2009 02 20 EAC minutes

Environmental Advisory Committee
Minutes for February 20th, 2009
Present: Dave Bahr, Erika Bailey-Johnson, Mitch Davidson, Nancy Haugen, Asher Kingery, Rich Marsolek,
Crystal Middendorf, Chinwuba Okafor, Andrew Spaeth, Rabi Vandergon, Vince Vohnout, Derek Webb, Patrick
Convener: Erika Bailey-Johnson
1. Approved bylaw changes. Today, we added an extra clause to the EAC’s rules and guidelines. We have
added an extra member to include the Sustainability Coordinator, there shall be three convenors, (who
will be elected by majority), and the Sustainability Coordinator can only vote to break a tie. This motion
passed unanimously.
SFE reportTrip to the capitol (Feb. 16th, 2009) was educational- talked to a lot of people.
“Do it in the Dark” campaign for Spring Break-get people to unplug appliances before they leave.
April 22nd-Earth Day Festival. Barbecue, lawn games, music, volunteering?
3. Discussion on phantom watts-how much do they really take? Animometers can track that, and we are
thinking of attaining some to track usages in different offices (there is a Green Fee Mini-Grant in
progress for this).
4. Dave Bahr- presentation
Field trip to Morris. West Central Research and Outreach Center (Not UMM, but U of M) Morris will be
carbon neutral by 2010. Got info on their tower-75 meters tall, 1.65 MW generator. Turns at 180 miles/hour
-Mike Reese, Cory Marquardt, Joel Tallaksen-helped show around.
Computer adjusts yaw - the direction the turbine faces - to face into the breeze. Turning the nacelle causes the
power cables inside the tower to become twisted up, and computer senses when the breeze is slow and turns the
nacelle back to unwind them. The computer also adjusts the blade pitch to match the airspeed for optimum
power, or it turns them perpendicular in excessive wind to shut turbine down. Produces 500 KW in 8 mph
breeze. Currently takes care of 40% UM’s energy. Extra is used for: Generating hydrogen for fuel cells,
converted internal combustion vehicles, fuel cell micro-scale electric power production, Haber-Bosch
production of anhydrous ammonia for fertilizer. Not as much goes to grid because they have all these uses.
Difficult to store hydrogen, so ammonia is more practical.
www.renewables.morris.umn.edu/biomass/facility for more information.
Also generating heat and electricity from Biomass(mostly corn, BSU would have more access to wood biomass)
Has proposed solar-thermal testing and certification lab for SRCC at Morris!!!! BSU
might get one too if the government says so!
Million dollar investment and cannot be profitable. Client will not pay that much, and takes a lot of time for
research. Brita Sailer asking if we are interested. 2 or 1? If 2, possible for us, but we would have to have more
attached than just certification building. Get research going for school. Partnerships to help pay? Tech is
thinking about adding a solar/sustainability program for technicians (high demand!) This could start next fall
already, but who could teach it?
On campus generation-big too expensive. How about the little ones?
Not as efficient and not always self-starting. Biomass gasifier costed UM 9 million, but they estimate they
could do it for 3 million after experience. We should think of a more distributed system than one plant to run
everything. Not sure if UMM is including transportation.
Could we reduce commutes? Get more people in the dorms?
5. Sustainability Coordinator Report
Climate Change Team for President’s Climate Change Commitment. We need a footprint for 2008we’re getting an extension. Subcommitee of EAC, open for members outside of EAC.
*Current Climate Change Team members:
Pat Welle, Dave Bahr, and Crystal Middendorf (Erika would like 3 to 5 more…)
Strategic Plan:
Research-------------------------------these incorporated into all others
Purchasing electricity, Steam, Chilled Water
Solid waste/recycling
Water conservation
Green products
Solar Update: working on getting a site assessment!
Union will do their own energy conservation, looking for a different name. “Flip the Switch?” “Cut the
Cord” any ideas? Piggyback on Green Fridays?
Darrin ? doing an Earth Day concert-sounds cool. To take place at highschool, why? Looking to be
sustainable at concert-cut down on lights, programs, and encourage car pooling. Other ideas?