to be taken seriously? What might the consequences of this story be? E.g. no one wanting to go to the forest anymore. Look at Language Card 3 (Tourist Officer) How can we effectively persuade people to agree with our viewpoint of events? (disguise opinions as facts). T H U Revisit the classes edited version of The Forest saved as The Forest 2. Look at role of rhetorical questions in work. What are they? Why use them? Look at the role of specific connectives, e.g. because, as, when, where in persuasive writing. Word Sort- divide connectives into those we would/not use in persuasive writing, e.g. not but. F R I Conscience Alley Activity: Make 2 lines down middle of classroom. 1 line is going to persuade child walking down the middle to visit the forest, the other warning against going there. Comment as the child in the middle walks past. T U E W E D Opportunities For: Assessment TEACHER/ Teaching Assistant Focus Group Shared & Modelled WritingThe Forest - Look at the words which persuade effectively. Edit underlined words for better alternatives as a class. Guided Learning Intentions Renewed Framework related objectives- Strand 1 use a range of oral techniques to present persuasive arguments & engaging narrative. Strand 4- Improvise using a variety of drama strategies. Revision Objectives: To be able to use persuasive phrases and PLENARY rhetorical questions effectively in writing. To be able to use figurative language, ie similes and metaphors in a description. To use connectives to join sentences together and link clauses within sentences. To recognise how arguments are constructed effectively. DEBATE. (Use whiteboards to jot notes) Give evidence Motion: The wolf has deceived people so Give evidence/view as Give evidence as as either: a) should be sentenced to 3 years in prison. either: a) Wolf either: a)LRRH’s the forest Support less able with their oral Protection Society or mother or b) Wolfie’s rangers or b) argument as a) The Wolf’s cubs, b) Mrs Wolf teacher. farmers. b) Pigs United. Divide into 2 smaller groups: Write approximately Write 50 words that make us feel sorry 1) Sympathise with wolf, b) anti 50 words that make for the wolf as: a) wolf, b) member of his wolf as wolf’s teacher. us feel sorry for family, e.g. Mrs Wolf, Wolf cubs. Write exactly 50 words to make the LRRH/Grandma. reader believe your viewpoint is correct. 1st drafts Design a poster to Design a flyer for cars Produce article Work with good middles on producing a encourage visitors to to encourage people to for forestry leaflet persuading locals & tourists to visit the forest visit the forest. commission visit the forest. again. encouraging Focus on including similes/metaphors in visitors to work. forest. Continue to work on work from yesterday. Work with response partner to edit work. Look at using a response partner to a) Make work more creative/persuasive and b) correct errors. Was the motion carried? Why? Discussion: Look at our work that we have completed this week. What have we learnt about writing persuasively? How have we written descriptively? What have our successes been? How could we adapt the work so that we could actually send it to the Forestry Commission for them to use? Can children write persuasively by: a) using rhetorical questions, b) including descriptive/persuasive language, c) using time/other suitable connectives. ICT Set up success criteria as a class for persuasive writing. How could we distribute posters, fliers, leaflets, articles etc. Display work on tables- walk round classroom pick out work we like & why. Use of SMARTBOARD to display clip, language cards & interest groups. Use of 2 school microphones for debate on Monday for which ever child is talking/offering their view at a given time. Rigby Dimensions: Whose Side Are You On? Text to be used: Interest Groups pages 4 – 7, The Forest. L Year: 6 I Booster T Wk : 3 E Whole Class R Shared Text A Read/Write C Y M O N Code: Less able, Lower Middle, Upper Middle, More Able. TEACHER/ Teaching Assistant Focus Group Whole Class Phonics, Spelling, Vocabulary, Grammar Guided Learning Intentions Renewed Framework objectives- Strand 1 use a range of oral techniques to present persuasive arguments & engaging narrative. Strand 10- express subtle distinctions of meaning by constructing sentences in varied ways. Revision Objectives: To be continue to be able to use persuasive PLENARY phrases and rhetorical questions effectively in writing. To comment critically on the style, language and success of nonfiction material, ie advertisements. To revise the differences between spoken & written language. To be able to use punctuation, such as exclamation marks and question marks effectively in their writing. To be able to present a text in the most appropriate form. Add in Make radio jingle for a Make jingle for musical Make radio jingle for sheep shampoo or other animal in instruments Sheep Fleece N Go conditioner with a pairs, e.g. horse to make the Shampoo in pairs. different eye catching straightners jingle more name. for horse mane! effective. Look at Magazine Advert- page 10- Fleece ‘N’ Go. Why is it called this? What else could the shampoo be called? Pick out the words, which would persuade farmers to buy it- “gleaming”, “you’ll be hooked”. Make a radio jingle for another farm animal product, such as Pig Conditioner as a whole group. Why is advertising so powerful? How else do companies advertise? E.g. TV, the Internet. Look at The Internet Shopping Page. Look at Holiday brochure & small ad on page 9. Why are they are on the same page? (Make holiday link) Use an on screen drawn Venn Diagram on SMARTBOARD to compare today’s text to yesterdays. Work as a group to present Sheeps’ Kin Clothes in a different way- use computers in the classroom/ICT suite to present work in a different way. Who else would need a break in fairy tales apart from a shepherd, e.g. The Three Bears etc. Collect children’s ideas. Begin to plan & write own small advertisement on theme of sheep. May be advertising cheap sheep shearing for example. T H U Q Why do advertisements need humour? Collect responses from children on whiteboards. Watch an advert from the TV for a holiday destination. Pick out language from Thomson advert that would convince people to visit that place. F R I What have we learnt about Persuasive Writing over the last fortnight? Display Module 1 review sheet on SMARTBOARD. Go through questions as a class. Finish writing from yesterday, work with response partners of similar ability to improve text, change lay out, ensure punctuation is used to the best effect, as in Shepherds & small ad. Etc. Use Persuasive Writing Checklist generated from last week. Complete Review Sheet 1 for Module 1- I have been learning to talk & write persuasively. LA: Support from teacher/Adults to complete sheet. Record answers in simple phrases. MID: Complete review sheet as it is. MA: Add in their own ideas for what else could be on the review sheet. T U E W E D Opportunities For: Assessment Are children able to: a) use ? and ! correctly? b) select the best lay out for a particular style of advertisement to present their work in, so that it captures the reader’s attention & maintains it? ICT Editing- Edit the Internet Shopping Page by changing words, such as “stay ice- cool” Begin to plan & make up a page for a holiday brochure describing Black Rock lighthouse to attract shepherds Edit words in magazine advert. Focus on how written language will be different from oral language from yesterday. (All middle groups) Why edit adverts? Discuss as a class. Begin to plan & make up a page for a holiday brochure for Blackrock lighthouse to attract another fairy tale character needing a break, e.g. Grandma from LRRH. Paired dramashepherd going into travel agents. How does the travel agent persuade? Swap roles. Begin to plan & make up own Internet Shopping Pagee.g. for Rumpel’s Kilts & tins! Display on screen Venn Diagram. Recorded advertisement from TV of Thomson Holiday company. Use of Rigby Dimensions Module review Sheet- display on SMARTBOARD. Rigby Dimensions: Whose Side Are You On? Text to be used: Advertisements Pages 9 – 11. Share work with class, pick out favourite phrases. How confident are children at writing persuasively? Collect their confidence Scores. L Year: 6 I Booster T Wk : 4 E Whole Class R Shared Text A Read/Write C Y M Read through a range of letters. (Put range of letters O on each table, such as letters N of complaints, apology, thank T U E W E D T H U F R I you). Read Bo Peep’s Letter to Farmer Brown (pg 8). Why is she writing? What credentials does she have? Select MA child to read Bo Peep’s letter again to the class. Identify what each paragraph is about, e.g. 1- why she is writing, 2. her experience etc Design Success Criteria as a class for writing a formal letter. Code: Less able, Lower Middle, Upper Middle, More Able. Whole Class Phonics, Spelling, Vocabulary, Grammar What are the similarities between these letters? E.g. they all have an address on; they end with the sender’s name. Identify what text type it isi.e. formal letter applying for a job & reasons/vocabulary that show this, e.g. address, yours faithfully etc. With green highlighter in pairs highlight the words or phrases that we like in this letter that would persuade Farmer Brown to give her the job. With pink highlighters in pairs highlight the words or phrases that we would change in this letter, e.g. faithfully to sincerely. Children read their letters to the class. Do they fulfil the purpose for which they were intended? When LA read theirs class could be Farmer brown and decide whose application is the best and why. Opportunities For: Assessment TEACHER/ Teaching Assistant Focus Group Guided Learning Intentions Renewed Framework objectives- Strand 2- listen for language variation in formal & informal contexts. Strand 6- appraise a text quickly, deciding on its value, quality & usefulness. Revision Objectives: To be able to read formal letters & identify PLENARY the purpose of different examples of them. To use paragraphs correctly and know when it is appropriate to start a new one. To lay out a formal letter correctly and structure one in the correct style. First Steps Style Activity- design set of criteria to sort the letters into. Work in small tables of 4. Give more guidance to LA; suggest possible categories- e.g. persuasive letters, formal letters. MA: Could be given a specific number of categories to sort the letters into. Chn justify reasons for how they sorted the letters. Work in mixed ability tables of 4- Drama Activity. Farmer Brown interviews people for the job. Look at Bo Peep Newspaper article on screen- how does this influence the farmer’s questions & Bo Peep’s answers. LA: Farmer Brown interviewer, has to ask different candidates different questions (support from TA/Teacher). LM: Bo Peep. GM: Another female fairy tale character who has experience of animals, e.g. LRRH, Goldilocks. MA: A Wolf! Ask farmers which candidate was the most persuasive & gave best answers. Plan then begin to write a letter of complaint to Bo Peep from Farmer Brown about the poor standard of her work. Work with teacher to decide what the plan should look like. Work with middle groups on developing their replies. Focus on why connectives need to be used- a) time ones and b) connectives to join sentences such as but & because. Write letter from Farmer Brown back to Bo Peep informing her if she has got the job or not. (Both middle gps) Q- Whose address is it at the top of the letter on pg 8? How do you know? Finish writing complaint letters from yesterday. Use checklist with partner to check if our work fulfils the formal letter criteria. LA: Using Bo Peep’s letter as a modelled example, write another letter to the Farmer applying for a job writing as a shepherdBen Peep. Finish writing job request letters from yesterday. Draw Venn Diagram with 3 circles on SMARTBOARD. Children come up and record similarities and differences between their letters in the correct section. Can children write and lay out a formal letter in the correct style? (See Formal letter Success Criteria) ICT Using SMARTBOARD to draw Venn Diagram Rigby Dimensions: Whose Side Are You On? Text to be used: Please, Please, Please…. Letter from Bo Peep. Look at what might go on the outside of the circles. L Year: 6 I Booster T Wk : 5 E Whole Class R Shared Text A Read/Write C Y M Listen to famous Narrative O Poem- The Nightmail on the SMARTBOARD Rigby N Dimensions Bombs Away Theme – Year 4) Code: Less able, Lower Middle, Good Middle, More Able. Whole Class Phonics, Spelling, Vocabulary, Grammar Identify key characteristics of this Narrative Poema) beat/rap/rhythm, b) the rhyming couplets. T U E Look at page 12 of Little Red Riding Hood Narrative Poem. Compare it to night Mail. Look at the words, which rhyme, e.g. feel, meal. How come they sound the same but are spelt differently? W E D Read the whole of the Narrative Poem. How is it supposed to be read? Look at where speech marks are used. Identify that ! come before the closing speech marks. T H U Look at the end of the poem. What do you like about it & what would you alter? Hot seat Grandmamma and the wolf at different stages in the poem. How do they feel? F R I Look at our own work alongside the original text. Is it in a similar style? Identify how bold text and writing some word in block capitals can be effective. Opportunities For: Assessment TEACHER/ Teaching Assistant Focus Group Guided Learning Intentions Renewed Framework objectives- Strand 7- Read extensively including reading groups, use different techniques to make a text come alive. Revision Objectives: To be able toRecognise the key features of a Narrative Poem. Sort words according to their spelling pattern that they follow. Use commas, exclamation marks & questions marks appropriately before speech marks. a) Read and b ) write a Narrative Poem that engages the reader and sustains their interest throughout the poem. PLENARY LA: Work in pairs to practice reading MA: 4th verse, the first verse of the poem with GM: As less able but work on keeping LM: As less able but instruments. Work as a group. Some chn with the third verse the rhythm, with the second can read, other click fingers or use starting at letters even though verse. instruments, such as drum or with holiday snaps… rhyme patterns tambourine. alters. First Steps Spelling Linked Activity Words Sort. Practice spelling them correctly using Look, Say, Cover, Write, Check, with partner after sorting. LA: Sort words into groups- ee, ea. MID gps: i in bite, right sound. MA: augh sound as in saw, door, naughty. Perform whole poem as a class. Write own starting verse for Little Red Write own starting Write 1st verse of a Narrative Poem for Riding Hood- include a different verse for this poem another fairy tale, e.g Goldilocks & Three character, e.g. Little Red Ring Hood may in the same style Bears, Jack & the Beanstalk, Cinderella. be involved or the Woodcutter. keeping characters As lower middle but without support. the same. Work in ability groups to produce own group’s Narrative Poem. Choose whose starter you will edit from yesterday. Who will write the middle parts? Who will write the end? Will you stick with Little Red Riding Hood and play safe, or will you choose another fairy tale completely. Children could have different roles: Artist, Scribe, Editors, Rhythm maker etc. Teacher/TA to be used for supporting less able children’s groups. Pick out your favourite verse of the poem and why. Continue to work on Narrative poems, aiming for completion by the end of this session. Plan in how instruments could/will be used in the performance of the poem. Perform Narrative poems to the class. Can children work cooperatively? Are children able to a) read aloud keeping an appropriate rhythm or beat, b) write in the style of a Narrative Poem? ICT Which words are homophones, e.g. reel, real. Review how far we have got & any problems encountered. Use of Nightmail Video, from Bombs Away Module 1- poetry section. Performance of the children’s poems on Friday could be filmed by a Teaching assistant in the plenary session. Rigby Dimensions: Whose Side Are You On? Text to be used: Little Red Riding Hood and the Wolf- pages 12- 15. Rigby Dimensions: Bombs Away: Poetry Video The Nightmail. L Year: 6 I Booster T Wk : 6 E Whole Class R Shared Text A Read/Write C Y M Read a range of openings for O original and alternative fairy N tales in different children’s books. T U E W E D Continue to read Once Upon a Time. How does the story develop? Use Storyline in Rigby Dimensions Fiction section to plot it. Read page 21. Does the ending satisfy the reader? Give it a mark out of 10. Code: Less able, Lower Middle, Upper Middle, More Able. Whole Class Phonics, Spelling, Vocabulary, Grammar Guided Learning Intentions Renewed Framework objectives- Strand 9- Use varied sentence structure to shape and organise texts coherently, use punctuation to clarify meaning in complex sentences. Revision Objectives: PLENARY To be able to: identify whether a story opening is speech, action or description, or a combination of2 of these. To engage the reader in a story opening by using vocabulary and punctuation effectively. To write an ending for a story that satisfies a reader. Which of them are Speech? Action? Description? What is Once Upon Another Time? Look at Rigby Dimensions shared writing starter on SMARTBOARD. Pick out words that have been used instead of said- e.g. exclaimed, gasped, by the characters. Rewrite story Write opening opening as action. Rewrite opening as that combines 2 Rewrite the opening paragraph for Once Think how commas speech- focus on using or more types Upon a Time as description. Work with can be used to create ! and , and ? correctly of opening, e.g. teacher on using appropriate vocabulary. effect & slow down within speech. action & the action. description. First Steps Character rating Sheet to develop comprehension skills, especially inference & deduction skills. LA: Complete 1 for Sylvan in the story. MID: Complete 1 for Granny Hood. (Both middle groups). MA: Rosie, (Need to infer and deduce information from pictures & words). How would you change the ending page. E.g. change said for better word, have Little Red Riding Hood speaking instead. Look at Powerpoint on Once Upon another Time endings (up to slide 7) Read the 4 endings for the story. Work in mixed ability pairs to decide what sort of ending each is. (Give each pair a copy of the 4 slides). Give each ending a) a score /10 for how imaginative it is and b) a score /10 as to how confident you are as to what type of ending it is. Model using commas correctly in a list, to separate phrases and clauses and to create an effect for the reader. Write an ending that ends with dialogue. Work with children on ensuring punctuation, e.g. commas and ! ? within speech is secure. T H U Complete, as a class, on the SMARTBOARD an example of another style of ending for the story that is not a dialogue ending. F R I Conscience Alley- Two lines down the centre of the classroom of children opposite each other. They are the characters thoughts. How can Granny and the wolf get their own back on Rosie? Two children walk down the middle and each child gives Granny and the wolf an idea for revenge! Opportunities For: Assessment TEACHER/ Teaching Assistant Focus Group Write a conclusive ending for the story. Write an ending for the story that is left on a cliff-hanger, but that still can be classed as an ending. Write an ending for the story that is a reflective ending. Complete story endings. Use response partners to check accuracy of work and improve the content of it. Can children write a story ending that satisfies a reader in a specific style? Are children able to use commas, exclamation marks and question marks within speech marks accurately? ICT Which type of opening is most effective for Once upon Another Time? What other characteristics could we add to our sheet? Use spare box. Look at the final slide- do any of the endings combine different types of ending? Q What age is this story ending suitable for in its original form? Read our endings to each other. Are they better than the original? Use of SMARTBOARD to display Shared Writing Starter, Storyline & to complete class shared writing of an ending. Powerpoint Presentation on Endings to be displayed on SMARTBOARD Rigby Dimensions: Whose Side Are You On? Text to be used: Once Upon Another Time- pages 16- 21.