Faculty Senate Curriculum Committee Minutes from 10/26/06

Faculty Senate Curriculum Committee
Minutes from 10/26/06
June Deery
Les Gerhardt
David Hess
Prabhat Hajela
Chris McDermott
Sharon Kunkel
Lee Odell
Ken Warriner
Mike Wozny, chair
Mark Steiner for Dick Smith
Guest: Atsushi Akera
1) The minutes from the meeting of 10/11/06 were approved with the following changes noted:
Item # 5: The draft report was distributed to department heads for approval. …..There was some discussion of the
financial issues with the full time tuition policy. M. Wozny asked if the FSCC could review the report. L. Gerhardt will
check with the Provost on the process. The 72 credit hour program would not change the requirement for the student to
be fulltime and pay full tuition.
Item # 4 bullet 2: David Hess asked what is being assessed, courses or programs. L. Odell responded saying it’s the
degree granting program and the students’ performance in the program.
Item # 4 bullet 8: “... the outcomes of a program can’t be measured with one culminating experience”.
Item # 4 bullet 11: Add the statement- D. Hess noted that we could also assess our alumni.
2) Lester Gerhardt indicated that the draft report on the 72 credit hour PhD was provided to the FSCC and
Jim Napolitano, president of the Faculty Senate. The Faculty Senate has forwarded the report to the
FSCC for review and approval.
3) School of Humanities and Social Science- Atsushi Akera from the Science and Technology Studies
Department provided an overview and background information on the packet of changes from his
department. The department is proposing a number of changes:
 Change in Methods/Statistics Requirement
 Change in STS Concentration option
 Change in the STS Template
 Change in Advanced Options
 Change in requirements for the STS minor, Anthropology minor and the Ecological Economics,
Values and Policy minor
 Proposal to change courses number for STSH and STSS courses
 Changes in course title or STSS/STSH designation
 Course additions and revisions
 Course deletions
 Deletion of Interschool Minor in Energy
The Committee had a number of questions about the proposed changes.
 STSS 4330- Is the new title, 21st Century Risks too focused on the negative? It reflects a
negative critique and the intention of the instructor. This should be the decision of the faculty
 Why is the department changing the designation of the history courses from STSS to STSH?
This is something that probably should have been done long ago. S. Kunkel will check to see if
this will affect the ROTC students. Advanced Placement and transfer credit procedures will also
need to be revised to reflect this change.
The following courses will be changed to the STSH designation:
STSH 2510- Foundations of American History
STSH 2520-History of the United States Since 1877
STSH 2530-World War II
STSH 4200-China: Past and Present
STSH 4510-History of American technology
Minutes from 10/26/06
The department is dropping a number of courses from the catalog. The department is dropping
many of the courses because they do not have an instructor to teach them. A. Akera was asked
if the courses they offer are sustainable. The department is committed to developing and
sustaining a core of courses that will be taught regularly. There are topical interests that
change so they need to keep up with that too. The department is now reviewing the rotation of
courses regularly to make sure they will be able to fully support the concentrations.
 New course proposals: STSS 2210 Design, Culture and Society
STSS /STSH 4430 Drugs in History
The syllabus for Drugs in History states that the course is Communication Intensive although the
catalog description does not indicate that. A. Akera will check on the status of that course.
Course deletions:
STSH 2130 Intro to the Philosophy of Science
STSH 2670 History of 19th Century Europe
STST 2720 Masculine/Feminine
STSH 4310 Scientific revolutions
STSH 4850 Modern Latin America
STSH 4710 Psychology, Culture and design
STSH 4750 Troy, A 19th Century Industrial City
STSH 4760 American Material Culture
STSH 4780 Medieval Architecture and Art
STSH 4900 STS Selected Topics
STSH 4920 Topics in STS
STSS 2500 Historical and Cultural perspectives
STSS 2680 History of Contemporary Europe
STSS 4110 Social Effects of Science and technology
STSS 4250 Human Dimensions
STSS 4260 Sociology of Medicine
STSS 4310 Politics of Science and Technology
STSS 4330 World Politics
STSS 4540 Environment, Law and Culture
STSS 4550 The Middle East
STSS 4580 Latin America
STSS 4610 20th Century Germany
STSS 4620 History of Medicine
STSS 4660 History of American Science
STSS 4670 History Information Technology
STSS 4900 STS Selected Topics
STSS 4920 Topics in STS
One of the courses to be deleted, STSH 2130, is cross listed with PHIL 2130. PHIL 2130 is one
of the courses that has been certified as a Communication Intensive course. A. Akera will check
on this.
 P. Hajela asked if this is the right time to drop the Energy minor when Energy is one of the
Institute’s signature thrusts. The STS department needs someone to administer the minor. The
courses are outdated and need to be updated. It is important to have someone in charge of
the curriculum in the areas of the signature thrusts. The Committee did not think the minor
should be dropped. A. Akera has reviewed the catalog for acceptable substitutions and he’ll
talk to the other departments for appropriate courses and to see if he can find someone to
administer it. S. Kunkel will check to see if we have any students who are pursuing this minor.
The Committee decided not to vote on any of the items in the packet. M. Wozny suggested more
time to review the changes and then finalizing the review and discussion at our next meeting.
4) School of Engineering-Mark Steiner presented course deletions from Civil Engineering.
 CIVL 6280-Infrastructure and Asset Mgmt Systems
 CIVL 4580- Infrastructure Engineering
Minutes from 10/26/06
K. Warriner asked how you can offer Civil Engineering without infrastructure and asked about the
direction of the department. M. Steiner will take those questions back to the department.
Two new courses were proposed:
DSES 4210- Design and Analysis of Supply Chains
DSES 4290- Simulation Modeling and Analysis
The Committee suggested that there may be some overlap with courses offered by the School of Management
and Technology (SoM&T). The department should discuss this with the faculty in SoM&T.
DSES 4290- The Academic Integrity (AI) statement needs a penalty statement and the course outline should
include specific readings. The Committee also thought there may be duplication with other course being
offered. This course may be unique but the department needs to be more specific on the proposal form rather
than indicate “no duplication” with other courses taught on campus. M. Wozny recommended tabling this
proposal and requested additional information from the department.
J. Deery noted that there are many recurring issues and questions, i.e. AI statements, what is for information
and what must be voted on, etc. She suggested devoting some time at a future meeting so we can resolve the
questions once and for all.