FKE-3732/3742-01 3rd YEAR LABORATORY - IN LAB ASSESSMENT AND REPORT Title of Report: ___________________________________________________________ Course/Section: _________________ LIST OF STUDENTS PRELAB MARKS ( 20) SIGNATURES 1. 2. 3. 4. TABLE 1: IN LAB ASSESSMENT (30) Fair 2 Poor 1 Students are comfortable with the equipment Minor mistakes while using equipment Mishandling the equipment Handling and Understanding of Experiment Procedures are followed correctly. Some procedures are missing Major procedures are missing 2 3. Efficiency in Taking Data All data are correctly taken Most data are correctly taken Most data are missing or incorrect 2 4. Disciplines Dress Code Lab Regulations & Conform to all criteria Minor flaws to dress code and safety Major flaws to criteria, 10 minutes late Participation Interaction and All members actively cooperate All members moderately cooperate Some are dominant while others are passive No. Criteria 1. Ability to use equipment 2. Excellent 3 Weight (W) 2 2 Safety 5. involvement in group Total Marks = (W x S) 2 Score (S) Mark (WxS) FKE-3732/3742-01 Date:: __________________ Group No: ______________ TABLE 2: SHORT REPORT (30) Excellent 3 No Criteria 1. Report Organization General format and 2. 3. 4. Result in the forms of data, graphs etc. Analysis of Result Inteprete, and Organized but untidy Poor 1 analyse result Answer questions or observations Conclusion Summary or answer to objectivese Weight (W) Score (S) Inorganized and untidy structure Neat and tidy Results Criteria all fullfiled Fair 2 1 Complete and accurate, neatly presented Most data are accurate, fairly presented Incomplete results or major mistakes All criteria are covered and elaborated Some of the criteria are covered and elaborated Insufficient or major error in analysis Good but some points can be developed futher Poorly summarised or error in conclusion Well developed conclusion 2 5 2 Total Marks = (W x S) *zero mark will be given to any missing part of the assessment and report criteria. Supervisor : _____________________________________________________________ Signature : _______________________________ Date: _________________ Mark (WxS)