SCHOOL: DATE: Métro 2 Rouge Module 3 Famille et copains YEAR: CLASS: Unité 1 pp42-43 Ma famille Learning objectives Grammar Skills (Programmes of Study – 2008) Contexts Learning outcomes … Listening and AT1/4 responding Speaking AT2/3 Talking about your family mon / ma / mes, ton / ta / tes, son / sa / ses (revision) notre / nos 2.1a identify patterns 2.2a listen for gist/detail 2.2b skim and scan 2.2e ask and answer questions 2.2i reuse language they have met 3c apply grammar 3d use a range of vocab/structures 4g language for a range of purposes Personal and social life Activity no. 1a 1c, 3b 3a 2 3c 1b 3c 3c Understand longer passages about details of family members Ask and answer questions about an assumed family 3b 2 AT3/4 Understand a longer text about details of a family 3a AT4/3–4 ICT Opportunities Draw a family tree and write a short passage of explanation 3c mon / ton / son / notre / votre / leur père / frère, ma / ta / sa / notre / votre / leur mère / sœur, mes / tes / ses / nos / vos / leurs parents / grands-parents ICT Pack: interview – give a presentation about a family Reinforcement Workbook, pp23, 30 Extension En plus, PB pp54–55 Resources Cassette B, side 1 or CD 2, track 1 R & A File: worksheet 5, p54; grammar 4, p58 OHTs 14 and 15 Reading and responding Writing Key language Homework Notes SCHOOL: YEAR: DATE: CLASS: Activity Métro 2 Rouge Module 3 Famille et copains Unité 2 pp 44-45 Mes copains no. Learning objectives Grammar Skills (Programmes of Study – 2008) Contexts Learning outcomes … Listening and AT1/4 responding Speaking AT2/2–4 Reading and AT3/5 responding Writing AT4/3–4 Key language ICT Opportunities Reinforcement Extension Resources Homework Notes Talking about your friends comparisons: plus … que superlatives: le plus … agreement of adjectives (revision) 2.1d work out meaning 2.2a listen for gist/detail 2.2b skim and scan 2.2e ask and answer questions 2.2g write clearly and coherently 2.2j adapt previously learned language 3c apply grammar 3f compare experiences 4a use language within the classroom Personal and social life 1a 1c, 2b 2a 1b 2c 2c 1d 2a 1e Understand a longer passage of someone talking about themselves 2b Discuss with partner who is tallest, shortest etc. 1b, 1e Understand a descriptive article about a champion cyclist 2a Using a model, write a descriptive paragraph about yourself 2c Je mesure … Il / Elle mesure … Il / Elle est plus grand(e) / plus petite que moi, plus sportif(ive), plus timide, plus courageux(euse), plus bavard(e), plus marrant(e), plus paresseux(euse), plus beau (belle) Il / elle est le / la plus grand(e), il / elle est le / la plus petit(e), il / elle est le / la plus sportif(ive), il / elle est le / la plus timide, il / elle est le / la plus courageux(euse), il / elle est le meilleur chanteur / la meilleure chanteuse Word processing: TG p64 Workbook, pp24, 31 À toi!, PB p118 Cassette B, side 1 or CD 2, track 2 R & A File: worksheet 1, p50; grammar 1–3, pp55–57 OHT 15 SCHOOL: YEAR: DATE: CLASS: Activity Métro 2 Rouge Module 3 Famille et copains Unité 3 pp46-47 Les choses que j’aime no. Learning objectives Grammar Skills (Programmes of Study – 2008) Contexts Learning outcomes … Listening and AT1/3–4 responding Speaking AT2/3–4 Reading and responding Writing Key language Talking about your favourite things direct object pronouns (le / la / l’ / les) 2.1d work out meaning 2.2a listen for gist/detail 2.2b skim and scan 2.2e ask and answer questions 3f compare experiences 4d make links with English 4f language for interest/enjoyment Personal and social life 1a 1c, 2a 1a, 1b 2c 1b 2a 2b Understand short passages and interviews about likes and preferences Ask and answer questions about preferences 1c, 2a 2c AT3/4 Understand notes about favourite things 1a, 1b AT4/3–4 Write a dialogue about preferences j’aime, je l’aime, je ne l’aime pas je le / la / les préfère parce que … 2b Reinforcement ICT Pack: multi-media presentation – review questionnaire about favourite things or animals Workbook, p25 Extension À toi!, PB p119 Resources Cassette B, side 1 or CD 2, track 3 R & A File: worksheet 2, p51; grammar 5, p59 ICT Opportunities Homework Notes SCHOOL: DATE: Métro 2 Rouge Module 3 Famille et copains YEAR: CLASS: Unité 4 pp48-49 Le corps Activity no. Learning objectives Grammar Skills (Programmes of Study – 2008) Contexts Learning outcomes … Listening and AT1/4 responding Speaking AT2/2 Reading and responding Writing 1d, 2c 1c AT3/4 Understand descriptions of creatures 2c AT4/3–4 Write adverts for beauty products; describe a creature 1e, 2d ICT Opportunities Reinforcement Extension Homework Notes 1a, 2a 2a 1d 1b, 2b 1e, 2d 2c 1a, 1c, 2a 1e 2c, 2d Understand adverts for toiletry products; understand descriptions of creatures Say what toiletry products are for Key language Resources Talking about parts of the body pour + infinitive regular and irregular plurals of nouns 2.1a identify patterns 2.1e use reference materials 2.2a listen for gist/detail 2.2d pronunciation and intonation 2.2g write clearly and coherently 2.2k deal with unfamiliar language 4a use language within the classroom 4e use a range of resources 4f language for interest/enjoyment Personal and social life les dents, les lèvres, le nez, les oreilles, les sourcils, les yeux, le bras, le cou, le doigt, le dos, l’épaule, le genou, la jambe, la main, le pied, la tête une main, deux mains, un genou, deux genoux, un œil, les yeux Using a graphics program: TG p69 Workbook, p26 En plus, PB p57 Cassette B, side 1 or CD 2, track 4 R & A File: worksheets 3–4, pp52–53 Flashcards 31–45: parts of the face and parts of the body OHTs 16–17: parts of the face, 18–19: parts of the body SCHOOL: DATE: Métro 2 Rouge Module 3 Famille et copains YEAR: CLASS: Unité 5 pp50-51 J’ai mal Learning objectives Saying what is wrong with you and what you need Grammar Skills (Programmes of Study – 2008) imperative – vous form 2.1c knowledge of language 2.2a listen for gist/detail 2.2c respond appropriately 3a spoken and written language 3c apply grammar 4a use language within the classroom 4g use TL in engaging topics Personal and social life Contexts Learning outcomes … Listening and AT1/2–3 responding Speaking AT2/2–4 Reading and responding Writing Activity no. 1a 1b, 2c 2e 2a, 2b 2e 2b, 2d 2d Understand what is wrong with someone and advice offered Name illnesses; give advice; ask for things at a chemist 1b, 2c 1c, 2b, 2d AT3/2 Understand short phrases about illnesses and advice 2a AT4/3 Copy and complete a letter about an illness 2e Reinforcement j’ai mal aux oreilles, aux dents, à la tête j’ai froid, chaud allez, prenez, utilisez, mettez, restez, sucez ICT Pack : web pages – present a series of teenage problems and possible solutions Workbook, pp27–29, p32 Extension En plus, PB pp55–56 Resources Cassette B, side 1 or CD 2, track 5 Flashcards 46–55: ailments OHTs 20 and 21 Key language ICT Opportunities Homework Notes