SCHOOL: DATE: ¡Listos! 1 Módulo 3 ¡Vamos al instituto! Learning objectives Framework objectives Starters Plenary Grammar Skills (Programmes of Study) Contexts Learning outcomes … Listening and AT1/1-3 responding Speaking AT2/1-2 Reading and responding Writing Key language ICT Opportunities Reinforcement (A) Extension (B) Resources Homework Notes AT3/3 AT4/3 YEAR: CLASS: Unidad 1 pp44-45 Me encanta la Activity no. informática Talking about school subjects, expressing likes and dislikes Launch: 7S6 (Compound sentences). Reinforcement: 7W1 (Everyday words); 7W4 (Gender and plural); 7L3 (Gist and detail). Starter 1: Sound spelling links (Identifying pronunciation of letter strings fía, gía, geo, ción and gión.) Starter 2: Opposites (Practising (No) me gusta- pupils write down the opposites of the opinions expressed by Raúl on PB p.45) Pupils prepare three questions to test what they have learnt. gustar: (no) me gusta/me gustan connectors: y, pero, también 1a sounds and writing 1a, 5a 2c ask and answer questions 4 5c express opinions 6 Everyday activities Identify subjects, note people’s school subject preferences 1a, 1b, 3, 5a 2, 4 Say words for subjects, ask and answer questions on opinions of school subjects Read texts on school subjects and complete a grid of 5b information Write a text about subjects you like and dislike 6 las asignaturas: las ciencias, la informática, la tecnología, el inglés, la educación física, las matemáticas, la música, el francés, la religión, el español, la geografía, la historia ¿Te gusta la geografía? ¿Te gustan las ciencias? (No) Me gusta la historia. Me gusta mucho la música. Me gusta bastante el inglés. No me gusta la tecnología. (No) Me gustan las matemáticas. Me encantan el español y el francés. No me gusta nada la educación física. Odio la informática. Detesto la religión. Pero, también, y ICT Pack: Activity 1, design a school timetable in a grid. Cuadernos A & B, pp. 25 & 33 (ex. 1) Te toca a ti A, p. 120 (ex. 1) Cassette B, side 1 or CD 2, track 2 R&A File, Hojas de trabajo 1-3, pp. 37-38 Flashcards 1-12: subjects OHTs 13 & 14 SCHOOL: DATE: ¡Listos! 1 Módulo 3 ¡Vamos al instituto! Learning objectives Framework objectives Starters Plenary Grammar Skills (Programmes of Study) Contexts Learning outcomes … Listening and AT1/2-3 responding Speaking AT2/2-3 Reading and responding Writing Key language ICT Opportunities Reinforcement (A) Extension (B) Resources Homework Notes AT3/2-3 AT4/2-3 YEAR: CLASS: Unidad 2 pp46-47 La historia es Activity no. interesante Giving opinions about school subjects Launch: 7T7 (Improving written work). Reinforcement: 7W4 (Gender and plural); 7W5 (Verbs present (+ past)); 7T2 (Reading aloud). Starter 1: Cognates (Discuss contextsof adjectives used to describe academic subjects and deduce meanings) Starter 2: Spot the mistake (Looking at adjectival agreements in statements of opinion about school subjects) Pupils talk about school subjects and correct each other’s mistakes Adjective agreement: masc. + fem, sing. + plural es/son + school subject Present tense: pensar and preferir (all forms) 1b grammar 2, 5a 2c ask and answer questions 5a, 5b 5c express opinions 2, 4, Everyday activities Compare phrases with pictures, listen for gist 1a, 3a Express opinions about different subjects, read a dialogue 4, 5b with correct intonation and expression Matching half-sentences to form opinions, true or false 1b, 3b exercise on written dialogue Write sentences with your own opinions about different 2, 5a subjects, create a dialogue on school subjects ¿Te gusta el instituto? ¿Te gustan las matemáticas? Las matemáticas son aburridas. Los profesores son buenos. Los alumnos son simpáticos. Prefiero las ciencias. Pienso que el francés es difícil. Me gusta el inglés. Odio el inglés. Es/Son …aburrido/a-aburridos/as, inteligente- inteligentes, bueno/abuenos/as, interesante-interesantes, difícil-difíciles, relajante-relajantes, divertido/a-divertidos/as, simpático/a-simpáticos/as, fácil-fáciles, útilútiles ICT Pack: Activity 2, listen to opinions about subjects and fill in grid. Cuadernos A & B, pp. 25 & 33 (ex. 2) Cassette B, side 1 or CD 2, track 3 R&A File, Grammar 1, p. 44 SCHOOL: DATE: ¡Listos! 1 Módulo 3 ¡Vamos al instituto! Learning objectives Framework objectives Starters Plenary Grammar Skills (Programmes of Study) Contexts Learning outcomes … Listening and AT1/2-3 responding Speaking AT2/2-3 Reading and responding Writing Key language ICT Opportunities Reinforcement (A) Extension (B) Resources Homework Notes AT3/2-3 AT4/3-4 YEAR: CLASS: Unidad 3 pp48-49 ¿Qué hora es? Activity no. Asking and telling the time, talking about your school timetable Launch: 7T4 (Using resources); 7T6 (Texts as prompts); 7C3 (Contact with native speakers). Starter 1: Noughts and crosses (Practising numbers 1-30) Starter 2: Time sequencing (Rearranging times into chronological order) True-or-false game relating to pupils’ school timetable or throw-and-catch game (translating expressions of time into English). Empezar: empieza/empiezan Terminar: termina/terminan Telling the time: es la ..., son las ..., a las ... 1c variety of vocabulary and structures 7a, 7b 2c ask and answer questions 2, 4, 6 4d consider experiences in other countries 5, 7a Everyday activities Listen for 12-hour clock times and check answers, listen for 1, 3b, 5 information on school timetables Say and ask times, ask and answer question on the school 2, 4, 6 timetable Understand times, answer true or false questions on a text 3a, 7a about a school day Write an e-mail about oneself, including information on the 4, 7b school timetable ¿Qué hora es? Es la una. Son las dos. Son las cuatro y media. Son las dos y cinco. Son las tres y veinte. Son las cinco y veinticinco. Son las cinco menos veinte. Son las diez menos cinco. Son las tres y cuarto. Son las seis menos cuarto. ¿A qué hora empieza(n)/termina(n) …? ¿Tienes clases por la tarde? Las clases empiezan a las ocho y media y terminan a las dos. Tenemos recreo a las diez y media. Empieza a las diez y media y termina a las once. Tenemos media hora de recreo. El viernes tenemos ciencias a las nueve. El miércoles... etc. No hay recreo. (No) Tenemos clases por la tarde. Después tenemos inglés. Tenemos muchos deberes. MS Word: produce timetable as in ex. 5, TG p. 72 ICT Pack: Activity 3, record the times shown on various clocks Cuadernos A & B, p. 27 Te toca a ti A, p. 120 (exs. 2, 3a, 3b) Cassette B, side 1 or CD 2, track 4 R&A File, Hojas de trabajo 3-5, pp. 39-41 SCHOOL: DATE: ¡Listos! 1 Módulo 3 ¡Vamos al instituto! Learning objectives Framework objectives Starters Plenary Grammar Skills (Programmes of Study) Contexts Learning outcomes … Listening and AT1/2-3 responding Speaking AT2/2-3 Reading and responding Writing Key language ICT Opportunities Reinforcement (A) Extension (B) Resources Homework Notes AT3/3 AT4/3-4 YEAR: CLASS: Unidad 4 pp50-51 La hora de comer Activity no. Talking about mealtimes, saying what you have to eat and drink Part-Launch: 7S7 (Time and tenses).Reinforcement: 7W5 (Verbs present (+ past)); 7S3 (Adapting sentences); 7T6 (Texts as prompts). Starter 1: Guess the gender (Deducing gender of assorted food and drink items) Starter 2: Squashed sentences (Inserting spaces and punctuation inot sentences relating to food and meals ) Pupils translate phrases into Spanish based on language from the spread. Epressions of frequency: normalmente, generalmente, siempre, a veces, nunca 2a listen for gist and detail 2a, 2b, 3a 4b 2f adapt language 3a 4c compare cultures Everyday activities Identify mealtimes, identify what people have for meals and 1a, 2a, how often, notice differences between countries 2b, 3a Ask and answer questions about your own and someone 1b, 3b else’s mealtimes Understand descriptions of what and how often someone 4a eats Write a short text about what someone eats and drinks, 2c, 4b Write a text about your own mealtimes ¿Qué comes/bebes/tomas? el desayuno, la comida, la merienda, la cena un bocadillo, un agua mineral, una ensalada, un café con leche, unos espaguetis, una Coca Cola, fruta, una limonada, una hamburguesa, una naranjada, unas patatas fritas, un zumo de naranja, una pizza, una tostada Como a las dos. normalmente, siempre, nunca, generalmente, a veces ICT Pack: Activity 4, create a poster about what you usually eat and drink Cuadernos A & B, p. 28, p. 33 (ex.3) Cassette B, side 1 or CD 2, track 5 R&A File, Hoja de trabajo 5, p. 42 Flashcards 13–22: food and drink SCHOOL: DATE: ¡Listos! 1 Módulo 3 ¡Vamos al instituto! Learning objectives Framework objectives Starters Plenary Grammar Skills (Programmes of Study) Contexts Learning outcomes … Listening and AT1/2–3 responding Speaking AT2/2-3 Reading and responding Writing Key language ICT Opportunities Reinforcement (A) Extension (B) Resources Homework Notes AT3/3-4 AT4/2-4 YEAR: CLASS: Unidad 5 pp52-53 Mi instituto Activity no. Describing your school Reinforcement: 7W6 (Letters and sounds); 7S5 (Basic negatives); 7T5 (Assembling text). Starter 1: Sound spelling links (Practising pronunciation of words containing the sounds ay and h) Starter 2: Match up (Matching halves of sentences describing a school, paying attention to gender agreement ) Pupils change one part of a sentence to alter its meaning hay/no hay 2f adapt language 4b, 4c 2h scan texts 4a 4d consider experiences in other countries 2b, 2c, 2d Everyday activities Matching different types of schools and school facilities with pictures, noting where subjects are taught Ask and answer questions about types of school, uniform and school facilities Understand short descriptions of schools 1a, 2a, 2b, 2c, 3a 1b, 2d, 3b 4a Correct wrong sentences, write a short letter about school 4b, 4c ¿Dónde estudias? Estudio en un instituto/colegio mixto/masculino/femenino. (No) Es un instituto moderno. (No) Hay uniforme. ¿Qué tiene tu instituto? Mi instituto tiene … Hay/No hay … unas aulas (de inglés), unas laboratorios (de idiomas/ciencias), una biblioteca, un patio, una cafetería, unas pistas polideportivas, un comedor, una sala de profesores, el despacho de la directora, un salón de actos, un gimnasio, unos servicios ¿Dónde estudias historia?Estudio historia en el aula de historia. los alumnos, los profesores ICT Pack: Activity 5, write a short description of a school. Cuadernos A & B, p. 29 Cassette B, side 1 or CD 2, track 6 SCHOOL: DATE: ¡Listos! 1 Módulo 3 ¡Vamos al instituto! Learning objectives Framework objectives Starters Plenary Grammar Skills (Programmes of Study) Contexts Learning outcomes … Listening and AT1/2 responding Speaking AT2/3 Reading and AT3/2-3 responding Writing AT4/2-3 Key language ICT Opportunities Reinforcement (A) Extension (B) Resources Homework Notes YEAR: CLASS: Unidad 6 pp54-55 ¡Ya llegamos! Activity no. Saying how to get to school Launch: 7L5 (Spontaneous talk). Reinforcement: 7W6 (Letters and sounds); 7L1 (Sound patterns). Starter 1: Letter strings (Pupils match transport vocabulary to written letter strings as you read it out) Starter 2: Battleships (Recapping transport vocabulary and conjugations of llegar) Pupils form five sentences about different times in the school day, llegar: present tense, all forms en + transport, a pie time expressions: pronto/a tiempo/tarde 2c ask and answer questions 1c 2f adapt language 1c, 3a, 3b Everyday activities Match means of transport to pictures, understand and check the meanings phrases Do a survey about transport used to get to school Match short captions with pictures showing time expressions 1a, 2b 1c 2a Complete sentences with time expressions and means of 1b, 3a, 3b transport, conjugate llegar and fill gaps, write a short paragraph about family transport ¿A qué hora llegas/llega al instituto? Llego/Llega a las ocho y media. Llego pronto/a tiempo/tarde. ¿Cómo llegas? Llego a pie. Llego en autobús, metro, coche, bici, moto, tren. Microsoft Excel: survey (ex. 1c) + produce pie charts or bar graphs, TG p. 81. ICT Pack: Activity 6, carry out a survey on how friends get to school Cuadernos A & B, pp. 30-32, 34 Te toca a ti B, p. 121 ¡Extra!, PB, pp. 58-59 (Extension) Cassette B, side 1 or CD 2, tracks 7 R&A File, Hoja de trabajo 6, p. 43 R&A File, Skills 1, p. 45 Flashcards 23-29: types of transport OHTs 15 & 16