FKE-3732/3742-02 3rd YEAR LABORATORY - LONG REPORT EVALUATION Name: ________________________________________________________________ Due Date:: ________________ Title of Report: ___________________________________________________________________ Course/Section:_____________ Name of Laboratories: ____________________________________________________________ GroupNo:__________________ No. 1. 2. Excellent 4 Good 3 Report format & Organization General format and structure Cover page, title, objective presentation and tidiness Complete report and fully complied with criteria. Nice presentation. Complete report and fully complied with criteria. Some criteria are missing. Poor presentation. Major criteria are missing, untidy, bad presentation Theory & Background Theory and background related Fully complied the criteria supported by figures or diagrams Complied with the criteria, with minor mistakes. Gives very little information related to experiment. Information irrelevant, or copied directly from main source 3 Presents logical, easy to follow and understand. Most of the steps are understandable; some lack detail or are confusing. Some of the steps are understandable, most are confusing and lack detail. Most steps are missing or are confusing or follow directly the instruction sheet 3 Complete and accurate results, neatly presented All points of discussion on the results obtained covered and elaborated. Complete and neatly presented, minor mistakes Some points of discussion on results obtained covered and elaborated. Incomplete result, major mistakes Major data are missing Some points of discussion on results obtained covered but not properly elaborated. Very few points of discussion, not properly elaborated The closing paragraph summarizes and draws a well developed conclusion The closing paragraph summarizes and draws a sufficient conclusion The closing paragraph attempts to summarize but draws a weak conclusion Concluding paragraph is not apparent Criteria 3. Methods/Procedures Steps and methodology in 4. to experiment Ideas from several sources Presents in his own words passive voice Circuit diagrams, design calculations, flow charts etc. Results Results in the form of data, graphs etc. 5. Discussion Ability to present, inteprete, and 6. Conclusion Provide answers to objectives 7. analyse result Compare with theoretical values @ ideal conditions Answer questions or explain observations posed on labsheet stated earlier Ability to learn something from the experiment References Mentioned and noted in the report Documented on the last page Relevant references - Fair 2 - Poor 1 Irrelevant references Weigh t (W) Score (S) Mark (WxS) 2 2 7 2 1 Total points (80) Total Marks = Total Points / 4 *any part of the report suspected of plagiarsm will be given zero mark. Supervisor : ______________________________________________ Signature : _______________________________ Date: ________________