SCHOOL: DATE: Logo! 1 Kapitel 2 Die Schule YEAR: CLASS: Unit11pp22-23 pp22-23Mein MeinStundenplan Stundenplan Activity Unit no. Learning objectives Framework objectives Starters Plenary Grammar Skills (Programmes of Study) Contexts Learning outcomes … Listening and AT1/2 responding Speaking AT2/2 Reading and responding Writing Key language ICT Opportunities Reinforcement (A) Extension (B) Resources AT3/2 AT4/2–3 Saying which school subjects you have. Asking a friend about his / her timetable. Launch: 7W8 (Finding meanings); 7S3 (Adapting sentences); 7C2 (Everyday culture). Reinforcement: 7L1 (Sound patterns). Starter 1: Change the subject! Framework Pack p.32 (Deducing meanings of school subjects – OHT 13) Starter 2: Order, order! Framework Pack p.32 (Filling in the missing word – OHT 14) (Framework Pack p.33) Discuss the use of am and other expressions of time / 3e different countries’ cultures 1 2.2e ask and answer questions 3, 5b 2.2a listen for gist / detail 4a, 4b 2.2b skim and scan 5a 2.2c respond appropriately 5b 2.2g write clearly and coherently 6 3b sounds and writing 7 2.2d pronunciation and intonation 7 2.2f initiate / sustain conversations 3 Everyday activities Understand what subjects someone has on certain days of the week Say what subject you have on certain days of the week and ask your friend about it Understand subjects on school timetable 1, 4a, 7 3, 5b 1, 5a Describe favourite school day and name subjects in 6 simple sentences Deutsch, Französisch, Mathe, Naturwissenschaften, Informatik, Sport, Erdkunde, Geschichte, Religion, Kunst, Theater, Musik Was hast du am [day]? Ich habe [subject]. Was hast du am [day] in der ersten / zweiten Stunde? Text manipulation, TG p42 Presentation, TG p42 Word processing, TG p43 ICT Pack: activity 1, school subjects, days of the week Workbooks A & B, p11 Cassette A, side B or CD 1, track 10 R & A File: Arbeitsblatt 1, p20 Flashcards 11–23: school subjects OHT 6: school subjects OHT 7A: opinions Scheme of Work for Logo! 1 Chapter 2 1 Homework Notes Scheme of Work for Logo! 1 Chapter 2 2 SCHOOL: DATE: Logo! 1 Kapitel 2 Die Schule YEAR: CLASS: Unit 2 pp24-25 Deutsch ist toll! Activity no. Learning objectives Framework objectives Starters Plenary Grammar Skills (Programmes of Study) Contexts Learning outcomes … Listening and AT1/2 responding Speaking AT2/1–3 Reading and responding Writing Key language ICT Opportunities Reinforcement (A) Extension (B) Resources Asking for and giving opinions about school subjects. Asking a friend about his / her favourite school subject. Saying what your favourite school subject is. Launch: 7S2 (Sentence gist); 7T1 (Reading using cues); 7T4 (Using resources). Starter 3: Subjects and opinions, Framework Pack p.33 (Finding alliterative adjectives for school subjects) Starter 4: Back-to-front sentences, Framework Pack p.33 (Reading sentences in mirror writing – OHT 15) (Framework Pack p.34) Examine the conjugation of finden present tense (ich and du forms) of regular verbs 2.1e use reference materials 1a 3c apply grammar 2 2.1a identify patterns 3 2.2b skim and scan 4a, 4b 2.2g write clearly and coherently 5b Everyday activities Understand opinions about school subjects 2 3, 5a AT3/2–3 Express opinions about school subjects and your favourite subject Understand opinions about school subjects AT4/1–3 Give descriptions of school subjects 1b, 5b 1a, 4a, 4b Wie findest du [subject]? Ich finde [subject] [adjective]. Ich finde das [adjective] toll / super / interessant / OK / nicht gut / langweilig / anstrengend / schwierig. Was ist dein Lieblingsfach? Mein Lieblingsfach ist [subject]. / Workbooks A & B, p12 Cassette A, side B or CD 1, track 11 Flashcards 11–23: school subjects OHT 7A & 7B: opinions Homework Notes Scheme of Work for Logo! 1 Chapter 2 3 SCHOOL: DATE: Logo! 1 Kapitel 2 Die Schule YEAR: CLASS: Unit 3 pp26-27 Wie spät ist es? Activity no. Learning objectives Framework objectives Starters Plenary Grammar Skills (Programmes of Study) Contexts Learning outcomes … Listening and AT1/2 responding Speaking AT2/2 Reading and AT3/2 responding Writing AT4/1, 3 Key language ICT Opportunities Reinforcement (A) Extension (B) Resources Counting to 60. Asking and giving the time. Asking and saying when things start. Launch: 7L4 (Classroom talk). Reinforcement: 7W2 (Highfrequency words); 7S1 (Typical word order). Starter 5: Your number’s up! Framework Pack p.34 (Numbers 2031 – Worksheet 16) Starter 6: Clock these! Framework Pack p.34 (Telling the time game in pairs – OHT 17) (Framework Pack p.35) High-frequency words: prepositions – discussing and practicing prepositions of time. / 2.2a listen for gist / detail 1a, 5a 2.2b skim and scan 3, 6 2.2e ask and answer questions 4, 5b 2.2g write clearly and coherently 7 Everyday activities, personal and social life Identify numbers to 60; understand times (hours and minutes) Say numbers to 60; give times (hours and minutes) Understand short statements about times; answer questions about when things start Copy and write numbers to 60; describe TV programme Numbers 32–60 Times in hours and minutes e.g. acht Uhr fünfundvierzig Wie spät ist es? Es ist [time]. Zwei Uhr zwanzig / acht Uhr fünfundvierzig etc. Wann beginnt [school subject / TV programme] am [day]? Um [time]. ICT Pack: activity 3, numbers 1–31, telling the time Workbooks A & B, pp13–14 1a, 5a 1b, 4, 5b 3, 6 2, 7 Cassette A, side B or CD 1, track12 R & A File: Arbeitsblatt 4, p23 OHT 6: school subjects OHT 8: times Homework Notes Scheme of Work for Logo! 1 Chapter 2 4 SCHOOL: DATE: Logo! 1 Kapitel 2 Die Schule YEAR: CLASS: Unit 4 pp28-29 In der Klasse (2) Activity no. Learning objectives Framework objectives Starters Plenary Grammar Skills (Programmes of Study) Contexts Learning outcomes … Listening and AT1/2 responding Speaking AT2/2 Reading and responding AT3/2–3 Writing Key language AT4/2 ICT Opportunities Reinforcement (A) Extension (B) Resources Asking for help in the German classroom. Talking to your teacher. Launch: 7L5 (Spontaneous talk). Reinforcement: 7W3 (Classroom words); 7C5 (Social conventions). Starter 7: Probleme! Framework Pack p.35 (Brainstorm ways of saying you don’t understand) Starter 8: Going for a song, Framework Pack p.36 (Listen to the song and focus on the language used in the lyrics – OHT 18) (Framework Pack p.36) Sound-spelling links – s and z – filling in a grid and practising pronunciation. difference between du and Sie 2.1d work out meaning 1a 3c apply grammar 1b 2.1a identify patterns 1b 2.1b memorising 3a, 4 2.2b skim and scan 3b, 3c 3b sounds and writing 4 2.2d pronunciation and intonation 4 Everyday activities Understand classroom commands, problems and requests Repeat classroom commands; make requests about items and situations in the classroom Match English and TL classroom commands; understand written information about classroom routine Write out questions to teacher and to partner Ich habe ein Problem. Wie sagt man ... auf Deutsch / auf Englisch? Noch mal, bitte. Wie bitte? Ich verstehe das nicht. Ja. / Nein. Danke. Herr / Frau Haben Sie ...? Hier ist ... / Workbooks A & B, p15 1b, 3a, 4 1b, 3a, 4 1a, 3b, 3c 2 Cassette A, side B or CD 1, track 13 R & A File: Grammatik 1, p105; Arbeitsblatt 5, p24 Song: PB p29 Homework Notes Scheme of Work for Logo! 1 Chapter 2 5 SCHOOL: DATE: Logo! 1 Kapitel 2 Die Schule YEAR: CLASS: Unit 5 pp30-31 Das Pausenbrot Activity no. Learning objectives Framework objectives Starters Plenary Grammar Skills (Programmes of Study) Contexts Learning outcomes … Listening and AT1/2 responding Speaking AT2/2 Reading and responding Writing Key language ICT Opportunities Reinforcement (A) Extension (B) Resources AT3/2 AT4/1, 3 Asking a friend what he / she eats at break and saying what you eat. Asking a friend what he / she drinks at break and saying what you drink Launch: 7W5 (Verbs present (+ past)). Reinforcement: 7S4 (Basic questions). Starter 9: Ich esse, ich trinke, Framework Pack p.37 (Deducing meaning and pronunciation of food and drink items) Starter 10: Interview, Framework Pack p.37 (Matching questions to headings and deducing meanings – OHT 19) (Framework Pack p.38) Examine the indefinite article in the accusative. present tense (ich and du forms) of regular and irregular verbs including question forms 3e different countries’ cultures 1 2.2a listen for gist / detail 2, 4a 2.2e ask and answer questions 3a, 5b 2.2g write clearly and coherently 3b, 4d 2.2b skim and scan 4b 3c apply grammar 5a 2.1a identify patterns 5a Everyday activities Identify food and drink from short statements 1, 2, 4a Ask what someone eats and drinks; ask personal questions in interview style 3a, 5b Recognise which snack items are eaten / available on certain days of the week 4b Write list of snacks; describe your favourite snack 3b, 4c, 5a Was isst / trinkst du in der Pause? Ich esse / trinke ... einen Orangensaft / eine Cola / ein Butterbrot / ein Stück Kuchen / Chips / Kekse / Schokolade / eine Banane / einen Apfel / eine Orange / nichts. ICT Pack: activity 4, food and drink Workbooks A & B, p16 Cassette A, side B or CD 1, track 14 R & A File: Arbeitsblatt 2, p21 Flashcards 24–30: drinks and snacks Framework Pack: Thinking skills (Interview), p.37 Homework Notes Scheme of Work for Logo! 1 Chapter 2 6 SCHOOL: DATE: Logo! 1 Kapitel 2 Die Schule Learning objectives Framework objectives Starters Plenary Grammar Skills (Programmes of Study) Contexts Learning outcomes … Listening and AT1/2 responding Speaking AT2/2 Reading and AT3/2–3 responding Writing AT4/2 Key language ICT Opportunities Reinforcement (A) Extension (B) Resources YEAR: CLASS: Unit 6 pp32-33 Was trägst du zur Activity no. Schule? Saying what you wear to school. Asking a friend what he / she wears to school Launch: 7L3 (Gist and detail). Reinforcement: 7T2 (Reading aloud); 7C2 (Everyday culture). Starter 11: Colours, Framework Pack p.38 (Practising and forming sentences using adjectives of colour) Starter 12: Was hast du? Framework Pack p.38 (Using the accusative with Ich habe) (Framework Pack p.39) Learning vocabulary – looking at different strategies. ich trage + accusative 3e different countries’ cultures 1 2.2b skim and scan 1, 6 2.2a listen for gist / detail 2 3c apply grammar 3 2.1a identify patterns 3 2.2g write clearly and coherently 5 Personal and social life Identify items of clothing from short dialogues and match with people Say what you wear to school Identify people from what they are wearing 2 4 1, 6 Describe what people and you are wearing to school 3, 5 Was trägst du zur Schule? Ich trage … einen Pullover / einen Rock / eine Hose / eine Jacke / eine Jeans / eine Krawatte / ein Hemd / ein T-Shirt / ein Sweatshirt / Schuhe / Sportschuhe. Text manipulation, TG p54 Word processing, TG p54 ICT Pack: activity 5, clothes, colours Workbooks A & B, p17 Cassette A, side B or CD 1, 15 R & A File: Arbeitsblatt 3, p22; Grammatik 1–2, pp25–26 Flashcards 31–41: items of clothing Framework Pack: Thinking skills (Categorising and sentence building: Eating, drinking and wearing), p.40 Homework Notes Scheme of Work for Logo! 1 Chapter 2 7 SCHOOL: DATE: Logo! 1 Kapitel 2 Die Schule YEAR: CLASS: Unit 7 pp34-35 Die Fußballschule Activity no. Learning objectives Framework objectives Starters Plenary Grammar Skills (Programmes of Study) Consolidation unit: a football school in Germany / / / / 3f compare experiences 4g use TL in engaging topics 2.2b skim and scan 2.2a listen for gist / detail 2.2d pronunciation and intonation 2.2g write clearly and coherently Contexts Learning outcomes … Listening and AT1/3 responding Speaking AT2/2 Everyday activities, personal and social life Reading and AT3/3 responding Writing AT4/2 Key language ICT Opportunities Reinforcement (A) Extension (B) Resources 1a 1a 1a, 1b 2 3a 2.2g Understand opinions about school subjects (revision of 2 familiar vocabulary) Give presentation about school day, speaking from 3a notes Read and extract information from a longer text about 1a, 1b school subjects and routines Produce presentation about school day in written form 3b As in Units 1–6 ICT Pack: activity 2, days of the week, school routine, subjects, ICT Pack: activity 6, days of the week, school routine, subjects Extra A & B, PB pp102–3 Cassette A, side B or CD 1, track 16 Framework Pack: Writing skills (Meine Schule), p.41 Homework Notes Scheme of Work for Logo! 1 Chapter 2 8