Approval to Hire Guest Lecturer/Presenter via PO.docx

P.O. Number ________
(Without formal Guest Lecturer/Presenter Agreement)
After due consideration of potential associated risks, and not believing those risks to merit the need to
enter into a formal contract, I approve the Department of ______________________________ to hire
the following guest lecturer/presenter via a purchase order not to exceed $3,000.00 in total, without a
formal contract agreement:
Name of Guest Lecturer/Presenter:
Date of Lecture/Presentation:
Location of Lecture/Presentation:
Expense Amount(s) & Description(s):
Total Fee + Expenses:
Authorized Cost Center #:
Approval Signature by Dean or VP or Provost:
Print Name & Title:
To be submitted via Non-Employee
Expense Reimbursement form with
Note fees and expenses cannot exceed
$3,000 in total or a contract is required.
_________________________________ Date: ________
Requesting Department:
Complete form and submit to appropriate Dean or VP or Provost for Review of Risk.
Dean or VP or Provost:
Review and assess risk. Approve or Deny and return to Requesting Department.
Requesting Department:
If approved, give a copy of Approval and Page 2 notifications to the Guest Lecturer/Presenter.
Enter Purchase Order; submit original Approval and any supporting documents to Procurement.
Upon receipt of satisfactory Approval form and any supporting documents, process Purchase Order.
(Approval form remains with PO working copy and payment record filed in Business Office.)
Minnesota Statute §290.9201 requires MnSCU to withhold a two percent (2%) tax on the gross compensation, including reimbursable expenses,
paid to non-Minnesota entertainers and public speakers for any performance in Minnesota.
Ineligibility to Perform Services:
 Current Minnesota State Colleges and Universities students and current State of Minnesota employees
are not eligible to be hired to perform services by this method.
 Retired Minnesota state employees who have received an early separation incentive under Minnesota
State Colleges and Universities Board Policy 4.11, Board Early Separation Incentive Program (BESI) during
the one year post-separation period prior to the effective date of this contract are not eligible to be hired
to perform services by this method.
Minnesota Statutes 2990.9201 requires MnSCU to withhold a two percent (2%) tax on the gross compensation,
including reimbursable expenses, paid to non-Minnesota entertainers and public speakers for any performance in
Either party may cancel the agreement for services upon ten (10) days’ notice to the other party.
Presenter shall not assign or transfer any rights or obligations to another after agreeing to perform these services.
Each party will be responsible for its own acts and behavior and the results thereof. MnSCU’s liability is governed
by the Minnesota Tort Claims Act, Minnesota Statute 3.736, and other applicable laws.
Guest Lecturer/Presenter shall not release any publicity materials, including notices, pamphlets, press releases,
signs and similar public notices before receiving MnSCU’s approval.
Data Disclosure:
PRESENTER is required by Minnesota Statute §270C.65 to provide a social security number, a federal taxpayer
identification number or a Minnesota tax identification number. This information may be used in the enforcement
of federal and state tax laws. Supplying these numbers could result in action to require PRESENTER to file state tax
returns and pay delinquent state tax liabilities. Services and payment will not be approved unless these numbers
are provided. These numbers will be available to federal and state tax authorities and state personnel involved in
approving the agreement and the payment of state obligations.
For any person hired as an independent contractor, except for those persons whose contract is for less than two
(2) months with gross earnings of less than Two Hundred Fifty and 00/100 Dollars ($250.00) per month, Minnesota
Statute §256.998 requires that his or her social security number and date of birth be submitted to the Department
of Human Services. This information may be used in the enforcement of state and federal child support laws.
Minnesota Government Data Practices Act:
PRESENTER and MnSCU must comply with Minnesota Statute Chapter 13 as it applies to all data provided by
MnSCU or created, collected, received, stored, used, maintained, or disseminated by PRESENTER in accordance
with this agreement. If PRESENTER receives a request to release such data, PRESENTER must immediately notify
MnSCU. MnSCU will give PRESENTER instructions concerning the release of the data before the data is released.
Intellectual Property:
PRESENTER assigns to MnSCU all rights, title and interest in any intellectual property materials created by the
PRESENTER that arise out of the performance of this agreement, including any materials disseminated as part of
the presentation. PRESENTER represents and warrants that any such intellectual property does not infringe upon
any intellectual property rights of another.
Jurisdiction And Venue:
This transaction shall be governed by the laws of Minnesota. Venue for all legal proceedings arising out of this
agreement, or breach thereof, shall be in a court with competent jurisdiction in Ramsey County, Minnesota.