Paste your Title Here: Major Words have Capitals (CONFTitle Style)

Paste your Title Here: Major Words
have Capitals (CONFTitle Style)
Author 1 name (CONFAuthor1)
Presenting author is underlined
Author 1 University (CONFAuthor2)
<author 1 email CONFAuthor3>
Author 2 University
<author 2 email>
Paste your abstract here. It is usually no more than 80 words. CONFAbstract
Paste a Heading Here and Capitalise the Main Words (CONFHeading1)
Use this template in conjunction with the MERGA Formatting and Instructions paper.
This is the format for a normal paragraph (CONFNormalText). This refers to a footnote1.
Underline all URLs http://www.whatever
This is the format for a bullet point CONFBullets
This is Heading 2 and the Main Words Have Capitals (CONFHeading2)
This is heading 3. It is followed immediately by a paragraph like this. It is normal text
but italicised.
1. This is a numbered point. CONFNumbers
This is a display quotation. Display quotations of 40 words or more. CONFQuote (p. 1)
Table 1 CONFTable1
Tables Have Only 3 Horizontal Lines CONFTable2
Table first line has a horizontal line under it2
Note: Table footnote goes here. CONFTableFoot
Figure 1. Write the caption here : CONFFigureCaption
Use this template in conjunction with the instructions for all authors.
1 This is a footnote to the text. CONFFootnote
Format all entries in the reference list using this style: CONFReference.