Autumn term: first half Year 9 Scheme of Work Oral and mental starter: mental strategies, rapid recall, estimating, visual imagery, problem solving, explaining methods … Adding and subtracting 10,100,1000 mentally 3G ex 1D Add and subtract common fraction verbally Rounding verbally 3G Ex 1E Guess the missing number discuss strategies Year 9 Framework DD Periods Topic Objectives: pupils will be taught to NNS 3G FOUNDATION 5hrs Algebra 5hrs Shape and Space 5hrs Handling Data F – Rounding, addition and subtraction, pen and paper methods Extend knowledge of powers of 10 number skills H only - begin to use Standard Form Add subtract, multiply and divide fractions Use rounding to make estimates, round to nearest whole number and to 1, 2 or 3 decimals places H only - round to Significant Figures Understand and use upper and lower bounds F –Positive and negative numbers Collecting like terms, simplifying equations Writing own formula Construct and solve linear expressions, with and without brackets, including negative numbers, using an appropriate method Factorise and algebraic expressions by taking out a single term common factor H only- Square a linear expression and expand the product of 2 linear expressions of the form : establish identities. F – Angles facts including types of angles opposite angles and angles made by parallel lines, angles in a triangle 36-9 66-9 42-7 EX 1A –1H (select sections, some can be Completed as verbal or mental exercises) Ex 4E Pg 64 Ex 6A Review + and – of simple fractions Ex 8A – 8C Ex 10C – D and 10G EX 4J, Ex 11E Ex 13D –13E DD 3R HIGHER Ex 16A –16E Ex 3A – 3C 122-5 Ex 14K Ex3D –3E (Ex 14 E – 14H) could be done later in 116-21 scheme Simple factors worksheet from 3B pg38 ------------ Ex 3A-3D Ex 9A –9G Pg 92 Ex 5A-5E Pg Ex 3E Pg 26-8 Ex 2A-2C ------------ --------------- Pg 31 Ex 2E Ex 2A –2D, 2F – 2G Ex 18A ------------ Key objectives in bold FOUNDATION WORK ONLY HIGHER WORK ONLY Pg 171-2 Ex8A-8B Worksheet ------------ Review angles facts including interior and exterior 182-3 Worksheet for polygons (ICT task) angles of a polygon LOGO Ex18A Review parallel line angles 184-9 Solve angle problems including triangles, polygons, intersecting and parallel lines 186-9 Ex 2E H only – Understand and apply Pythagoras Theorem Ex2H (worksheet for polygons) Process and interpret graphs and diagrams on paper 256-67 Review Ex 9A – 9C(will be reviewed later) and using ICT using Scatter graphs, with line of best fit Ex 9G Understand correlation Get pupils to review work for this ½ term and set themselves a target Pg242 Ex 11B Pg 1-2 Ex1A Ex 1C Pg 3-4 Ex 1B H only – frequency polygons 1hrs Review Assess 3B INTERMEDIATE Pg ref 4/9/02 5hrs Number Review angle facts, estimate and approximate angles Review bar charts etc. PBM/PDM indicates work to be covered again indicates work that has been covered before Ex 2A – 2C could need supplementary worksheets Logo Ex 17A ------------ Pg 123 Ex6A-6G Logo Ex 19B Pg 260 Ex 13A –13C Pg 195 Ex 9B-9F Ex 17D Ex 8D & 8E Autumn term: second half Year 9 Scheme of Work Oral and mental starter: mental strategies, rapid recall, estimating, visual imagery, problem solving, explaining methods … Common fraction, decimal, percentage equivalents Square and cube numbers and their roots Find a fraction decimals or percentage of quantity mentally List the prime number up to 100 Year 9 Framework DD Periods Topic Objectives: pupils will be taught to 4hrs 4hrs 3hrs 3G FOUNDATION 3B INTERMEDIATE DD 3R HIGHER Page ref 25/10/02 6hrs NNS Match percentage decimals and fraction equivalents Find the formula from a pattern of results PBM/PDM F – Mixed Number, Improper fractions, equivalent fractions, putting fractions in order of size. Change fractions to decimals and decimals to fractions. Recognise that a recurring decimal is an exact fraction Recognise when fractions or percentages are needed to compare proportions. Solve problems involving percentages changes. Understand and use ratio and proportion Use proportional reasoning to solve problems H only – understand and use proportionality and calculate the results of any proportional change using multiplicative methods Algebra Use index notation for integer powers, know and use simple index laws Derive a formula, substitution in a formula and change the subject of a simple formula. H only – derive more complex formula and change the subject of a formula Shape and F- only lines points and shapes solids, nets and Space tessellation Transform 2D shapes by combination of translations, rotations and reflections on paper and with ICT Know that translation, rotation and reflections preserve length and angle Enlarge 2D shapes given centre of enlargement, recognise that enlargement preserves angle but not length. Understand that scale factor is a ratio of 2 corresponding lengths. H- enlarge 2 D shapes by a fractional scale factor Handling Use the vocabulary of probability in interpreting results data involving uncertainty or prediction. Identify all mutually exclusive outcomes of an experiment Know that the sum of probability of all mutually exclusive outcomes is 1 and use this when solving problems Estimate probability from experimental data H only – understand relative frequency as an estimate of probability and use this to compare outcomes of experiments Review Ex 8 A – 8C then do Ex 8D-8H Number ------------60-65 75 –7 78-81 Ex 11C –11D Ex 12A Ex 12B - 12C Ex 8J –8K Ex 8L Ex 12D Worksheet for recurring decimals Ex 14A – 14B Ex 14 C – 14E Ex 10H – 10I Ex 10J – 10K Pg 247-248 Ex 11E Pg 174-194 Ex 8C– 8H -----------114-15 Ex 3F 138-43 Ex 14A- 14D (not changing the subject) Ex 3F – 3G Ex 6E↓, Ex 6F – 6H Worksheet for change the subject Pg 10-21 Ex1F-1G Pg 99-4 Ex5G – 5I 138 41 202-07 Ex 7A – 7C Ex 7D -----------Ex 7A – 7D Cabri Ex 7F – 7G Logo Ex 17A 212-15 Worksheet based on 3B page 116 --- - --------276-7 ------------. Ex 13A – 13C 277-81 Ex 13E Pg294-319 Ex 15 A – 15C Logo Ex 19B Ex 7E Review Ex 7F -----------Ex 11A Pg 278 –288 Ex 14A-14D Ex 11B – 11D Ex 13D 282-3 ----- ------------ Pg 289 –293 Ex 14E –14F 1hrs Review Assess Get pupils to review work for this ½ term and set themselves a target FOUNDATION WORK ONLY HIGHER WORK ONLY Key objectives in bold indicates work to be covered again indicates work that has been covered before Spring term: first half Year 9 Scheme of Work Oral and mental starter: mental strategies, rapid recall, estimating, visual imagery, problem solving, explaining methods … Review Prime numbers Review simple y = mx + c (H only) Review and use square numbers Name this line, finding the equation of a straight line Year 9 Framework Periods Topic Objectives: pupils will be taught to NNS 3G FOUNDATION 4hrs Algebra 6hrs Shape and space 3hrs Handling Data 3hrs Review Assess DD 3B LOWER INTERMEDIATE 3R HIGHER ------------ -------------- Review Ex 6E Use of Spreadsheet Review from board or worksheet –Ex 19G pg 392 Review Ex 1F and 1G Pg14 Ex 1H –1J Use of Calculator Ex 19A Pg 106-8 Ex5K Pg ref 6/1/03 2hrs Number Review area of a rectangle square ad triangle Look at bus timetable, plan a local journey DD PBM/PDM F – Pen and paper methods of multiplication and division Check accuracy by using inverse operations find prime factors use ICT to find estimate square and cube roots H only know and use index laws for multiplication and division of positive integer powers Ex 4F – 4I Ex 4N 52-55 EX 4A - 4D 56-7 Ex 18F Ex 4K – 4M 56-9 use systematic trial and improvement methods and ICT as tools to find approximate solution to equations such as x2 + x = 20 Understand equivalence of simple algebraic fractions Solve problems using direct proportion using algebraic methods Relate equations to graphical representations H only solve a pair of simultaneous equations graphically Solve linear inequalities in one variable and represent solution on a number line 132-5 Do on board as a class exercise or, investigate using a calculator. Bring in problem solving skills. 60-65 Worksheet pg 163 Ex 9L in 3B 136-7 board. 126-9 Review of Ex 14A to D - then do Ex 14E- 14G Review work done in year 8 on graphs of linear equations then do Ex 18 B using ICT. Ex 14J Ex 5A – 5F ------------ Pg 116 Ex5P, 5Q and 5R Use of Calculator Ex 19D F- Review units of measurement, use to calculate and solve variety of problems Convert between area measures i.e. cm 2 to m2 H only - use compound measure i.e. speed, to solve problems Know and use the formula for area and circumference of a circle, H only – arcs and sectors Calculate surface area and volume of right prisms H only - include cylinders Begin to use sine cosine and tangent ratios to solve problems in 2 dimensions. 228-31 Review units of measurement from board as class exercise then do Ex 15A –15G ---232-3 Review on board Select questions from Ex 15A – 15C Pg 36 Ex 3A 3I- 3J --------- Pg 58 Ex 3K -.3N Ex3C and 3E 3G Construct and use tables for collection of discrete and continuous raw data, choosing suitable class intervals F – review Pie Charts Citizenship Tasks(2a) Design and use two-way tables. Gather data from secondary sources, including printed tables and lists from ICT-based sources. H only – identifies possible sources of bias and plans how to eliminate it. 248-55 Review Ex9A –9C then do Ex 9D End of half year test based on KS 3 SAT’s Test. Get pupils to review work for this ½ term and set themselves a target FOUNDATION WORK ONLY HIGHER WORK ONLY Key objectives in bold -----------Ex 9L Use of calculator Ex 17C Board exercise only Pg 28-30 Ex2D Index law in algebra Ex 2F Review pg 178 Review Pg 180Ex 8F Pg 115 Ex 5O Not done in foundation unless as class exercise from Ex 15H – 15K 234-7 Ex 3B Ex 3F Ex 3D Ex 13D –13E ---------- 238-41 Ex 15L-15M Ex 15F – 15H use Ex 15H for surface area 242-7 Ex 3H Volume for cylinders Surface Area Investigation Pg 342 Ex17A-17C Pie Charts Ex 9F Worksheet Ex 8A – 8B Conducts a survey Worksheets Worksheets Ex 19F Ex 9A with in class discussion. indicates work to be covered again indicates work that has been covered before Citizenship Tasks Spring term: second half Year 9 Scheme of Work Oral and mental starter: mental strategies, rapid recall, estimating, visual imagery, problem solving, explaining methods … Rapid recall of number facts/ equivalence of measures Find percentage, fraction and decimal of quantities Use mental skills to check validity of answers Decimals, percentage and fraction equivalence Year 9 Framework DD Periods Topic Objectives: pupils will be taught to NNS Pg ref 3G FOUNDATION 6hrs Number F – Addition and subtraction of decimals 102-3 Ex 11A-11B Rounding decimals Review Ex 11D-11E Multiplying and dividing decimals Ex11F – 11H Review methods of calculation and check validity of Ex 11I answer by mental estimation 104-7 Ex 4J and Ex 4N Make and justify estimate and approximation of calculations H only round using one significant figure in estimations Ex1I - 1J Efficient use of a calculator, using powers ,roots fractions , brackets and memory H only - use of reciprocal key and standard form 3hrs Algebra Generate sequences using term to term and 148Ex 10A – 10E position to term definition of the sequence on paper 159 Ex 18E (ICT) and using ICT find and write an expression to describe the nth Ex 10F – 10G term of a sequence H only – find the nth term of a quadratic sequence Recognise square and triangular numbers sequences 6hrs Shape and Space 3hrs Handling Data Understand congruence and similarity H only – apply conditions SSS, SAS, ASA or RHS to establish the congruency of triangles. Know that if 2D shapes are similar corresponding angles are equal and corresponding sides are in the same ratio. Know that if 2D shapes are similar corresponding angles are equal and corresponding sides are in the same ratio. Know the definition of a circle and name its parts. Explain why a regular polygon can be inscribed in a circle by constructing equal divisions H only – know that the tangent of a point is at right angles to the radius and that a perpendicular line from the centre to a chord will bisect the line Visualise 3D object through 2 D representation Analyse 3D shapes through 2D projections using plans and elevations Use of averages mode, median and mean Understand range and distribution Compare two or more distributions and make inferences using the shape and distribution and range of data (2a) H only - Estimate the mean, median and interquartile range of a large set of grouped data. 190-91 EX7E Order, precedence and effect of powers Review and practice pen and paper methods + - X and PBM/PDM DD 3B LOWER INTERMEDIATE 3R HIGHER Ex 13I and 13J Ex 6I –6J Do as discussion or starter Ex 1D-1E Review Ex 1A -worksheet --------Worksheet or from board Ex 13G and (Grid method from board) Ex 13H Review - past 3 half- terms work on powers and roots Ex 11C –11D Ex 12B – 12D Pg 320 Ex 16A-16H Ex 7H – 7I Pg 305-7 Ex15D-15H 192-3 194-97 Ex 7E Activity 2 Review Year 8 work Practical Investigation (See SMPB1) 198201 Worksheet Review Year 8 work Worksheet Worksheet or from board Pg 224 Ex10D – 10E --Worksheet or from board Ex 7F Ex 7J Ex5A –5D Ex 18D(ICT) Discussion of above work / worksheet 272-3 EX9C↑ Ex 9E (Histograms) 258-61 Ex 4A, 4D – 4E Pg 67 Ex4A – 4F FOUNDATION WORK ONLY HIGHER WORK ONLY Get pupils to review work for this ½ term and set themselves a target Key objectives in bold indicates work to be covered again indicates work that has been covered before Summer term: first half Year 9 Scheme of Work Oral and mental starter: mental strategies, rapid recall, estimating, visual imagery, problem solving, explaining methods … Rapid recall of number facts ready for SAT’s Review square and cubic numbers and their roots Review prime numbers Review angle facts Year 9 Framework Periods 9hrs Topic REVISION FOR SAT’S Citizenship Tasks Objectives: pupils will be taught to Review shape and space facts Look at strategies for solving investigations DD DD NNS Pg ref 3G FOUNDATION 3B LOWER INTERMEDIATE 3R HIGHER 160-3 Ex 6A - 6B Ex 18B (ICT) Ex 6C and 6E --- -------Ex 5B – 5C Pg 160 Ex 7G Ex 5D – 5F PG 149 Ex 7D DD PAST SATS MOCK PAPER SAT’s Revision SAT’s week 3hrs 3hrs 2 Hrs Algebra F - Review co-ordinates Generate points and plot the graph of a linear equation Find the inverse of a linear function H only – plot the graph of an inverse linear function Given values for m and c, find the gradient and intercept of lines given by equations in the form of y = mx + c Investigate graphs of parallel lines and lines perpendicular to these lines, plot graphs of simple and quadratic functions. Shape and F - Convert metric to imperial measurers space Use and interpret Maps and Scale drawings include bearings H only – find point that divide a line in a given ratio, use the properties of similar triangles Given the co-ordinates of A and B find the length of AB 144 –77 164-71 Ex 6D Pg 165 Ex 7I 216-17 Ex7G Worksheet ---------Ex 2D – 2E --------- 218-19 Review pg 148 Ex 6H Ex 17G Worksheet Ex 8E review work done in first term and extend using worksheets Prepare for investigation learn skills of how to approach investigations Ex 17 A – 17 C FOUNDATION WORK ONLY HIGHER WORK ONLY Key objectives in bold Get pupils to review work for this ½ term and set themselves a target Pg 163 Ex7H Ex 16 A – 16D indicates work to be covered again indicates work that has been covered before Ex 18A – 18D Summer term: second half Year 9 Scheme of Work Oral and mental starter: mental strategies, rapid recall, estimating, visual imagery, problem solving, explaining methods … Mentally work out percentage and fractions o a quantity Discuss different methods of solving problems Discuss when to use which the different types of average Discuss types of data Year 9 Framework DD Period Topic Objectives: pupils will be taught to s NNS 3B LOWER INTERMEDIATE 3R HIGHER Ch 17 for guidance Ch 16 for guidance Ch 18 for guidance Review of Ex 8B, 8D – 8E Ex 5G Pg 154 review Ex7E, then on to 7F Worksheet Pg 227 Ex 10E Pg ref Yr 9 cross curriculum ICT Investigational task 3hrs Algebra construct functions arising from real life problems and plot their corresponding graphs, interpret graphs arising from real life situations including distance time graphs 172-7 Investigate graphs in the Media Construct a triangle given right-angle, hypotenuse and side (RHS) Use ICT to explore construction of triangles and other 2D shapes H only – realise from constructions that triangles given SSS, SAS,ASA,or RHS are unique but that SSA or AAA are not. Find the locus of a point both by reasoning and ICT H only - extend to more complex rules involving construction and loci Design a survey or experiment, collect data one or more source, determine sample size and degree of accuracy needed, design trial and if necessary refine data collection sheets Line graphs including time series Interpret graphs and diagrams and draw inferences to support or cast doubt on initial conjectures(2a) H only – look for cause and effect try to explain anomalies Communicate interpretations and results of a statistical enquiry using selected tables graphs and diagrams in support (2a) Compare experimental and theoretical probability in a range of contexts, appreciate the difference between mathematical explanation and experimental evidence H only – examines critically the results of a statistical enquiry and justifies choice of statistical representations recognising the limitations of any assumptions and their effect on conclusions drawn. H only – generate fuller solutions to mathematics problems and recognise limitations on the accuracy of data and measurements 220-23 Worksheet from 3B Ex 2G 6hrs Handling Data DD 3G FOUNDATION 6hrs 3hrs Shape and Space Look at strategies for tackling investigations Review angle facts DD Ex 6F Cabri Cabri ‘ Ex 2F – 2G 224-27 Worksheet from 3B Ex 2F Ex10F Review Ex 9A- 9B Review Ex 8A End of year statistical task Complete a survey and display results End of year statistical task Ex 6F Ex 5G Pg 154-160 Ex 7E-7F In class discussion only In class discussion only 268-71 272-75 284-5 In class discussion only Key objectives in bold Get pupils to review work for this ½ term and set themselves a target FOUNDATION WORK ONLY HIGHER WORK ONLY indicates work to be covered again indicates work that has been covered before Citizenship Tasks