Casual staff - Policy 2014-15 v1.0

Casual Staff Engagement Policy
Version 1.5
Last amended: 2/12/2015
Faculty of Arts
Casual Staff Engagement Policy
1. Introduction
Due to changes in legislation regarding auto-enrolment and real-time information, the
University has to take a more structured approach to contracting and paying the casual
This policy provides the Faculty of Arts1 with a fair, transparent, defendable pay rate and
robust identification and engagement process which is responsive, flexible and meets the
requirements of the Schools/Departments/Sections and students.
2. Casual engagement
A casual worker is someone who is able to work on a flexible basis, usually for a short
period of time, to meet changing demands and peak workloads. Casual workers are not
employees of the University of Nottingham. They have no obligation to be available for
work and the University has no obligation to provide work. They will only be paid for the
hours they work and for accrued annual leave. They will have neither service conditions
nor continuity of engagement.
Casual engagements of students are subject registration status and satisfactory
academic performance. An assignment will not be offered where academic performance
is not satisfactory and will cease with immediate effect where study is suspended either
by the University or the student opting for Voluntary Interruption of Study, for example.
3. Categories of casual staff
Casual workers within the Faculty of Arts can be categorised into seven categories:
1. Accompanists
2. Administrative, Professional and Managerial (APM) Casual Staff
3. Demonstrators
4. Instrumental Tutors
5. Research Affiliates
6. Student Ambassadors
7. Teaching Affiliates
8. Visiting/Guest Speakers
The casual engagement policy is tailored to each category.
School of English, School of Cultures, Languages and Area Studies (American and
Canadian Studies; Culture, Film and Media; French; German; Language Centre; Russian
and Slavonic; Spanish and Latin American) and School of Humanities (Archaeology; Art
History; Classics; History; Music; Philosophy; Theology and Religious Studies)
Casual Staff Engagement Policy
Version 1.5
Last amended: 2/12/2015
4. Accompanists
Accompanists provide a subsidiary musical accompaniment to a student singer,
instrumentalist or choir.
Rate of pay
Each student undertaking the Performance module will be given an allowance for recital
accompaniment dependent on the student’s year of study. Students are responsible for
arranging this work and for negotiating payment. The Department has an approved list
of Accompanists which are eligible to receive this allowance. If the Accompanist chosen
is not on the Department’s approved list of Accompanists, the student will not receive
any allowance and will have to fund this work themselves. Any further costs incurred by
the student over and above the allowance are paid directly to the Accompanist by the
Students are responsible for contacting an Accompanist and for arranging
accompaniment for their recital and any required rehearsals. Self-employed
Accompanists will be paid on receipt of invoice in line with University practice and
timescales. Other Accompanist’s casual engagement will be administered through HR.
5. APM Casual Staff
Casual roles within this job family are engaged for the provision of a range of services in
support of the staff, students, systems and resources of the University and of the wider
The work may involve administrative support, specialist advice, data and information
management, project management or the development and implementation of systems
or policy; contact with internal and external customers and external suppliers is a
common feature.
Rate of pay
Casual APM roles will be reviewed against the University’s APM job family by the School
in partnership with Unitemps to determine the level of the role. Pay rates will be
calculated from the first point of the appropriate level. Pay rates will be reviewed each
An APM casual engagement will be administered through Unitemps. If the casual worker
has already been identified and selected by the School, Unitemps will only be used to
administer the casual engagement procedures. However, if required Unitemps are able
to identify and select candidates for the casual work at an additional 19% rate.
Casual Staff Engagement Policy
Version 1.5
Last amended: 2/12/2015
6. Demonstrators
Laboratory, practical and field work Demonstrators are required to provide basic
assistance in class.
Rate of pay
Demonstrators will be paid the University’s standard Demonstrator rate. Pay rates will be
reviewed each year.
A Demonstrator’s casual engagement will be administered through HR.
7. Instrumental Tutors
Instrumental Tutors provide progressive instrumental teaching appropriate to the
student’s needs and capabilities. Instrumental Tutors are able to demonstrate in lessons
and teach to a high standard of proficiency within the tutor’s own specialism.
Rate of pay
Instrumental Tutors will receive a specialist pay rate outside of the Research and
Teaching salary scale. This pay rate is benchmarked against the average hourly rate of
pay for Instrumental Tutors across the UK provided by the Incorporated Society of
Musicians as well as the rate of pay used by our competitor universities.
Self-employed Instrument Tutors will be paid on receipt of invoice in line with University
practice and timescales. Other Instrumental Tutor’s casual engagement will be
administered through HR.
8. Research Affiliates
Research Affiliates will be primarily responsible for assisting and supporting research
activities of staff by undertaking, for example:
 Literatures searches
 Developing questionnaires
 Conducting surveys
 Carrying out analyses and tests
 Drafting of reports
Rate of pay
Rates of pay are benchmarked against the University’s salary scale at the first point of
the appropriate level within the suitable job family. Research Affiliates are positioned
within the University’s Research & Teaching job family at level 4a. Pay rates will be
reviewed each year.
Casual Staff Engagement Policy
Version 1.5
Last amended: 2/12/2015
Casual engagements of students are subject registration status and satisfactory
academic performance. An assignment will not be offered where academic performance
is not satisfactory and will cease with immediate effect where study is suspended either
by the University or the student opting for Voluntary Interruption of Study, for example.
A Research Affiliate’s casual engagement will be administered through HR.
9. Student Ambassadors
Student Ambassadors represent their Department/School at a variety of events and
share their experience of studying at Nottingham. Such events include (but are not
limited to):
 Open days
 UCAS visit days
 May Fest
Student Ambassadors may also be engaged to do general administration in their School.
Rate of pay
Student Ambassadors will be paid the University’s standard Student Ambassador rate.
Pay rates will be reviewed each year.
A Student Ambassador’s casual engagement will be administered through Unitemps. If
the casual worker has already been identified and selected by the School, Unitemps will
only be used to administer the casual engagement procedures. However, if required
Unitemps are able to identify and select candidates for the casual work at an additional
19% rate.
10.Teaching Affiliates
Teaching Affiliates are engaged to deliver established modules under supervision. They
will manage their own teaching activity and reflect on practice and development of skills.
Teaching Affiliates are required to have an understanding and knowledge of their
subject/discipline gained through a degree or equivalent qualification. A Teaching
Affiliate’s specific duties include (but are not limited to):
 Administration
 Preparation
 Teaching
 Assessment
Rate of pay
The skills, qualifications and/or experience of someone engaged to teach on a casual
basis have no bearing on the rate of pay.
Casual Staff Engagement Policy
Version 1.5
Last amended: 2/12/2015
Rates of pay are benchmarked against the University’s salary scale at the first point of
the appropriate level. Teaching Affiliates will initially fall within the Research & Teaching
job family at level 4a. If however the Head of Department/Section considers that more
than 50% of the work allocated to a Teaching Affiliate sits within level 4, the HoD may
pay the level 4 rate following approval from the Head of School.
The rate of pay for a Teaching Affiliate attending an induction session is level 4a
regardless of the specific hourly rate of pay for an teaching engagement.
Evening language tuition
Teaching Affiliates teaching evening language classes will be paid a level 4 rate for their
teaching. This rate accounts for the level of autonomy required to administer and teach
these classes.
PhD supervision
Teaching Affiliates engaged to provide PhD supervision will be paid at level 5.
Teaching norms
The Faculty of Arts teaching norms specify the amount of time allocated to each activity.
Please contact the Faculty Manager if a teaching activity is not listed.
Expression of Interest
Anyone interested in working as a Teaching Affiliate is required to submit an Expression
of Interest (EoI) along with their CV to the relevant Head of Department or Teaching
Affiliate Co-ordinator (School of English only). If the prospective Teaching Affiliate is a
PhD student, this form must be signed by a supervisor to indicate his/her approval of the
Those considered to have the appropriate qualifications/knowledge to teach will be
invited to interview by the Head of Department/Teaching Affiliate Co-ordination (School
of English only).
The Head of Department or nominee/Teaching Affiliate Co-ordinator (School of English
only) plus an academic colleague are required to panel the interview.
The Head of Department/nominee/Teaching Affiliate Co-ordinator, as lead panel
member, has discretion on the length and form of interview. During the interview the
lead panel member will be required to fill in and sign an Interview Record Form.
Pool of casual staff
Teaching Affiliates successful at interview will be put into a casual staff pool for five
years subject to satisfactory performance. When in the pool, Teaching Affiliates are not
required to re-interview in order to take on a casual assignments. Those in the pool of
casual staff have no obligation to be available for work, nor does the University have an
obligation to provide work.
Casual Staff Engagement Policy
Version 1.5
Last amended: 2/12/2015
Casual engagements of students are subject registration status and satisfactory
academic performance. An assignment will not be offered where academic performance
is not satisfactory and will cease with immediate effect where study is suspended either
by the University or the student opting for Voluntary Interruption of Study, for example.
A Teaching Affiliate’s casual engagement will be administered through HR.
Evaluation of teaching
Teaching Affiliates will be assessed once in each year they are given a casual assignment
in two ways: teaching observation and Evaluate (formerly referred to as Student
Evaluation of Teaching (SET)). The Head of Department/Section or nominee is required
to observe the teaching of each individual and to fill in and sign an Interview Record
Form. This assessment will determine whether the casual worker is working to an
appropriate standard and to define any areas where improvement and development is
Termination of engagement
All casual engagements are subject to satisfactory performance. Underperformance will
result in termination of the assignment and/or removal from the pool of casual staff.
11.Visiting/Guest Lecturers
A Visiting/Guest Lecturer gives a one-off talk or short series of talks on a subject about
which he or she has specialist knowledge, and which is not part of the core curriculum.
Rate of pay
There is no rate of pay for Visiting/Guest Lecturers. Where payment is required, the
Head of Department/Section is authorised to approve up to £300 without prior approval
from the Head of School. The £300 may cover any of the following:pay/travel/accommodation etc. but the overall payment should not exceed £300 unless
approval from the Head of School is given.
A payment to a Visiting/Guest Lecturer is via the University’s HR which requires the
School to submit form V1 – Visiting/Guest Lecturer Payment Request. Reimbursement is
via our fee claim form.
If a casual worker is self-employed s/he will be required to send an invoice for an agreed
payment to the School to administer. The School will then submit a completed Nonemployee Status Application Form to HR.
Casual Staff Engagement Policy
Version 1.5
Last amended: 2/12/2015
The School will publish the Faculty policy and process for the engagement of Teaching
Affiliates and give all PhD students a fair opportunity to be considered.
Advertising other casual work opportunities is not required but can be managed by the
School Office if required.
14.Working hours
The maximum permissible amount of teaching activities for students (inclusive of
preparation, delivery and marking) is six hours per week averaged over 12 months and
subject to the requirements of any studentship or funding award held.
The Government has set a limit of 20 hours of employment per week for students during
term-time from outside the European Economic Area. This applies to all work undertaken
by the student, not just their work at the University.
15.Travel expenses & parking permits
Travel expenses and parking permits for casual engagement staff (excluding
Visiting/Guest Lecturers) are paid in exceptional circumstances only, after approval from
the PVC for Arts, granted in advance of the casual engagement. Approval process: the
member of staff wishing to pay the travel expenses should email a brief rationale to the
PVC. No action should be taken until a response is received.