Vale High School U.S. Studies I Fall 2015 Mr. Ewing

Vale High School
U.S. Studies I
Fall 2015
Mr. Ewing
The Americans
All Quiet on the Western Front
Course Description:
This course covers United States history (1877-1940) from the settlement of the west, through industrial
expansion, progressivism, imperialism, World War I, the roaring twenties, The Great Depression and the
New Deal. All aspects of life in the United States will be examined including social issues, economics,
geography, and our presence on the world stage. The goal of U.S. Studies I is to provide a roadmap in
which students will examine how our history has shaped who we are today.
Required materials:
-colored pencils
-pens or pencils
-spiral notebook
Optional materials:
-large three-ring binder with loose-leaf paper
Classroom Rules:
1. Be on time and ready to go. Do not come to class without a book, paper, and a writing utensil.
2. Be in your seat when the bell rings.
3. No food, pop, or candy allowed. I allow water bottles and gum in my classroom. These are privileges
and can be taken away at any time.
4. No vulgarities, put-downs, or talking-back. Respect each other.
5. No cell phones or ipods (mp3 players)- If I see it, it is mine whether you are using it or not.
Grading Scale:
100-90% = A
89-80% = B
79-70 = C
69-60% = D
59- 0% = F
Your grade for this class will be based on how well you complete the following type of assignments:
- Guided Readings
- Map work
-Short Essays
LATE WORK, for any reason other than an excused absence from school, WILL NOT BE
ACCEPTED; therefore, it is important that students complete their work and turn it in on time.
If you miss class and have an excuse you need to meet with me about getting your make-up work. I will not
come to you and give you the assignments, you need to come to me. I have too many things to do to track
you down.
** If you fail to put your name on your assignment it will get filed with all the other outgoing garbage.
Course Outline: U.S. Studies I
Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5
Week 6
Week 7
Week 8
Week 9
Week 10
Week 11
Week 12
Week 13
Week 14
Week 15
Week 16
Week 17
Week 18
Week 19
Week 20
Week 21
Week 22
Week 23
Week 24
Week 25
Week 26
Week 27
Week 28
Week 29
Week 30
Week 31
Week 32
Week 33
Week 34
Week 35
Week 36
Week 37
Week 38
*Intro to U.S. Studies I
*What is geography?
*Why is history important?
Watch: America- The story of us
review first 100 years of US history- episodes 1-5
Ch. 13- Changes on the Western Frontier (1877-1900)
Ch. 13- View Dances with Wolves movie
Finish Ch. 13
Ch. 14- A New Industrial Age
Finish Ch. 14
Ch. 15- Immigrants and Urbanization
Ch. 15- Politics in the Gilded Age
Movie- Far and Away
Ch. 16- Life at the turn of the 20th century
Finish Ch. 16- Dawn of Mass Culture
Examine Constitution
Continue with Constitution
Finish with Constitution- Quiz
Ch. 17 Progressive Era
Finish Ch. 17/ Begin Ch. 18 American Imperialism
Continue Ch. 18
Finish Ch. 18
Ch. 19 WWI/ Begin reading All Quiet on the Western Front
Continue Ch. 19
Continue Ch. 19
Finish Ch. 19
Ch. 20 Politics of the Roaring 20’s
Finish Ch. 20
Ch. 21 Roaring life of the 20’s
Finish Ch. 21
Ch. 22 The Great Depression
Movie- The Cinderella Man
Finish Ch. 22/ Begin Ch. 23 New Deal Era
Continue Ch. 23
Finish Ch. 23
Ch. 24 Causes of WWII for US
Continue Ch. 24 Rise of Fascism
Continue Ch. 24 Holocaust
Finish Ch. 24/ Begin Ch. 32 World View of WWII
Continue Ch. 32 Pearl Harbor
Continue Ch. 32
Finish Ch. 32