Faculty Senate Curriculum Committee Minutes from the meeting December 6, 2006 Present: Kevin Craig Jeff Durgee Les Gerhardt Prabhat Hajela Sharon Kunkel Julia Leusner Chris McDermott Wally Morris Lee Odell John Schroeder Dave Spooner Dick Smith Sam Wait Ken Warriner Mike Wozny, chair 1) The minutes from the meeting of 11/08/06 were approved. 2) Chair Mike Wozny asked the Committee to ratify the motions approved at the 11/08/06 meeting. They were all ratified unanimously. He also thanked Kevin Craig for acting as chair at that meeting. 3) School of Management and Technology- Jeff Durgee gave a brief overview of the MS in Management, Technological Entrepreneurship and Commercialization proposal. He’s received lots of positive feedback as he’s put the proposal together. Committee members had a number of comments and suggestions. o S. Wait pointed out that there is no program called Biotechnology. There are some issues with pre-requisites which were noted at the last meeting, i.e. pg 5; MGMT students do not take Math 1020 which is a pre-requisite for MATH 2400 Differential Equations. o Pg 10 and pg 11- There are issues with the courses listed. Students will not have the prerequisites to take the recommended courses. o Pg 3 PDI should now read DSIS. This should be footnoted that these courses are only for DSIS and MGMT/MECL students because the first design course is already constrained. o Pg 4- add CSCI 1100 for the first year for MGMT students. On pg 13, IT courses, Dave Spooner will check to see if there is another course to be added to the list. The discussion shifted to the actual requirements for the master’s degree. o D. Smith expressed concern that it’s a 36 credit program. Students must complete 30 credits and then 6 credits (see pg 15) of additional work. J. Durgee said that they often hear from employers that engineers and managers can’t talk to each other. The 6 credit practicum is intended to address that issue. D. Smith asked if this couldn’t be folded into the 30 credits. o S. Wait asked if there were issues with having both a 30 credit hour and 36 credit hour requirement for the same degree and if this degree would be offered at Hartford. If not it’s important to explicitly state in the write-up the focus on the relationship of undergraduate work. o There is some confusion about the technical options listed on pg 13. Two of the courses listed would have already been taken by most of the undergraduates. MANE 4220, Inventors Studio would not be available to these students because it is already constrained. In the Materials Science listing, the 2 courses listed are PhD prep courses so they would be very difficult for MGMT students. Pg. 13, the BMED listing, many of the students will already have taken the courses listed there. o Other comments included the following: FSCC Minutes from 12/06/06 There is already technical entrepreneurship concentration offered in Management. It might be confusing to have a second one. Many of the courses are topics courses. A degree can’t be built based on topics courses. The requirements may be difficult for MGMT students without the engineering course background. o The School is also looking at revising the Master of Science in Management in Financial Technology, changing the Financial Systems concentration for undergraduate MGMT students and adding a Financial Technology minor for non-management majors. o J. Durgee distributed several new course proposals. L. Gerhardt asked if there is an existing Statistics course that could be used instead of creating a new course. There may be courses offered by Mathematics departments or others that could be used. He asked if there were any new courses needed for the program. He asked why we are just repackaging existing courses. J. Durgee indicated that this is a cross university endeavor and reflects the direction of the Institute. It’s not a new degree program because the students will receive a MS in Management. It really is a repackaging of courses. What’s the value added? Are there too many options? o These items will be reviewed at the next meeting. (SAVE your copies). 4) School of Science- Sam Wait distributed and reviewed for the Committee a revised Math template for the BS program. The total credits remain at 124. The revised template was approved unanimously. o A template change to the BS in Geology program was also approved unanimously. The changes do not affect the Environmental Engineering program. o A revised template for the BS in Hydrogeology was also approved. o The Environmental Science template was approved unanimously. o Several course deletions were presented for information: MATH 2700 Fundamental of Mathematics ERTH 6730 Groundwater Contaminant Transport ERTH 4070 Sedimentology ERTH 6720 Advanced Groundwater Hydraulics o A number of course changes were also presented: MATH 4200 and 4210 – Mathematical Analysis I and II MATH 4040 Intro to Topology MATH 4010 Abstract Algebra MATH 4950 Senior Research description and term description description # change A new course MATH 4090, Foundations of Analysis was also reviewed. All the changes and the new course were approved unanimously. 5) Information Technology- Dave Spooner provided an overview of a new course in ITEC and several changes to the template for the undergraduate program. The course has been taught once before and enrollment has been strong. The course, ITEC 1150 Introduction to UML (Unified Modeling Language), and the changes were approved unanimously. -2- FSCC Minutes from 12/06/06 6) School of Engineering- Dick Smith presented a number of changes and new course proposals from the School. Deletions: o CIVL 4020 Computer-Aided Design in CE o MTLE 4290 Electronics Packaging o MTLE 4630 Composites Lab o MTLE 6100 Advanced Electron Microscopy o MTLE 6350 Composite Materials o MTLE 6830 Deformation of Materials and Rheology Changes: o MTLE 6060 Advanced Kinetics of Materials Reactions title change o MTLE 6030 Advanced Thermodynamics credit hour change The proposed new courses are a result of some restructuring in the Materials Science department. o MTLE 6XXX Advanced Mechanical Properties o MTLE 6XXX Advanced Electronic Properties o MTLE 6XXX Advanced Structure and Bonding in Materials The Committee asked about an Advanced Thermodynamics offered by the Mechanical Engineering (MANE) department and if a second course is really needed in this area. There is a course offered by MANE but it is a much different course. The Committee suggested a title change for the proposed Thermodynamics course. D. Smith will discuss collaboration and overlap issues further with the departments. In response to a question, D. Smith indicated that they have many faculty who can teach the new Advanced Mechanical Properties. He was also asked if the MANE faculty were ok with the deletion of the composite courses. No action was taken on the proposals. -3-