Final Letter to Judges

Final Letter to the Judges
This is your opportunity to express your feelings of thanks and gratitude for the judges to giving
their evening up to come in and take an interest in you, a Vale High School student.
Use the fancy Viking Letter Head in your shared directory. Make sure everything is perfect:
correctly formatted, proofread and free of grammatical errors.
You only need to include the following information:
Paragraph 1: Introduce yourself, your career field and a short description of your
physical project.
Paragraph 2: Just a little reflection of the past semester, what you’ve learned and how
you might apply it in the future.
Paragraph 3: Thank you for taking time to come in this evening and be a part of this.
Just three of four sentences about taking time from their family, work,
community etc.
Dear Judges:
Paragraph 1
Paragraph 2
Paragraph 3
(make sure you double space between the paragraphs)
Write out your name here
Type out your name
That’s it for the letter to the judges.