AsiaBound SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATION - INDONESIAN An initiative of the Department of Industry, Innovation, Climate Change, Science, Research and Tertiary Education FACULTY OF ARTS COURSE (eg. BA; DipLang): I, (Full Name) Student ID: am applying for an AsiaBound Scholarship and hereby confirm that I am a student in the Faculty of Arts and agree to the following scholarship conditions, should my application be successful: 1 This scholarship is tenable for the duration of the study period overseas and will be used towards this purpose. While studying overseas I will meet all requirements of the host institution regarding attendance at lectures/tutorials and completion of assessment tasks and be of good behaviour. Should I fail to take up the overseas study option I will repay the funds I have received to the Faculty. I understand that I am eligible to receive only one AsiaBound Scholarship for short-term in-country study during my term of study at UTAS (I may be eligible for one further AsiaBound scholarship for long-term in-country study.) I understand that I must register with Smart Traveller at prior to departing Australia, and that should the country’s travel warning increase to a DFAT level 4 (do not travel) the University may cancel or postpone the program I understand that I am not eligible to receive this scholarship if I have received other scholarship funds for this overseas study. 2 3 4 5 6 DEMOGRAPHIC INFORMATION I identify as Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander YES / NO None of my parents or grandparents attended university YES / NO I have travelled to Asia before YES / NO My family’s place of residence is in (name of town / city) TYPE OF OVERSEAS STUDY Semester Length ($6000): choose one only ACICIS (Australian Consortium for In-Country Indonesian Studies) Name of ACICIS program: ________________________________________ Short Term ($2000) Lombok In-Country Indonesian language program Banking details Account name: ____________________________________________________________ Bank: BSB No.: Signed (Student): Account no.: Date: Please note: if your application is successful, it may take up to 6 weeks for funds to be transferred into your account Closing Date: Application must be submitted by August 30 2013 to Associate Professor Pam Allen, School of Humanities, University of Tasmania, Private Bag 41, Hobart, Tasmania, 7001