Lifesharing Directory for Fiscal Year 2005-06 Issued by: The Pennsylvania Office of Mental Retardation in cooperation with the OMR-PAC Lifesharing Subcommittee December 2005 1 Introduction This Directory is in response to requests for current information about lifesharing in Pennsylvania’s community mental retardation program. Information provided in this directory includes: The names and emails of County, State Center and OMR Regional Point Persons who can be contacted for further information and to address issues and concerns about lifesharing Information on services, costs, and people served in lifesharing across County MH/MR Programs. Summary Founded in the 1982 as a pilot project in Berks County, lifesharing has become a major form of residential support for people who want to have that support provided by people with whom they live and share their lives. Lifesharing means living with and sharing life’s experiences with supportive persons who form a caring household. Lifesharing is recognizable as being both a close personal relationship and a place to live. People who receive support in lifesharing include both children and adults with a wide array of needs and challenges. Lifesharing offers an alternative to traditional residential living such an Intermediate Care Facilities for the Mentally Retarded (ICFs/MR) and community homes. According to a recent HCSIS report for September 2005, there are 1,909 people reported in lifesharing homes in Pennsylvania, including 1,794 people in homes licensed as family living under 55 PA Code 6500, and 115 people in homes which are not licensed due to the minimal support needs of the people. Unlicensed lifesharing means a home providing room and board for one or two people with mental retardation who are 18 years of age or older and who need a yearly average of 30 hours or less direct training and assistance per week at home. Lifesharing options are available in 45 of the 46 County MH/MR Programs across the state. There are currently 99 provider agencies that hold a family living home license for supporting people in a total of 905 licensed homes. About this Directory This Directory provides information to assist people who are interested in lifesharing, including: self-advocates and families, perspective lifesharers, provider agencies and County Program personnel. Agencies in 38 of the 46 County Programs provided completed survey responses in June, 2005. 1,068 people receiving support in 897 Lifesharing homes are included in this data. Part I of the Directory contains information on lifesharing across counties. Information is provided on cost, population, contact persons and service. The information was obtained 2 by completion of a statewide survey during June through August, 2005 by County MH/MR Programs and provider agencies. The information is expected to be current for June, 2005. A copy of the survey questionnaire is provided in the back of the Directory. Additional information on respite services for specific agencies can be obtained by contacting the Regional or County Lifesharing Point Person listed in Part II. Part I of the Directory may be useful to people who are interested in lifesharing as well as county MH/MR program and provider agency personnel who want to compare their services and cost data with other providers across the state. Persons interested in obtaining lifesharing services or becoming a lifesharer are urged to speak with an agency representative for additional information and should not make any decision regarding services based solely on the information provided in this survey. Lifesharer payments and supports vary from year to year and will also be modified based on the needs of the person as determined by the Individual Supports Plan (ISP). Provider contact information by county is contained in the Part I of the Directory as well as under the County MH/MR Program in which the provider operates. The following summary information represents average county lifesharing costs based on the information offered by provider agencies for fiscal year 2004-05. The figures are not adjusted for population differences between provider agencies. Lifesharer payments or stipends consist of room and board and service payments, but do not include respite costs. Provider agency annual rates include all residential agency costs associated with the person, including administration, additional in-home supports, and administration. Average Monthly Lifesharer Payment (Stipend) by County Low end: $573 Average:* $1,581 High end: $3,686, (generally for supporting two people) Average Annual Provider Agency Budgeted Rate by County Low end: $14,575 Average:* $34,280 High end: $61,893 *Average rates are computed by the adding the average provider Annual Budgeted rate for all providers reporting in the county and dividing by the number of reporting providers. Due to provider agencies being represented in multiple counties and other discrepancies, average rates should be considered approximations. Part II of the Directory contains a list of County, State Center and Regional Lifesharing Point Persons. These point persons are available to answer questions about lifesharing practices, programs and policy. 3 Information on Respite and Additional Agency Staff Support This year’s lifesharing survey obtained information on the types of respite services offered to people in lifesharing. Respite means services and support provided to a person when the primary caregiver is not available. Respite can be provided for a few hours during the day or evening, or in 24 hour overnight units. Provider-specific respite and staff support information is not included in the Directory but should be available to interested persons on request of the provider agency. Persons and families who are considering lifesharing, along with potential lifesharers, are encouraged to obtain information on the type of respite services offered by provider agencies. The Department’s recently issued MR Bulletin 00-05-04 titled: “Lifesharing through Family Living” includes the expectation that lifesharing budgets need to cover the costs of temporary and emergency respite services based on each person’s needs. A statewide summary of respite information from this year’s Lifesharing Survey follows. In reviewing this data, please note provider agencies allow different types of respite options in their lifesharing programs, and that these respite options vary from agency to agency. Statewide Results on Respite 25% of agencies permit lifesharers to use respite but provide no stipend to Lifesharers for times when respite is being provided. 61% of agencies permit lifesharers to receive an allotment for respite services which they can arrange over the course of the year. 38% of agencies permit lifesharers to have a certain allotment of respite money available to them which they can use over the course of the year. 62% of agencies permit lifesharers to have access to respite services above and beyond their normal allotment when there is a family crisis or emergency 44% of agencies provide for hourly respite in the lifesharer’s home for less than overnight periods. 70% of agencies provide for 24 hour overnight respite in the lifesharer’s home when the lifesharer is away for planned vacations or personal reasons 53% of agencies provide hourly respite outside the lifesharer’s home for less than 24 hour overnight periods. 46% of agencies provide for 24 hour overnight respite in a dedicated respite home. 38% of agencies provide for 24 hour overnight respite in a 6400 licensed home. 72% of agencies provide for 24 hour overnight respite in another lifesharer’s home. Persons and families who consider lifesharing, along with potential lifesharers, are also encouraged to obtain information on the types of staff support available. According to this year’s survey results, 45% of agencies across the various county programs report that their agency provides additional staff support in the lifesharing home for people who 4 require extraordinary support due to their physical, medical or behavioral condition. In reviewing these results, it is important to note that persons needing additional staff support may receive this through other agencies, and that not all persons in lifesharing would be expected to need additional supports. Additional Information Please contact your Regional Lifesharing Point Person for additional information or clarification on these survey results. The Regional Lifesharing Point Persons are: Region Southeast Northeast Central Western Lifesharing Point Person(s) Cheryl Boyle Michelle O’Toole Debbie Fox Dan Kuruna Harvey D. Erb Don Stahlman 5 Email Part I. Pennsylvania Lifesharing Survey Responses Central Region County: Blair Agency # Indiv. # Homes # Lic. # Unlic. Low End Mo. Stipend Avg. Mo. Stipend High End Mo. Stipend Av. Annual Budget Family Services, Inc. Skills of Central PA TOTALS 6 6 6 0 $1250 $1250 $1250 $34,400 25 19 19 0 $1101 $1154 $1390 $24,703 31 25 25 0 $1101 $1202 $1390 $29,551 # Indiv. # Homes # Lic. # Unlic. Low End Mo. Stipend Avg. Mo. Stipend High End Mo. Stipend Av. Annual Budget 2 1 1 0 $1020 $1020 $1020 $19,000 3 5 3 4 3 4 0 0 $1319 $1020 $1488 $1254 $1603 $1603 $28,242 $23,621 # Indiv. # Homes # Lic. # Unlic. Low End Mo. Stipend Avg. Mo. Stipend High End Mo. Stipend Av. Annual Budget 5 5 4 4 4 4 0 0 $1119 $1119 $1295 $1295 $1575 $1575 $28,146 $28,146 County: Cambria Agency Cambria Residential Skills TOTALS County: Centre Agency Skills TOTALS County: Columbia/Montour/Snyder/Union Agency # Indiv. # Homes # Lic. # Unlic. Low End Mo. Stipend Avg. Mo. Stipend High End Mo. Stipend Av. Annual Budget Shared Supports CMSU Residential TOTALS 2 20 2 15 2 14 0 1 $1500 $1225 $1500 $1313 $1500 $1400 $20,940 22 17 16 1 $1225 $1406 $1500 $20.940 # Indiv. # Homes # Lic. # Unlic. Low End Mo. Stipend Avg. Mo. Stipend High End Mo. Stipend Av. Annual Budget 8 1 1 5 1 1 5 1 1 0 0 0 $1200 $1538 $1650 $1293 $1538 $1650 $1400 $1538 $1650 $26,500 $31,714 $36,000 10 7 7 0 $1200 $1493 $1650 $31,404 # Indiv. # Homes # Lic. # Unlic. Low End Mo. Stipend Avg. Mo. Stipend High End Mo. Stipend Av. Annual Budget 12 10 10 0 $1395 $1402 $1488 $39,363 11 10 10 0 $1475 $1475 $1650 23 20 20 0 $1395 $1438 $1650 County: Cumberland/Perry Agency CPARC Keystone Svcs. Susquehanna Developmental TOTALS County: Dauphin Agency Keystone Residence Susquehanna Developmental TOTALS 6 $39,363 County: Franklin/Fulton Agency Keystone PA Mentor TOTALS # Indiv. # Homes # Lic. # Unlic. Low End Mo. Stipend Avg. Mo. Stipend High End Mo. Stipend Av. Annual Budget 9 20 29 7 14 21 7 12 19 0 2 2 $1270 $1515 $1270 $1291 $1594 $$1442 $1417 $1696 $1696 $42,828 $31,728 $37,278 County: Huntingdon/Mifflin/Juniata Agency # Indiv. # Homes # Lic. # Unlic. Low End Mo. Stipend Avg. Mo. Stipend High End Mo. Stipend Av. Annual Budget 2 1 1 0 $2120 $2120 $2120 $25,440 11 8 8 0 $1501 $1592 $1615 $29,883 3 5 3 5 2 4 1 1 $1118 $1200 $1146 $1350 $1200 $1500 $33,700 $36,529 21 17 15 2 $1118 $1552 $1615 $31,388 Agency # Indiv. # Homes # Lic. # Unlic. Low End Mo. Stipend Avg. Mo. Stipend High End Mo. Stipend Av. Annual Budget Community Services Group Keystone Residence of Lancaster Friendship Community The PAI Corp. TOTALS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 4 4 0 $1116 $1258 $1426 $23,341 12 8 8 0 $1200 $1800 $2800 3 20 3 15 3 15 0 0 $1460 $1116 $1460 $1506 $1520 $1520 $20,189 $21,765 Agency # Indiv. # Homes # Lic. # Unlic. Low End Mo. Stipend Avg. Mo. Stipend High End Mo. Stipend Av. Annual Budget Community Services Group TOTALS 3 2 2 0 $1369 $1400 $2000 $$28,320 3 2 2 0 $1369 $1400 $2000 $$28,320 Mifflin/Juniata Special Needs Center Raystown Developmental Skills Supportive Concepts for Families, Inc TOTALS County: Lancaster County: Lebanon County: Lycoming/Clinton Agency # Indiv. # Homes # Lic. # Unlic. Low End Mo. Stipend Avg. Mo. Stipend High End Mo. Stipend Av. Annual Budget Hope Enterprises, Inc. Community Services Group TOTALS 13 12 12 0 $1436 $1744 $1845 $30,000 8 7 7 0 $1779 $1971 $2183 $34,360 21 19 19 0 $1436 $1857 $2183 $32,180 Low End Mo. Stipend Avg. Mo. Stipend High End Mo. Stipend Av. Annual Budget County: Northumberland Agency # Indiv. # Homes # Lic. # Unlic. Keystone Service Systems Shared Support TOTALS 28 22 22 0 2 30 2 24 1 23 1 1 $30,00 $1500 $1500 7 $2000 $2000 $2500 $2500 $30,000 County: York/Adams Agency # Indiv. # Homes # Lic. # Unlic. 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 $1650 $1650 $1650 $20,075 2 2 2 0 $1650 $1650 $1650 $25,037 # Indiv. # Homes # Lic. # Unlic. Low End Mo. Stipend Avg. Mo. Stipend High End Mo. Stipend Av. Annual Budget 4 11 5 1 21 4 10 3 1 18 4 10 3 1 18 0 0 0 0 0 $1520 $1436 $1000 $1912 $1686 $1000 $2900 $3686 $1025 $28,346 $29,000 $17,779 $1000 $1532 $3686 $25,041 # Indiv. # Homes # Lic. # Unlic. Low End Mo. Stipend Avg. Mo. Stipend High End Mo. Stipend Av. Annual Budget 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 $2600 $2600 $2600 $2600 $2600 $2600 $61,893 $61,893 # Indiv. # Homes # Lic. # Unlic. Low End Mo. Stipend Avg. Mo. Stipend High End Mo. Stipend Av. Annual Budget 26 18 18 17 17 1 1 $1500 $1500 $1500 $1500 $1500 $1500 $36,200 $36,200 Agency # Indiv. # Homes # Lic. # Unlic. Low End Mo. Stipend Avg. Mo. Stipend High End Mo. Stipend Av. Annual Budget Passavant Mem. Homes United Comm. Indep. Prog. Person First Choice Enterprise TOTALS 6 6 6 0 $2387 $2387 $2387 $28,652 6 3 1 2 $833 $1270 $3041 $40,837 1 4 1 4 0 4 1 0 $900 $1775 $900 $1825 $900 $1875 $20,000 17 14 11 3 $833 $1595 $2050 $29,829 # Indiv. # Homes # Lic. # Unlic. Low End Mo. Stipend Avg. Mo. Stipend High End Mo. Stipend Av. Annual Budget 42 29 29 0 $1832 $1910 $2302 1 43 1 30 1 30 0 0 $1832 $1910 $2302 Keystone Svcs. Systems Bell Socialization TOTALS Low End Mo. Stipend Avg. Mo. Stipend High End Mo. Stipend Av. Annual Budget $30,000 Western Region County: Allegheny Agency Achieve/Compro Allegheny East Chartiers Keystone TOTALS County: Beaver Agency Passavant TOTALS County: Butler Agency The ARC TOTALS County: Clarion County: Clearfield/Jefferson Agency Fayette Resources Keystone TOTALS 8 $30,000 $30,000 County: Crawford Agency # Indiv. # Homes # Lic. # Unlic. Low End Mo. Stipend Avg. Mo. Stipend High End Mo. Stipend Av. Annual Budget The ARC of Crawford Co. Diversified Family Services Erie Homes Supports, Inc. Touch-Stone United Comm. Independence TOTALS 22 21 18 3 $1353 $1581 $1728 $29,815 1 1 1 0 $1186 $1186 $1186 $$48,000 2 12 18 11 2 11 17 10 1 11 17 10 1 0 0 0 $1833 $1736 $1749 $1667 $1885 $2261 $1790 $1351 $1937 $2336 $2015 $2506 $32,700 $46516 $38,694 66 62 58 4 $1186 $1675 $2566 $39,145 # Indiv. # Homes # Lic. # Unlic. Low End Mo. Stipend Avg. Mo. Stipend High End Mo. Stipend Av. Annual Budget $1284 $1496 $2659 $$30,025 $1833 $1250 $1250 $2341 $1791 $1250 $3242 $3250 $1250 $36,500 $30,000 $17,380 $1250 $1719 $3250 $28,476 County: Erie Agency Barber Nat’l 23 16 18* 0 Institute Erie Homes 5 5 4 1 Lakeshore 10 9 2 7 Stairways 2 1 1 0 Behav. Health TOTALS 40 31 25 8 indicates 2 licensed homes waiting for individuals County: Greene Agency # Indiv. # Homes # Lic. # Unlic. Low End Mo. Stipend Avg. Mo. Stipend High End Mo. Stipend Av. Annual Budget 9 1 7 1 6 1 1 0 $573 $1348 $651 $1348 $728 $1348 $16,107 $26,946 10 8 7 1 $573 $999 $728 $21,526 # Indiv. # Homes # Lic. # Unlic. Low End Mo. Stipend Avg. Mo. Stipend High End Mo. Stipend Av. Annual Budget 1 1 0 1 $3385 $3385 $3385 $41,194 1 1 0 1 $3385 $3385 $3385 $41,194 Agency # Indiv. # Homes # Lic. # Unlic. Low End Mo. Stipend Avg. Mo. Stipend High End Mo. Stipend Av. Annual Budget Potter County Human Services TOTALS 8 5 5 0 $2372 $2372 $2372 $42,622 8 5 5 0 $2372 $2372 $2372 $42,622 # Indiv. # Homes # Lic. # Unlic. Low End Mo. Stipend Avg. Mo. Stipend High End Mo. Stipend Av. Annual Budget 5 4 4 0 $1682 $682 $1682 $27,869 5 4 4 0 $1682 $682 $1682 $27,869 Greene ARC Fayette Resources TOTALS County: Lawrence Agency Fayette Resources TOTALS County: Potter County: Venango Agency United Comm. Indep. Prog. TOTALS 9 Northeast Region County: Berks Agency # Indiv. # Homes # Lic. # Unlic. Low End Mo. Stipend Avg. Mo. Stipend High End Mo. Stipend Av. Annual Budget Access Services Access Services Prospectus/Berco Spectrum Supportive Prosp. for Families Threshold Rehab TOTALS 1 1 17 11 21 1 1 12 9 14 1 0 5 9 10 0 1 7 0 4 $1800 $1250 $1380 $1450 $1080 $1800 $1250 $1428 $1500 $1385 $1800 $1250 $1650 $1500 $2250 $31,500 $26,875 $25,332 $18,250 $41,993 23 74 15 52 12 37 3 15 $2015 $1080 $2170 $1588 $2325 $2325 $32,083 $29,338 County: Bradford Agency Martha Lloyd TOTALS # Indiv. # Homes # Lic. # Unlic. Low End Mo. Stipend Avg. Mo. Stipend High End Mo. Stipend Av. Annual Budget 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 $1276 $1276 $1276 $1276 $1276 $1276 $17,213 $17,213 # Indiv. # Homes # Lic. # Unlic. Low End Mo. Stipend Avg. Mo. Stipend High End Mo. Stipend Av. Annual Budget 17 3 15 2 12 2 3 0 $1278 $1900 $1725 $1936 $2678 $2300 $14,575 $29,219 4 4 4 0 $1520 $1559 $1643 $42,347 4 10 4 9 2 6 2 3 $1350 $1500 $1350 $1667 $1448 $2700 $42,617 10 48 7 41 5 31 2 10 $1260 $1260 $1260 $1582 $2100 $2700 $19,190 $35,589 County: Carbon/Monroe/Pike Agency Fitzmaurice Helping Hand Outreach Svcs. Human Resource Ctr. PA Mentor The ReDCo Grp. Spectrum TOTALS County: Lackawanna/Susquehanna/Wayne Agency The ARC of Lacka. Co. PA Mentor St. Joseph Ctr. Step By Step Keystone Comm. Svcs. TOTALS # Indiv. # Homes # Lic. # Unlic. Low End Mo. Stipend Avg. Mo. Stipend High End Mo. Stipend Av. Annual Budget 5 4 4 0 $1817 $2247 $2827 $38,325 5 1 7 14 4 1 7 11 4 1 4 10 0 0 3 1 $1350 $1380 $1260 $1352 $1359 $1380 $1335 $1352 $2100 $1380 $1442 $1352 $41,975 $33,531 $30,000 $28,824 32 27 23 4 $1260 $1534 $2827 $34,531 10 County: Lehigh Agency # Indiv. # Homes # Lic. # Unlic. Low End Mo. Stipend Avg. Mo. Stipend High End Mo. Stipend Av. Annual Budget Access Services Impact Systems LifePath, Inc. NW Human Services of L.V. Step By Step Supp. Conc. for Families Via of the Lehigh Valley TOTALS 31 24 12 2 28 19 12 1 23 9 4 1 5 10 8 0 $1100 $1260 $1192 $1878 $1400 $1679 $1258 $1878 $200 $1680 $1273 $1878 $28,320 $37,960 $26,504 $50,868 2 3 2 3 2 3 0 0 $1052 $1080 $1436 $$1385 $1820 $2250 $$32,393 $42,000 6 6 1 5 $1200 $1200 $1200 $28.389 80 71 43 28 $1052 $1462 $2250 $35,204 County: Luzerne/Wyoming Agency # Indiv. # Homes # Lic. # Unlic. Low End Mo. Stipend Avg. Mo. Stipend High End Mo. Stipend Av. Annual Budget Impact Sys. Inc. PA Mentor Step By Step TOTALS 1 21 6 28 1 16 4 21 0 15 4 19 1 1 0 2 $1350 $1350 $1350 $1403 $1361 $1382 $1665 $1432 $!665 $35,635 $30,000 $32,817 County: Northampton Agency # Indiv. # Homes # Lic. # Unlic. Low End Mo. Stipend Avg. Mo. Stipend High End Mo. Stipend Av. Annual Budget Access Services PA Mentor TOTALS 26 1 27 25 1 26 20 1 21 5 0 5 $1100 $1500 $1100 $1260 $1500 $1380 $1500 $1500 $1500 $23,100 $36,034 $29,567 Agency # Indiv. # Homes # Lic. # Unlic. Low End Mo. Stipend Avg. Mo. Stipend High End Mo. Stipend Av. Annual Budget Access Services Northwestern Human Services TOTALS 17 1 17 1 15 1 2 0 $1200 $1500 $1315 $1500 $1400 $1500 $30,100 $38,243 18 18 16 2 $1200 $1407 $1500 $34,171 # Indiv. # Homes # Lic. # Unlic. Low End Mo. Stipend Avg. Mo. Stipend High End Mo. Stipend Av. Annual Budget 6 5 5 0 $1240 $1550 $2790 $27,493 5 11 4 9 4 9 0 0 $1350 $1240 $1350 $1450 $1350 $2790 $21,989 $24,741 County: Schuylkill County: Tioga Agency Laurel Health Systems Martha Lloyd TOTALS 11 Southeast Region County: Bucks Agency # Indiv. # Homes # Lic. # Unlic. Low End Mo. Stipend Avg. Mo. Stipend High End Mo. Stipend Av. Annual Budget Access Services B.A.R.C. Devine Prov. Cath. Soc. Svcs. Indian Creek Foundation Ken-Crest PA Mentor TOTALS 10 2 1 10 2 1 3 0 1 7 2 0 $1250 $1540 $1430 $1250 $1540 $1430 $1250 $1540 $1430 $31,600 $26,372 $42,310 1 1 1 0 $1300 $1300 $1300 $35,448 5 4 23 5 4 23 5 1 11 0 3 12 $1325 $1961 $1250 $1500 $1961 $1496 $2000 $1961 $2000 $53,355 $44,750 $38,972 Agency # Indiv. # Homes # Lic. # Unlic. Low End Mo. Stipend Avg. Mo. Stipend High End Mo. Stipend Av. Annual Budget Access Services Elwyn Indian Creek Ken-Crest Northwestern Human Services TOTALS 2 1 1 12 2 2 1 1 11 2 2 0 1 6 2 0 1 0 5 0 $1250 $1393 $1500 $1325 $1350 $1250 $1393 $1500 $1382 $1475 $1250 $1393 $1500 $2353 $1600 $27,000 $31,000 $47,898 $45,800 $44,979 18 17 11 6 $1200 $1400 $2353 $39,335 Agency # Indiv. # Homes # Lic. # Unlic. Low End Mo. Stipend Avg. Mo. Stipend High End Mo. Stipend Av. Annual Budget Access Services Catholic Social Services Community Interactions Elwyn, Inc. TOTALS 1 4 1 3 0 0 1 3 $1300 $1430 $1300 $1430 $1300 $1790 $36,023 $28,000 2 1 1 0 $1500 $1500 $1700 $25,000 4 11 4 9 1 2 3 7 $1393 $1300 $1767 $1499 $2142 $2142 $31,000 $30,005 # Homes # Lic. # Unlic. Low End Mo. Stipend Avg. Mo. Stipend High End Mo. Stipend Av. Annual Budget County: Chester County: Delaware County: Montgomery Agency # Indiv. Access Services 19 18* 11 8 $1250 $1250 $1250 Ken-Crest 31 25 19 6 $1325 $1401 $2000 Indian Creek 13 11 3 8 $1260 $1517 $1575 Foundation TOTALS 63 54 33 22 $1250 $1389 $2000 * denotes a home in which one licensed individual and one unlicensed individual both reside 12 $31,000 $46,136 $35,448 $37,528 County: Philadelphia Agency # Indiv. # Homes # Lic. # Unlic. Low End Mo. Stipend Avg. Mo. Stipend High End Mo. Stipend Av. Annual Budget Barber National Institute Catholic Soc. Svcs./Divine/ DHS Cath. Soc. Svcs. Community Interaction, Inc. Elwyn, Inc. Greenwich Services, Inc. Intercommunity Action Horizon House JEVS Ken-Crest Northwestern Human Services PA Mentor SPIN, Inc. RHD TAIG TOTALS 5 5 5 0 $1860 $2060 $2260 $33,000 1 1 1 0 $1430 $1430 $1430 $29,00 48 1 43 1 17 1 26 0 $1430 $1500 $1460 $1700 $1786 $1580 $27,000 $25,000 5 14 4 13 2 13 2 0 $1393 $1586 $1767 $!678 $2142 $1636 $31,000 $23,000 1 1 0 1 $1550 $1550 $1550 $30,179 5 16 14 11 5 13 12 11 4 6 7 10 1 7 5 1 $1801 $1600 $1325 $1625 $1930 $1600 $1546 $1625 $$1994 $2380 $2000 $1625 $41,652 $35,000 $53,355 $31,651 16 20 2 15 174 15 19 2 15 160 8 9 2 3 88 7 10 0 12 72 $1800 $1500 $1558 $1325 $2150 $1750 $1818 $1718 $2500 $2000 $2078 $2500 $35,000 $40,000 13 $30,245 PA Lifesharing Survey Response Contacts Central Region County: Blair Agency Family Services, Inc. Skills of Central PA Contact Cathy McFee Sarah Shaw Phone number 814-944-4402 x351 814-238-3245 x307 Email County: Cambria County contact: Maryann Arnone 800-272-7310 Agency Contact Phone number Cambria Residential No name given 814-266-1829 Skills of Central PA Sarah Shaw 814-238-3245 x307 Email County: Centre Agency Skills of Central PA Contact Sarah Shaw Phone number 814-238-3245 x307 Email County: CMSU Agency Shared Supports CMSU Residential Contact Elizabeth DeVett Carol Drumheiser Phone number 570-766-4521 570-275-8691 Email County: Cumberland/Perry County contact: Mark Evans Agency CPARC Keystone Services Susquehanna Developmental 717-240-6325 Contact Phone number Email Carol Ferenz 717-249-2611 Sunday Zarko 570-286-6325 Karen Santanna 717-238-6161 x16 County: Dauphin County contact: Joy Hafer Agency Keystone Residence Susquehanna Developmental 717-255-2888 Contact Phone number Pam Foreman 717-635-2713 Karen Santanna 717-238-6161 x16 County: Franklin/Fulton Agency Keystone Services PA Mentor Contact Dawn McCrea Kathy Watson Phone number 717-267-0442 717-657-2073 Email Email County: HMJ County contact: Michele Kaufman 717-248-6467 Barb Brubaker 717-248-0351 x105 Agency Contact Phone number Email Miff/Jun Special Needs Center Deb Fisher 717-248-6261 Raystown Developmental Cherie Lawn 814-643-6510 Skills of Central PA Sarah Shaw 814-238-3245 x307 14 County: Lancaster County contact: Jennifer Hiester Agency Community Services Group Keystone Residence/Lancaster The PAI Corporation 717-295-3582 Contact Phone number Email Patrick Flaherty 717-285-7121 Laura Preiss 717-358-1341 Laurie Kleynen 717-519-6740 County: Lebanon County contact: Chris Heibel Agency Community Services 717-274-3415 Contact Phone number Email Joe Karpinskie 717-274-5170 County: Lycoming/Clinton County contact: Sharon Wilson Ellen Donenico Agency Hope Enterprises, Inc. Community Services Group 570-323-2929 570-323-2929 Contact Phone number Email Doug Bartlett 570-326-7413 Kent Young 570-323-6944 County: Northumberland County contact: Judy Davis Tera Avellino Agency Keystone Service Systems Shared Supports 570-495-2003 570-495-2006 Contact Phone number Email Sunday Zarko 570-286-6325 Elizabeth DeVett 570-766-4521 County: York/Adams County contact: Steven Warren Agency Keystone Service Systems Bell Socialization 717-771-9618 Contact Phone number Sunday Zarko 570-286-6325 Rhoda Loerger 717-848-5767 x300 Email Western Region County: Allegheny County contact: Dan McKinnon Marc Cherna Agency Achieva/Compro Allegheny East Chartiers Keystone Service Systems 412-350-6401 dmckinnon@dhs.county.allegheny 412-350-3695 Contact Phone number Email Jeanette Evans 412-995-5000 x419 Seth Abrams 412-371-7391 x205 Andrea Friede 412-221-3302 x140 Sunday Zarko 570-286-6325 County: Beaver County contact: Carole Yuhasz Agency Passavant Memorial Homes 724-847-6225 Contact Phone number Email Bill Waldron 412-820-1010 x63 County: Butler County contact: Amy Trempus Agency The ARC 724-284-5455 Contact Phone number Email Phil Rosenbauer 724-282-1500 x234 15 County: Clarion County contact: Thomas Summerville 814-226-6252 x536 Agency Contact Phone number Passavant Memorial Homes Bill Waldron 412-820-1010 x63 United Community Indep. Prog. Michelle Millett 814-226-7681 Person First Tim Griffin Email County: Clearfield/Jefferson County contact: Susan Hartzfeld 814-265-1060 Thomas Brandon 814-265-1060 Agency Contact Phone number Email Fayette Resources Mark Hamilton 814-372-2115 Keystone Service Systems Sunday Zarko 570-286-6325 County: Crawford County contact: Valerie King Agency The ARC of Crawford Co. Diversified Family Services Erie Homes Supports, Inc Touch-Stone United Community Independence County: Erie County contact: John DiMatto Ron Klonicki Dennis Nevinsky Agency Barber National Institute Erie Homes Lakeshore Stairways Behavioral Health 814-373-2620 Contact Phone number Email Jane Baird 814-724-7346 Nancy Tusinac 724-346-2123 Hope Ruedy 814-454-1534 Kathy Lee 814-337-8146 James Henry 814-337-1259 Charles Ingram 814-3732620 x1123 814-451-6826 Contact Carrie Kontis Hope Ruedy Maryann Henning Beth Thomas Phone number 814-878-4043 814-454-1534 814-456-9962 814-878-2007 Email County: Greene County contact: Kevin McElligott 724-852-5276 Agency Contact Phone number Email Greene ARC Mary Keim 724-627-5511 Fayette Resources Amanda Hardy 724-437-6461 County: Lawrence County contact: Daniel Gloclano 724-658-2538 Agency Contact Phone number Email Fayette Resources Scott Sennett 724-437-6461 x126 County: Potter County contact: Sherry Hoffman Agency Potter County Human Services County: Venango County contact: Joey Zuck Agency United Community Indep. Prog. 814-544-7315 Contact Phone number Sherry Hoffman 814-544-7315 814-432-9754 Contact Phone number Jim Robertson 814-677-9361 16 Email Email Northeast Region County: Berks County contact: McCall Miller Kim Wittich Agency Access Services Access Services Prospectus/Berco Spectrum Supportive Concepts for Families Threshold Rehab 610-236-4852 610-236-3929 Contact Phone number Email Bob Puchyr 610-866-6667 x228 Kathy Trumbore 610-478-3271 Debbie Dellago 610-372-4637 x101 Devin McFerren 610-372-0776 x213 Drue Robinson 610-372-7712 x113 Sean McGarvey 610-777-7691 x136 County: Bradford County contact: Amy Updike Agency Martha Lloyd 570-265-1760 Contact Phone number Email Cindy Pequignot 570-662-0338 County: Carbon/Monroe/Pike County contact: Fred Beltz Agency Fitzmaurice Helping Hand Outreach Services Human Resource Center PA Mentor The ReDCo Group Spectrum 570-420-1900 x3423 Contact Phone number Email Lisa Hoag 570-424-6227 x11 Gary Adams 570-223-9264 Crystal Shaffer 570-253-3782 x122 Marie Boyd 800-825-7014 x208 Bernadette Beckett 610-377-6730 Devin McFerren 610-372-0776 x213 County: Lackawanna/Susquehanna/Wayne County contact: Rachel Toman 570-346-5741 Agency Contact Phone number Email The ARC of Lackawanna Co. Donna Laniewski 570-346-4010 PA Mentor Marie Boyd 800-825-7014 x208 St. Joseph Center Ann Rink 570-963-1263 Step By Step Dawn Coolbaugh 570-829-3477 x122 County: Lehigh County contact: Jackie Roberts Agency Access Services Impact Systems LifePath, Inc. Northwest Human Services of LV Step By Step Supportive Concepts for Families Via of the Lehigh Valley 610-782-3126 Contact Phone number Bob Puchyr 610-866-6667 x228 Christine Diehl 610-435-1561 x27 Bernadette Page 610-264-5724 x218 Ellen Miller 610-799-3019 Dawn Coolbaugh 570-829-3477 x122 Drue Robinson 610-372-7712 x113 Barbara Kling 610-317-8000 x462 County: Luzerne/Wyoming County contact: Patricia Baran Agency Impact Systems, Inc. PA Mentor Step By Step 570-831-7283 Contact Phone number Email John Ferdinand 570-829-3671 Marie Boyd 800-825-7014 x208 Dawn Coolbaugh 570-829-3477 x122 17 Email County: Northampton County contact: Ann Kline Norman Weeks Bonnie Gerber Agency Access Services PA Mentor 610-974-7522 610-974-7509 610-974-7500 Contact Phone number Bob Puchyr 610-866-6667 x228 Marie Boyd 800-825-7014 x208 County: Schuylkill County contact: Terri Salata Agency Access Services Northwestern Human Services 570-628-1180 Contact Phone number Shane Richardson 570-366-1154 Michelle Gibson 570-628-3323 x15 Email Email County: Tioga County contact: Denise Bess-Krise 570-724-5766 Agency Contact Phone number Email Laurel Health Systems Mary Aumick 570-724-0615 Martha Lloyd Cindy Pequignot 570-662-0338 Southeast Region County: Bucks County contact: Mary Beth Mahoney 215-442-0760 Joyce Lucas 215-442-0760 Nancy Trearty 215-442-0760 Agency Contact Phone number Email Access Services Kathy Trumbore 215-540-2150 x272 B.A.R.C. Karen Geisen 215-536-2097 x308 Divine Prov. Cath. Soc. Svcs. Jim Boyle 610-544-7813 Indian Creek Foundation Sandie Bernstein Ken-Crest Carol Reckard 610-487-1582 PA Mentor 215-925-3480 x5029 Karen Reinert-Zook County: Chester County contact: Loretta Eastburn Agency Access Services Elwyn Indian Creek Foundation Ken-Crest Northwestern Human Services 610-344-5997 Contact Phone number Email Kathy Trumbore 215-540-2150 x272 Johanna Schaaf 610-891-7012 Sandie Bernstein 267-203-1500 x152 Carol Reckard 610-487-1582 Jennifer Kresge 610-840-0880 x356 County: Delaware County contact: Loretta Guttman Kathy Moffa Jim Carlin Agency Access Services Divine Prov. Cath. Soc. Svcs. Community Interactions Elwyn 610-713-2463 610-544-7813 610-713-2400 Contact Phone number Email Kathy Trumbore 215-540-2150 x272 Jim Boyle 610-544-7813 Travis York 610-328-9008 x136 Johanna Schaaf 610-891-7012 18 County: Montgomery County contact: Marguerite Peashock 610-278-3642 Agency Contact Phone number Email Access Services Kathy Trumbore 215-540-2150 x272 Ken-Crest Carol Reckard 610-487-1582 Indian Creek Foundation Sandie Bernstein 267-203-1500 x152 County: Philadelphia County contact: Helga Krauss Agency Barber National Institute Divine Prov. Cath. Soc. Svcs. Cath. Soc. Svcs. Community Interactions Elwyn Greenwich Services (now AVS) Intercommunity Action Horizon House JEVS Ken-Crest Northwestern Human Services PA Mentor SPIN, Inc. RHD TAIG 215-685-5904 Contact Phone number Email Yahya Rahmon Jim Boyle 610-544-7813 Jim Boyle 610-544-7813 Travis York 610-328-9008 x136 Johanna Schaaf 610-891-7012 No contact info Renee Ash 215-487-3150 Beth Gibson 215-386-5322 x403 Karen Foster 215-848-7855 Carol Reckards 610-487-1582 Angelique Scott 215-632-9040 x71 215-925-3480 x5029 Karen Reinert-Zook Jennifer Fenton 215-698-3076 Grace Dempter 215-951-0300 x3096 Rita White 215-320-2040 x2294 19 Pennsylvania Lifesharing Averages Average Stipends and Budgets Avg. Monthly Stipend Avg. Annual Budget Central Region Blair Cambria Centre CMSU* Cumberland/Perry* Dauphin Franklin/Fulton* HMJ* Lancaster Lebanon Lycoming/Clinton* Northumberland York/Adams* Regional average $1,202.00 $1,254.00 $1,295.00 $1,406.00 $1,493.00 $1,438.00 $1,442.00 $1,552.00 $1,374.00 $1,430.00 $1,971.00 $2,000.00 $1,650.00 $1,500.00 $29,551.00 $23,621.00 $28,146.00 $20,940.00 $31,404.00 $39,363.00 $37,278.00 $31,388.00 $21,765.00 $22,880.00 $32,180.00 $30,000.00 $25,037.00 $28,734.00 Western Region Allegheny Beaver Butler Clarion Clearfield/Jefferson* Crawford Erie Greene Lawrence Potter Venango Regional average $1,532.00 $2,600.00 $1,500.00 $1,519.00 $1,910.00 $1,186.00 $1,710.00 $999.00 $3,385.00 $2,372.00 $1,682.00 $1,854.00 $25,041.00 $61,893.00 $36,220.00 $34,744.00 $30,000.00 $39,145.00 $28,476.00 $21,526.00 $41,194.00 $42,622.00 $27,869.00 $35,339.00 Northeast Region Berks Bradford Carbon/Monroe/Pike* Lackawanna/Susquehanna* Lehigh Luzerne/Wyoming* Northampton Schuylkill Tioga Regional average $1,588.00 $1,276.00 $1,582.00 $1,578.00 $1,462.00 $1,382.00 $1,380.00 $1,407.00 $1,450.00 $1,456.00 $29,338.00 $17,213.00 $35,589.00 $35,957.00 $35,217.00 $32,817.00 $29,567.00 $34,171.00 $24,741.00 $37,631.00 Southeast Region Bucks Chester Delaware Montgomery Philadelphia Regional average Central Region average $1,496.00 $1,400.00 $1,579.00 $1,389.00 $1,718.00 $1,516.40 $1,500.00 $38,974.00 $39,335.00 $30,005.00 $37,528.00 $30,245.00 $35,217.00 $28,734.00 20 Western Region average $1,854.00 Northeast Region average $1,456.00 Southeast average $1,516.00 State-wide average $1,581.00 * denotes information given for combined counties $35,339.00 $37,631.00 $35,217.00 $34,230.00 Number of Homes and Individuals Individuals Total Homes Licensed Homes Unlicensed Low Homes Stipend High Stipend Central Region Blair 31 25 25 0 $1,101 $1,390 Cambria 5 4 4 0 $1,020 $1,603 Centre 5 4 4 0 $1,119 $1,575 Columbia/Montour/ Snyder/Union* Cumberland/Perry* 22 17 16 1 $1,225 $1,500 10 7 7 0 $1,200 $1,650 Dauphin 23 20 20 0 $1,395 $1,650 Franklin/Fulton* 29 21 19 2 $1,270 $1,696 Huntingdon/Mifflin/ Juniata* Lancaster 21 17 15 2 $1,118 $1,615 20 15 15 0 $1,116 $1,520 Lebanon 3 2 2 0 $1,369 $2,000 Lycoming/Clinton* 21 19 19 0 $1,436 $2,183 Northumberland 30 24 23 1 $1,500 $2,500 York/Adams* Totals 2 2 2 0 $1,650 $1,650 222 177 171 6 $1,020 $2,500 Allegheny 21 18 18 0 $1,000 $3,686 Beaver 1 1 1 0 $2,600 $2,600 Butler 26 18 17 1 $1,500 $1,500 Clarion 17 14 11 3 $833 $2,050 Clearfield/Jefferson* 43 30 30 0 $1,832 $2,302 Crawford 66 62 58 4 $1,186 $2,566 Erie + 40 31 25 8 $1,250 $3,250 Greene 10 8 7 1 $573 $728 Lawrence 1 1 0 1 $3,385 $3,385 Potter 8 5 5 0 $2,372 $2,372 Venango Totals 5 4 4 0 $1,682 $1,682 238 192 176 18 $573 $3,686 Western Region 21 Northeast Region Berks 74 52 37 15 $1,080 $2,325 Bradford 1 1 1 0 $1,276 $1,276 Carbon/Monroe/Pike* 48 41 31 10 $1,260 $2,700 Lackawanna/ Susquehanna* Lehigh 32 27 23 4 $1,260 $2,827 80 71 43 28 $1,052 $2,250 Luzerne/Wyoming* 28 21 19 2 $1,350 $!665 Northampton 27 26 21 5 $1,100 $1,500 Schuylkill 18 18 16 2 $1,200 $1,500 Tioga Totals 11 9 9 0 $1,240 $2,790 319 266 200 66 $1,052 $2,827 Bucks 23 23 11 12 $1,250 $2,000 Chester 18 17 11 6 $1,200 $2,353 Delaware 11 9 2 7 $1,300 $2,142 Montgomery ++ 63 54 33 22 $1,250 $2,000 Philadelphia Totals 174 160 88 72 $1,325 $2,500 289 263 145 119 $1,200 $2,500 Central Region 222 177 171 6 $1,020 $2,500 Western Region 238 192 176 18 $573 $3,686 Northeast Region 319 265 200 66 $1,052 $2,827 Southeast Region Totals 289 263 145 119 $1,200 $2,500 Southeast Region 1068 897 692 209 $573 $3,686 * denotes information given for combined counties + denotes there were two licensed homes that were waiting for individuals ++ denotes there was one home in which one licensed individual and one unlicensed individual both reside 22 Part II. County Lifesharing Point Persons Point Person County Program Jackie O'Connor Bedford/Somerset Arlene Shawley Bedford/Somerset Helen Terza Blair Mary Ann Arnone Cambria Deb Gadsby Centre George Zimmerman Centre Karen Dombroski Columbia/Montour/Snyder/ Union Region Central Central Central Central Central Central Central Telephone Ext (814) 443-4891 (814) 443-4891 (814) 693-3046 220 (814) 534-2641 (814) 355-6786 (814) 355-6786 (570) 275-8691 Sue Carbaugh Duane Lentz Trish Elliott Barbara Brubaker Sue Blackwell Christine Heibel Brenda Mettley Connie Gieniec Tara Avellino Liz Frey Cumberland/Perry Dauphin Franklin/Fulton Huntingdon/Mifflin/Juniata Lancaster Lebanon Lebanon Lycoming/Clinton Northumberland York/Adams Central Central Central Central Central Central Central Central Central Central Kim Wittich Bonnie Williams Fred Beltz Berks Bradford/Sullivan Cameron/Monroe/Pike Northeast Northeast Northeast Rachel Toman Lackawanna/Susquehanna/Wayne Northeast (610) 236-3929 (570) 265-1700 (570) 420-1900 342 4 (570) 346-5741 Northeast Northeast Northeast Northeast (570) 831-7283 (610) 782-3531 (610) 974-7522 (610) 628-1180 Pat Baran Jacqueline Roberts Ann Kline Cindi Butts Luzerne/Wyoming Lehigh Northampton Schuylkill 23 (717) 240-6325 (717) 780-7051 (717) 709-4321 (717) 242-6467 (717) 399-7368 (717) 274-3415 (717) 274-3415 (570) 323-2929 (570) 495-2002 (717) 771-9618 105 E-Mail fbeltz@cmpmhmr.cog Joyce Lucas Bucks Southeast (215) 442-0760 Theresa Myers Philadelphia Southeast (215) 685-5924 County Lifesharing Point Persons Point Person Marguerite Peashock County Program Region Montgomery Southeast Kathy Moffa Delaware Southeast Daniel McKinnon Randa Dunmire Carole Yuhasz Amy Trempus Mary Haskins Thomas Summerville Sue Hartzfeld Valerie King Dennis Nevinsky Sherri Mitchell Kevin Lundeen Stacie Lehnen Kevin McElligott Dan Golcalano Mary Haskins Sue Formichella Sherry Hoffman James Kockler Joey Zuck Tom Jones Barb Kowalski Allegheny Armstrong/Indiana Butler Beaver Cameron/Elk Clarion Clearfield/Jefferson Crawford Erie Fayette Forest/Warren Forest/Warren Greene Lawrence McKean Mercer Potter Potter/Backup Venango Washington Westmoreland Western Western Western Western Western Western Western Western Western Western Western Western Western Western Western Western Western Western Western Western Western 24 Telephone Ext (610) 278-3642 E-Mail (610) 713-2400 (412) 350-6401 (724) 548-3451 (724) 847-6225 (724) 284-5114 (814) 772-8016 (814) 226-1080 (814) 265-1060 (814) 373-2620 (814) 451-6807 (724) 430-1370 (814) 726-2100 (814) 726-2100 (724) 852-5276 (724) 658-2538 (814) 772-8016 (724) 662-1550 (814) 544-7315 (800) 800-2560 (814) 432-9753 (724) 228-6832 (724) 830-3617 SherriMitchell@FAYMHMR.ORG 129 536 331 129 State Center Point Persons Name Charles Marcinko Ann Andracchio Douglas Pickens Christine Yasenchak Michael Lokuta OMR Regional Lifesharing Point Persons Name Dan Kuruna Harvey Erb Debbie Fox Michele O'Toole Cheryl Boyle Don Stahlman OMR PAC Subcommittee Contacts Name Lee Koplin Jim Boyle Agency Access Catholic Social Services (610) 866-6667 (610)544-7813 Maryann Henning Lakeshore Community Services (814) 456-9962 Sarah Shaw Julia Goble Dawn CoolbaughPearce Daniel J. Morfenski Skills Group SPIN, Inc. Step by Step (814) 238-3245 (215) 698-3072 (570) 829-3477 Touchstones Solutions, Inc. (814) 337-1259 State Center Ebensburg Center Hamburg Center Polk Center Selinsgrove Center White Haven Center E-Mail Region Central Central Northeast Northeast Southeast Western E-Mail E-Mail 25 375 83 122 Lifesharing thru Family Living Information Return completed form by July 1 2005 and refer questions to: Jennifer Fenton, SPIN, Inc. 10521 Drummund Rd, Philadelphia 19154 ph:215/612-7173, or e: County: _____________________________________ County Contact Name_________________________________________ County Contact Phone/Email___________________________________ Agency # of Individuals in Lifesharing # of Families providing Lifesharing Range of Monthly Stipends which consist of room and board and Lifesharer’s service payment NOT including Respite Name of Agency Contact Person, Telephone Number and E-mail # of Lifesharing Relationships over 5 years # of Lifesharing Relationships over 10 years # of Lifesharing Relationships over 15 years Average Monthly Stipend which consists of room and board and Lifesharer’s service payment NOT including Respite # of 6500 Licensed Homes # of Unlicensed Homes Average Annual Budgeted Rate for Persons in Lifesharing consisting of room and board, Lifesharer’s service payment, respite, related residential ISP services (e.g. transportation), and agency administration Please check all that apply to the way your agency can provide Respite Services: _____ Lifesharers can use respite but receive no stipend for times when respite is being provided. _____ Lifesharers receive an allotment for respite services which they can arrange over the course of the year. The average per person allotment for this agency is ______hrs. of respite per year and _____ days of respite per year. _____ Lifesharers have a certain allotment of respite money available to them which they can use over the course of the year. The average per person allotment for this agency is $_______of respite money per service year. _____ Lifesharers have access to respite services above and beyond their normal allotment when there is a family crisis or emergency 26 requiring that they be apart from the individual for extended period of time. _____ Hourly respite is provided in the Lifesharer’s home for less than overnight periods. _____ 24 hour overnight respite is provided in the Lifesharer’s home when the family/Lifesharer is away for planned vacations or personal reasons. _____ Hourly respite is provided outside of the Lifesharer’s home for less than 24 hour overnight periods. _____ 24 hour overnight respite is provided in a dedicated respite home. _____ 24 hour overnight respite is provided in a 6400 licensed home. _____ 24 hour overnight respite is provided in another Lifesharer’s home. Other: Does your agency currently provide additional staff support in the lifesharing home for people who require extraordinary support due to their physical, medical or behavioral condition? Yes___ No ____. If yes, how many homes are provided with this additional staff support? ________. NOTE: INFORMATION PROVIDED ON THIS SURVEY SHOULD BE CURRENT AS OF JUNE 2005, OR AS CLOSE TO THIS DATE AS POSSIBLE. 27