Developing Successful Fellowship Applications - workshop notes

Researcher Development Conference – Developing Successful Fellowship Applications
– Dr Jane Wellens and Steven Hardy
Group work
“What could you include in an application to demonstrate that…”
Your proposal has excellent research potential:
Promise excellent research
Research community
Novel approach
Grounded in other work
Diverse, inter/multi-disciplinary
Does it depend on funding body?
Address real need
Qualified staff, experience of good research delivery
Quality of the institution
High impact publications
Promise excellent research: geared towards solving an ‘existing’ issue/problem
References and recommendations
Previous ability/track record
Publication record (impact)
Granting record
Infrastructure, collaboration
Expertise, technical abilities, methods, commercialisation
Advantages over competitors
Achieve within timeframe and budget
Project-relevance and existing infrastructure
Idea - originality/multiple output applications/uses
Relevant/forward thinking
Importance contribution
Context in other research
Future potential of research
Who benefit/impact on wider community
Value for money/justification
Excellent research potential
Literature review - well researched, comprehensive, gaps filled by our research
Pilot studies - feasibility
Clear aims and applications
History of good research
Clear methodology and timeline
Necessity - perhaps niche area
Demonstration of own work
Be young (and lovely)
Researcher Development Conference – Developing Successful Fellowship Applications
– Dr Jane Wellens and Steven Hardy
The research is of value to users outside and/or within the research community:
Solve an outstanding problem-move field forward
Knowledge transfer
New technology/process
New material e.g. eco-friendly
New application
Relevant to health/disease (human)
Inter-disciplinary research
Knowledge/data base for community
Save/reduce cost of process
Motivate youngsters/other researchers
Demonstrate value to users
In user studies understand the user requirements
Evidence, assessment of quality, potential for publishing in high profile journal in literature
How it is useful/benefit to the wider community. Outreach [schools]
Consider different users
(Commercial) impact
Costs: justification for cost
Value – academic/cultural/economic/social
Fulfilling a need
Translational outputs
Ease of implementation
Disseminate in a way which is understandable to the ‘end user’ - demonstrate ability to
work with a ‘lay person’ (depending on project) the input/involvement of end user
Add knowledge to advance existing solutions
Collaborations with other groups
Find gap in market/literature, novel
Develop existing work/collections
Provide clear outcomes
Create job opportunities
Create further ideas
Identify end users of research
Government targets
Fit into funding bodies research strategies
Application to current practice
Clinical application, i.e. patient care
Contribute to discipline/professional body
Wider application
Researcher Development Conference – Developing Successful Fellowship Applications
– Dr Jane Wellens and Steven Hardy
You have the ability to deliver this research:
Time management – well-planned project
Research output – publication - ability to raise fund-patents
Communication - conferences, workshops, public outreach
Networking and collaboration
Availability of staff and equipment
Brilliant CV - previous success
Feasibility/pilot study/simulation
Background research, well-structured proposal
USP (unique selling point) – why us not competitor
You have the ability to deliver this research
Demonstrate previous experience
Relevant training/skills
Presenting paper at conferences, including international
Track record
Collaborations with other parties
List of projects completed (with dates)
On time/management
Reputation/networking collaboration
Previous funding
Right institution
Previous supervising students
Organisation skills
Realistic timescale
Convince you can deliver
Publication history/granting record
Evidence of having completed tasks on time and within budget
Proven experience/skills in the field
Networks already established
Transferable skills that will contribute to a team
Competent project managers/realistic time schedule or milestones
Ready to get started
Willingness to learn new skills and ability
Contingency plans
Pilot data
Research environment host institutions
Fellows career progression
Researcher Development Conference – Developing Successful Fellowship Applications
– Dr Jane Wellens and Steven Hardy
The proposal offers value for money:
Demonstrate value for money
Outputs with impact – social/financial/knowledge/cultural
Quality from previous outputs
Developing the researcher
Justifications of cost based on previous experience and budget, detailed breakdown
Outreach - dissemination
Impact [technical publications]
Bringing in future research funding
Cost effectiveness impact
Demonstrate value for money
Scientific merit
Value to the public
Monetary benefit
Potential for collaboration
Use own resources - less set-up cost
Develop own equipment, not buy commercial
New technology that saves money
Using skills of researcher - no need to buy in or train
Possibility of spin-off companies outside academia
Value for money
New aspect – methodology, policy/practice - general, understanding - academic/public
Realistic timescale
Justified costings
Budget - best use of resources