NIHR CLAHRC East Midlands Faculty Application Form Please provide as much information as you can. However, do not be put off by lack of previous research experience – it is your ideas and commitment we want. Please send the completed form and your CV to Full Name (including title) Contact Details Telephone Email Partner Organisation Position in Organisation Areas of interest in CLAHRC EM Why do want to become part of CLAHRC EM? What will you bring to CLAHRC EM? Any other comments or additional information in support of your application For more information In submitting your information you consent to CLAHRC EM processing your data for the purpose of considering your application as a Faculty Member. Your data may be shared with our partner organisations, a list of which can be found at Your information will be kept by CLAHRC EM until December 2018, which is the current end date for funding for CLAHRC EM. At the end of CLAHRC EM your information will be deleted from CLAHRC EM’s and its partners’ databases and systems in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998. Please tick this box if you do not consent to your information being used in the manner detailed above. Version 1.2 – 12.09.14