Program Review Template

Student Support Services and Administrative Unit
Program Review Questions
Spring 2012
Draft due March 5, 2012. Please email your draft to .
Program Review provides an opportunity for the department to
 Explore holistically its effectiveness
 Evaluate whether its services are effective based on evidence documented by outcomes assessment
 Ensure consistency between department goals and institutional goals
 Share its successes
Expected Outcomes of the Review:
 An evidence-based evaluation of the department's effectiveness in terms of the goals established
 Leads to realistic plans for improving the area
 The development and more effective use of Service Unit Outcomes (SUOs) to support institutional planning,
decision making, and effectiveness
 Greater clarity about the department’s goals and criteria for defining and evaluating those goals
 Improvement of the department’s capacity for self-review and quality assurance
 Enhanced focus on the department's input in improving programs and services, especially those that support
student learning
 A deeper understanding of effective coordination and resource use for improved institutional performance
For those departments that have functional areas that have a wide variety of primary functions, you may want each
functional area to conduct their own mini-review. However, there should only be one program review submitted per
department, as listed below.
Student Support Services
 Admissions and Records
 Counseling/ Student Support Development
 Financial Aid, EOPS, Veterans Affairs
 Student Affairs, Physical Education and Athletics
Administrative Units
 Academic Services
 Business Support Services
 Community Relations and Marketing
 Economic Development
 Facilities
 Fiscal
 Human Resources - Academic
 Human Resources – Classified
 Human Resources – Professional Development
 Institutional Effectiveness
 Instructional and Information Technology Services
 Institutional Resource Development
 Workforce Development
Draft due March 5, 2012
p. 1
Part 1: Review of Past 3 Years
For Part 1, please limit your responses to one page for each numbered question (1 - 4).
1. Service Unit Outcomes Assessment Results
A. Summarize Service Unit Outcomes assessment results. Highlight notable successes and areas requiring
improvement. Discuss what actions were taken based on the assessment results and any improvements (i.e.,
process, service delivery, communication, etc.) that can be observed.
B. If applicable, identify the data regularly collected and/or reported as part of program compliance, fulfillment of
demand, efficiency or effectiveness.
2. Situational Analysis (as it relates to progress in achieving department goals)
A. External Conditions – Looking back at the previously identified external conditions that have impacted the
department, describe the ones that have affected the department most significantly and what actions the
department took to respond to those conditions.
B. Internal Conditions - Looking back at the previously identified internal conditions that have impacted the
department, describe the ones that have affected the department most significantly and what actions the
department took to respond to those conditions.
C. Collaboration - What are the department’s strengths and weaknesses in the area of collaboration (internal and
external)? Describe the key collaborative relationships that your department is involved in and explain how these
partnerships strengthen its capacity to advance student success/enhance the quality of services and programs
provided/ create greater operational efficiencies for the department.
D. Communication - How effectively does information flow from this department to other departments on campus?
How does your department make data and information available to faculty/staff/students, and/or prospective
3. Primary Functions/ Primary Purpose/ Department Mission
A. Note any changes in your department's primary functions since the beginning of the cycle (2009-2010). Describe
any changes that might warrant a modification of your department's mission statement.
B. In the past three years, have the functions or services of your department changed in how you directly or
indirectly support student learning? If so, please describe.
4. Goal Progress
A. Describe your department's progress in achieving its goals, highlighting achievements or areas needing continued
focus and the evidence to support these claims. Where appropriate, indicate any factors that impacted progress
toward achieving a goal.
B. Describe the adequacy of resources to achieve goals (resources include Personnel, Facilities, Technology, Fiscal).
C. Describe the impact of any resource allocations you have received over the past 3 years in terms of the
effectiveness of your department.
Draft due March 5, 2012
p. 2
Part 2: Implications of Program Review for Developing 3 Year Plan 2012-2015
Please limit your response for Part 2 to one page.
1. Vision and Direction of Department/ Area
A. As a result of your evaluation and the changes you may anticipate, in what direction do you envision taking your
department for the next three years?
B. Are there ways your department can better support the higher level goals of the Educational Master Plan,
Superintendent-President, Board of Trustees, your VP's goals? (See )
C. Are there any anticipated conditions or trends that might impact the department? How can the department
prepare for these upcoming changes? What are some opportunities anticipated for the next three years that
departments want to seize?
D. What changes in the area of collaboration are needed to make this department more effective in its mission?
E. Identify any areas where challenges in communication could be improved.
F. Describe the feasibility of making the vision you have outlined a reality. How much can be achieved in the next
three years? What are the resources or support (technology, office space, staffing, professional development, etc.)
needed? What challenges do you anticipate?
Part 3: Evidence of Staff Participation in Program Review
Please limit your response for Part 3 to one page.
1. Please describe how the department staff participated in the program review process (i.e., staff meetings, online
collaboration such as Google Docs, department retreat, etc.). Please include specific dates for meetings held
or activities conducted.
2. Please list names and titles of all those who participated in this program review.
Additional Comments (optional; limit to one page)
Draft due March 5, 2012
p. 3