Faculty Senate Curriculum Committee Minutes from the February 23, 2005 meeting Present: Lindsey Bachman Jeff Durgee Mike Goldenberg Prabhat Hajela Sharon Kunkel Elizabeth Large for Lee Odell Dick Smith Dave Spooner Christoph Steinbruchel, chair Sam Wait 1) The Committee agreed to apend the minutes from this meeting to the minutes from the meeting on February 16th. 2) School of Humanities & Social Science- E. Large presented several new courses for review. The following courses were approved unanimously with the comments and suggestions from the Committee noted below: ARTS 2530 Art History I- The FSCC asked the department to check to see if the course will be offered in the fall or spring. ARTS 4040 Rethinking Documentary Video- the Committee suggested revising the Academic Integrity statement to remove the reference to gender neutral language ARTS 4630 Writing and Directing for Video COMM 1XXX- Communication and Information Technology- This course probably won’t be offered as first year studies PHIL 4480 Metaphysics and Consciousness One course was approved with one abstention: ARTS 6120 Fieldwork as Art 3) School of Science- S. Wait presented the following course changes for information: CHEM 6640/4640 Polymer Science Laboratory- The 6000 level course needs the statement that says both courses cannot be taken for credit. CHEM 6620 Physical Chemistry of Macromolecular Solutions- title change CSCI 6090 Generic Software Design credit change from 4 to 3 CSCI 2300 Data Structures add a prerequisite