Lecture 8: Displays Digital Displays Cathode Ray Tubes Flat Panel Displays 7/1/2016 Introduction to Engineering Electronics STOLEN FROM K. A. Connor 1 Summary of What We Have Learned • • • • • Ohm’s Law Resistor Combinations What a Diode Does Transistors as Switches Op-Amp Configurations 7/1/2016 Introduction to Engineering Electronics STOLEN FROM K. A. Connor 2 Ohm’s Law V IR Kirchoff’s Voltage Law V 0 Kirchoff’s Current Law I IN I OUT Series Equivalent REQ R1 R2 ... RN 1 1 1 1 ... Parallel Equivalent REQ R1 R2 RN 7/1/2016 Introduction to Engineering Electronics STOLEN FROM K. A. Connor 3 Diode V-I Characteristic • For ideal diode, current flows only one way • Real diode is close to ideal Ideal Diode 7/1/2016 Introduction to Engineering Electronics STOLEN FROM K. A. Connor 4 7/1/2016 Introduction to Engineering Electronics STOLEN FROM K. A. Connor 5 Op-Amp 7/1/2016 Introduction to Engineering Electronics STOLEN FROM K. A. Connor 6 Ideal Op-Amp Continued • Bandwidth is also infinite. Thus, an ideal op-amp works the same at all frequencies. 7/1/2016 Introduction to Engineering Electronics STOLEN FROM K. A. Connor 7 Golden Rules for Op-Amps • The output attempts to do whatever is necessary to make the voltage difference between the two inputs zero. (Negative Feedback is Required) • The inputs draw no current. 7/1/2016 Introduction to Engineering Electronics STOLEN FROM K. A. Connor 8 Op-Amp Configurations • Buffer or Voltage Follower No voltage difference between the output and the input Draws no current, so it puts no load on the source Used to isolate sources from loads 7/1/2016 Introduction to Engineering Electronics STOLEN FROM K. A. Connor 9 Op-Amp Configurations • Non-Inverting Amplifier VOUT R1 VIN 1 R2 Note that this formula is different in the lab write up 7/1/2016 Introduction to Engineering Electronics STOLEN FROM K. A. Connor 10 Op-Amp Configurations • Inverting Op-Amp VOUT VIN 7/1/2016 Rf R1 Introduction to Engineering Electronics STOLEN FROM K. A. Connor 11 Binary Numbers 0 1 2 3 4 5 0000 0001 0010 0011 0100 0101 6 7 8 9 10 11 0110 0111 1000 1001 1010 1011 Byte Lower Nibble Upper Nibble Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 2 128 7/1/2016 7 + 2 + 0 6 + + 2 5 + 32 + 2 4 3 + 2 + 16 + 0 + 2 1 2 4 + + 2 0 =183 2 + 2 Binary number + 1 Introduction to Engineering Electronics STOLEN FROM K. A. Connor = 183 12 Astable and Monostable Multivibrators • What are they good for? Astable: clock, timing signal Monostable: a clean pulse of the correct height and duration for digital system 7/1/2016 Introduction to Engineering Electronics STOLEN FROM K. A. Connor 13 555 Timer • The correct frequency is given by 1 144 . f 0.693( R1 2 R2)C1 ( R1 2 R2)C1 Note the error in the figure 7/1/2016 Introduction to Engineering Electronics STOLEN FROM K. A. Connor 14 From What We Have Seen So Far, How Would We Make a Display? • • • • • LEDs in some kind of an array How to arrange them? How to control them? What is the purpose of the display? How much should it cost? 7/1/2016 Introduction to Engineering Electronics STOLEN FROM K. A. Connor 15 Binary Numbers 0 1 2 3 4 5 0000 0001 0010 0011 0100 0101 6 7 8 9 10 11 0110 0111 1000 1001 1010 1011 Byte Lower Nibble Upper Nibble Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 2 128 7/1/2016 7 + 2 + 0 6 + + 2 5 + 32 + 2 4 3 + 2 + 16 + 0 + 2 1 2 4 + + 2 0 =183 2 + 2 Binary number + 1 Introduction to Engineering Electronics STOLEN FROM K. A. Connor = 183 16 7 Segment Displays • Binary inputs are converted to a decimal number display by turning on a set of 7 LEDs 7/1/2016 Introduction to Engineering Electronics STOLEN FROM K. A. Connor 17 7 Segment Displays • Common cathode at the right and common anode at the left 7/1/2016 Introduction to Engineering Electronics STOLEN FROM K. A. Connor 18 7 Segment Displays 1 2 9 10 7 + 1 5V - 6 5 4 3 CL CLK LD TE PE 0-9 circuit 15 CO VCC VCC 1 P4 P3 P2 P1 14 13 12 11 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 7 1 2 6 2 14161 1 13 1Y 2Y 1A 1B 1C 1D 2A 2B 2C 2D 2 3 4 5 9 10 11 12 5V 3 4 5 8 A Vcc B C a D b c LT d BI e LE f g GND 16 14 13 12 11 10 9 15 14 MC14511- b 12 10 4 2 13 6 a b c d e CAT4 CAT3 CAT2 CAT1 f g LDP RDP 16 11 5 3 9 SEVSEG-b 14012- chip • This is the 0-9 counting circuit you will be building in the lab. • Note that it has to count and then convert the binary to show decimal 7/1/2016 Introduction to Engineering Electronics STOLEN FROM K. A. Connor 19 Displays Applications • 7 Segments are excellent for displaying simple alphanumeric information – multimeters, clocks, etc. • More complex displays are needed to show images – computer displays, televisions, etc. 7/1/2016 Introduction to Engineering Electronics STOLEN FROM K. A. Connor 20 2 Minute Quiz Name_______Sec______Date______ • Give three examples of electronic displays 7/1/2016 Introduction to Engineering Electronics STOLEN FROM K. A. Connor 21 Dividing Images Into Pixels • Second image is blown up many times to show the individual pixels 7/1/2016 Introduction to Engineering Electronics STOLEN FROM K. A. Connor 22 Dividing Images Into Pixels • The second image is blown up a bit less but pixels are still obvious 7/1/2016 Introduction to Engineering Electronics STOLEN FROM K. A. Connor 23 Dividing Images Into Pixels • The second image is sampled more coarsely 7/1/2016 Introduction to Engineering Electronics STOLEN FROM K. A. Connor 24 Dividing Images Into Pixels • Black and white or single color displays are easier to implement 7/1/2016 Introduction to Engineering Electronics STOLEN FROM K. A. Connor 25 Dividing Images Into Pixels • Images can be constructed by scanning across them, line-by-line • The original image is encoded in this manner (e.g. this is the way a scanner or copier works) by, say, starting at the upper left and going line by line to the lower right 7/1/2016 Introduction to Engineering Electronics STOLEN FROM K. A. Connor 26 Plasma Displays • • • • Large, bright, flat panel display View from a wide angular range Designed for HDTV Available from many companies 7/1/2016 Introduction to Engineering Electronics STOLEN FROM K. A. Connor 27 Plasma Displays • High voltage discharge creates high energy photons (UV) that excite phosphors 7/1/2016 Introduction to Engineering Electronics STOLEN FROM K. A. Connor 28 Plasma Displays • Note the patterns of the address and display electrodes • To excite an address, both voltages must be applied 7/1/2016 Introduction to Engineering Electronics STOLEN FROM K. A. Connor 29 Plasma Displays • Fujitsu ALIS display • More complex electrodes but better use of surface area for display 7/1/2016 Introduction to Engineering Electronics STOLEN FROM K. A. Connor 30 Plasma Displays • Discharge region geometry and voltages 7/1/2016 Introduction to Engineering Electronics STOLEN FROM K. A. Connor 31 2 Minute Quiz Name_______Sec_____Date_______ • What is a pixel? 7/1/2016 Introduction to Engineering Electronics STOLEN FROM K. A. Connor 32 Displays: CRT • In a CRT, an electron beam excites the phosphor rather than a UV photon • The beam is directed to a spot on the surface using sweep plates 7/1/2016 Introduction to Engineering Electronics STOLEN FROM K. A. Connor 33 Displays: CRT • Three separate electron guns are required to produce a color picture 7/1/2016 Introduction to Engineering Electronics STOLEN FROM K. A. Connor 34 Displays: CRT • At the left is the layout of the mask and phosphors • At the right is the scanning sequence 7/1/2016 Introduction to Engineering Electronics STOLEN FROM K. A. Connor 35 Displays: CRT • A large variety of configurations are used by manufacturers • Look carefully at the screen of your TV 7/1/2016 Introduction to Engineering Electronics STOLEN FROM K. A. Connor 36 2 Minute Quiz Name_______Sec______Date______ • True or False Blue light is higher energy than red light Most colored light is not produced directly Solid state light is generally produced directly 7/1/2016 Introduction to Engineering Electronics STOLEN FROM K. A. Connor 37 Image From My TV 7/1/2016 Introduction to Engineering Electronics STOLEN FROM K. A. Connor 38 Same Image Enlarged to Show Screen 7/1/2016 Introduction to Engineering Electronics STOLEN FROM K. A. Connor 39 Same Image Enlarged Further 7/1/2016 Introduction to Engineering Electronics STOLEN FROM K. A. Connor 40 Same Image Enlarged Further 7/1/2016 Introduction to Engineering Electronics STOLEN FROM K. A. Connor 41 Unsmoothed Image Enlarged Further 7/1/2016 Introduction to Engineering Electronics STOLEN FROM K. A. Connor 42 Displays: Early TV Allen Dumont B.S.E.E. RPI 1924 7/1/2016 Introduction to Engineering Electronics STOLEN FROM K. A. Connor 43 Displays: Dumont • Developed the first practical CRT (previous versions lasted only 10s of hours) • First company to market home TV receiver in 1938 (previous slide) • Dumont network until 1956 – It could not compete with radio networks (poorly funded) • Broadcast Jackie Gleason, first sporting events, but shows were bought by big 3 networks • Dumont was one of broadcastings first millionaires 7/1/2016 Introduction to Engineering Electronics STOLEN FROM K. A. Connor 44 Where Will You See This Material Again? • 7 Segment Displays: Many courses • CRT: ECSE-2100 Fields and Waves I • Digital Imaging: ECSE-4540 Voice and Image Processing • RF Circuitry: ECSE-4060 Communications Circuits • Plasmas: ECSE-4320 Plasma Engineering • Optics: ECSE-4630 Lasers and Optical Engineering and ECSE-4640 Optical Communications and Integrated Optics 7/1/2016 Introduction to Engineering Electronics STOLEN FROM K. A. Connor 45 Imaging Tools • Mathworks Image Processing Toolboxes http://www.mathworks.com/products/image 7/1/2016 Introduction to Engineering Electronics STOLEN FROM K. A. Connor 46 2 Minute Quiz ANSWERS • Electronic displays-7 segment, plasma, CRT • A pixel is a PIcture Element, smallest unit of a display grid • True or False Blue light is higher energy than red light TRUE Most colored light is not produced directly TRUE, reflected Solid state light is generally produced directly TRUE 7/1/2016 Introduction to Engineering Electronics STOLEN FROM K. A. Connor 47 Charged Particle Accelerators • Fermilab • Medical Accelerator 7/1/2016 Introduction to Engineering Electronics STOLEN FROM K. A. Connor 48