Project Proposal Template: Plan Your Project Success

Project Proposal
Before you begin working on creating your project, you will need to prepare a
proposal for your instructor to review.
Step 1: Identify academic and specialized (career-related) knowledge and skills
needed to enable you to successfully complete your project. Print out and
highlight appropriate information from CIS and other assessment pieces. This will
be part of the beginning of the class.
Step 2: Prepare a typed project proposal which includes:
A concise description of your project idea. Include the how you plan on
accomplishing your project. Steps needed etc.
From the work you did in Step 1 above, indicate the academic and/or
specialized knowledge and skills you already have that will help you
successfully complete your project. What new knowledge and skills will
you learn?
Identify the type of project you will be doing: conduct an experiment,
seek a solution to a problem, invent or design something original, or make
a contribution to society. What do you hope your project will contribute
to the community or some one specific?
How will you meet the requirement to journal/log on a regular basis
throughout your project/service? Specifically describe the manner and
frequency that you will journal. This is separate from your journaling in
class. This is specific to your project.
How will you visually document your progress on your project? Digital
pictures, digital video, etc.
Name a person(s) with expertise in your area of interest who could serve
as your community or workplace mentor. What types of expertise will you
look for in a mentor? What other local resources are available?
Specifically address how will you meet the requirement to participate in
career-related learning experiences? If you need help on this section, talk
to your instructor.
What do you hope to learn about yourself? Please explain.
Step 3: Show how you will manage your project by creating a timeline:
On a separate sheet of paper, list all the primary activities and tasks for
this project. Prioritize how you will carry out these activities.
Determine approximately how much time you should allow for each
activity. Estimate a timeline that you think you will need to use in order
to complete this project on time. (Hint- work backwards using the
deadline as a starting point)
Review your timeline for reasonableness? Describe how you will manage
your time to finish your project and put together a sufficient Collection of
Using the year calendar provided to you enter all of the activities and
tasks on specific calendar days. Be sure to include all significant deadlines
for your work as well as working binder checks.
The reason for doing both a timeline and entering the information on your
calendar is that the timeline will provide all the calendar information on one
page. Each time you check in with your teacher for a progress report, you will
bring your timeline with you for review.
Your project proposal will be used as a piece of evidence for the
“Communication” career-related learning standard. In order for it to be
sufficient, it must be:
Typed using clearly written complete sentences (except on the timeline)
Free of grammatical errors including capitalization and punctuation
Thorough in addressing each aspect of the project proposal.