SCHOOL: DATE: ¡Listos! 1 Módulo 5 Mi pueblo Learning objectives Framework objectives Starters Plenary Grammar Skills (Programmes of Study – revised in 2007) Contexts Learning outcomes … Listening and AT1/1-2 responding Speaking AT2/2 Reading and AT3/1-3 responding Writing AT4/2 Key language ICT Opportunities Reinforcement (A) Extension (B) Resources Homework Notes YEAR: CLASS: Unidad 1 pp80-81 Voy al polideportivo Activity no. Saying where you are going in the area Reinforcement: 7W5 (Verbs present (+ past)); 7W8 (Finding meanings); 7S9 (Using simple sentences); 7L5 (Spontaneous talk). Starter 1: Cognates (Deducing meanings of places in the town) Starter 2: Battleships (Revising places in the town) Pupils translate sentences demonstrating knowledge of the present tense of ir and places in the town present tense of ir to: a + el = al and a + la = a la 2.2a listen for gist /detail 2, 3 2.2e ask and answer questions 5 2.2f initiate / sustain conversations 5a, 7 2.2g write clearly and coherently 6, 7 3c apply grammar 4 The world around us Match places and sounds to pictures, understand where people are going Ask and answer questions about where you are going / 1, 2, 3 5a Write sentences using picture prompts, write sentences 4, 5b, 6, 7 saying where you or someone else is going in your town, write a dialogue following an example el centro comercial, el parque, el cine, la playa, la estación (de autobuses), la plaza de toros, la estación (de trenes/de RENFE), el polideportivo, el estadio, la tienda (de regalos), el instituto ¿Adónde vas/vais? Voy al centro comercial. Marina va al polideportivo. Vamos a la playa. Van al cine. ICT Pack: Activity 1, create a poster about places to go on holiday Cuadernos A & B, pp. 45 & 53 Cassette C, side 1 or CD 3, track 2 Flashcards 52-61: places in town SCHOOL: DATE: ¡Listos! 1 Módulo 5 Mi pueblo Learning objectives Framework objectives Starters Plenary Grammar Skills (Programmes of Study – revised in 2007) Contexts Learning outcomes … Listening and AT1/1-2 responding Speaking AT2/1-2 Reading and responding Writing Key language ICT Opportunities Reinforcement (A) Extension (B) Resources Homework Notes AT3/ AT4/2 YEAR: CLASS: Unidad 2 pp82-83 ¿Por dónde se va al Activity no. Corte Inglés? Giving and understanding directions Reinforcement: 7W2 (High-frequency words); 7W4 (Gender and plural); 7W6 (Letters and sounds); 7W7 (Learning about words). Starter 1: Guess the gender (Deducing the gender of various unfamiliar places in the town ) Starter 2: Unjumbling sounds (Solving anagrams of words containing c/ z and practising their pronunciation) Discuss regular and irregular verbs in the present tense and brainstorm. imperatives: toma/tome, sigue/siga 2.2a listen for gist / detail 2, 4, 5a 2.2d pronunciation and intonation 1a 2.2g write clearly and coherently 5c 3b sounds and writing 1a 4b communicate in pairs etc. 3, 5b The world around us Understand more places in town, understand more directions, identify where people want to go Ask and answer questions about pictures show, ask and give directions to places in town / 1a, 2, 4, 5a 1b, 3, 5b Write the directions to some places using the map in 5a more places: el café de Internet, la catedral , el Corte Inglés, el mercado , la piscina, la oficina de turismo A la izquierda, todo recto, todo derecho, a la derecha ¿Por dónde se va a la oficina de turismo? Toma la primera/segunda a la derecha. Tome la tercera a la izquierda. Sigue/Siga todo recto/todo derecho. ICT Pack: Activity 2, write directions to places in town. Cuadernos A & B, p. 46 5c Cassette C, side 1 or CD 3, track 3 R&A File, Hojas de trabajo 1, p. 73 Flashcards 62-66: places in town SCHOOL: DATE: ¡Listos! 1 Módulo 5 Mi pueblo Learning objectives Framework objectives Starters Plenary Grammar Skills (Programmes of Study – revised in 2007) Contexts Learning outcomes … Listening and AT1/1-2 responding Speaking AT2/1-3 Reading and responding Writing Key language ICT Opportunities Reinforcement (A) Extension (B) Resources Homework Notes AT3/1-3 AT4/2–3 YEAR: CLASS: Unidad 3 pp84-85 Sube la avenida y Activity no. cruza la plaza... Describing the location of places in a town and giving more detailed directions Reinforcement: 7S1 (Typical word order); 7T1 (Reading using cues); 7L2 (Following speech); 7C5 (Social conventions). Starter 1: Squashed sentences (Insert spaces and punctuation into sentences relating to asking for directions) Starter 2: Preposition revision (Read out sentences but ask pupils to fill in the correct prepositions) Recap prepositions: play ¿Dónde está el caramelo? de + la = de la and de + el = del prepositions: al final de, al lado de usted vs. tú: tuerza/tuerce, suba/sube ... etc. 2.2a listen for gist / detail 3a, 3b 2.2e ask and answer questions 2, 5a 3c apply grammar 1a, 5a 3d use a range of vocab / structures 5b 4b communicate in pairs etc. 2, 5a The world around us Order and identify given directions 1b, 3a, 3b Ask the way and give locations of buildings, ask and give directions to places using a map Understand short sentences to locate buildings and services on a map Write directions to places in the given plan of a town ¿Dónde está …? Aquí, al final de, enfrente de, al lado de, delante de La piscina está de al lado del estadio. El hospital está al final de la Calle. La Plaza Mayor está delante de la catedral. La estación esta enfrente del parque. el aeropuerto, la calle, el hospital, la plaza, la Plaza Mayor, el puente, el río Baja, cruza, dobla, sube, tuerce Baje, cruce, doble, suba, tuerza ICT Pack: Activity 3, record whereabouts various places are Cuadernos A & B, p. 47 Te toca a ti A, p. 124 (exs. 3a, 3b) Cassette C, side 1 or CD 3, track 4 R&A File, Grammar 1, p. 76 OHTs 23 & 24 2, 3c, 5a 1a, 4 5b SCHOOL: DATE: ¡Listos! 1 Módulo 5 Mi pueblo YEAR: CLASS: Unidad 4 pp86-87 ¿Está cerca? Activity no. Learning objectives Talking about distance Framework objectives Reinforcement: 7S4 (Basic questions); 7T1 (Reading using cues); 7T3 (Checking before reading). Starter 1: Question- making (Categorising game cards relating to asking for directions, in terms of verbs, nouns and interrogatives) Starter 2: Text scanning (Pupils have 90 seconds to scan the text on PB p.87 for prepositions of place). Pupils invent sentences for each of the three illustrations on p.87 numbers: 32–100 2.1d work out meaning 1a, 3 2.2b skim and scan 3 2.2e ask and answer questions 2a, 2b 2.2i reuse language they have met 4 3b sounds and writing 1a 3d use a range of vocab / structures 4 Personal and social life Starters Plenary Grammar Skills (Programmes of Study – revised in 2007) Contexts Learning outcomes … Listening and AT1/2 responding Speaking AT2/2-3 Reading and responding Writing Key language ICT Opportunities Reinforcement (A) Extension (B) Resources Homework Notes AT3/2-3 AT4/2 Listen and read a dialogue about places being near or far 1a Ask and answer questions on how far away places are, guess 2a, 2b places according to how far away they are Read and match questions to answers, read texts and match 1b, 3 with the right map Draw and label a map of your town and write a short 4 description ¿Dónde está …? ¿Está lejos la playa? ¿Está cerca la estación de servicio? Está (muy) cerca. Está (bastante) lejos. Está a 10 kilómetros. Está a 5 minutos andando Está a 10 minutos en coche. numbers 32–100: treinta (y dos), cuarenta, cincuenta, sesenta, setenta, ochenta, noventa, cien ICT Pack: Activity 4, listen to where people live and fill in a grid Cuadernos A & B, p. 48 Cassette C, side 1 or CD 3, track 5 R&A File, Skills, p. 77 SCHOOL: DATE: ¡Listos! 1 Módulo 5 Mi pueblo Learning objectives Framework objectives Starters Plenary Grammar Skills (Programmes of Study – revised in 2007) Contexts Learning outcomes … Listening and AT1/3-4 responding Speaking AT2/3 Reading and responding Writing Key language ICT Opportunities Reinforcement (A) Extension (B) Resources Homework Notes AT3/3-4 AT4/2–3 YEAR: CLASS: Unidad 5 pp88-89 ¿Cómo es tu ciudad? Activity no. Talking about what your town is like Reinforcement: 7S6 (Compound sentences); 7C1 (Geographical facts); 7C3 (Contact with native speakers); 7C4 (Stories and songs). Starter 1: ¿España? (Identifying Spanish cities from a list of hispanic place names) Starter 2: ¿Verdad o mentira? (Pupils decide whether statements about the location of their school are true or false) Pupils write sentences about the places illustrated on p.89 adjective agreement 2.1c knowledge of language 1a, 3a 2.2b skim and scan 3a, 3b 2.2k deal with unfamiliar language 3a, 3b 3d use a range of vocab / structures 3c 4d make links with English 1a, 3a 4f language for interest / enjoyment 4 The world around us Identify towns by listening to their descriptions, understand 1b, 2a, 4 a song about the place someone lives Ask and answer questions about where you live, what it is 2b like and what there is there Read descriptions and match them to the right town on a 1a, 3a, 3b map, answer true or false questions based on letter Write a description of where you live 3c ¿Cómo es tu ciudad/pueblo/barrio? Es la capital de (España). Es … antiguo/a, industrial, bonito/a, moderno/a, grande, pequeño/a, histórico/a, tranquilo/a, importante Me gusta (mucho) porque … ¿Qué hay en tu ciudad/pueblo/barrio? Hay varios monumentos. Hay mucho tráfico. Hay muchos turistas. Hay/Tiene … un acueducto (romano), un monumento, un alcázar, un museo, un castillo, un palacio, un edificio, un parque nacional, un equipo de fútbol, un puerto, una fábrica, un quiosco, una iglesia, la sierra, un lugar, la universidad MS Publisher: produce brochure in ex. 3c, TG p. 128 E-mail: send brochure to a Spanish-speaking friend, TG p. 128 ICT Pack: Activity 5, write a letter describing your town or village Cuadernos A & B, p. 49 Te toca a ti B, p. 124 Cassette C, side 1 or CD 3, track 6 Song, PB p. 89 R&A File, Hoja de trabajo 2, p. 74 Flashcards 67-75: more places in town SCHOOL: DATE: ¡Listos! 1 Módulo 5 Mi pueblo Learning objectives Framework objectives Starters Plenary Grammar Skills (Programmes of Study – revised in 2007) Contexts Learning outcomes … Listening and AT1/1-3 responding Speaking AT2/1-2 Reading and AT3/1-2 responding Writing AT4/2-3 Key language ICT Opportunities Reinforcement (A) Extension (B) Resources Homework Notes YEAR: CLASS: Unidad 6 pp90-91 ¿Qué tiempo hace? Activity no. Talking about the weather Part-Launch: 7S7 (Time and tenses).Reinforcement: 7W6 (Letters and sounds); 7T7 Improving written work); 7L1 (Sound patterns). Starter 1: Letter strings (Dictate words relating to weather) Starter 2: Hangman (Play hangman with weather vocabulary) Pupils test each other using the Resumen section 2.1b memorising 2a 2.1c knowledge of language 1a, 1b 2.2a listen for gist / detail 2a, 3b 2.2d pronunciation and intonation 1a 2.2g write clearly and coherently 3a, 4b 3b sounds and writing 1a The world around us Understand weather phrases, listen and match weather with 1a, 2a, 3b pictures, check descriptions of seasonal weather Describe the weather in pictures 2b Match weather phrases with pictures, answer true or false 1b, 4a questions on a weather map Copy and complete the description of the weather in every 3a, 4b season, write sentences about a weather map ¿Qué tiempo hace? Hace buen tiempo, hace calor, hace fresco, hace frío, hace mal tiempo, hace sol, hace viento, hay niebla, hay tormenta, llueve, nieva. el invierno, el otoño, la primavera, el verano en invierno, en otoño, en primavera, en verano a veces ICT Pack: Activity 6, create a weather map of Spain Cuadernos A & B, pp50–52, 54 Te toca a ti A, p. 124 (exs. 1, 2) ¡Extra!, PB, pp. 94-95 Cassette C, side 1 or CD 3, track 7 R&A File, Hoja de trabajo 3, p. 75 Flashcards 76-86: weather OHTs 25 & 26