1. What is my role as the Graduate Faculty... From the Graduate Catalog :

1. What is my role as the Graduate Faculty Representative? (Christel)
From the Graduate Catalog :
“The Oral Examination Committee: The oral examination committee must consist of the
candidate's advisor and at least two additional members of the graduate faculty. The advisor
will serve as chair of the committee. Students are encouraged to have a member from
outside the program/department to serve on the committee. A member of the graduate
faculty-at-large will be appointed by the Dean of the School of Graduate Studies to serve
as a procedural observer and a non-voting participant in the oral examination.”
This indicates that the principal duty of the Graduate Faculty Representative is to ensure that
the examination protocol (as defined by the Graduate School) is followed by the examination
committee and the student.
The specific implication is that the Graduate Faculty Representative has a duty to both the
student and the school. Firstly, a duty to bear witness and report unfair or inappropriate
questioning from examination committee members. Secondly, the Graduate Faculty
Representative should witness and report seriously deficient performance of the student. Not
serving as a judge of the specific subject content of question answers but, instead whether they
meet a minimum scholarship level in their composition and delivery.
These implied duties naturally lead to a requirement that the Graduate Faculty Representative
read, or at least scan, the thesis or research paper when received and report to the Graduate
School Dean if the document does not meet a minimum general standard (as defined by the
Graduate School). The intent is to identify deficiencies that should be obvious and egregious to
any graduate faculty member reviewing the document regardless of academic field.
9-17-09 V. J. Vohnout
2-5-12 H. Hansen
2. What am I supposed to do and what is my timeline? (Angela)
Emailed Angela the REVISED Cover Memo 4/30/2013
3. And 4 were combined…What can I do or not do in a defense? What should I do or not do in a
defense? (Virgil)
New Question 3: What can I actually do or say during the oral defense?
As the Graduate Faculty Representative, you are responsible for monitoring the final oral defense
to insure the examination is conducted in a manner consistent with the goals of the University’s
Graduate Program. You are permitted to ask the candidate questions of a substantive nature,
however, the Graduate Representative does not have a vote in the final outcome. A majority vote
is required for the determination of the examination outcome. After the defending student is
asked to wait outside for the committee’s decision, you will help facilitate the committee’s
decision. Hand out appendix A of the Final Oral Exam Form to the committee members and
appendix B to the student. While you do not have a vote in this decision, we ask that you record
the appropriate observations and comments in the spaces provided on the Appendix B, sign it,
collect appendix A and C from the committee and student, and return it together to the School of
Graduate Studies.
4. A) Do I have a say in passing/failing a student?
Yes. While the graduate faculty representative is not a voting member of a student’s graduate
committee, the graduate representative may opt not to sign the appropriate signature page of the
front matter of a research paper or thesis in order to express dissatisfaction. Not signing is taken
to mean that the graduate faculty representative does not support the student’s final paper or
thesis, or the outcome of the defense.
If I feel the defense/thesis is not up to standards, what can I do? (Mike)
Oral presentation?
Upon receiving a student’s research paper or thesis, in association with the Graduate Form 5 PreDefense Signature form, a graduate faculty representative has the option of contacting the
student’s committee chair (advisor) to express or discuss concerns about the paper/thesis. This
should be done within one week of receiving the paper/thesis and Form 5.
If the graduate faculty representative does not believe the defense was conducted appropriately
as defined by Graduate School expectations, the representative may voice the objection with the
committee once the student is not present (i.e., while the committee convenes to deliberate after
the defense). If a resolution is not obtained with satisfaction, the representative should express
the objection and concerns to the relevant college dean and the graduate dean. The graduate
faculty representative may elect not to sign the signature page of the research paper or thesis.
5. Former Q7: What if I do not understand the jargon/terminology of the field, can/should I still
serve as a graduate representative? (Carla)
Yes. Your role relates to the process of the oral exam (see #1). Because you will receive a copy
of the Research Paper, Thesis, or Applied Project in advance of the oral exam, you have time to
reference unfamiliar jargon/terminology. You may also ask questions during the oral exam.
6. Former Q8: Remote (Skype/WebEx, etc.): What about paperwork? What if committee
member is not present? (Heidi)