December 4, 2015

BSU Graduate Committee Meeting-MINUTES
Date: Friday, December 4, 2015
Time: 2:00 p.m.
Location: 111 Deputy Hall
Voting Members: Rick Koch (Chair; Biology-’16); Mark Christensen (English-‘16);Bill Sea (Environmental
Studies-‘16); Christel Kippenhan (At-Large-‘16); Young Seob Son (Business-‘17); Heidi Hansen (Math-‘17);
Absent: Dianne Narum (Library); Porter Coggins (Education-‘18);
Non-Voting Members: Troy Gilbertson (HSHE); Joan Miller (GSO)
a. 1st Call Graduate Student Mini-Grants-3 submissions – awards are to be announced by 12/9/15;
i. Student #1: $400
ii. Student #2: $155 out of pocket; conference documentation needed.
iii. Student #3: Clarification needed for both conferences.
Heidi moved (Christel 2nd) to award Student #1 $400 and Student 2 $155 pending conference documentation.
Motion carried.
Joan will contact students.
Questioned whether departments should be reimbursed for funds provided to students with expectation to receive
some back if the student receives a mini-grant. Differential tuition dollars were used to fund that student expenses;
these funds are meant for student assistant as deemed appropriate by the department.
b. New GA Positions Requested for FY 2017. (Biology 3; CPD 1; Rec Ctr 1; Chemistry 1)-TABLED
c. Conditional Admission for F-1 International Students TABLED
d. MnSCU Graduate Education Sub-Committee (WebEx 12-1-2015)
i. BSU Graduate Faculty Representative is needed….Dean Frost is not the current
representative. Requested a copy of the most current charge for the MnSCU Grad
Education Sub-Committee. Joan will contact Martin; Rick will contact Larry Swain
and Jeff Ueland. Christel has not yet taken the motion to Senate previously
submitted re: process for selecting committee member is needed.
Approval of the November 20, 2015 minutes: Heidi moved (Young 2nd) to accept the minutes as presented. Motion
Curriculum Proposal: Version 5-MBA (4+1 program): Christel moved (Young 2nd) to allow accelerated grad
programs, that only 5000 level classes may be double counted for both undergrad and grad programs with
no more than 12 credits dual counted. Dual counted credits cannot be counted toward their
undergraduate major core. Vote on motion as amended. Motion carried as amended.
Mark moved (Bill 2nd) to amend the motion so that it reads without the undergraduate major core (last
sentence). 3 yes 2 no
This will go to Senate for the next meeting.
Old Business –
a) It is the consensus of the BSUFA graduate studies committee that 5000 level courses do NOT need
the 3/4000 level courses based on interpretation of the current catalog. Further examination will ensue.”
2002-04 Catalog: Graduate courses offered at the 5000 level may be doubled numbered….
2015-16 Catalog: ...graduate courses offered at the 5000 level are double numbered….
b) Graduate Assistantships:
Teaching GA’s and Assessment: This requirement would probably fall under the heading
“Nature of the appointment.” It would pertain only to those Graduate Assistants who teach
as a part of their duties. How about this for duties…“Graduate Assistants with teaching
appointments are expected to comply with all expectations associated with that
appointment, including grading, advising students in their courses, and taking part in
university and department assessment related activities.”
ii. Make a list of priorities to determine the best way to recommend allocations to
i. GA salary; number of hours worked; responsibilities.
ii. Tuition waivers
c) MAGS Guidelines and Deadlines for 2015-16
a. FY16: Biological/Life Sciences and the Humanities
b. FY17: Social Sciences and Physical Sciences/Engineering
New Business
a) Field Representative Guidelines for Applied Master’s Committee member.
b) Online Theses in Library
c) 80/20 Model: Potential for graduate study growth Tabled
d) Work experience for credit Tabled
e) How many absences are allowed before a member is asked to be removed from the BSU Graduate
Committee? Tabled
Meeting adjourned: 3:25 p.m.
Next meeting: Spring term…date, time, and location yet to be determined
Joan Miller, Note Taker