SCHOOL: DATE: Métro 3 Rouge Module 5 La mode! YEAR: CLASS: Unité 1 pp78-79 Les vêtements Learning objectives Grammar Skills (Programmes of Study) Contexts Learning outcomes … Listening and AT1/3–4 responding Speaking AT2/3–4 Reading and responding Writing AT3/4 AT4/4–5 Key language ICT Opportunities Reinforcement Extension Resources Homework Notes Activity no. Talking about what your are wearing Discussing colour of clothes Adjectives of colour: bleu(e), rouge, vert(e), jaune, noir(e), gris(e), bleu marine, bleu clair, blanc(he) 1c use a range of vocabulary / structures 2b, 3b 2d initiate / develop conversations 2b Personal and social life Understand descriptions of clothing 1a, 2a Describe clothes; interview partner about clothes 1b, 2b Understand what clothes people wear for particular events 3a Write about clothes you wear today, were wearing yesterday and will wear tomorrow 3b un pantalon, un jean, un short, un pull, un tee-shirt, un chemisier, un sweat, une robe, une jupe, une chemise, des sandales, des chaussures, des baskets, des tennis Je / Il / Elle porte … . La couleur me va / ne me va pas. Word processing: using tables. Make your own version of the grammar table on page 78, but put each of the words in the appropriate colour to help you memorise them. Rouge workbook, p43 À toi!, p122 En plus, PB pp90–91 Cassette C, side 1 or CD 3, track 2 R & A File: worksheet 1, p86; grammar 1, p88 Flashcards 21–33 from Métro 1 SCHOOL: DATE: Métro 3 Rouge Module 5 La mode! YEAR: CLASS: Unité 2 pp80-81 Je voudrais ... Learning objectives Grammar Skills (Programmes of Study) Contexts Learning outcomes … Listening and AT1/4 responding Speaking AT2/3–4 Reading and responding Writing AT3/3-4 AT4/4 Ask for something in a shop Ask how much it costs Ask if there is anything cheaper Revise larger numbers Use connecting words this and these: ce / cette / cet / ces vieux 1a sounds and writing 2c ask and answer questions 5a communicate in pairs and groups etc. Personal and social life Understand dialogue in which clothing is purchased Take part in dialogue about purchasing clothing; interview partner about preferences Understand dialogue about purchasing clothes; understand descriptions of clothes Describe a favourite item of clothing Activity no. 1a, 1b 1a, 1b 1b, 2c 2b 1b, 2c 1a, 2a, 2d 2e Key language Je voudrais un tee-shirt bordeaux. Il coûte combien? Avez-vous quelque chose de moins cher? ICT Opportunities Exploring the internet: look at collections on the Pimkie website. Rouge workbook, p44 À toi!, PB p122 En plus, PB pp90–91 Reinforcement Extension Resources Homework Notes Cassette C, side 1 or CD 3, track 3 R & A File: worksheet 2, p87; grammar 2–3, pp89–90 SCHOOL: YEAR: DATE: CLASS: Activity Métro 3 Rouge Module 5 La mode! Unité 3 pp82-83 La mode. Pour ou contre? no. Learning objectives Grammar Skills (Programmes of Study) Contexts Learning outcomes … Listening and AT1/4-5 responding Speaking AT2/5 Reading and responding Writing AT3/5 AT4/5 Key language Saying how much pocket money you get, and what you do with it Saying what you think about fashion essayer de …, commencer à …, s’intéresser à … 2d initiate / develop conversations 2a 3d use dictionaries / reference materials 1a 5c express feelings and opinions 2b Everyday activities, personal and social life Understand people’s opinions about fashion 1c Interview partner to find out his / her views on fashion and how pocket money is spent Understand people’s views about fashion 2a 1a, 1b Write what you and partner feel about fashion and how much money was spent 2b J’ai ... d’argent de poche. Je fais (du babysitting) et je gagne … . J’achète ... . Je mets mon argent à côté. essayer de, commencer à, s’intéresser à La mode, qu’en penses-tu? Je trouve que ... . À mon avis ... . Selon moi ... . Reinforcement Designing a poster: copy and paste or insert own photos to create your own fashion advert with word-processed text and imported photo. Rouge workbook, p45 Extension En plus, PB pp90–91 Resources Cassette C, side 1 or CD 3, track 4 R & A File: worksheet 1, p86 ICT Opportunities Homework Notes SCHOOL: DATE: Métro 3 Rouge Module 5 La mode! YEAR: CLASS: Unité 4 pp84-85 Copain-copine Learning objectives Grammar Skills (Programmes of Study) Contexts Learning outcomes … Listening and AT1/5–6 responding Speaking AT2/2–4 Reading and responding Writing AT3/5–6 AT4/2–6 Key language Activity no. Talking about teenage problems Saying what someone is like expressions with avoir: avoir besoin de, avoir honte, avoir envie de 4d knowledge of TL communities 1a, 3b 5g listen / read for interest and enjoyment 1a, 3b Personal and social life Understand young people talking about their problems 3a Speak about people’s characteristics 1c, 2b Understand people writing about their problems and the suggested solutions 1a, 1b, 3b List positive and negative descriptions; write responses to problem letters 2a, 3c J’ai un problème. J’ai besoin de ... . J’ai honte ... . J’ai envie de ... . Je m’énerve facilement. Paul / Céline est marrant(e) / bavard(e) / charmant(e) / sérieux (sérieuse) / intelligent(e) / poli(e) / farfelu(e) / stupide / gentil (gentille). Reinforcement Writing letters: word-process your own anonymous teenage problem letter. Someone else in the class, whose identity you don’t know, can word-process an appropriate response. Rouge workbook, p46 Extension En plus, PB pp92–93 Resources Cassette C, side 1 or CD 3, track 5 R & A File: grammar 4, p91 ICT Opportunities Homework Notes SCHOOL: DATE: Métro 3 Rouge Module 5 La mode! Learning objectives Grammar Skills (Programmes of Study) Contexts Learning outcomes … Listening and AT1/5-6 responding Speaking AT2/2-4 Reading and responding Writing AT3/5-6 AT4/3-6 Key language YEAR: CLASS: Activity Unité 5 pp86-87 Bouge ta tête no. Talking about a singer 3e develop independence in using TL 4a work with authentic materials 5h use language for real purposes Personal and social life 1b 1b 2b, 2c Understand people talking about musical preferences 2a Carry out a class survey about music; talk about who plays what instrument Understand profile of rap singer and words of song 2b, 3a 1a, 1b, 1c, 1d Write rap song; write up the results of class music survey; write portrait of famous singer / song-writer 1e, 2c, 3b groupe, chanteur, chanteuse rap, jazz, rock, musique classique la trompette, le saxophone, la batterie, la guitare, le piano, le synthétiseur L’album le plus acheté, c’est ... . Il y a ... personnes qui préfèrent ... . Personne ne préfère ... . Reinforcement Using a spread sheet: enter the results of the class survey onto two separate pages of a spread sheet and produce two labelled pie charts to show the results. Rouge workbook, p47 Extension À toi!, PB p123 Resources Cassette C, side 1 or CD 3, track 6 R & A File: worksheet 1, p86 ICT Opportunities Homework Notes