BSU Graduate Committee Meeting-MINUTES Date: Friday, October 9, 2015 Time: 2:00 p.m. Location: 111 Deputy Hall Voting Members: Rick Koch (Chair; Biology-’16); Bill Sea (Environmental Studies-‘16); Mark Christensen (English-‘16); Christel Kippenhan (At-Large-‘16); Young Seob Son (Business-‘17); Absent: Troy Gilbertson (HSHE); Heidi Hansen (Math-‘17); Porter Coggins (Education-‘18); Non-Voting Members: Dianne Narum (Library); Joan Miller (GSO) I. II. III. IV. Announcements/FYI: a) Graduate Education Subcommittee (Rick) – Dean Frost? Meeting time? October 20 at 10:00 a.m. WebEx in Dr. Tadlock’s office. Rick will double check with VPAA re: Dean’s participation. b) Christel reported to Senate via a PPT on how the current proposed Director position compares to the one proposed by Administration. i. Proposed by Administration: a. MSUAASF moves to Asst Director/CEL position and serves as Asst Director of Graduate Education reporting to CEL and Provost; b. OAS in grad studies moves up one level and reports to Asst Director/CEL; c. Graduate programming reverts to college/dean oversight; d. A college Dean serves as an ad hoc member of the graduate council. ii. Suggested by Committee and Senate a. MSUAASF moves to Asst Director/CEL and serves as Coordinator of Graduate Education reporting to CEL and Provost i. Job Description should indicate 1. primary responsibility towards Graduate Education; and 2. working with the departments on promoting their graduate programs. b. OAS in graduate studies moves up one level and reports to Coordinator of Graduate Education c. Senate: Graduate Director from Full Graduate Faculty with release time. Approval of the Minutes of September 25, 2015 Mark moved (Bill 2nd) to accept the minutes as presented. Motion carried. Curriculum Proposal: none to be reviewed Old Business – a) Graduate Assistantships: i. Teaching GA’s and Assessment: This requirement would probably fall under the heading “Nature of the appointment.” It would pertain only to those Graduate Assistants who teach as a part of their duties. How about this for duties…“Graduate Assistants with teaching appointments are expected to comply with all expectations associated with that appointment, including grading, advising students in their courses, and taking part in university and department assessment related activities.” ii. Make a list of priorities to determine the best way to recommend allocations to Administration. i. GA salary; number of hours worked; responsibilities. ii. Tuition waivers After much discussion concerning increasing the stipend and or tuition waiver amount, it was decided to table this topic until the next meeting. It was the consensus of the committee that it would be best to request an increase in the tuition waiver to cover approximately the whole graduate program rather than just 24 credits as it currently stands. The committee will continue to discuss this at the next and future meetings. Joan will pull together the New GA Request documents to be sent out for FY 2017 for review at the next meeting. b) MAGS Guidelines and Deadlines for 2015-16 a. FY16: Biological/Life Sciences and the Humanities b. FY17: Social Sciences and Physical Sciences/Engineering V. New Business a) Online Theses in Library b) 80/20 Model: Potential for graduate study growth Tabled c) Work experience for credit Tabled d) How many absences are allowed before a member is asked to be removed from the BSU Graduate Committee? Tabled Meeting adjourned: Next meeting: Friday, October 23, 2015 (Lynn Johnson will attend re: Concurrent Enrollment Needs) Joan Miller, Reporting Secretary