Date: Friday, October 23, 2015 ...

BSU Graduate Committee Meeting-MINUTES
Date: Friday, October 23, 2015
Time: 2:00 p.m.
Location: 111 Deputy Hall
Voting Members: Bill Sea (Environmental Studies-‘16); Mark Christensen (English-‘16); Christel Kippenhan
(At-Large-‘16); Young Seob Son (Business-‘17); Heidi Hansen (Math-‘17); Porter Coggins (Education-‘18);
Absent: Rick Koch (Chair; Biology-’16);
Guest: Lynn Johnson, Director of Extended Learning
Non-Voting Members: Troy Gilbertson (HSHE); Dianne Narum (Library); Joan Miller (GSO)
a) Graduate Education Subcommittee (Rick) –Update: Joan shared
i. The letter sent to the Academic Affairs Council in the Spring of 2015 was returned to us to
develop a plan on how to grow graduate education in the system. More discussion will follow
in the future.
ii. Mentioned that at this time we do not have an IFO rep from Bemidji and that the other
schools were being contacted so that a full committee may be formed.
iii. Mentioned that Lynda Milne, Assoc Vice Chancellor will attend meetings to gather
information and take whatever recommendations the committee has to the Academic Affairs
iv. It was suggested that Lynn Johnson should be a part of these committee meetings due to her
presentation concerning credentialing and concurrent enrollment.
v. Discussed the graduate assistantship data from all MnSCU schools….Joan suggested to the
committee to come up with several different recommendations for increasing stipends,
tuition waivers, etc. to submit to Dr. Tadlock.
vi. Christel moved (Heidi 2nd) the following recommendation be submitted to Dr. Martin Tadlock
should an IFO member from BSU be needed on the MnSCU Grad Education Sub-Committee:
1. IFO position first offered in the BSUFA Graduate Studies Committee;
2. If no takers, it should be opened to full graduate faculty within a graduate program; or
3. If no takers, it should be opened to all full graduate faculty.
Motion carried. Not yet Senate endorsed at this time.
Joan will share with Dr. Tadlock and cc. Christel
b) FY2015 Exit Surveys (Fall ’14, Spg ’15, & Sum ’15) Joan will send out a copy of the master Exit
Approval of the Minutes of October 9, 2015, 2015: Tabled till next meeting.
Curriculum Proposal:
a) 6.ED_15-16 Curriculum Proposal (MSED Program Suspension): Students currently in the program will be
offered the option to complete the MS in Education or switch to the Master of Arts in Teaching; Christel
Kippenhan moved (Mark Christensen 2nd) to accept the proposal as presented. Motion carried. Joan will
notify Robin.
Old Business –
a) Graduate Assistantships:
i. Teaching GA’s and Assessment: This requirement would probably fall under the heading
“Nature of the appointment.” It would pertain only to those Graduate Assistants who teach
as a part of their duties. How about this for duties…“Graduate Assistants with teaching
appointments are expected to comply with all expectations associated with that
appointment, including grading, advising students in their courses, and taking part in
university and department assessment related activities.”
ii. Make a list of priorities to determine the best way to recommend allocations to
i. GA salary; number of hours worked; responsibilities.
ii. Tuition waivers
b) MAGS Guidelines and Deadlines for 2015-16
a. FY16: Biological/Life Sciences and the Humanities
b. FY17: Social Sciences and Physical Sciences/Engineering
New Business
a) Lynn Johnson-Online, Discipline-Specific, Graduate Coursework and Degree Programs in the MnSCU
system; concurrent enrollment.
1. Soon to be enforced credentials by HLC…college level courses actually taught in high schools
and the eligibility of those teachers; some HS instructors are not appropriately credentialed.
2. Master’s in their discipline; or Master’s not in discipline but have 18 credits in their discipline.
3. Areas of concern are: Math, English, Biology, Chemistry, Psychology, Spanish, Physics, History,
Political Science, Sociology, Literature, Art, and Communication. Christel, as the at-large
representative, will contact some of these areas that do not offer graduate programs but do
offer graduate level courses.
4. High as 80% of teachers in HS’s do not meet this criteria. There are some huge needs out there
and what can we do to meet these needs?
5. System office is collecting data as to the current credentials being offered; what can the system
do to provide some of these credits/courses.
6. Course offerings can be at either the 5000 or 6000 level.
7. The system office is willing to “get the word out there” for those universities seeking to offer
any credentialing in these high need areas.
8. Lynn has offered to have a conversation with departments as needed; English and
Environmental Studies are interested at this point.
b) Heidi moved (Mark 2nd) to add new agenda item for the concern of the search committee for the
Asst. Director of School of Graduate Studies’ position. Christel moved (Porter 2 nd) that the faculty
representative should be someone from the BSUFA Graduate Studies Committee. Since the Senate
has already voted, the committee deems it’s too late to do anything about it. Motion was
c) Online Theses in Library
d) 80/20 Model: Potential for graduate study growth Tabled
e) Work experience for credit Tabled
f) How many absences are allowed before a member is asked to be removed from the BSU Graduate
Committee? Tabled
Meeting adjourned: 2:55 p.m.
Next meeting: Friday, November 6, 2015; 2 p.m.; Deputy Hall 111
Joan Miller, Note Taker