SCHOOL: DATE: ¡Listos! 1 Módulo 6 El tiempo libre Learning objectives Framework objectives Starters Plenary Grammar Skills (Programmes of Study) Contexts Learning outcomes … Listening and AT1/2 responding Speaking AT2/2 Reading and AT3/3 responding Writing AT4/2-3 Key language YEAR: CLASS: Unidad 1 pp98-99 ¿Qué deportes practicas? Activity no. Talking about sports Reinforcement: 7W1 (Everyday words); 7W5 (Verbs present (+ past)); 7S1 (Typical word order); 7S2 (Sentence gist). Starter 1: Categorising sports (Sorting by type, e.g. Olympic sports, ball games, etc.) Starter 2: Verb revision (Conjugating jugar and practicar- translating English sentences about sporting activities) Throw-and-catch game: consolidating sports-related vocabulary present tense of practicar and jugar (all forms) 1a sounds and writing 1 1c range of vocabulary 4, 6 2 Personal and social life Identify and order names of sports, identify which verb is used for each sport Ask and answer questions about what sport you do Understand a illustrate a paragraph about sports 1, 3 Write sentences about what sport stars do and about the sports you do. ¿Qué deportes practicas? 4, 6 2 5 Practico/Practica/Practican …el atletismo, el golf, el ciclismo, la equitación, la natación, el esquí, el patinaje, la gimnasia, la vela ICT Opportunities Reinforcement (A) Extension (B) Resources Homework Notes Juego/Juega/Juegan …al bádminton, al rugby, al baloncesto, al squash, al cricket, al tenis, al fútbol, al voleibol, el hockey ICT Pack: Activity 1, create a poster about a sporting family Cuadernos A & B, p. 55, p. 62 (exs. 1, 2) Te toca a ti A, p. 126 (ex. 1) Cassette C, side 2 or CD 3, track 10 R&A File, Hojas de trabajo 1-2, pp. 88-89 SCHOOL: DATE: ¡Listos! 1 Módulo 6 El tiempo libre Learning objectives Framework objectives Starters Plenary Grammar Skills (Programmes of Study) Contexts Learning outcomes … Listening and AT1/2-3 responding Speaking AT2/2 Reading and responding Writing Key language ICT Opportunities Reinforcement (A) Extension (B) Resources Homework Notes AT3/3 AT4/2-4 YEAR: CLASS: Unidad 2 pp100-101 ¿Qué te gusta hacer Activity no. en tu tiempo libre? Talking about what you like doing in your free time Reinforcement: 7W1 (Everyday words); 7W4 (Gender and plural); 7S8 (Punctuation). Starter 1: Odd one out (Looking closely at nouns relating to hobbies as well as miscellaneous subjects) Starter 2: Squashed sentences (Insert spaces and punctuation into sentences relating to free-time activities). Pupils distinguish between facts and opinions as you read out statements. (no) me gusta/me encanta/odio/prefiero + the infinitive 1b applying grammar 1b, 1c, 5 5c express feelings and opinions 3b, 5 Personal and social life Order hobbies, understand opinions of hobbies, and what someone thinks about different activities. Ask and answer questions about hobbies you like doing, state preferences Understand and match texts about different activities to pictures 1a, 2, 3a 1c, 3b 4 Write a list of hobbies you like doing, and a paragraph about 1b, 5 what you like or do not like doing ¿Te gusta ir al cine? Me gusta escuchar música. Me encanta …/ No me gusta … / Odio / Detesto …/ Prefiero … bailar, jugar con mi Playstation, cantar, jugar con el ordenador, cocinar, leer, escuchar música, mandar mensajes, hablar por teléfono, montar a caballo, ir a la piscina, navegar por Internet, ir al cine /al polideportivo, salir con mis amigos, ir de compras, tocar la guitarra / el piano, jugar con los videojuegos, ver la televisión Compilation of survey results in MS-Excel and creation of pie chart or bar graph, TG p. 144 ICT Pack: Activity 2, listen and fill in a grid about free time activities Cuadernos A & B, p. 56 Te toca a ti A, p. 126 (exs. 2, 3) Cassette C, side 2 or CD 3, track 11 R&A File, Hojas de trabajo 3-5, pp. 90-92 OHTs 27 & 28 SCHOOL: DATE: ¡Listos! 1 Módulo 6 El tiempo libre Learning objectives Framework objectives Starters Plenary Grammar Skills (Programmes of Study) Contexts Learning outcomes … Listening and AT1/2-3 responding Speaking AT2/2–3 Reading and responding Writing Key language ICT Opportunities Reinforcement (A) Extension (B) Resources Homework Notes AT3/2-3 AT4/2-4 YEAR: CLASS: Unidad 3 pp102-103 ¿Qué haces los Activity no. fines de semana? Talking about what you do during the week and at weekends Reinforcement: 7W5 (Verbs present (+ past)); 7S2 (Sentence gist); 7S5 (Basic negatives). Starter 1: Find the Spanish (Translating short phrases relating to weekend activities) Starter 2: Verb revision (Changing hacer, ver, jugar and other –ar verbs from the first to the third person) Pupils test each other using the Palabras section ver: veo, ves, ve hacer: hago, haces, hace regular -ar verbs (montar, tocar, arreglar) mi, tu, su (possessives) 1b applying grammar 2, 3, 7 2f adapt language 2, 5 5i work in variety of contexts 4, 6 Personal and social life Listen and match daily/weekend activities to pictures and people 1a, 1b, 4 Ask and answer questions about activities you do everyday and at weekends Read and fill gaps in a text about what you do every day 2, 5 6 Write sentences about what you do everyday and at weekends 3, 7 ¿Que haces todos los días? ¿Qué haces los fines de semana? Los fines de semana ... Voy …a la pista de hielo, a un partido de fútbol, a un parque temático, a casa de mis abuelos, a la playa, a la montaña, al campo, al cine, al instituto, de compras Hago …deporte, surfing, windsurf(ing), los deberes Arreglo mi dormitorio, hago la cama, juego a las cartas, monto en bicicleta, monto en monopatín, toco la guitarra, veo la televisión. A veces, o ¡Es divertido! ICT Pack: Activity 3, write a week’s worth of own diary entries. Cuadernos A & B, p. 57 Cassette C, side 2 or CD 3, track 12; OHTs 29 & 30 SCHOOL: DATE: ¡Listos! 1 Módulo 6 El tiempo libre Learning objectives Framework objectives Starters Plenary Grammar Skills (Programmes of Study) Contexts Learning outcomes … Listening and AT1/3 responding Speaking AT2/3 Reading and responding Writing Key language ICT Opportunities Reinforcement (A) Extension (B) Resources Homework Notes AT3/3 AT4/3 YEAR: CLASS: Unidad 4 pp104-105 Una cita Activity no. Arranging to go out Reinforcement: 7S4 (Basic questions); 7S7 (Time and tenses); 7L4 (Classroom talk). Starter 1: Time sequencing (Rearranging sentences relating to time and hobbies into chronological order) Starter 2: Re-ordering text (Pupils cut out part of a conversation from a worksheet and reconstruct it) Two pupils summarise the main points of the lesson 2a listen for gist and detail 2a, 2b 2d initiate and develop conversations 2c, 3b 5h use TL for real purposes 4a, 4b Personal and social life Listen to people arranging a meeting, identify details of where 1, 2a, 2b, and when they are meeting 3a Make up a phone conversation arranging where and when to go 2c, 3b out Understand and answer questions on text messages arranging a 4a meeting Write text messages arranging a meeting 4b ¿Digame? ¿Diga? ¿Quieres ir al cine/polideportivo? ¿Quieres jugar al fútbol/tenis/baloncesto? ¿Dónde nos encontramos? En la plaza/En mi casa/En la entrada/En la estación/En el café ¿Cuándo? Mañana, el sábado, esta mañana/tarde/noche ¿A qué hora? A las siete y media. Bueno/Vale/De acuerdo/(Está) bien. un mensaje, un abrazo, un beso, besos, saludos ICT Pack: Activity 4, make a recording about arranging a date with a friend. Cuadernos A & B, p. 58 Te toca a ti B, p. 127 (ex. 1) Cassette C, side 2 or CD 3, track 13 R&A File, Hoja de trabajo 6, p. 93 SCHOOL: DATE: ¡Listos! 1 Módulo 6 El tiempo libre Learning objectives Framework objectives Starters Plenary Grammar Skills (Programmes of Study) Contexts Learning outcomes … Listening and AT1/2 responding Speaking AT2/2–3 Reading and AT3/2-4 responding Writing AT4/3-5 Key language ICT Opportunities Reinforcement (A) Extension (B) Resources Homework Notes YEAR: CLASS: Unidad 5 pp106-107 Este fin de semana Activity no. Saying what you are going to do at the weekend Part-Launch: 7S7 (Time and tenses).Reinforcement: 7W5 (Verbs present (+ past)); 7S1 (Typical word order); 7T1 (Reading using cues); 7T2 (Reading aloud). Starter 1: Back-to-front sentences (Pupils read out sentences in the immediate future from a back-to-front OHT) Starter 2: Text scanning (Pupils scan a text to establish register and locate time indicators) Pupils work in groups to write sentences about a picture on p.107 ir (present tense, all forms) + a + infinitive (I am going to …) 1b apply grammar 2a, 2b 2f adapt language 3c 2h skim and scan texts for information 3a The world around us Verify what people are doing during the weekend 1b Ask and answer questions about weekend activities 2a Match pictures with captions, order pictures and answer 1a, 3a, 3b questions on a letter about the weekend Answer a letter talking about your weekend activities 3c ¿Qué vas a hacer este fin de semana? Este fin de semana voy/va/van a ... escuchar música, jugar con mi Playstation, ver un video/la televisión, dormir, hacer muchas cosas, montar en bicicleta, jugar al tenis/fútbol con mis amigos, hacer mis deberes, levantarme pronto, acostarme a las once salgo con mis amigos Querido/a ... Un saludo El sábado/domingo por la mañana, por la tarde, por la noche Después de ... Compilation of survey results (ex. 2a) in MS-Excel and creation of pie chart or bar graph, TG p. 152 ICT Pack: Activity 5, write a letter about your plans for the weekend Cuadernos A and B, p. 59, p. 62 (ex. 3) Te toca a ti B, p. 127 (exs. 2a, 2b) Cassette C, side 2 or CD 3, track 14 Flashcards 87-96: jobs at home SCHOOL: DATE: ¡Listos! 1 Módulo 6 El tiempo libre Learning objectives Framework objectives Starters Plenary Grammar Skills (Programmes of Study) Contexts Learning outcomes … Listening and AT1/2-3 responding Speaking AT2/3 Reading and responding Writing Key language ICT Opportunities Reinforcement (A) Extension (B) Resources Homework Notes AT3/3 AT4/2-5 YEAR: CLASS: Unidad 6 pp108-109 ¿Ayudas en casa? Activity no. Saying how you help at home and how you are going to help at the weekend Reinforcement: 7W1 (Everyday words); 7S5 (Basic negatives); 7C4 (Stories and songs). Starter 1: Letter strings (Practising pronunciation of words containing the letter strings rro, cho, go, rre, che, ge) Starter 2: Opposites (Forming opposites of statements about household chores) Pupils test each other using the Resumen section Infinitive, present tense and immediate future: cocinar, arreglar, fregar, poner, hacer 1c use range of vocab and structures 2, 4c, 4d 2a listen for gist 3a 5a communicate in TL 2, 4c Everyday activities Understand house tasks, answer true/false questions about a song, verify what people do to help at home Ask and answer questions about how you help at home and how you are going to help at the weekend Understand short texts and match them to pictures 1, 3a, 4b 2, 4c 4a Write a list of chores you do everyday, write about how you are 3b, 4d going to help at the weekend ¿Ayudas en casa? El lunes ... barro el patio quito la mesa lavo el coche, arreglo mi dormitorio saco la basura paso la aspiradora, cocino ayudo un poco plancho mi uniforme pongo la mesa preparo friego los platos, hago No hago nada. la cena la compra, ¿Cómo vas a ayudar? Voy a preparar la cena el domingo. Voy a ir al supermercado el sábado por la mañana. Immediate future of all verbs listed above Days of the week ICT Pack: Activity 6, carry out a survey about how people help at home Cuadernos A and B, pp. 60-61, 63 ¡Extra!, PB, pp. 112-113 Cassette C, side 2 or CD 3, track 15; Song, PB p. 108; R&A File, Grammar 1-2, pp. 95-96; R&A File, Hoja de trabajo 7, p. 94 OHTs 31 & 32