Logo 3 Grün Framework match, Years 8 and 9 The grid below shows coverage of the MFL Framework in Logo! 3 Grün. There is generally one launch point and two reinforce points within the book for each objective. Logo! 3 Grün has been designed for lower ability pupils. There are therefore places where Year 9 objectives are not suitable to the level and could not be covered. These places are marked with *** . In these places the book has been matched to the corresponding Year 8 objective instead. Objective 9W1 Word discrimination Launch K3 Remind pupils about pairs of words which sound similar, eg Buch/Bauch, schön/schon, Berg/Burg, schreiben/beschreiben ***8W2 Connectives K1 U6 Text activity 2a (und) 9W3 Words about language K1 U3 Ludwig tip Stichwörter 9W4 Main inflections K1 U2 Feminine endings 9W5 Verb tenses (+ conditional) 9W6 Meanings of syllables 9W7 Independent work on words 9W8 Using grammar to understand words *** 8S1 Word, phrase and clause sequencing 9S2 Order of elements in sentences *** 8S3 Modals 9S4 Building answers from questions K3 U2 Grammatik K2 U2 Comparative and superlative K1 U2 Ludwig tip Reinforce K5 U1 Use austragen as an example of meaning change between stem verb (tragen) and separable (austragen) Also (auf)stehen, (ab)waschen, (fern)sehen, (an)rufen K2 U3 Text activity 3a (aber) K4 U5 (und and aber) K4 U3 Ludwig tip Aussprache K5 U7 Ludwig tip Vokabeln lernen KM3 U2 Verb/subject agreement K4 U3 Mein/meine K4 U1 Grammatik K5 U1 Grammatik K3 U6 Ge- for past participles K5 U4 Ludwig tip K6 U1 Ludwig tip K1 U2 Feminine endings K2 U2 Comparative and superlative K1 U6 Grammatik K2 U1 Grammatik K4 U5 Grammatik K1 U6 Perfect tense K3 U1 Modals K4 U4 Inversion K2 U3 K3 U1 K4 U5 K4 U4 activity 2d K5 U1 activity 3b K1 Wiederholung activity 4 *** 8S5 Negative forms and words K3 U3 activities 1a, 1b, 2a, 2b Kein K4 U5 activities 2b, 4 Nie *** 8S6 Substituting and adding *** 8S7 Present, past and future 9S8 Inflections as aid to comprehension K2 U2 activity 2c K3 U3 activity 4 K5 U5 activity 3a K4 U6 K6 U4 K2 U2 Comparative and superlative *** 8T1 Meanings in context K2 U2 Discuss words KM6 U1 activity 2 klasse which can have more than one meaning, eg Geschichte (featured here), sein, tragen, Morgen, klasse, etc K2 U3 Use of infinitives in K3 Wiederholung list of rules Language of formal letter K4 U3 activity 2a Informal language K3 U7 K4 U7 K5 U3 K1 U5 Ludwig tip K2 U4 Ludwig tip K3 U1 Ludwig tip 9T2 Features for effect 9T3 Authentic texts as sources 9T4 Using support materials K3 U6 K1 U2 Feminine endings 9T5 Simple creative writing K1 U4 activity 4 K4 U3 activity 1c K6 U1 activity 5 9T6 Adapting for audience 9T7 Checking work *** 8L1 Listening for subtleties K2 U7 K3 U5 activity 3a K3 U1 Ludwig tip K4 U5 K2 U7 activity 2 Play no 3 and ask pupils to say after one listening whether Frau Schulz likes her job. *** 8L2 Media Listening skills Ask pupils to do some exercises on one listening only. Suitable activities are: K1 U2 activity 1a Ask pupils to report back to a partner before correcting the work with the class. Suitable exercises are K2 U2 2a K1 U7activity 1a Extend this for oral work. One K3 U3 activity 3 Play each extract and ask pupils to say whether they are broadly positive or negative. K3 U1 activity 1a K6 U1 activity 1a 9L3 Reporting and paraphrasing 9L4 Questions/text as stimulus K3 U1 activity 2a K6 U5 K3 U3 activity 3 K5 U3 activity 4a to talk *** 8L5 Unscripted speech pupil role-plays one of the 4 people and a partner asks questions. K1 U7 activity 4c Ensure pupils use keywords to speak from, not a written script. K4 U4 After activity 2d, pupils can conduct nonscripted interviews on the same lines. K5 U7 activity 5b Pupils could prepare this orally, using keywords as cues. 9L6 Formality of language K2 U6 K3 U5 K6 U5 9C1 Demographic facts K1 U1 Pupils can research which languages are spoken in the countries shown 9C2 Work of famous artists K1 U5 Pupils can research famous painters or musicians who might feature on souvenirs. K2 U5 Pupils can research the population of Bremen and other large towns / Point out that Mira is Polish and ask pupils to can find out what other languages German residents speak. K3 U1 Pupils can research the main towns in Austria and find out their population. K3 Pupils can research famous Austrians such as Mozart and Klimt. K4 Pupils can find out what German films are currently popular in German or British 9C3 Youth attitudes to sport/popular culture K3 U7 Pupils can research tourism websites and list activities on offer which appeal to them. 9C4 Well-known features of the country K1 U1 Pupils can research the well-known sights in the cities shown on the map. K1 U1 Pupils can find the names of the 16 German Länder, choose one and find out its main features. 9C5 Region of the country cinemas. K4 U7 Pupils can do internet research to find out the current schedules for ZDF or ARD. K3 U3 Pupils can do further research on Salzburg. K3 U1 Give pupils a map of Austria and ask them to research and mark on it the areas best known for skiing, wine-growing, lakes, and musical heritage.