Faculty Senate Curriculum Committee Minutes from the November 16, 2005 meeting Nancy Campbell Mike Hanna Amir Hirsa, chair Sharon Kunkel Dick Smith Lee Odell John Schroeder Dave Spooner Sam Wait Mike Wozny Guests: Mary Anne Staniszewski James Watt 1. The minutes from the meeting on November 9th and the minutes from this meeting will be approved at the November 23rd meeting. 2. School of Humanities and Social Science (SoH&SS) - Mary Anne Staniszewski distributed a revised proposal for the PhD in Electronic Arts. The revised proposal includes the faculty bios and as well as an abstract of the proposal. M. Staniszewski indicated that there is a market for this program. Rensselaer has a stable faculty and the program has the rigor that other programs do not have. The stable environment at RPI is attractive to students looking at the other few programs in this field. She reiterated that the discipline has matured and there is now a need for doctoral level programs. Technology has driven some of this maturation. The proposed program has both sound and visual aspects integrated in it. The research will include both a creation and text. The artists in the program will focus on the structure of the technology. The department hopes that with the increase in the number of students in the electronic arts area they will be able to create a good-sized graduate community. A Doctor in Fine Arts is more about performing than this degree will be. M. Wozny indicated that he has trouble seeing this as a research degree. M. Staniszewski said that the students entering the program will have already accomplished a certain level of research by the time they are admitted. Admitted students will have a MS or MFA degree. After a brief discussion about the resources needed to support the program, the Committee agreed it was an issue for the Dean of SoH&SS. There was also a discussion about the number of faculty in the department without PhDs. There was some concern about students in a PhD program working with a faculty member without a PhD. M. Staniszewski said the department will make sure that the student’s primary adviser has a PhD. She also said that in this field, the master’s degree has been the terminal degree. The School of Architecture faced a similar issue when they developed the proposal for their PhD program. Further discussion focused on the nature of the research in this program. The motion to approve the PhD program in Electronic Arts was approved by a vote of 5 in favor, 2 opposed and 1 abstention. James Watt distributed a revised proposal for the BS in Games and Simulation Arts and Sciences. Several issues were discussed including the following: Faculty Senate Curriculum Committee - Minutes from November 16, 2005 The layout of the degree template should follow the more standard format and identify the H&SS elective core in each term Include the required 3 courses of free electives Only 1 H&SS core course can be specified Requiring students to complete a dual major as part of the requirements for a BS degree program is new ground for Rensselaer Is there a word other than “Games” that can describe the program? For the faculty in ECSE it raises a flag. J. Watt indicated that he is open to suggestions. It needs to be approved by NYS as a new degree program so the proposal needs to reflect the Institute requirements Consider a single major with a concentration rather than a dual major Review the timing of the science courses within the template No action was taken on the proposal. The Committee recommended that the proposal be developed and formatted: to follow the Institute requirements as a stand alone degree J. Watt will bring the revised proposal to the meeting on December 7th. -2-